/// <summary>
        /// This method splits a point list into severall smaller lists and perform bulk calls on each list
        /// In parallel.  
        /// </summary>
        private void GetRecordedValuesBulkParrallel(DataQuery query, AFTimeRange timeRange, int bulkPageSize, int maxDegOfParallel, int bulkParallelChunkSize, CancellationToken cancelToken)
            _logger.WarnFormat("QUERY (BULK-P) # {5} - TAGS: {6} - PERIOD: {3} to {4} - MAX DEG. PAR. {0}, TAG_CHUNK_SIZE {1}, TAG_PAGE_SIZE {2},", maxDegOfParallel, bulkParallelChunkSize, bulkPageSize, timeRange.StartTime,timeRange.EndTime, query.QueryId, query.PiPoints.Count);

            // PARALLEL bulk
            var pointListList = query.PiPoints.ToList().ChunkBy(bulkParallelChunkSize);
            Parallel.ForEach(pointListList, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = maxDegOfParallel,CancellationToken = cancelToken },
                (pts,state,index) =>
                   var stats=new StatisticsInfo();

                    PIPagingConfiguration pagingConfiguration = new PIPagingConfiguration(PIPageType.TagCount, bulkPageSize);
                    PIPointList pointList = new PIPointList(pts);

                       // _logger.InfoFormat("Bulk query");
                        IEnumerable<AFValues> bulkData = pointList.RecordedValues(timeRange,
                            AFBoundaryType.Inside, String.Empty, false, pagingConfiguration).ToList();

                        if (_enableWrite)
                            var writeInfo=new WriteInfo()
                                Data = bulkData,
                                StartTime = timeRange.StartTime,
                                EndTime = timeRange.EndTime,
                                ChunkId = query.ChunkId,
                                SubChunkId= index

                            _dataWriter.DataQueue.Add(writeInfo, cancelToken);

                        stats.EventsCount = bulkData.Sum(s=>s.Count);
                        stats.EventsInWritingQueue = _dataWriter.DataQueue.Count;
                        Statistics.StatisticsQueue.Add(stats, cancelToken);

                    catch (OperationCanceledException ex)
                    catch (Exception ex)



        static void PrintInterpolated(AFDatabase database, string meterName, string startTime, string endTime, TimeSpan timeSpan)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Print Interpolated Values - Meter: {0}, Start: {1}, End: {2}", meterName, startTime, endTime));

            AFAttribute attr = AFAttribute.FindAttribute(@"\Meters\" + meterName + @"|Energy Usage", database);

            AFTime      start     = new AFTime(startTime);
            AFTime      end       = new AFTime(endTime);
            AFTimeRange timeRange = new AFTimeRange(start, end);

            AFTimeSpan interval = new AFTimeSpan(timeSpan);

            AFValues vals = attr.Data.InterpolatedValues(
                timeRange: timeRange,
                interval: interval,
                desiredUOM: null,
                filterExpression: null,
                includeFilteredValues: false);

            foreach (AFValue val in vals)
                Console.WriteLine("Timestamp (Local): {0}, Value: {1:0.00} {2}", val.Timestamp.LocalTime, val.Value, val?.UOM.Abbreviation);
        private static AFTimeRange checkAFTimeRange(string start, string end)
            AFTimeRange aftr;

            aftr = new AFTimeRange(start, end);
        private void GetArchive_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (TagList.SelectedIndices.Count < 1)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select one tag from list");
            string tagname = TagList.SelectedItems[0].Text;

            TagNameLabel.Text = tagname;
            PIPoint     pt        = PIPoint.FindPIPoint(myPIServer, tagname);
            AFTimeRange timerange = new AFTimeRange();

            timerange.StartTime = new AFTime(StartTimeTextBox.Text);
            timerange.EndTime   = new AFTime(EndTimeTextBox.Text);
            AFValues vals = pt.RecordedValues(timerange, OSIsoft.AF.Data.AFBoundaryType.Inside, "", true);

            foreach (AFValue val in vals)
                string[] displayvalues = new string[2];
                displayvalues[0] = val.Timestamp.LocalTime.ToString();
                displayvalues[1] = val.Value.ToString();
                ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(displayvalues);
        public override AFValues GetValues(object context, AFTimeRange timeRange, int numberOfValues, AFAttributeList inputAttributes, AFValues[] inputValues)
            //retrieve base list of values
            AFValues baseReturnVals = base.GetValues(context, timeRange, numberOfValues, inputAttributes, inputValues);

        static void PrintHourlyAverage(AFDatabase database, string meterName, string startTime, string endTime)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Print Hourly Average - Meter: {0}, Start: {1}, End: {2}", meterName, startTime, endTime));

            AFAttribute attr = AFAttribute.FindAttribute(@"\Meters\" + meterName + @"|Energy Usage", database);

            AFTime      start     = new AFTime(startTime);
            AFTime      end       = new AFTime(endTime);
            AFTimeRange timeRange = new AFTimeRange(start, end);

            IDictionary <AFSummaryTypes, AFValues> vals = attr.Data.Summaries(
                timeRange: timeRange,
                summaryDuration: new AFTimeSpan(TimeSpan.FromHours(1)),
                summaryType: AFSummaryTypes.Average,
                calcBasis: AFCalculationBasis.TimeWeighted,
                timeType: AFTimestampCalculation.EarliestTime);

            foreach (AFValue val in vals[AFSummaryTypes.Average])
                Console.WriteLine("Timestamp (Local): {0:yyyy-MM-dd HH\\h}, Value: {1:0.00} {2}", val.Timestamp.LocalTime, val.Value, val?.UOM.Abbreviation);

        private static IEnumerable <AFTimeRange> GetSubrangesForward(AFTimeRange timeRange, int count)
            if (count == 1)
                yield return(timeRange);

            if (count < 2)
                yield break;

            var totalSeconds       = timeRange.Span.TotalSeconds;
            var secondsPerSubrange = (totalSeconds / count) + 1; // to be safe

            var rangeStart = timeRange.StartTime;

            while (rangeStart <= timeRange.EndTime)
                var rangeEnd = new AFTime(rangeStart.UtcSeconds + secondsPerSubrange);
                if (rangeEnd > timeRange.EndTime)
                    rangeEnd = timeRange.EndTime;
                yield return(new AFTimeRange(rangeStart, rangeEnd));

                rangeStart = rangeEnd.AddPITicks(1);
        private static void readData(String serverName, Func <String> tagNameSupplier, int[] daysToReadList)
            PIServer server = new PIServers()
                              .Where(s => s.Name.Contains(serverName))


            foreach (int daysToRead in daysToReadList)
                Console.Write("[{0} {1}d] ", serverName, daysToRead);

                Stopwatch roundTripStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                PIPoint   tag = PIPoint.FindPIPoint(server, tagNameSupplier.Invoke());

                AFTimeRange timeRange = new AFTimeRange(new AFTime(readStart), new AFTime(readStart.Add(new TimeSpan(daysToRead, 0, 0, 0))));

                try {
                    Stopwatch readStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    AFValues  values        = tag.RecordedValues(timeRange, AFBoundaryType.Outside, "", true, 0);

                    Console.WriteLine("Read {0:n0} samples in {1:0.000}s (1m samples in {2:0.000}s) EstimatedRoundTripTime: {3}ms",
                                      readStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0,
                                      ((double)readStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds) / values.Count * 1000.0,
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", e.ToString());

        public static void PrintHistorical(AFDatabase database, string meterName, string startTime, string endTime)
            if (database == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(database));
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Print Historical Values - Meter: {0}, Start: {1}, End: {2}", meterName, startTime, endTime));

            AFAttribute attr = AFAttribute.FindAttribute(@"\Meters\" + meterName + @"|Energy Usage", database);

