private void LoadDatabase()
            intBaseCurrencyDigits    = DIGIT_INIT_VALUE;
            intForeignCurrencyDigits = DIGIT_INIT_VALUE;

            bool           NewTransaction;
            TDBTransaction transaction = DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.GetNewOrExistingTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted,
                                                                                           out NewTransaction);

            currencyTable = ACurrencyAccess.LoadAll(transaction);

            if (NewTransaction)

            if (currencyTable.Rows.Count == 0)
                EVerificationException terminate = new EVerificationException(
                    Catalog.GetString("The table a_currency is empty!"));
                terminate.Context   = "Common Accounting";
                terminate.ErrorCode = "TCurrencyInfo01";
                throw terminate;
        private void LoadDatabase()
            intBaseCurrencyDigits    = DIGIT_INIT_VALUE;
            intForeignCurrencyDigits = DIGIT_INIT_VALUE;

            TDBTransaction transaction = new TDBTransaction();
            TDataBase      db          = DBAccess.Connect("LoadDatabase");

                ref transaction,
                currencyTable = ACurrencyAccess.LoadAll(transaction);


            if (currencyTable.Rows.Count == 0)
                EVerificationException terminate = new EVerificationException(
                    Catalog.GetString("The table a_currency is empty!"));
                terminate.Context   = "Common Accounting";
                terminate.ErrorCode = "TCurrencyInfo01";
                throw terminate;
        private void RunOnceOnActivationManual()
            rbtPayFullOutstandingAmount.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(EnablePartialPayment);
            chkClaimDiscount.Visible = false;
            txtExchangeRate.TextChanged += new EventHandler(UpdateTotalAmount);

            ALedgerRow LedgerRow =
                ((ALedgerTable)TDataCache.TMFinance.GetCacheableFinanceTable(TCacheableFinanceTablesEnum.LedgerDetails, FLedgerNumber))[0];
            FCurrencyTable = (ACurrencyTable)TDataCache.TMPartner.GetCacheablePartnerTable(TCacheablePartnerTablesEnum.CurrencyCodeList);

            txtBaseAmount.CurrencyCode = LedgerRow.BaseCurrency;

            FocusedRowChanged(null, null);
        private void RunOnceOnActivationManual()
            rbtPayFullOutstandingAmount.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(EnablePartialPayment);
            chkClaimDiscount.Visible     = false;
            txtExchangeRate.TextChanged += new EventHandler(UpdateTotalAmount);

            ALedgerRow LedgerRow =
                ((ALedgerTable)TDataCache.TMFinance.GetCacheableFinanceTable(TCacheableFinanceTablesEnum.LedgerDetails, FLedgerNumber))[0];

            FCurrencyTable = (ACurrencyTable)TDataCache.TMCommon.GetCacheableCommonTable(TCacheableCommonTablesEnum.CurrencyCodeList);

            txtBaseAmount.CurrencyCode = LedgerRow.BaseCurrency;

            FocusedRowChanged(null, null);
        private void RunOnceOnActivationManual()
            // We need to set the number of decimal places for the Mailing Cost
            // We check all the ledgers to see which one has the highest number of decimal places.
            ALedgerTable   ledgers          = TRemote.MFinance.Setup.WebConnectors.GetAvailableLedgers();
            ACurrencyTable currencyTable    = (ACurrencyTable)TDataCache.TMCommon.GetCacheableCommonTable(TCacheableCommonTablesEnum.CurrencyCodeList);
            int            numDecimalPlaces = 0;

            if (ledgers.Count == 0)
                txtDetailMailingCost.CurrencyCode = "USD";
                for (int i = 0; i < ledgers.Count; i++)
                    string       code = ledgers[i].BaseCurrency;
                    ACurrencyRow row  = (ACurrencyRow)currencyTable.Rows.Find(code);

                    if (row != null)
                        int decimals = StringHelper.DecimalPlacesForCurrency(code);

                        if (decimals > numDecimalPlaces)
                            numDecimalPlaces = decimals;

                if (numDecimalPlaces == 0)
                    txtDetailMailingCost.CurrencyCode = TTxtCurrencyTextBox.CURRENCY_STANDARD_0_DP;
                    txtDetailMailingCost.CurrencyCode = TTxtCurrencyTextBox.CURRENCY_STANDARD_2_DP;

