        private void RemoveTrackingRefUpdate(ObjectId want)
            Iterator <TrackingRefUpdate> i = localUpdates.Iterator();

            while (i.HasNext())
                TrackingRefUpdate u = i.Next();
                if (u.GetNewObjectId().Equals(want))
        private void RemoveFetchHeadRecord(ObjectId want)
            Iterator <FetchHeadRecord> i = fetchHeadUpdates.Iterator();

            while (i.HasNext())
                FetchHeadRecord fh = i.Next();
                if (fh.newValue.Equals(want))
        /// <summary>Copy a table in this database into a new delimited text file.</summary>
        /// <remarks>Copy a table in this database into a new delimited text file.</remarks>
        /// <param name="cursor">Cursor to export</param>
        /// <param name="out">Writer to export to</param>
        /// <param name="header">If <code>true</code> the first line contains the column names
        ///     </param>
        /// <param name="delim">The column delimiter, <code>null</code> for default (comma)</param>
        /// <param name="quote">The quote character</param>
        /// <param name="filter">valid export filter</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception>
        public static void ExportWriter(Cursor cursor, BufferedWriter @out, bool header,
                                        string delim, char quote, ExportFilter filter)
            string delimiter = (delim == null) ? DEFAULT_DELIMITER : delim;

            // create pattern which will indicate whether or not a value needs to be
            // quoted or not (contains delimiter, separator, or newline)
            Sharpen.Pattern needsQuotePattern = Sharpen.Pattern.Compile("(?:" + Sharpen.Pattern
                                                                        .Quote(delimiter) + ")|(?:" + Sharpen.Pattern.Quote(string.Empty + quote) + ")|(?:[\n\r])"
            IList <Column> origCols = cursor.GetTable().GetColumns();
            IList <Column> columns  = new AList <Column>(origCols);

            columns = filter.FilterColumns(columns);
            ICollection <string> columnNames = null;

            if (!origCols.Equals(columns))
                // columns have been filtered
                columnNames = new HashSet <string>();
                foreach (Column c in columns)
            // print the header row (if desired)
            if (header)
                for (Iterator <Column> iter = columns.Iterator(); iter.HasNext();)
                    WriteValue(@out, iter.Next().GetName(), quote, needsQuotePattern);
                    if (iter.HasNext())
            // print the data rows
            IDictionary <string, object> row;

            object[] unfilteredRowData = new object[columns.Count];
            while ((row = cursor.GetNextRow(columnNames)) != null)
                // fill raw row data in array
                for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; i++)
                    unfilteredRowData[i] = row.Get(columns[i].GetName());
                // apply filter
                object[] rowData = filter.FilterRow(unfilteredRowData);
                // print row
                for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < columns.Count; i_1++)
                    object obj = rowData[i_1];
                    if (obj != null)
                        string value = null;
                        if (obj is byte[])
                            value = ByteUtil.ToHexString((byte[])obj);
                            value = rowData[i_1].ToString();
                        WriteValue(@out, value, quote, needsQuotePattern);
                    if (i_1 < columns.Count - 1)