            AFTime      start     = new AFTime(startTime);
            AFTime      end       = new AFTime(endTime);
            AFTimeRange timeRange = new AFTimeRange(start, end);
            AFValues    vals      = attr.Data.RecordedValues(
                timeRange: timeRange,
                boundaryType: AFBoundaryType.Inside,
                desiredUOM: database.PISystem.UOMDatabase.UOMs["kilojoule"],
                filterExpression: null,
                includeFilteredValues: false);

            foreach (AFValue val in vals)
                Console.WriteLine("Timestamp (UTC): {0}, Value (kJ): {1}", val.Timestamp.UtcTime, val.Value);

        private static IEnumerable <AFTimeRange> GetSubrangesBackward(AFTimeRange timeRange, int count)
            if (count == 1)
                yield return(timeRange);

            if (count < 2)
                yield break;

            var totalSeconds       = timeRange.Span.TotalSeconds;
            var secondsPerSubrange = (totalSeconds / count) + 1; // to be safe

            var rangeStart = timeRange.StartTime;

            // This differs from Forward in that we flip + for - and < for >
            while (rangeStart >= timeRange.EndTime)
                var rangeEnd = new AFTime(rangeStart.UtcSeconds - secondsPerSubrange);
                if (rangeEnd < timeRange.EndTime)
                    rangeEnd = timeRange.EndTime;
                yield return(new AFTimeRange(rangeStart, rangeEnd));

                rangeStart = rangeEnd.AddPITicks(-1);
        static void PrintInterpolated(AFDatabase database, string meterName, string startTime, string endTime, TimeSpan timeSpan)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Print Interpolated Values - Meter: {0}, Start: {1}, End: {2}", meterName, startTime, endTime));

            AFAttribute attr = AFAttribute.FindAttribute(@"\Meters\" + meterName + @"|Energy Usage", database);

            AFTime start = new AFTime(startTime);
            AFTime end = new AFTime(endTime);
            AFTimeRange timeRange = new AFTimeRange(start, end);

            AFTimeSpan interval = new AFTimeSpan(timeSpan);

            AFValues vals = attr.Data.InterpolatedValues(
                timeRange: timeRange,
                interval: interval,
                desiredUOM: null,
                filterExpression: null,
                includeFilteredValues: false);

            foreach (AFValue val in vals)
                Console.WriteLine("Timestamp (Local): {0}, Value (kWh): {1}", val.Timestamp.LocalTime, val.Value);
        public static async Task<IList<IDictionary<AFSummaryTypes, AFValue>>> GetSummariesAsync(AFAttributeList attributeList)
            Console.WriteLine("Calling GetSummariesAsync\n");

            Task<IDictionary<AFSummaryTypes, AFValue>>[] tasks = attributeList
                // Do not make the call if async is not supported
                .Where(attr => (attr.SupportedDataMethods & AFDataMethods.Asynchronous) == AFDataMethods.Asynchronous)
                .Select(async attr =>
                        AFSummaryTypes mySummaries = AFSummaryTypes.Minimum | AFSummaryTypes.Maximum | AFSummaryTypes.Average | AFSummaryTypes.Total;
                        AFTimeRange timeRange = new AFTimeRange(new AFTime("*-1d"), new AFTime("*"));
                        return await attr.Data.SummaryAsync(
                            timeRange: timeRange,
                            summaryType: mySummaries,
                            calculationBasis: AFCalculationBasis.TimeWeighted,
                            timeType: AFTimestampCalculation.Auto);
                    catch (AggregateException ae)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", attr.Name, ae.Flatten().InnerException.Message);
                        return null;

            return await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
        public IEnumerable <AFTime> GetEvents(AFTimeRange timeRange)
            // Access values for each inputs and use their timestamps to determine the "trigger times"
            var events = new HashSet <AFTime>();

            foreach (var input in _inputs)
                // Assumptions (need more logic to handle other cases)
                // 1. All inputs are used as trigger inputs for the analysis
                // 2. Each input supports RecordedValues
                // 3. OK to get values for the entire timerange
                // 4. This is not optimal, as retrieved values are only being used for timestamps. For calculation, we are
                // accessing the values again.
                var values = input.Data.RecordedValues(timeRange, OSIsoft.AF.Data.AFBoundaryType.Inside, null, null, false);
                foreach (var value in values)

            var uniqueEvents = events.ToList();


            foreach (var ev in uniqueEvents)
                if (ev >= timeRange.StartTime && ev <= timeRange.EndTime)
                    yield return(ev);
        public static async Task <IList <IDictionary <AFSummaryTypes, AFValue> > > GetSummariesAsyncWithTimeout(AFAttributeList attributeList, int timeoutInMilliseconds)
            // Use a "competing tasks" pattern to place timeout on multiple async requests

            Console.WriteLine("Calling GetSummariesAsyncWithTimeout");

            CancellationTokenSource cts           = new CancellationTokenSource();
            CancellationToken       token         = cts.Token;
            CancellationTokenSource ctsForTimer   = new CancellationTokenSource();
            CancellationToken       tokenForTimer = ctsForTimer.Token;

            Task <IDictionary <AFSummaryTypes, AFValue> >[] tasks = attributeList
                                                                    // Do not make the call if async is not supported
                                                                    .Where(attr => (attr.SupportedDataMethods & AFDataMethods.Asynchronous) == AFDataMethods.Asynchronous)
                                                                    .Select(async attr =>
                    AFSummaryTypes mySummaries = AFSummaryTypes.Minimum | AFSummaryTypes.Maximum | AFSummaryTypes.Average | AFSummaryTypes.Total;
                    AFTimeRange timeRange      = new AFTimeRange(new AFTime("*-1d"), new AFTime("*"));

                    return(await attr.Data.SummaryAsync(
                               timeRange: timeRange,
                               summaryType: mySummaries,
                               calculationBasis: AFCalculationBasis.TimeWeighted,
                               timeType: AFTimestampCalculation.Auto,
                               cancellationToken: token));
                catch (AggregateException ae)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", attr.Element.Name, ae.Flatten().InnerException.Message);
                catch (OperationCanceledException oe)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", attr.Element.Name, oe.Message);

            // Define a task that completes when all subtasks are complete
            Task <IDictionary <AFSummaryTypes, AFValue>[]> task = Task.WhenAll(tasks);

            // Asychronously wait for either the summaries or timer task to complete
            if (await Task.WhenAny(task, Task.Delay(timeoutInMilliseconds, tokenForTimer)) == task)
                // Cancel the timer task
                // Return summaries result
                // Cancel the summaries task if timeout
                throw new TimeoutException("The operation has timed out.");
        private AFValue GetDistance(IList <AFValues> vals, AFTimeRange timeRange)
            var timedGeo = GetTimedGeo(vals);

            var differences = GetDifference(timedGeo);

            return(new AFValue(differences.Sum(x => x.Value), timeRange.EndTime, _uomMeter));
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor of a Log Input
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="key"> unique variable name</param>
 /// <param name="element"> element name</param>
 /// <param name="attribute"> attribute name</param>
 /// <param name="path"> element path</param>
 /// <param name="timeRange"> AFTimeRange</param>
 public LogInput(string key, string element, string attribute, string path, AFTimeRange timeRange)
     keyVariableName = key;
     this.element    = element;
     this.attribute  = attribute;
     elementPath     = path;
     Range           = timeRange;
     timespaceFormat = "ts";
        public static List <AbstractRetrievePoints> LoadTagClassesRecorded(
            String inputFilePath,
            String outputDirectory,
            String timeResolution,
            int numYears,
            int pageSize,
            PIServer piServer,
            PISystem piSystem,
            int numParallelTasks,
            Logger logger)
            var inputLines = LoadInputFile(inputFilePath);

            List <AbstractRetrievePoints> tagClasses = new List <AbstractRetrievePoints>();

                new ParallelOptions {
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = numParallelTasks
                (String[] line) =>
                string tagName         = line[0];
                string startTimeString = line[1];
                string endTimeString   = line[2];

