async void CenterlnglatAroundPOISearch(string cityCode, int number, string searchName) { DateTime st = DateTime.Now; POISearchOption p = new POISearchOption(); p.CityCode = cityCode; // p.SrcType = dataTypeInput.SelectedItem; p.SrcType = GetValue; p.Number = number; p.Sid = "1005"; //服务编码 默s认为1000-关键字查询 1001-根据中心点关键字查询周边兴趣点 1002-根据中心点坐标查询周边兴趣点 1005-以拉框方式查询图形区域内的关键字信息. p.SearchName = searchName; p.Region = "116.3544845,39.98882653;116.37010574,39.89722607;116.3544845,39.89722607;116.37010574,39.98882653"; p.RegionType = "polygon"; POISearchResult iop = await POISearch.PoiSearchWithOption(p); // POISearchResult iop = await POISearch.PoiSearchByRegionAndKeyword("中关村", "116.204,39.9938;116.456,39.8833", "rectangle", 10); this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.High, () => { if (iop.Erro == null && iop.POIs != null) { TimeSpan elapsedSpan = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks - st.Ticks); int i = 0; SearchTextGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Debug.WriteLine(iop); foreach (POI poi in iop.POIs) { i++; poi.Name = " " + i + "、" + poi.Name; ALngLat lnglat = new ALngLat(poi.X, poi.Y); AMarker poiMarker = new AMarker(); poiMarker.LngLat = lnglat; ATip tip = new ATip(); tip.Title = poi.Name; tip.ContentText = poi.Address; poiMarker.TipFrameworkElement = tip; markerList1.Add(poiMarker); map.Children.Add(poiMarker); } PoiListView.DataContext = iop.POIs; map.SetOverlaysFitView(); PoiListView.SelectedIndex = 0; markerList1[0].OpenTip(); PoiListView.Visibility = Visible; } else { MessageDialog msd = new MessageDialog(iop.Erro.Message); this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () => { msd.ShowAsync(); }); Debug.WriteLine(iop.Erro.Message); } }); // POISearchResult poiResult = POISearch.PoiSearchByRegionAndKeyword("酒店",lnglats,"Polygon",10); }
async void CenterlnglatAroundPOISearch(string searchName, string cityCode, double x, double y, int range, int number) { DateTime st = DateTime.Now; POISearchOption p = new POISearchOption(); p.CityCode = cityCode; // p.SrcType = dataTypeInput.SelectedItem; p.SrcType = GetValue; p.CenX = x; p.CenY = y; p.Range = range; p.Number = number; p.Sid = "1002"; //服务编码 默认为1000-关键字查询 1001-根据中心点关键字查询周边兴趣点 1002-根据中心点坐标查询周边兴趣点 1005-以拉框方式查询图形区域内的关键字信息. p.SearchName = searchName; POISearchResult iop = await POISearch.PoiSearchWithOption(p); this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.High, () => { if (iop.Erro == null) { TimeSpan elapsedSpan = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks - st.Ticks); int i = 0; SearchTextGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Debug.WriteLine(iop); PoiListView.DataContext = iop.POIs; foreach (POI poi in iop.POIs) { i++; poi.Name = " " + i + "、" + poi.Name; ALngLat lnglat = new ALngLat(poi.X, poi.Y); AMarker poiMarker = new AMarker(); poiMarker.LngLat = lnglat; ATip tip = new ATip(); tip.Title = poi.Name; tip.ContentText = poi.Address; poiMarker.TipFrameworkElement = tip; markerList1.Add(poiMarker); map.Children.Add(poiMarker); } map.SetOverlaysFitView(); PoiListView.SelectedIndex = 0; markerList1[0].OpenTip(); PoiListView.Visibility = Visible; } else { MessageDialog msd = new MessageDialog(iop.Erro.Message); this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () => { msd.ShowAsync(); }); Debug.WriteLine(iop.Erro.Message); } }); }
/// <summary> /// 添加标记物 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> public void AddMarker(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { map.Children.Clear(); AMarker poi = new AMarker(); poi.LngLat = map.Center; poi.IconURI = new Uri("");//也可以读本地图片 map.Children.Add(poi); }
