     * Assigns an AI brain to this player. This is used when
     * loading a brain from an existing neural network xml champion file.
    public AIFighter getFighterBrain()
        //try to load a champion file. If any issues, use default AI.
            // Initialise log4net (log to console).
            XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo("log4net.properties"));

            // Experiment classes encapsulate much of the nuts and bolts of setting up a NEAT search.
            AIExperiment experiment = new AIExperiment(new AIFighterEvaluatorFactory());

            // Load config XML.
            XmlDocument xmlConfig = new XmlDocument();
            experiment.Initialize("AI", xmlConfig.DocumentElement);

            // assign genome decoder for reading champion files
            IGenomeDecoder <NeatGenome, IBlackBox> decoder = experiment.CreateGenomeDecoder();

            //load existing champion file into a genome
            string     championFileLocation = "coevolution_champion.xml";
            XmlReader  xr     = XmlReader.Create(championFileLocation);
            NeatGenome genome = NeatGenomeXmlIO.ReadCompleteGenomeList(xr, false)[0];

            //decode genome into a usable AIFighter brain.
            return(new AIFighter(decoder.Decode(genome)));
        catch (System.Exception e)
            Debug.Log("Unable to load CHAMPION xml file. It may not exist.\n" + e);
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // Initialise log4net (log to console).
        XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo("log4net.properties"));

        // Experiment classes encapsulate much of the nuts and bolts of setting up a NEAT search.
        AIExperiment experiment = new AIExperiment(new AIFighterEvaluatorFactory());

        // Load config XML.
        XmlDocument xmlConfig = new XmlDocument();

        experiment.Initialize("AI", xmlConfig.DocumentElement);

        // Create evolution algorithm and attach update event.
        _ea              = experiment.CreateEvolutionAlgorithm();
        _ea.UpdateEvent += new EventHandler(ea_UpdateEvent);
        // Start algorithm (it will run on a background thread).