                PIPoint tag;
                    tag = PIPoint.FindPIPoint(piServer, tagName);
                    AFTime startTime      = new AFTime(startTimeString);
                    AFTime endTime        = new AFTime(endTimeString);
                    AFTimeRange timeRange = new AFTimeRange(startTime, endTime);

                    string startTimeStamp = startTime.UtcTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
                    string endTimeStamp   = endTime.UtcTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
                    lock (logger) { logger.Log($"{startTimeStamp} : {endTimeStamp}, {tagName}"); }
                    lock (tagClasses)
                        tagClasses.Add(new PIRecordedPointRetrievalClass(
                catch (Exception e)
                    logger.Log("Exception: could not FindPiPoint: " + e.ToString());

        private void btnQueue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            AFAnalysisService service   = afDatabasePicker.PISystem.AnalysisService;
            AFTime            startTime = new AFTime(tbStartTime.Text);
            AFTime            endTime   = new AFTime(tbEndTime.Text);
            AFTimeRange       timeRange = new AFTimeRange(startTime, endTime);

            queueBackfill(service, timeRange);
        public PIValuesList GetRecordedValues(string startTime, string endTime)
            AFTime                 start        = new AFTime(startTime);
            AFTime                 end          = new AFTime(endTime);
            AFTimeRange            timeRange    = new AFTimeRange(start, end);
            IEnumerable <AFValues> valueResults = pointList.RecordedValues(timeRange, AFBoundaryType.Inside, string.Empty, false, new PIPagingConfiguration(PIPageType.TagCount, 100));

            return(new PIValuesList(valueResults));
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor of a Log Input
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="key"> unique variable name</param>
 /// <param name="element"> element name</param>
 /// <param name="attribute"> attribute name</param>
 /// <param name="path"> element path</param>
 /// <param name="timeRange"> AFTimeRange</param>
 public LogInput(string key, string element, string attribute, string path, AFTimeRange timeRange)
     keyVariableName = key;
     this.element = element;
     this.attribute = attribute;
     elementPath = path;
     Range = timeRange;
     timespaceFormat = "ts";
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes data based on the form out to Excel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputFileLocation">String output file location to store Excel file</param>
        private void WriteDataToExcel(string outputFileLocation)
            AFTimeRange timeRange = GetTimeRangeFromDatePickers();

            AFElement element = afTreeView.AFSelection as AFElement;

            // initialize dictionary to capture attribute name and the values for the attribute
            Dictionary <string, List <ReportCellValue> > values = new Dictionary <string, List <ReportCellValue> >();

            // initialize excel work book using ClosedXml
            XLWorkbook   wb = new XLWorkbook();
            IXLWorksheet ws = wb.Worksheets.Add("AF Export");

            // export data from children or single element
            if (cbReportOnChildren.Checked)
                int elementcount = 0;

                // loop through children elements
                foreach (AFElement children in element.Elements)
                    // reset the values dictionary for the new child element and counter
                    int tmpelementcount = 0;

                    foreach (AFAttribute attribute in children.Attributes)
                        // if the attribute is checked and the attribute supports the recorded values data retrieval method, get the values
                        if (cbChilrenAttributes.CheckedItems.Contains(attribute.Name) && attribute.SupportedDataMethods.HasFlag(AFDataMethods.RecordedValues))
                            // using Linq to do a Where AFValue is Good filter, convert these AFValues to ReportCellValue class for exporting to JSON or Excel
                            values[attribute.Name] = ConvertAFValuesToReportCellValues(attribute.Data.RecordedValues(timeRange, AFBoundaryType.Interpolated, null, null, true).Where(v => v.IsGood), attribute.Name);
                            tmpelementcount       += values[attribute.Name].Count();

                    WriteDataToExcelWorksheet(ws, children.Name, values, elementcount);
                    elementcount += tmpelementcount;
                // if the attribute is checked, get the values
                foreach (AFAttribute attribute in cbParentAttributes.CheckedItems)
                    // using Linq to do a Where AFValue is Good filter, convert these AFValues to ReportCellValue class for exporting to JSON or Excel
                    values[attribute.Name] = ConvertAFValuesToReportCellValues(attribute.Data.RecordedValues(timeRange, AFBoundaryType.Interpolated, null, null, true).Where(v => v.IsGood), attribute.Name);

                WriteDataToExcelWorksheet(ws, element.Name, values, 0);

            // save the excel file to the specified location
            lblExcelCompleted.Visible = true;
        public GraphQlAfAttribute(AFAttribute aAfAttribute, Field afAttributesField = null, Field tsPlotValuesField = null)
            AFValue aAfValue = aAfAttribute.GetValue();

            name            = aAfAttribute.Name;
            ThisAfAttribute = aAfAttribute;
            value           = aAfValue.Value?.ToString();
            uom             = aAfAttribute.DisplayUOM?.Abbreviation;

            if (aAfAttribute.DataReference?.Name == "PI Point")
                timeStamp = aAfValue.Timestamp.UtcTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ");

            if (afAttributesField != null)
                var afAttributesNameFilterStrings = GraphQlHelpers.GetArgumentStrings(afAttributesField, "nameFilter");
                var afAttributesChildField        = GraphQlHelpers.GetFieldFromSelectionSet(afAttributesField, "afAttributes");

                var returnAttributesObject = new ConcurrentBag <GraphQlAfAttribute>();
                var afAttributeList        = aAfAttribute.Attributes.ToList <AFAttribute>();
                Parallel.ForEach(afAttributeList, aAfChildAttribute =>
                    if (afAttributesNameFilterStrings.Count == 0 || afAttributesNameFilterStrings.Contains(aAfChildAttribute.Name))
                        returnAttributesObject.Add(new GraphQlAfAttribute(aAfAttribute, afAttributesChildField));
                afAttributes = returnAttributesObject.OrderBy(x => x.name).ToList();

            if (tsPlotValuesField != null)
                if (aAfAttribute.DataReference?.Name == "PI Point")
                    var plotDensity   = GraphQlHelpers.GetArgumentDouble(tsPlotValuesField, "plotDensity");
                    var startDateTime = GraphQlHelpers.GetArgumentDateTime(tsPlotValuesField, "startDateTime");
                    var endDateTime   = GraphQlHelpers.GetArgumentDateTime(tsPlotValuesField, "endDateTime");

                    var timeRange = new AFTimeRange(startDateTime, endDateTime);

                    AFValues asdf = ThisAfAttribute.GetValues(timeRange, (int)plotDensity, null);

                    var returnObject = new ConcurrentBag <GraphQlTsValue>();
                    foreach (AFValue aAfTsValue in asdf)
                        returnObject.Add(new GraphQlTsValue()
                            timeStamp = aAfTsValue.Timestamp.UtcTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"),
                            value     = aAfTsValue.Value.ToString()
                    tsPlotValues = returnObject.OrderBy(x => x.timeStamp).ToList();
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides an IEnumerable of AFTimeRange over a period specified by start time and end time.  The last value will never be greater than EndTime.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startTime">Period beginning</param>
        /// <param name="endTime">Period End</param>
        /// <param name="days">The time range will be chunked into the number of days specified.</param>
        public static IEnumerable<AFTimeRange> EachNDay(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, int days)
            for (var day = startTime.Date; day.Date <= endTime.Date; day = day.AddDays(days))
                var et = day.AddDays(days) <= endTime ? day.AddDays(days) : endTime;
                var res = new AFTimeRange(day, et);

                yield return res;
        static void PrintInterpolated(AFDatabase database, string meterName, string start, string end, TimeSpan interval)
            AFTime      startTime = new AFTime(start);
            AFTime      endTime   = new AFTime(end);
            AFTimeRange timeRange = new AFTimeRange(startTime, endTime);