/// <summary> /// MarkerTIP上添加自定义容器 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> public void AddCustomTipOnMarker(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //自定义容器 CustomOverlayControl coo = new CustomOverlayControl(); AMarker marker = new AMarker(); marker.LngLat = map.Center; marker.TipFrameworkElement = coo; map.Children.Add(marker); marker.OpenTip(); }
private void PoiListView_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (pointma != null) { markLayer.Children.Remove(pointma); } markerList[PoiListView.SelectedIndex].IconURI = new Uri("", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); pointma = markerList[PoiListView.SelectedIndex]; markLayer.Children.Add(pointma); markerList[PoiListView.SelectedIndex].OpenTip(); }
async void POISearchTest(string searchName, string cityCode, string srcType, int num) { DateTime st = DateTime.Now; //Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.Ticks); POISearchOption p = new POISearchOption(); p.SearchName = searchName; p.CityCode = cityCode; p.SrcType = srcType; p.Number = num; // p.Number = dataNumber.Value; POISearchResult iop = await POISearch.PoiSearchWithOption(p); this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.High, () => { if (iop.Erro == null) { // POISearchResult iop = await POISearch.PoiSearchByRegionAndKeyword("中关村", "116.204,39.9938;116.456,39.8833", "rectangle", 10); TimeSpan elapsedSpan = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks - st.Ticks); int i = 0; SearchTextGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; foreach (POI poi in iop.POIs) { i++; poi.Name = " " + i + "、" + poi.Name; ALngLat lnglat = new ALngLat(poi.X, poi.Y); AMarker poiMarker = new AMarker(); poiMarker.LngLat = lnglat; ATip tip = new ATip(); tip.Title = poi.Name; tip.ContentText = poi.Address; poiMarker.TipFrameworkElement = tip; markerList.Add(poiMarker); map.Children.Add(poiMarker); } PoiListView.ItemsSource = iop.POIs; map.SetOverlaysFitView(); PoiListView.SelectedIndex = 0; markerList[0].OpenTip(); PoiListView.Visibility = Visible; } else { MessageDialog msd = new MessageDialog(iop.Erro.Message); this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () => { msd.ShowAsync(); }); Debug.WriteLine(iop.Erro.Message); } }); }
/// <summary> /// 在Marker上添加信息窗口 /// </summary> public void AddTipOnMarker(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ATip tip = new ATip(); tip.Title = "我是标题"; tip.ContentText = "我是内容"; AMarker marker = new AMarker(); marker.LngLat = map.Center; marker.TipFrameworkElement = tip; map.Children.Add(marker); marker.OpenTip(); }
private async void ReGeoCodeTest(double lng, double lat) { ReverseGeocodingOption rgo = new ReverseGeocodingOption(); rgo.XCoors = new double[] { lng }; rgo.YCoors = new double[] { lat }; ReverseGeoCodingResult rgcs = await ReGeoCode.GeoCodeToAddressWithOption(rgo); this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.High, () => { if (rgcs.Erro == null && rgcs.resultList != null) { IEnumerable<ReverseGeocodingInfo> reverseGeocodeResult = rgcs.resultList; foreach (ReverseGeocodingInfo poi in reverseGeocodeResult) { int i = 0; foreach (POI poilist in poi.Pois) { i++; AMarker marker = new AMarker(); marker.LngLat = new ALngLat(poilist.X, poilist.Y); ATip tip = new ATip(); tip.Title = i + ": " + poilist.Name; tip.ContentText = poilist.Address; marker.TipFrameworkElement = tip; markerList.Add(marker); map.Children.Add(marker); } } markerList[0].OpenTip(); map.SetOverlaysFitView(); } else { MessageDialog msd = new MessageDialog(rgcs.Erro.Message); this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () => { msd.ShowAsync(); }); } }); }
