public DataTable GetViewData(string connectionString, ViewSchema view) { string sqlstring = @" SELECT * FROM " + view.Name; ADODB.Connection cn = new ADODB.ConnectionClass(); cn.Open(connectionString, null, null, 0); ADODB.Recordset rs = new ADODB.RecordsetClass(); rs.Open(sqlstring, cn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenForwardOnly, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, 0); OleDbDataAdapter dataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(); DataTable viewData = new DataTable(); dataAdapter.Fill(viewData, rs); rs.Close(); cn.Close(); return(viewData); }
private dbdefinitionEntity GenerateEntity(ADOX.Table ptbl, ADODB.Connection pcon) { dbdefinitionEntity entity = new dbdefinitionEntity(); = ptbl.Name; entity.description = GetTableDescription(ptbl, pcon); // Generate attributes ArrayList alAttributes = new ArrayList(); int intColIndex = 0; ADODB.Recordset rs = new ADODB.RecordsetClass(); rs.Open("SELECT * FROM [" + ptbl.Name + "] WHERE (3=4)", pcon, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, 0); foreach (ADODB.Field fld in rs.Fields) { alAttributes.Add(GenerateColumn(ptbl.Columns[fld.Name], intColIndex)); intColIndex++; } rs.Close(); if (alAttributes.Count != 0) { entity.attributes = (dbdefinitionEntityAttribute[])alAttributes.ToArray(typeof(dbdefinitionEntityAttribute)); } // Generate primary/unique keys/constraints entity.keys = new dbdefinitionEntityKeys(); ArrayList alUniqueKeys = new ArrayList(); ArrayList alForeignKeys = new ArrayList(); int intIndex = 0; foreach (ADOX.Key key in ptbl.Keys) { switch (key.Type) { case ADOX.KeyTypeEnum.adKeyPrimary: entity.keys.primarykey = new dbdefinitionEntityKeysPrimarykey(); = ptbl.Name + "_pk"; // get all primary key columns ArrayList aAttr = new ArrayList(); foreach (ADOX.Column col in key.Columns) { dbdefinitionEntityKeysPrimarykeyAttributeref attr = new dbdefinitionEntityKeysPrimarykeyAttributeref(); attr.attribute = col.Name; aAttr.Add(attr); } // create the primary key attribute array entity.keys.primarykey.attributeref = (dbdefinitionEntityKeysPrimarykeyAttributeref []) aAttr.ToArray(typeof(dbdefinitionEntityKeysPrimarykeyAttributeref)); break; case ADOX.KeyTypeEnum.adKeyUnique: dbdefinitionEntityKeysUniquekey uniquekey = new dbdefinitionEntityKeysUniquekey(); ArrayList alAttributeRefs = new ArrayList(); foreach (ADOX.Column col in key.Columns) { dbdefinitionEntityKeysUniquekeyAttributeref attributeref = new dbdefinitionEntityKeysUniquekeyAttributeref(); attributeref.attribute = col.Name; alAttributeRefs.Add(attributeref); } if (alAttributeRefs.Count != 0) { uniquekey.attributeref = (dbdefinitionEntityKeysUniquekeyAttributeref[])alAttributeRefs.ToArray(typeof(dbdefinitionEntityKeysUniquekeyAttributeref)); } // check for duplicate indexes - ignore duplicate index defintions bool isDuplicate = false; foreach (dbdefinitionEntityKeysUniquekey existingKey in alUniqueKeys) { if (uniquekey.attributeref.Length == existingKey.attributeref.Length) { isDuplicate = true; for (int i = 0; i < uniquekey.attributeref.Length; i++) { if (!uniquekey.attributeref[i].attribute.Equals(existingKey.attributeref[i].attribute)) { isDuplicate = false; break; } } if (isDuplicate) { break; } } } if (!isDuplicate) { = ptbl.Name + "_uk" + intIndex; alUniqueKeys.Add(uniquekey); } break; case ADOX.KeyTypeEnum.adKeyForeign: dbdefinitionEntityKeysForeignkey foreignkey = new dbdefinitionEntityKeysForeignkey(); = ptbl.Name + "_fk" + intIndex; foreignkey.foreignentity = key.RelatedTable; foreignkey.cascadingdelete = (key.DeleteRule & ADOX.RuleEnum.adRICascade) != 0; foreignkey.attributeref = new dbdefinitionEntityKeysForeignkeyAttributeref(); foreignkey.attributeref.attribute = key.Columns[0].Name; foreignkey.attributeref.foreignattribute = key.Columns[0].RelatedColumn; alForeignKeys.Add(foreignkey); break; } intIndex++; } if (alUniqueKeys.Count != 0) { entity.keys.uniquekey = (dbdefinitionEntityKeysUniquekey[])alUniqueKeys.ToArray(typeof(dbdefinitionEntityKeysUniquekey)); } if (alForeignKeys.Count != 0) { entity.keys.foreignkey = (dbdefinitionEntityKeysForeignkey[])alForeignKeys.ToArray(typeof(dbdefinitionEntityKeysForeignkey)); } // Generate indices ArrayList alIndexes = new ArrayList(); intIndex = 0; foreach (ADOX.Index idx in ptbl.Indexes) { if (!idx.PrimaryKey) { dbdefinitionEntityIndex index = new dbdefinitionEntityIndex(); index.unique = idx.Unique; index.ignorenulls = (idx.IndexNulls == ADOX.AllowNullsEnum.adIndexNullsIgnore); ArrayList alAttributeRefs = new ArrayList(); foreach (ADOX.Column col in idx.Columns) { dbdefinitionEntityIndexAttributeref attributeref = new dbdefinitionEntityIndexAttributeref(); attributeref.attribute = col.Name; alAttributeRefs.Add(attributeref); } index.attributeref = (dbdefinitionEntityIndexAttributeref[])alAttributeRefs.ToArray(typeof(dbdefinitionEntityIndexAttributeref)); // check for duplicate indexes - ignore duplicate index defintions bool isDuplicate = false; foreach (dbdefinitionEntityIndex existingIndex in alIndexes) { if (index.attributeref.Length == existingIndex.attributeref.Length) { isDuplicate = true; for (int i = 0; i < index.attributeref.Length; i++) { if (!index.attributeref[i].attribute.Equals(existingIndex.attributeref[i].attribute)) { isDuplicate = false; break; } } if (isDuplicate) { break; } } } if (!isDuplicate) { = ptbl.Name + "_idx" + intIndex; alIndexes.Add(index); } intIndex++; } } if (alIndexes.Count != 0) { entity.indexes = (dbdefinitionEntityIndex[])alIndexes.ToArray(typeof(dbdefinitionEntityIndex)); } // mark 1:1 relationship foreign keys with "one-to-one" attribute if (entity.keys != null && entity.keys.foreignkey != null && entity.indexes != null) { foreach (dbdefinitionEntityKeysForeignkey foreignkey in entity.keys.foreignkey) { foreach (dbdefinitionEntityIndex index in entity.indexes) { if (index.attributeref.Length == 1 && index.attributeref[0].attribute.Equals(foreignkey.attributeref.foreignattribute)) { if (index.unique) { foreignkey.onetoone = true; } } } } } // Generate hashcode of entity definition XmlSerializer entityDefSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(dbdefinitionEntity)); StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); entityDefSerializer.Serialize(stringWriter, entity); String entityDef = stringWriter.ToString(); entity.hashcode = entityDef.GetHashCode().ToString(); return(entity); }