            AFAttribute att         = AFAttribute.FindAttribute(@"\Meters\" + meterName + @"|Energy Usage", database);
            AFTimeSpan  intervalNew = new AFTimeSpan(interval);
            AFValues    values      = att.Data.InterpolatedValues(timeRange: timeRange, interval: intervalNew, desiredUOM: null, filterExpression: null, includeFilteredValues: false);
        public IEnumerable <AFTime> GetEvents(AFTimeRange timeRange)
            AFTime lastTime = timeRange.StartTime - TimeSpan.FromTicks(1);

            while (lastTime < timeRange.EndTime)
                lastTime = _timeRule.GetNextEvent(lastTime).EndTime;
                yield return(lastTime);
        public PIValuesList GetInterpolatedValues(string startTime, string endTime, string interval)
            AFTime                 start        = new AFTime(startTime);
            AFTime                 end          = new AFTime(endTime);
            AFTimeRange            timeRange    = new AFTimeRange(start, end);
            AFTimeSpan             timeSpan     = AFTimeSpan.Parse(interval);
            IEnumerable <AFValues> valueResults = pointList.InterpolatedValues(timeRange, timeSpan, string.Empty, false, new PIPagingConfiguration(PIPageType.TagCount, 100));

            return(new PIValuesList(valueResults));
        private AFValue GetMinSpeed(IList <AFValues> vals, AFTimeRange timeRange)
            var timedGeo = GetTimedGeo(vals);

            var speedArray = GetSpeedArray(timedGeo);

            double max = speedArray.Min(x => x.Value);

            return(new AFValue(max, timeRange.EndTime, _uomMPH));
        /// <summary>
        /// This method splits a point list into severall smaller lists and perform bulk calls on each list
        /// In parallel.
        /// </summary>
        private void GetRecordedValuesBulkParrallel(DataQuery query, AFTimeRange timeRange, int bulkPageSize, int maxDegOfParallel, int bulkParallelChunkSize, CancellationToken cancelToken)
            _logger.WarnFormat("QUERY (BULK-P) # {5} - TAGS: {6} - PERIOD: {3} to {4} - MAX DEG. PAR. {0}, TAG_CHUNK_SIZE {1}, TAG_PAGE_SIZE {2},", maxDegOfParallel, bulkParallelChunkSize, bulkPageSize, timeRange.StartTime, timeRange.EndTime, query.QueryId, query.PiPoints.Count);

            // PARALLEL bulk
            var pointListList = query.PiPoints.ToList().ChunkBy(bulkParallelChunkSize);

            Parallel.ForEach(pointListList, new ParallelOptions {
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = maxDegOfParallel, CancellationToken = cancelToken
                             (pts, state, index) =>
                var stats = new StatisticsInfo();

                PIPagingConfiguration pagingConfiguration = new PIPagingConfiguration(PIPageType.TagCount, bulkPageSize);
                PIPointList pointList = new PIPointList(pts);

                    // _logger.InfoFormat("Bulk query");
                    IEnumerable <AFValues> bulkData = pointList.RecordedValues(timeRange,
                                                                               AFBoundaryType.Inside, String.Empty, false, pagingConfiguration).ToList();

                    if (_enableWrite)
                        var writeInfo = new WriteInfo()
                            Data       = bulkData,
                            StartTime  = timeRange.StartTime,
                            EndTime    = timeRange.EndTime,
                            ChunkId    = query.ChunkId,
                            SubChunkId = index

                        _dataWriter.DataQueue.Add(writeInfo, cancelToken);

                    stats.EventsCount = bulkData.Sum(s => s.Count);
                    stats.EventsInWritingQueue = _dataWriter.DataQueue.Count;
                    Statistics.StatisticsQueue.Add(stats, cancelToken);
                catch (OperationCanceledException ex)
                catch (Exception ex)
        private void cbUOM_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            UOM selectedUOM = cbUOM.SelectedItem as UOM;
            AFAttribute selectedAttribute = afTreeView2.AFSelection as AFAttribute;

            //Clear list of values

            //Convert current value to new UoM
            lbCurrentVal.Text = selectedAttribute.GetValue().Convert(selectedUOM).ToString();
            lbTimestamp.Text = selectedAttribute.GetValue().Timestamp.ToString();

            //Clear chart

            if (lbData.Items != null)
                //Get time-range
                AFTime startTime = new AFTime(afStartDate.Text);
                AFTime endTime = new AFTime(afEndTime.Text);
                AFTimeRange timeRange = new AFTimeRange(startTime, endTime);

                AFValues vals;

                if (selectedAttribute != null)
                    //Convert to new Uom if required
                    if (selectedAttribute.DefaultUOM != null)
                        vals = selectedAttribute.GetValues(timeRange, 0, null).Convert(selectedUOM);
                        vals = selectedAttribute.GetValues(timeRange, 0, null);

                    //Fill out list and chart
                    foreach (AFValue val in vals)
                        string s = String.Format("{0} \t {1} {2}", val.Timestamp.LocalTime, val.Value,
                                                    selectedUOM != null ? selectedUOM.Abbreviation : null);

                            afDataChart.Series["dataSeries"].Points.AddXY(val.Timestamp.ToString(), val.Value);
                        catch (System.ArgumentException)
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var AFServerName   = "SKYPI05";
            var AFDatabaseName = "MBMC";
            var user           = @"skypi\lbowling";
            var password       = @"OFNxBKOZmG1w";

            NetworkCredential credential = new NetworkCredential(user, password);
            var piSystem = (new PISystems())[AFServerName];

            var afdb = piSystem.Databases[AFDatabaseName];

            foreach (var item in afdb.Elements)

            var selectedElementName = "Element1";
            var selectedElement     = afdb.Elements[selectedElementName];

            Console.WriteLine("Attributes for " + selectedElementName);

            foreach (var attribute in selectedElement.Attributes)

            var selectedAttributeName = "Attribute1";
            var selectedAttribute     = selectedElement.Attributes[selectedAttributeName];

            var start     = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1);
            var end       = start.AddDays(1);
            var timeRange = new AFTimeRange(start, end);
            var span      = AFTimeSpan.Parse("1h");

            //var afValues = selectedAttribute.Data.PlotValues(timeRange, 24, null);
            //var afValues = selectedAttribute.Data.InterpolatedValues(timeRange, span, null, null, false);
            var afValues = selectedAttribute.Data.RecordedValues(timeRange, OSIsoft.AF.Data.AFBoundaryType.Inside, null, null, false);

            foreach (var afValue in afValues)
                Console.WriteLine("Time: {0} \t Value: {1} \t", afValue.Timestamp, afValue.Value.ToString());

            Console.WriteLine("Count: " + afValues.Count);

        protected override void DoTask(CancellationToken cancelToken)
            foreach (var query in QueriesQueue.GetConsumingEnumerable(cancelToken))
                var timeRange = new AFTimeRange(query.StartTime, query.EndTime);
                GetRecordedValuesBulkParrallel(query, timeRange, _dataReaderSettings.BulkPageSize, _dataReaderSettings.MaxDegreeOfParallelism, _dataReaderSettings.BulkParallelChunkSize, cancelToken);

            // tell that we are done with adding new data to the data processor.  The task will complete after that
 override public void GetNextResult()
     nextEndTime = timeSpan.Multiply(nextStartTime, pageSize);
     if (nextEndTime > timeRange.EndTime)
         nextEndTime   = timeRange.EndTime;
         fetchNextPage = false;
     pageTimeRange = new AFTimeRange(nextStartTime, nextEndTime);
     valuesTask    = tag.InterpolatedValuesAsync(pageTimeRange, timeSpan, filterExpression: null, includeFilteredValues: false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides an IEnumerable of AFTimeRange over a period specified by start time and end time.  The last value will never be greater than EndTime.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startTime">Period beginning</param>
        /// <param name="endTime">Period End</param>
        /// <param name="days">The time range will be chunked into the number of days specified.</param>
        public static IEnumerable <AFTimeRange> EachNDay(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, int days)
            for (var day = startTime.Date; day.Date <= endTime.Date; day = day.AddDays(days))
                var et = day.AddDays(days) <= endTime?day.AddDays(days) : endTime;

                var res = new AFTimeRange(day, et);

                yield return(res);
        /// <summary>
        /// Assert results of an analysis output.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AssertResults(AFAttribute output, AFTimeRange timeRange, IList <AFValue> expectedValues)
            Contract.Requires(expectedValues != null);

            var actualValues = output.GetRecordedValues(timeRange);

            Assert.Equal(actualValues.Count, expectedValues.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < actualValues.Count; i++)
                Assert.Equal(actualValues[i], expectedValues[i]);
        protected override void DoTask(CancellationToken cancelToken)
            foreach (var query in QueriesQueue.GetConsumingEnumerable(cancelToken))
                var timeRange = new AFTimeRange(query.StartTime,query.EndTime);
                GetRecordedValuesBulkParrallel(query, timeRange, _dataReaderSettings.BulkPageSize, _dataReaderSettings.MaxDegreeOfParallelism, _dataReaderSettings.BulkParallelChunkSize, cancelToken);