/// <summary> /// 添加左下角点 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { map.Children.Clear(); lbmk = null; map.Children.Add(new AEllipse() { Anchor = new Point(0.5, 0.5), RadiusX = 8, RadiusY = 8, FillColor = Colors.Brown, LngLat = center, }); if (lbmk == null) { map.Children.Add(lbmk = new AMarker() { IconURI = new Uri("/Samples/01.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), Anchor = new Point(0, 1), LngLat = center, TipFrameworkElement = new ATip() { Title = "左下角点", ContentText = "这是左下角点" } }); } else { map.Children.Remove(lbmk); map.Children.Add(lbmk = new AMarker() { IconURI = new Uri("/Samples/01.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), Anchor = new Point(0, 1), LngLat = center, TipFrameworkElement = new ATip() { Title = "左下角点", ContentText = "这是左下角点" } }); } }
public MapView() { this.InitializeComponent(); this.Output.Children.Add(; AMarker marker = new AMarker(); marker.LngLat = rootPage.CurrentLocation; marker.IconURI = new Uri(" "); ATip tip = new ATip(); tip.Title = "当前位置"; tip.ContentText = "Current Position"; marker.TipFrameworkElement = tip;; marker.OpenTip(); if (rootPage.CurrentReminderStation != null) { this.GotoReminder.IsEnabled = true; } /* * if (rootPage.CurrentStation != null) * { * foreach (StationFeature feature in rootPage.CurrentStation.response.resultSet.busLine.stationData.StationFeatures) * { * AMarker marker = new AMarker(); * marker.LngLat = new ALngLat(feature.longitude, feature.latitude); * marker.IconURI = new Uri(" "); * ATip tip = new ATip(); * tip.Title = "站点"; * tip.ContentText = feature.caption; * marker.TipFrameworkElement = tip; *; * marker.OpenTip(); * } * } * */ }
public MapView() { this.InitializeComponent(); this.Output.Children.Add(; AMarker marker = new AMarker(); marker.LngLat = rootPage.CurrentLocation; marker.IconURI = new Uri(" "); ATip tip = new ATip(); tip.Title = "当前位置"; tip.ContentText = "Current Position"; marker.TipFrameworkElement = tip;; marker.OpenTip(); if (rootPage.CurrentReminderStation != null) { this.GotoReminder.IsEnabled = true; } /* if (rootPage.CurrentStation != null) { foreach (StationFeature feature in rootPage.CurrentStation.response.resultSet.busLine.stationData.StationFeatures) { AMarker marker = new AMarker(); marker.LngLat = new ALngLat(feature.longitude, feature.latitude); marker.IconURI = new Uri(" "); ATip tip = new ATip(); tip.Title = "站点"; tip.ContentText = feature.caption; marker.TipFrameworkElement = tip;; marker.OpenTip(); } } * */ }
private async void GeoCodeTest() { GeoCodingOption rgo = new GeoCodingOption(); rgo.Address = "北京市朝阳区望京阜通东大街方恒国际中心"; GeoCodingResult rgcs = await GeoCode.AddressToGeoCodeWithOption(rgo); this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.High, () => { if (rgcs.Erro == null && rgcs.GeoCodingList != null) { IEnumerable <GeoPOI> pois = rgcs.GeoCodingList; int i = 0; foreach (GeoPOI poi in pois) { i++; ATip tip = new ATip(); tip.Title = poi.Name; tip.ContentText = poi.Address; AMarker marker = new AMarker(); marker.LngLat = new ALngLat(poi.X, poi.Y); marker.TipFrameworkElement = tip; map.Children.Add(marker); marker.OpenTip(); map.SetZoomAndCenter(18, marker.LngLat); } Debug.WriteLine(rgcs); } else { MessageDialog msd = new MessageDialog(rgcs.Erro.Message); this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () => { msd.ShowAsync(); }); } }); }