            // tell that we are done with adding new data to the data processor.  The task will complete after that
        public static void SwapValues(AFDatabase database, string meter1, string meter2, string startTime, string endTime)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Swap values for meters: {0}, {1} between {2} and {3}", meter1, meter2, startTime, endTime));

            // NOTE: This method does not ensure that there is no data loss if there is failure.
            // Persist the data first in case you need to rollback.
            AFAttribute attr1 = AFAttribute.FindAttribute(@"\Meters\" + meter1 + @"|Energy Usage", database);
            AFAttribute attr2 = AFAttribute.FindAttribute(@"\Meters\" + meter2 + @"|Energy Usage", database);

            AFTime      start     = new AFTime(startTime);
            AFTime      end       = new AFTime(endTime);
            AFTimeRange timeRange = new AFTimeRange(start, end);

            // Get values to delete for meter1
            AFValues valsToRemove1 = attr1.Data.RecordedValues(
                timeRange: timeRange,
                boundaryType: AFBoundaryType.Inside,
                desiredUOM: null,
                filterExpression: null,
                includeFilteredValues: false);

            // Get values to delete for meter2
            AFValues valsToRemove2 = attr2.Data.RecordedValues(
                timeRange: timeRange,
                boundaryType: AFBoundaryType.Inside,
                desiredUOM: null,
                filterExpression: null,
                includeFilteredValues: false);

            if (valsToRemove1.Count == 0 && valsToRemove2.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("There are no values to swap.");

            List <AFValue> valsToRemove = valsToRemove1.ToList();


            // Remove the values
            AFListData.UpdateValues(valsToRemove, AFUpdateOption.Remove);

            // Create new AFValues from the other meter and assign them to this meter
            List <AFValue> valsToAdd1 = valsToRemove2.Select(v => new AFValue(attr1, v.Value, v.Timestamp)).ToList();
            List <AFValue> valsToAdd2 = valsToRemove1.Select(v => new AFValue(attr2, v.Value, v.Timestamp)).ToList();

            List <AFValue> valsCombined = valsToAdd1;


            AFListData.UpdateValues(valsCombined, AFUpdateOption.Insert);
        public static IDictionary<AFAttribute, AFValues> GetTotalsAsync(AFDatabase afDb)
            AFAttributeList attributeList = GetAttributes(afDb);

            // Beginning of current month to beginning of today.
            Dictionary<AFAttribute, AFValues> totals = new Dictionary<AFAttribute, AFValues>();
            AFTimeRange timeRange = new AFTimeRange(new AFTime(string.Format("{0}-{1}-01", DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month)), new AFTime("T"));
            AFTimeSpan dayInterval = new AFTimeSpan(0, 0, 1);
            List<Task<IDictionary<AFSummaryTypes, AFValues>>> processingList = new List<Task<IDictionary<AFSummaryTypes, AFValues>>>();
            foreach (AFAttribute attribute in attributeList)
                // Do not make the call if async is not supported
                if ((attribute.SupportedDataMethods & AFDataMethods.Asynchronous) == 0)

                    attribute.Data.SummariesAsync(timeRange, dayInterval, AFSummaryTypes.Total, AFCalculationBasis.TimeWeighted, AFTimestampCalculation.Auto));

                    // periodically evaluate
                    if (processingList.Count > Environment.ProcessorCount * 2)
                        foreach (var item in processingList)

                        processingList = new List<Task<IDictionary<AFSummaryTypes, AFValues>>>();
                catch (AggregateException ae)
                    //if (ae.Flatten().InnerExceptions.Count == 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", attribute.Name, ae.Flatten().InnerException.Message);

            if (processingList.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in processingList)

            return totals;
        public static IDictionary<AFAttribute, AFValues> GetTotalsBulk(AFDatabase afDb)
            AFAttributeList attributeList = GetAttributes(afDb);

            Dictionary<AFAttribute, AFValues> totals = new Dictionary<AFAttribute, AFValues>();
            AFTimeRange timeRange = new AFTimeRange(new AFTime(string.Format("{0}-{1}-01", DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month)), new AFTime("T"));
            AFTimeSpan dayInterval = new AFTimeSpan(0, 0, 1);

            PIPagingConfiguration pageConfig = new PIPagingConfiguration(PIPageType.TagCount, Environment.ProcessorCount * 2);
            foreach (var item in attributeList.Data.Summaries(timeRange, dayInterval, AFSummaryTypes.Total, AFCalculationBasis.TimeWeighted, AFTimestampCalculation.Auto,

            return totals;
        public void PrintHistorical(string meterName, string startTime, string endTime)
            AFAttribute attr = AFAttribute.FindAttribute(@"\Meters\" + meterName + @"|Energy Usage", _database);

            AFTime start = new AFTime(startTime);
            AFTime end = new AFTime(endTime);
            AFTimeRange timeRange = new AFTimeRange(start, end);
            AFValues vals = attr.Data.RecordedValues(
                timeRange: timeRange, 
                boundaryType: AFBoundaryType.Inside, 
                desiredUOM: _database.PISystem.UOMDatabase.UOMs["kilojoule"],
                filterExpression: null,
                includeFilteredValues: false);

            foreach (AFValue val in vals)
                Console.WriteLine("Timestamp (UTC): {0}, Value (kJ): {1}", val.Timestamp.UtcTime, val.Value);
        public static async Task<IList<IDictionary<AFSummaryTypes, AFValue>>> GetSummariesAsyncThrottled(AFAttributeList attributeList, int numConcurrent)
            // Use "asynchronous semaphore" pattern (e.g. SemaphoreSlim.WaitAsync()) to throttle the calls

            Console.WriteLine("Calling GetSummariesAsyncThrottled");

            // Example: Limit to numConcurrent concurrent async I/O operations.
            SemaphoreSlim throttler = new SemaphoreSlim(initialCount: numConcurrent);

            Task<IDictionary<AFSummaryTypes, AFValue>>[] tasks = attributeList
                // Do not make the call if async is not supported
                .Where(attr => (attr.SupportedDataMethods & AFDataMethods.Asynchronous) == AFDataMethods.Asynchronous)
                .Select(async attr =>
                    // asychronously try to acquire the semaphore
                    await throttler.WaitAsync();

                        AFSummaryTypes mySummaries = AFSummaryTypes.Minimum | AFSummaryTypes.Maximum | AFSummaryTypes.Average | AFSummaryTypes.Total;
                        AFTimeRange timeRange = new AFTimeRange(new AFTime("*-1d"), new AFTime("*"));

                        return await attr.Data.SummaryAsync(
                            timeRange: timeRange,
                            summaryType: mySummaries,
                            calculationBasis: AFCalculationBasis.TimeWeighted,
                            timeType: AFTimestampCalculation.Auto);
                    catch (AggregateException ae)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", attr.Name, ae.Flatten().InnerException.Message);
                        return null;
                        // release the resource

            return await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
        public void PrintHourlyAverage(string meterName, string startTime, string endTime)
            AFAttribute attr = AFAttribute.FindAttribute(@"\Meters\" + meterName + @"|Energy Usage", _database);

            AFTime start = new AFTime(startTime);
            AFTime end = new AFTime(endTime);
            AFTimeRange timeRange = new AFTimeRange(start, end);