private async void DriveRouteSearchTest(string cityCode, string searchName, string searchEndName) { POISearchOption pst = new POISearchOption(); pst.SearchName = searchName; pst.CityCode = cityCode; POISearchOption ped = new POISearchOption(); ped.SearchName = searchEndName; ped.CityCode = cityCode; POISearchResult iopStart = await POISearch.PoiSearchWithOption(pst); //查起点坐标 POISearchResult iopEnd = await POISearch.PoiSearchWithOption(ped); //查终点坐标 if (iopStart.Erro != null || iopStart.POIs == null) { MessageDialog msd = new MessageDialog(iopStart.Erro.Message); this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () => { msd.ShowAsync(); }); return; } if (iopEnd.Erro != null || iopEnd.POIs == null) { MessageDialog msd = new MessageDialog(iopStart.Erro.Message); this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () => { msd.ShowAsync(); }); return; } POI poist = Enumerable.First <POI>(iopStart.POIs); POI poied = Enumerable.First <POI>(iopEnd.POIs); RouteSearchOption rgo = new RouteSearchOption(); rgo.X1 = poist.X; rgo.Y1 = poist.Y; rgo.X2 = poied.X; rgo.Y2 = poied.Y; RouteSearchResult rgcs = await RouteSearch.RouteSearchWithOption(rgo); if (rgcs.Erro != null) { MessageDialog msd = new MessageDialog("查询公交失败!" + rgcs.Erro.Message, "提示"); this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () => { msd.ShowAsync(); }); return; } else { this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.High, () => { ALngLat lnglatst = new ALngLat(poist.X, poist.Y); AMarker poiMarkerst = new AMarker(); poiMarkerst.IconURI = new Uri("/Samples/qd.png", UriKind.Relative); poiMarkerst.LngLat = lnglatst; ATip tipst = new ATip(); tipst.Title = poist.Name; tipst.ContentText = poist.Address; poiMarkerst.TipFrameworkElement = tipst; map.Children.Add(poiMarkerst); ALngLat lnglated = new ALngLat(poied.X, poied.Y); AMarker poiMarkered = new AMarker(); poiMarkered.IconURI = new Uri("/Samples/zd.png", UriKind.Relative); poiMarkered.LngLat = lnglated; ATip tiped = new ATip(); tiped.Title = poied.Name; tiped.ContentText = poied.Address; poiMarkered.TipFrameworkElement = tiped; map.Children.Add(poiMarkered); APolyline pol = new APolyline(); pol.LineThickness = 5; ObservableCollection <ALngLat> lnglatRoute = new ObservableCollection <ALngLat>(); //线路坐标 IEnumerable <String> lnglatstring; IEnumerable <RouteSegment> rsegment = rgcs.Segment; foreach (RouteSegment rs in rsegment) { lnglatstring = rs.Coor.Split(new Char[] { ';' }); foreach (String ss in lnglatstring) { String[] lnglatds = ss.Split(new Char[] { ',' }); lnglatRoute.Add(new ALngLat(Double.Parse(lnglatds[0]), Double.Parse(lnglatds[1]))); } } pol.LngLats = lnglatRoute; markLayer.Children.Add(pol); map.SetOverlaysFitView(); }); } }
void ageol_PositionChanged(AGeolocator sender, APositionChangedEventArgs args) { this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.High, async() => { CurrentLocation = args.LngLat; try { //update current location if (this.currentViewType != null && this.currentViewType == typeof(MapView)) { AMarker marker = new AMarker(); marker.LngLat = this.CurrentLocation; marker.IconURI = new Uri(" "); ATip tip = new ATip(); tip.Title = "当前位置"; tip.ContentText = "Current Position"; marker.TipFrameworkElement = tip;;; marker.OpenTip(); } if (DateTime.Now.ToFileTime() - lastUpdate.ToFileTime() < 30000000) { return; } //convert location to sogo location string points = string.Format("{0},{1}", CurrentLocation.LngX, CurrentLocation.LatY); string url = SogoMapService.GetTranslationInfoURL(points); HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, url); HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.SendAsync(request, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead); string result = ""; using (Stream responseStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync()) { int read = 0; byte[] responseBytes = new byte[1000]; do { read = await responseStream.ReadAsync(responseBytes, 0, responseBytes.Length); string tmp = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("GBK").GetString(responseBytes, 0, read); result += tmp; }while (read != 0); } TranslationLocation translation = SogoMapService.GetTranslationInfo(result); if (translation != null && translation.response.points.Length == 1) { this.CurrentSogoLongitude = translation.response.points[0].longitude; this.CurrentSogoLatitude = translation.response.points[0].latitude; } } catch { } //check whether need alert this.CheckReminder(); this.lastUpdate = DateTime.Now; }); }