            IDictionary<AFSummaryTypes, AFValues> vals = attr.Data.Summaries(
                timeRange: timeRange,
                summaryDuration: new AFTimeSpan(TimeSpan.FromHours(1)),
                summaryType: AFSummaryTypes.Average,
                calcBasis: AFCalculationBasis.TimeWeighted,
                timeType: AFTimestampCalculation.EarliestTime);

            foreach (AFValue val in vals[AFSummaryTypes.Average])
                Console.WriteLine("Timestamp (Local): {0}, Value (kilowatt hour): {1}", val.Timestamp.LocalTime, val.Value);
        private void btnRetrieveData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                AFAttribute selectedAttribute = lbAttributes.SelectedItem as AFAttribute;
                AFTimeRange timeRange = new AFTimeRange(tbStartTime.Text, tbEndTime.Text);
                AFValues vals = null;
                switch (cbDataMethod.Text)
                    case "Recorded Values":
                        vals = selectedAttribute.Data.RecordedValues(timeRange, OSIsoft.AF.Data.AFBoundaryType.Inside, null, String.Empty, false, 0);
                    case "Interpolated Values":
                        var interval = new AFTimeSpan();
                        AFTimeSpan.TryParse(tbInterval.Text, out interval);
                        vals = selectedAttribute.Data.InterpolatedValues(timeRange, interval, null, String.Empty, false);
                    case "Snapshot":
                        vals = new AFValues();
                        throw new InvalidExpressionException();


                var valStrings = vals.Select(afv => String.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}"
                    , afv.Attribute.Name
                    , afv.Timestamp.LocalTime
                    , afv.Value
                    , afv.UOM == null ? string.Empty : afv.UOM.Name));

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error getting PI Data: " + ex.Message);
        private AFValue GetMinSpeed(IList<AFValues> vals, AFTimeRange timeRange)
            var timedGeo = GetTimedGeo(vals);

            var speedArray = GetSpeedArray(timedGeo);

            double max = speedArray.Min(x => x.Value);

            return new AFValue(max, timeRange.EndTime, _uomMPH);
        private AFValue GetDistance(IList<AFValues> vals, AFTimeRange timeRange)
            var timedGeo = GetTimedGeo(vals);

            var differences = GetDifference(timedGeo);

            return new AFValue(differences.Sum(x => x.Value), timeRange.EndTime, _uomMeter);
 // Return all values (converted to AFValues) over a specific time interval
 public override AFValues GetValues(object context, AFTimeRange timeRange, int numberOfValues, AFAttributeList inputAttributes, AFValues[] inputValues)
     AFValues values = new AFValues();
     DateTime startTime = timeRange.StartTime.LocalTime;
     DateTime endTime = timeRange.EndTime.LocalTime;
     using (SqlDataReader reader = SQLHelper.GetSQLData(SQLName, DBName, TableName, startTime, endTime))
         while (reader.Read())
             AFValue newVal = new AFValue();
             newVal.Timestamp = AFTime.Parse(reader["pi_time"].ToString());
             newVal.Value = reader["pi_value"];
     return values;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method gets a collection of AFValue objects for an attribute based upon the data reference configuration within the specified AFTimeRange context.
        /// <see cref="https://techsupport.osisoft.com/Documentation/PI-AF-SDK/html/M_OSIsoft_AF_Asset_AFDataReference_GetValues.htm"/>
        /// </summary>
        public override AFValues GetValues(object context, AFTimeRange timeRange, int numberOfValues, AFAttributeList inputAttributes,
            AFValues[] inputValues)
            var afvalues = new AFValues();

            //insert logic to generate af values here
            afvalues.Add(new AFValue()
                Value = 0,
                Timestamp = new AFTime(timeRange.StartTime)

            afvalues.Add(new AFValue()
                Value = 1,
                Timestamp = new AFTime(timeRange.EndTime)

            return afvalues;
        /// <summary>
        ///  Resulting Action of editting the List View.
        ///  1) Edit the List Item
        ///  2) Re-log the item 
        ///  3) Edit the Matlab workspace.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"> The new variable name. (or the same)</param>
        /// <param name="start"> The new start time. (or the same)</param>
        /// <param name="end"> The new end time. (or the same)</param>
        /// <param name="previous"></param>
        public void EditLog(string name, string start, string end, LogInput previous)
            if(previous.getKeyVariableName() != name)
                name = MatlabAccess.modifyMatlabName(name);
            if (name == string.Empty)
                name = previous.getKeyVariableName();
            string attName = previous.getAttribute();
            string path = previous.getPath();
            string elem = previous.getElement();

            //EDIT LIST VIEW
            if (AFAccess.isAbsoluteTimeString(start, end, previous))
                lv_LogDialog.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[3].Text = start + " = " + end;
                lv_LogDialog.SelectedItems[0].Text = name;
                AFTimeRange range = new AFTimeRange(start, end);
                lv_LogDialog.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[3].Text = range.ToString();
                lv_LogDialog.SelectedItems[0].Text = name;

            //EDIT ACTUAL LOG
            LogSystem.removeLogInput(previous.getKeyVariableName(), previous.getServerDatabase());

            //Workspace Edit - remove variable, getNewData
            if (path == "PI.Point")
                string[] info = Regex.Split(previous.getServerDatabase(), "'");
                control.getPIData(attName, info[1], name, start, end,false);
                control.getAFData(previous.getServerDatabase(), attName, name, path, start, end, false);
 public void setAFTimeRange(AFTimeRange aftr)
     this.Range = aftr;
		public void RecordedValues(WAFTime start, WAFTime end, WAFBoundryType boundryType, string filterExp, bool includeFiltVals, int maxCount, ref WAFValue[] output)
			List<WAFValue> retVals = null;

				AFTimeRange range = new AFTimeRange(start.ToString(), end.ToString());
				AFBoundaryType opt = (AFBoundaryType)Enum.ToObject(typeof(AFBoundaryType), (byte)boundryType);

				AFValues vals = m_Pipt.RecordedValues(range, AFBoundaryType.Interpolated, filterExp, includeFiltVals, maxCount);

				retVals = vals.ConvertAll(new Converter<AFValue, WAFValue>(WAFValue.AFValueToWAFValue));
			catch (Exception ex)

			output = retVals.ToArray();
 private void GetArchive_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (TagList.SelectedIndices.Count < 1)
         MessageBox.Show("Please select one tag from list");
     string tagname = TagList.SelectedItems[0].Text;
     TagNameLabel.Text = tagname;
     PIPoint pt = PIPoint.FindPIPoint(myPIServer, tagname);
     AFTimeRange timerange = new AFTimeRange();
     timerange.StartTime = new AFTime(StartTimeTextBox.Text);
     timerange.EndTime = new AFTime(EndTimeTextBox.Text);
     AFValues vals = pt.RecordedValues(timerange, OSIsoft.AF.Data.AFBoundaryType.Inside, "", true);
     foreach (AFValue val in vals)
         string[] displayvalues = new string[2];
         displayvalues[0] = val.Timestamp.LocalTime.ToString();
         displayvalues[1] = val.Value.ToString();
         ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(displayvalues);
        /// <summary>
        ///  Common calls of getting Data from AFServer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="server_database">String representing the server and database</param>
        /// <param name="AttributeName"> name of the attribute</param>
        /// <param name="MatlabName">variable name for the Matlab Workspace</param>
        /// <param name="start">Start time of data collection.</param>
        /// <param name="end">End time of the data collection.</param>
        /// <param name="afobject"> AF object - AFAttribute, AFEventFrame, or PIPoint</param>
        /// <param name="addToListView"> Whether to add to the Listview (generally true)</param>
        public static void getData(string server_database,string AttributeName, string MatlabName, string start, string end, Object afobject, bool addToListView)
            MatlabName = MatlabAccess.modifyMatlabName(MatlabName);
                LogInput logInput = null;
                AFValues Values = new AFValues();
                AFAttribute attribute;

                object[] vals;
                double[] dbVals;
                double[] timestamps = null;
                int[] statuses;
                int baddata;

                //TIME RANGE
                AFTimeRange aftr;
                try { aftr = checkAFTimeRange(start, end); }
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;

                /// Get Object
                Type type = afobject.GetType();
                string typestring = type.ToString();