private async void busroute() { markLayer.Children.Clear(); BusRouteSearchOption rgo = new BusRouteSearchOption(); rgo.X1 = marker.LngLat.LngX; rgo.Y1 = marker.LngLat.LatY; rgo.X2 = marker2.LngLat.LngX; rgo.Y2 = marker2.LngLat.LatY; rgo.CityCode = "010"; APolyline pol = new APolyline(); pol.LineThickness = 5; ObservableCollection<ALngLat> lnglatRoute = new ObservableCollection<ALngLat>(); //线路坐标 lnglatRoute.Add(new ALngLat(marker.LngLat.LngX, marker.LngLat.LatY)); BusRouteSearchResult rgcs = await BusRouteSearch.BusRouteSearchWithOption(rgo); if (rgcs.Erro != null) { MessageDialog msd = new MessageDialog("查询公交失败!" + rgcs.Erro.Message, "提示"); this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () => { msd.ShowAsync(); }); return; } else { this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.High, () => { ALngLat lnglat = new ALngLat(marker.LngLat.LngX, marker.LngLat.LatY); AMarker poiMarker = new AMarker(); poiMarker.IconURI = new Uri("/Samples/qd.png", UriKind.Relative); poiMarker.LngLat = lnglat; //ATip tip = new ATip(); //tip.Title = poist.Name; //tip.ContentText = poist.Address; //poiMarker.TipFrameworkElement = tip; markLayer.Children.Add(poiMarker); ALngLat lnglated = new ALngLat(marker2.LngLat.LngX, marker2.LngLat.LatY); AMarker poiMarkered = new AMarker(); poiMarkered.IconURI = new Uri("/Samples/zd.png", UriKind.Relative); poiMarkered.LngLat = lnglated; //ATip tiped = new ATip(); /*tiped.Title = poied.Name; tiped.ContentText = poied.Address;*/ //poiMarkered.TipFrameworkElement = tiped; markLayer.Children.Add(poiMarkered); //ObservableCollection<ALngLat> lnglatRoute = new ObservableCollection<ALngLat>(); //线路坐标 //APolyline pol = new APolyline(); //pol.LineThickness = 5; IEnumerable<Bus> busInfo = rgcs.Routes; IEnumerable<String> lnglatstring; IEnumerable<String> passdeportstring; //画公交线路和公交站点 foreach (Bus bus in busInfo) { IEnumerable<BusSegment> bussegmentInfo = bus.SegmentArray; foreach (BusSegment bs in bussegmentInfo) { lnglatstring = bs.CoordinateList.Split(new Char[] { ';' }); passdeportstring = bs.PassDeportCoordinate.Split(new Char[] { ';' }); String[] passport = bs.PassDeportName.Split(' '); int i = 0; foreach (String ss in lnglatstring) { String[] lnglatds = ss.Split(new Char[] { ',' }); lnglatRoute.Add(new ALngLat(Double.Parse(lnglatds[0]), Double.Parse(lnglatds[1]))); } foreach (String ss in passdeportstring) { String[] lnglatds = ss.Split(new Char[] { ',' }); try { ALngLat lnglatpassdeport = new ALngLat(Double.Parse(lnglatds[0]), Double.Parse(lnglatds[1])); ATip tipStart = new ATip(); //tipStart.Anchor = new Point(0,1); tipStart.Title = passport[i]; AMarker marker3 = new AMarker(); marker3.Anchor = new Point(0.46, 1); marker3.IconURI = new Uri(""); marker3.LngLat = lnglatpassdeport; marker3.TipFrameworkElement = tipStart; markLayer.Children.Add(marker3); // Canvas.SetTop(marker,100); marker3.TipAnchor = new Point(0.35, 1); } catch (Exception e) { MessageDialog msg = new MessageDialog("无法找到站牌"); msg.ShowAsync(); } } } break; } pol.LngLats = lnglatRoute; markLayer.Children.Insert(0, pol); map.SetOverlaysFitView(); }); } }
/// <summary> /// Invoked when this page is about to be displayed in a Frame. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">Event data that describes how this page was reached. The Parameter /// property is typically used to configure the page.</param> private async void BusRouteSearchClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { String startPosition = startInput.Text; POISearchOption p = new POISearchOption(); p.SearchName = startInput.Text; p.CityCode = cityInput.Text; POISearchResult iopStart = await POISearch.PoiSearchWithOption(p); Double Startx = new double(); Double Endx = new double(); Double Starty = new double(); Double Endy = new double(); ALngLat lnglatStart; if (iopStart.Erro == null) { foreach (POI poi in iopStart.POIs) { poi.Name = poi.Name; Startx = poi.X; Starty = poi.Y; ALngLat lnglat = new ALngLat(poi.X, poi.Y); AMarker poiMarker = new AMarker(); poiMarker.LngLat = lnglat; ATip tip = new ATip(); tip.Title = poi.Name; tip.ContentText = poi.Address; poiMarker.TipFrameworkElement = tip; map.Children.Add(poiMarker); break; } } else { MessageDialog msd = new MessageDialog("起点输入有误,请重新输入!", "提示"); msd.ShowAsync(); } String endPosition = endInput.Text; p.SearchName = endInput.Text; p.CityCode = cityInput.Text; POISearchResult iopEnd = await POISearch.PoiSearchWithOption(p); if (iopEnd.Erro == null) { foreach (POI poi in iopEnd.POIs) { poi.Name = poi.Name; Endx = poi.X; Endy = poi.Y; ALngLat lnglat = new ALngLat(poi.X, poi.Y); AMarker poiMarker = new AMarker(); poiMarker.LngLat = lnglat; ATip tip = new ATip(); tip.Title = poi.Name; tip.ContentText = poi.Address; poiMarker.TipFrameworkElement = tip; map.Children.Add(poiMarker); break; } } else { MessageDialog msd = new MessageDialog("终点输入有误,请重新输入!", "提示"); msd.ShowAsync(); } BusRouteSearchOption rgo = new BusRouteSearchOption(); rgo.X1 = Startx; rgo.Y1 = Starty; rgo.X2 = Endx; rgo.Y2 = Endy; rgo.CityCode = "010"; BusRouteSearchResult rgcs = await BusRouteSearch.BusRouteSearchWithOption(rgo); if (rgcs.Erro == null) { Debug.WriteLine(rgcs); } else { Debug.WriteLine(rgcs.Erro.Message); } }
private async void BusLineSearchTest(string ids, string cityCode) { BusLineSearchOption rgo = new BusLineSearchOption(); rgo.Ids = ids; rgo.CityCode = cityCode; BusLineSearchResult rgcs = await BusLineSearch.BusLineSearchWithOption(rgo); this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.High, () => { IEnumerable <BusLine> bl = rgcs.BusLineList; if (rgcs.Erro == null && bl != null) { SearchTextGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ObservableCollection <ALngLat> lnglatRoute = new ObservableCollection <ALngLat>(); //线路坐标 IEnumerable <String> lnglatstring; foreach (BusLine bs in bl) { IEnumerable <Station> ss = bs.StationList; foreach (Station s in ss) { s.Name = s.StationNum + " " + s.Name; } PoiListView.DataContext = ss; lnglatstring = bs.XYs.Split(new Char[] { ';' }); foreach (String ssss in lnglatstring) { String[] lnglatds = ssss.Split(new Char[] { ',' }); lnglatRoute.Add(new ALngLat(Double.Parse(lnglatds[0]), Double.Parse(lnglatds[1]))); } int i = 0; foreach (Station st in ss) { i++; String[] lnglatds = st.XY.Split(new Char[] { ',' }); ALngLat markerlnglat = new ALngLat(Double.Parse(lnglatds[0]), Double.Parse(lnglatds[1])); AMarker poiMarker = new AMarker(); poiMarker.Anchor = new Point(0.5, 0.5); poiMarker.LngLat = markerlnglat; ATip tip = new ATip(); tip.Title = st.Name; tip.ContentText = "站点序号: " + st.StationNum; poiMarker.TipFrameworkElement = tip; markerList.Add(poiMarker); } PoiListView.Visibility = Visible; APolyline pol = new APolyline(); pol.LineThickness = 5; pol.LngLats = lnglatRoute; markLayer.Children.Add(pol); markLayer.SetOverlaysFitView(); try { PoiListView.SelectedIndex = 0; } catch { } } } else { MessageDialog msd = new MessageDialog(rgcs.Erro.Message); this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () => { msd.ShowAsync(); }); Debug.WriteLine(rgcs.Erro.Message); } }); }