                //  LogInput logInput = new LogInput(MatlabName, Element.Name, attribute.Name, path, aftr);
                switch (type.ToString())
                    case "OSIsoft.AF.Asset.AFAttribute":
                        attribute = (AFAttribute)afobject;
                        logInput = new LogInput(MatlabName, attribute.Element.Name, attribute.Name, attribute.Element.GetPath(), aftr);
                        if (attribute.PIPoint == null) // Constant Value
                            aftr = new AFTimeRange("*", "*");
                            Values = attribute.GetValues(aftr, dataPref, null);
                        else // PI Point - Time Matters!!
                            /* Summary: Attribute.GetValues - Important Call!
                             * Parameter Int32 => DataPref
                             *          = 0 :  All Values returned
                             *          < 0 :  Evenly spaced values, including start and end
                             *          > 0 :  # of intervals, for each interval 5 points are given (first, last, high, low, and exceptional)
                            Values = attribute.GetValues(aftr, dataPref, null); // FULLY UNDERSTAND THIS !!! Important Call!!!!
                    case "OSIsoft.AF.EventFrame.AFEventFrame":
                        AFEventFrame frame = (AFEventFrame)afobject;
                        logInput = new LogInput(MatlabName, frame.Name, frame.Attributes[AttributeName].Name, frame.GetPath(), aftr);
                        attribute = frame.Attributes[AttributeName];
                        AFValue val = attribute.GetValue(aftr);
                        Values = new AFValues() { val };
                    case "OSIsoft.AF.PI.PIPoint":
                        PIPoint piPoint = (PIPoint)afobject;
                        string path = piPoint.GetPath();
                        logInput = new LogInput(MatlabName, "PI.Point", piPoint.Name, "PI.Point", aftr);
                        Values = piPoint.RecordedValues(aftr, AFBoundaryType.Interpolated, "", true, Int32.MaxValue);


                //Determine if AFTIME Absolute String
                isAbsoluteTimeString(start, end, logInput);


                ConvertAFValues.GetValuesArray(Values, false, out vals, out timestamps, out statuses, out baddata);
                    MatlabAccess.sendDataToMatlab(MatlabName, AFValuesToArray(vals));

                    if (Timestamp)
                        MatlabAccess.sendDataToMatlab(MatlabName + "Time", timestamps);
                    LogSystem.addLogInput(server_database, logInput, addToListView);
                    throw new NullReferenceException();

                LogSystem.addLogInput(server_database, logInput, addToListView);
 // AFTime Range
 /// <summary>
 /// Confirm that a valid start and end time were entered by the user.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="start">string of the Start Time.</param>
 /// <param name="end">string of End Time.</param>
 /// <returns> The AFTimeRange created using the start and end strings.</returns>
 private static AFTimeRange checkAFTimeRange(string start, string end)
     AFTimeRange aftr;
     aftr = new AFTimeRange(start, end);
     return aftr;
        private void DeleteEvents_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Check TagList's count
            Int32 pointnumber = TagList.Items.Count;
            if (pointnumber < 1)
                MessageBox.Show("Please search PI tags");
                if (radioButton_AllEvents.Checked)
                    //Delete all events
                    for (int i = 1; i <= pointnumber; ++i)
                        PIPoint pt = PIPoint.FindPIPoint(myPIServer, TagList.Items[i - 1].Text);
                        AFTimeRange timerange = new AFTimeRange();
                        timerange.StartTime = new AFTime(StartTimeTextBox.Text);
                        timerange.EndTime = new AFTime(EndTimeTextBox.Text);
                        AFValues vals = pt.RecordedValues(timerange, OSIsoft.AF.Data.AFBoundaryType.Inside, "", true);

                        //delete all events within AFValues object
                        if (vals.Count > 0)
                            pt.UpdateValues(vals, AFUpdateOption.Remove);
                            string[] displayvalues = new string[3];
                            displayvalues[0] = pt.Name;
                            displayvalues[1] = timerange.ToString();
                            displayvalues[2] = "-";
                            ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(displayvalues);
                    //Delete specific events
                    String deletestring = DeleteValueTextBox.Text.ToString();
                    for (int i = 1; i <= pointnumber; ++i)
                        PIPoint pt = PIPoint.FindPIPoint(myPIServer, TagList.Items[i - 1].Text);
                        AFTimeRange timerange = new AFTimeRange();
                        timerange.StartTime = new AFTime(StartTimeTextBox.Text);
                        timerange.EndTime = new AFTime(EndTimeTextBox.Text);
                        AFValues vals = pt.RecordedValues(timerange, OSIsoft.AF.Data.AFBoundaryType.Inside, "", true);
                        String Checktime = null;
                        String Checkvalue = null;
                        foreach (AFValue val in vals)
                            Checktime = val.Timestamp.LocalTime.ToString();
                            Checkvalue = ReadPIValueString(val);
                            if (Checkvalue == deletestring)
                                pt.UpdateValue(val, AFUpdateOption.Remove);
                                string[] displayvalues = new string[3];
                                displayvalues[0] = pt.Name;
                                displayvalues[1] = Checktime;
                                displayvalues[2] = Checkvalue;
                                ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(displayvalues);
        private void AddTrendButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (EFListView.SelectedItems.Count >= 1 && EFAttrView.SelectedItems.Count >= 1)
                for (int i = 0; i < EFListView.SelectedItems.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < EFAttrView.SelectedItems.Count; j++)
                        ListViewItem SelectedEF = EFListView.SelectedItems[i];
                        ListViewItem SelectedEFattr = EFAttrView.SelectedItems[j];
                        //Get EFName and Attribute Name
                        String EFName = SelectedEF.SubItems[0].Text;
                        String EFattrName = SelectedEFattr.SubItems[0].Text;
                        String title = num+ "_" + EFName + " : " + EFattrName;
                        //Create GUID for Selected Event Frame
                        Guid myEFGUID = Guid.Empty;
                        String myguidstring = SelectedEF.SubItems[4].Text;
                        try { myEFGUID = Guid.Parse(myguidstring); }
                        catch { MessageBox.Show("Cannot convert GUID"); }

                        //Find Selected Event Frame
                        AFEventFrame myEF = AFEventFrame.FindEventFrame(myAFServer, myEFGUID);
                        AFTime startTime = myEF.StartTime;
                        AFTime endTime = myEF.EndTime;
                        //Set endtime as now for not finishing event frame
                        if (endTime > new AFTime("2099/1/1"))
                            endTime = DateTime.Now;
                        AFTimeRange timerange = new AFTimeRange(startTime, endTime);
                        //Find Selected Attribute
                        AFAttribute myEFAttr = myEF.Attributes[SelectedEFattr.Text];

                        DateTime trendstarttime = new DateTime(0);
                        //Check time difference between start time and end time
                        TimeSpan timedif = endTime - startTime;
                            AFValues vals = myEFAttr.Data.PlotValues(timerange, 100, null);
                            Int32 chk = 0;
                            foreach (AFValue val in vals)
                                //Sometimes System.InvalidOperationException happens.
                                Type t = val.Value.GetType();
                                if (t.FullName != "System.InvalidOperationException")
                                    if (chk == 0)
                                        //Add line to chart1
                                            //add trend to chart1
                                            chart1.Series[title].ChartType = System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.SeriesChartType.Line;
                                            chart1.Series[title].BorderWidth = 2; // Line width
                                            chart1.Series[title].ToolTip = "#SERIESNAME\r\nValue : #VALY{N2}\r\nTime : #VALX{N0}";
                                            chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Title = "Seconds";
                                            //Zoom function
                                            chart1.ChartAreas[0].CursorX.IsUserSelectionEnabled = true;
                                            chart1.ChartAreas[0].CursorY.IsUserSelectionEnabled = true;
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                        trendstarttime = val.Timestamp.LocalTime;
                                    timedif = val.Timestamp.LocalTime - trendstarttime;
                                    //Displaying EnumerationSet value as number
                                    if (t.FullName == "OSIsoft.AF.Asset.AFEnumerationValue")
                                        //Errchk = 1;
                                        AFEnumerationValue MyEnumerationValue = (AFEnumerationValue)val.Value;
                                        // last value will be returned as 248. So ignore it
                                        if (MyEnumerationValue.Value != 248)
                                            chart1.Series[title].Points.AddXY(timedif.TotalSeconds, MyEnumerationValue.Value.ToString());
                                        chart1.Series[title].Points.AddXY(timedif.TotalSeconds, val.Value.ToString());
                                    chk = 1; 
                                    Errchk = 1;
                                    //Write code for System.InvalidOperationException - Currently ignore it
                                    //AFValue val2 = myEFAttr.GetValue(endTime,null);
                                    //timedif = endTime - startTime;
                                    //chart1.Series[title].Points.AddXY(0, val2.Value.ToString());
                                    //chart1.Series[title].Points.AddXY(timedif.TotalSeconds, val2.Value.ToString());
                            Errchk = 1;
                            //If error happens, write code - Currently ignore it
                            //AFValue val = myEFAttr.GetValue(endTime,null);
                            //chart1.Series[title].Points.AddXY(0, val.Value.ToString());
                            //chart1.Series[title].Points.AddXY(timedif.TotalSeconds, val.Value.ToString());
                        if (Errchk == 0)
                            //If there is no error, Set minimum and maximum time
                            chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Minimum = 0;
                            if (maxtimedif > timedif)
                                chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Maximum = maxtimedif.TotalSeconds;
                                chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Maximum = timedif.TotalSeconds;
                                maxtimedif = timedif;
                        Errchk = 0;                       
		public void InterpolatedValues(WAFTime start, WAFTime end, string interval, string filterExp, bool includeFiltVals, ref WAFValue[] values)
			List<WAFValue> retVals = null;