private async void BusRouteSearchTest(string cityCode, string searchName, string searchEndName) { POISearchOption ps = new POISearchOption(); ps.SearchName = searchName; ps.CityCode = cityCode; POISearchOption pe = new POISearchOption(); pe.SearchName = searchEndName; pe.CityCode = cityCode; POISearchResult iopStart = await POISearch.PoiSearchWithOption(ps); //查询起点坐标 POISearchResult iopEnd = await POISearch.PoiSearchWithOption(pe); //查询终点坐标 if (iopEnd.Erro != null || iopEnd.POIs == null) { MessageDialog msd = new MessageDialog(iopStart.Erro.Message); this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () => { msd.ShowAsync(); }); return; } POI poist = Enumerable.First <POI>(iopStart.POIs); POI poied = Enumerable.First <POI>(iopEnd.POIs); BusRouteSearchOption rgo = new BusRouteSearchOption(); rgo.X1 = poist.X; rgo.Y1 = poist.Y; rgo.X2 = poied.X; rgo.Y2 = poied.Y; rgo.CityCode = cityCode; BusRouteSearchResult rgcs = await BusRouteSearch.BusRouteSearchWithOption(rgo);//根据起点重点坐标查公交 if (rgcs.Erro != null) { MessageDialog msd = new MessageDialog("查询公交失败!" + rgcs.Erro.Message, "提示"); this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () => { msd.ShowAsync(); }); return; } else { this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.High, () => { markLayer.Children.Clear(); ALngLat lnglat = new ALngLat(poist.X, poist.Y); AMarker poiMarker = new AMarker(); poiMarker.IconURI = new Uri("/Samples/qd.png", UriKind.Relative); poiMarker.LngLat = lnglat; ATip tip = new ATip(); tip.Title = poist.Name; tip.ContentText = poist.Address; poiMarker.TipFrameworkElement = tip; markLayer.Children.Add(poiMarker); ALngLat lnglated = new ALngLat(poied.X, poied.Y); AMarker poiMarkered = new AMarker(); poiMarkered.IconURI = new Uri("/Samples/zd.png", UriKind.Relative); poiMarkered.LngLat = lnglated; ATip tiped = new ATip(); tiped.Title = poied.Name; tiped.ContentText = poied.Address; poiMarkered.TipFrameworkElement = tiped; markLayer.Children.Add(poiMarkered); ObservableCollection <ALngLat> lnglatRoute = new ObservableCollection <ALngLat>(); //线路坐标 APolyline pol = new APolyline(); pol.LineThickness = 5; IEnumerable <Bus> busInfo = rgcs.Routes; IEnumerable <String> lnglatstring; IEnumerable <String> passdeportstring; //画公交线路和公交站点 foreach (Bus bus in busInfo) { IEnumerable <BusSegment> bussegmentInfo = bus.SegmentArray; foreach (BusSegment bs in bussegmentInfo) { lnglatstring = bs.CoordinateList.Split(new Char[] { ';' }); passdeportstring = bs.PassDeportCoordinate.Split(new Char[] { ';' }); String[] passport = bs.PassDeportName.Split(' '); int i = 0; foreach (String ss in lnglatstring) { String[] lnglatds = ss.Split(new Char[] { ',' }); lnglatRoute.Add(new ALngLat(Double.Parse(lnglatds[0]), Double.Parse(lnglatds[1]))); } foreach (String ss in passdeportstring) { String[] lnglatds = ss.Split(new Char[] { ',' }); ALngLat lnglatpassdeport = new ALngLat(Double.Parse(lnglatds[0]), Double.Parse(lnglatds[1])); ATip tipStart = new ATip(); // tipStart.Anchor = new Point(0,1); tipStart.Title = passport[i]; AMarker marker = new AMarker(); marker.Anchor = new Point(0.46, 1); marker.IconURI = new Uri(""); marker.LngLat = lnglatpassdeport; marker.TipFrameworkElement = tipStart; markLayer.Children.Add(marker); // Canvas.SetTop(marker,100); marker.TipAnchor = new Point(0.35, 1); } } break; } pol.LngLats = lnglatRoute; markLayer.Children.Insert(0, pol); map.SetOverlaysFitView(); }); } }