				AFTimeRange range = new AFTimeRange(start.ToString(), end.ToString());
				AFTimeSpan span = new AFTimeSpan();
				if (!AFTimeSpan.TryParse(interval, out span))
					span = AFTimeSpan.Parse("1h");

				AFValues vals = m_Pipt.InterpolatedValues(range, span, filterExp, includeFiltVals);

				retVals = vals.ConvertAll(new Converter<AFValue, WAFValue>(WAFValue.AFValueToWAFValue));
			catch (Exception ex)

			values = retVals.ToArray();
        public static async Task<IList<IDictionary<AFSummaryTypes, AFValue>>> GetSummariesAsyncWithTimeout(AFAttributeList attributeList, int timeoutInMilliseconds)
            // Use a "competing tasks" pattern to place timeout on multiple async requests

            Console.WriteLine("Calling GetSummariesAsyncWithTimeout");

            CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
            CancellationToken token = cts.Token;
            CancellationTokenSource ctsForTimer = new CancellationTokenSource();
            CancellationToken tokenForTimer = ctsForTimer.Token;

            Task<IDictionary<AFSummaryTypes, AFValue>>[] tasks = attributeList
                // Do not make the call if async is not supported
                .Where(attr => (attr.SupportedDataMethods & AFDataMethods.Asynchronous) == AFDataMethods.Asynchronous)
                .Select(async attr =>
                        AFSummaryTypes mySummaries = AFSummaryTypes.Minimum | AFSummaryTypes.Maximum | AFSummaryTypes.Average | AFSummaryTypes.Total;
                        AFTimeRange timeRange = new AFTimeRange(new AFTime("*-1d"), new AFTime("*"));

                        return await attr.Data.SummaryAsync(
                            timeRange: timeRange,
                            summaryType: mySummaries,
                            calculationBasis: AFCalculationBasis.TimeWeighted,
                            timeType: AFTimestampCalculation.Auto,
                            cancellationToken: token);
                    catch (AggregateException ae)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", attr.Element.Name, ae.Flatten().InnerException.Message);
                        return null;
                    catch (OperationCanceledException oe)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", attr.Element.Name, oe.Message);
                        return null;

            // Define a task that completes when all subtasks are complete
            Task<IDictionary<AFSummaryTypes, AFValue>[]> task = Task.WhenAll(tasks);

            // Asychronously wait for either the summaries or timer task to complete
            if (await Task.WhenAny(task, Task.Delay(timeoutInMilliseconds, tokenForTimer)) == task)
                // Cancel the timer task
                // Return summaries result
                return task.Result;
                // Cancel the summaries task if timeout
                throw new TimeoutException("The operation has timed out.");
        static void PrintDailyAverageEnergyUsage(AFDatabase database, string startTime, string endTime)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Print Daily Energy Usage - Start: {0}, End: {1}", startTime, endTime));

            AFAttributeList attrList = GetAttributes(database, "MeterBasic", "Energy Usage");

            AFTime start = new AFTime(startTime);
            AFTime end = new AFTime(endTime);
            AFTimeRange timeRange = new AFTimeRange(start, end);

            // Ask for 100 PI Points at a time
            PIPagingConfiguration pagingConfig = new PIPagingConfiguration(PIPageType.TagCount, 100);

            IEnumerable<IDictionary<AFSummaryTypes, AFValues>> summaries = attrList.Data.Summaries(
                timeRange: timeRange,
                summaryDuration: new AFTimeSpan(TimeSpan.FromDays(1)),
                summaryTypes: AFSummaryTypes.Average,
                calculationBasis: AFCalculationBasis.TimeWeighted,
                timeType: AFTimestampCalculation.EarliestTime,
                pagingConfig: pagingConfig);

            // Loop through attributes
            foreach (IDictionary<AFSummaryTypes, AFValues> dict in summaries)
                AFValues values = dict[AFSummaryTypes.Average];
                Console.WriteLine("Averages for Meter: {0}", values.Attribute.Element.Name);

                // Loop through values per attribute
                foreach (AFValue val in dict[AFSummaryTypes.Average])
                    Console.WriteLine("Timestamp (Local): {0}, Avg. Value (kWh): {1}",

        public static int UpdateAttributeData(AFDatabase database)
            AFAttributeList attributeList = GetAttributes(database);

            AFTimeRange timeRange = new AFTimeRange(new AFTime(string.Format("{0}-{1}-01", DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month)), new AFTime("T"));
            AFTimeSpan hourInterval = new AFTimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 1);

            // Question: What risk is run by the following code?
            List<Task<AFErrors<AFValue>>> processWrites = new List<Task<AFErrors<AFValue>>>();
            foreach (AFAttribute attribute in attributeList)
                AFValues vals = GenerateValueSequence(attribute, timeRange.StartTime, timeRange.EndTime, hourInterval);
                processWrites.Add(attribute.Data.UpdateValuesAsync(vals, AFUpdateOption.Insert, AFBufferOption.DoNotBuffer));

            int errorcount = 0;
                foreach (var item in processWrites)
                    AFErrors<AFValue> errors = item.Result;
                    // Count PIPoint errors
                    if (errors != null && errors.HasErrors)
                        errorcount += errors.Errors.Count;

                    // Report PI Server, AF Server errors
            catch (AggregateException ae)

            return errorcount;
        static void SwapValues(AFDatabase database, string meter1, string meter2, string startTime, string endTime)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Swap values for meters: {0}, {1} between {2} and {3}", meter1, meter2, startTime, endTime));

            // NOTE: This method does not ensure that there is no data loss if there is failure.
            // Persist the data first in case you need to rollback.

            AFAttribute attr1 = AFAttribute.FindAttribute(@"\Meters\" + meter1 + @"|Energy Usage", database);
            AFAttribute attr2 = AFAttribute.FindAttribute(@"\Meters\" + meter2 + @"|Energy Usage", database);

            AFTime start = new AFTime(startTime);
            AFTime end = new AFTime(endTime);
            AFTimeRange timeRange = new AFTimeRange(start, end);

            // Get values to delete for meter1
            AFValues valsToRemove1 = attr1.Data.RecordedValues(
                timeRange: timeRange,
                boundaryType: AFBoundaryType.Inside,
                desiredUOM: null,
                filterExpression: null,
                includeFilteredValues: false);

            // Get values to delete for meter2
            AFValues valsToRemove2 = attr2.Data.RecordedValues(
                timeRange: timeRange,
                boundaryType: AFBoundaryType.Inside,
                desiredUOM: null,
                filterExpression: null,
                includeFilteredValues: false);

            List<AFValue> valsToRemove = valsToRemove1.ToList();

            // Remove the values
            AFListData.UpdateValues(valsToRemove, AFUpdateOption.Remove);

            // Create new AFValues from the other meter and assign them to this meter
            List<AFValue> valsToAdd1 = valsToRemove2.Select(v => new AFValue(attr1, v.Value, v.Timestamp)).ToList();
            List<AFValue> valsToAdd2 = valsToRemove1.Select(v => new AFValue(attr2, v.Value, v.Timestamp)).ToList();

            List<AFValue> valsCombined = valsToAdd1;

            AFListData.UpdateValues(valsCombined, AFUpdateOption.Insert);