            FPetraUtilsObject.DataSaved += FPetraUtilsObject_DataSaved;
        /// <summary>
        /// Load specific test data
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadTestTata()
            ACurrencyTable currencyTable = null;

            TDBTransaction Transaction = new TDBTransaction();
            TDataBase      db          = DBAccess.Connect("LoadTestTata");

                ref Transaction,
                currencyTable = ACurrencyAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey("DMG", Transaction);

            if (currencyTable.Rows.Count == 0)
                CommonNUnitFunctions.LoadTestDataBase("csharp\\ICT\\Testing\\lib\\MFinance\\server\\GL\\" +
        /// <summary>
        /// Load specific test data
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadTestTata()
            ACurrencyTable currencyTable = null;

            TDBTransaction Transaction = null;

                                                                      ref Transaction,
                currencyTable = ACurrencyAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey("DMG", Transaction);

            if (currencyTable.Rows.Count == 0)
                CommonNUnitFunctions.LoadTestDataBase("csharp\\ICT\\Testing\\lib\\MFinance\\GL\\" +
        public static TSubmitChangesResult SaveData(string ATablename,
                                                    ref TTypedDataTable ASubmitTable, out TVerificationResultCollection AVerificationResult,
                                                    TDBTransaction AWriteTransaction)
            AVerificationResult = null;

            // TODO: check write permissions
            string context = string.Format("SaveData {0}", SharedConstants.MODULE_ACCESS_MANAGER);

            if (ASubmitTable != null)
                AVerificationResult = new TVerificationResultCollection();

                    if (ATablename == AAccountingPeriodTable.GetTableDBName())
                        AAccountingPeriodAccess.SubmitChanges((AAccountingPeriodTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);

                    else if (ATablename == ACurrencyTable.GetTableDBName())
                        ACurrencyAccess.SubmitChanges((ACurrencyTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);
                    else if (ATablename == ADailyExchangeRateTable.GetTableDBName())
                            string.Format("AND({0},{1})", SharedConstants.PETRAGROUP_FINANCE1, SharedConstants.PETRAMODULE_FINEXRATE),
                        ADailyExchangeRateAccess.SubmitChanges((ADailyExchangeRateTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);
                    else if (ATablename == ACorporateExchangeRateTable.GetTableDBName())
                        // AlanP:  I don't think this is used any more.  There is a TDS Save method instead
                        ACorporateExchangeRateAccess.SubmitChanges((ACorporateExchangeRateTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);
                    else if (ATablename == ACurrencyLanguageTable.GetTableDBName())
                        ACurrencyLanguageAccess.SubmitChanges((ACurrencyLanguageTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);
                    else if (ATablename == AFeesPayableTable.GetTableDBName())
                        AFeesPayableAccess.SubmitChanges((AFeesPayableTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);

                    else if (ATablename == AFeesReceivableTable.GetTableDBName())
                        AFeesReceivableAccess.SubmitChanges((AFeesReceivableTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);

                    else if (ATablename == AGiftBatchTable.GetTableDBName())
                        // This method is called from ADailyExchangeRate Setup - please do not remove
                        // The method is not required for changes made to the gift batch screens, which use a TDS
                        AGiftBatchAccess.SubmitChanges((AGiftBatchTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);
                    else if (ATablename == AJournalTable.GetTableDBName())
                        // This method is called from ADailyExchangeRate Setup - please do not remove
                        // The method is not required for changes made to the journal screens, which use a TDS
                        AJournalAccess.SubmitChanges((AJournalTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);
                    else if (ATablename == ARecurringJournalTable.GetTableDBName())
                        // This method is called from Submit Recurring GL Batch form - please do not remove
                        // The method is not required for changes made to the journal screens, which use a TDS
                        ARecurringJournalAccess.SubmitChanges((ARecurringJournalTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);
                    else if (ATablename == ALedgerTable.GetTableDBName())
                        // This method is called from ADailyExchangeRate Testing - please do not remove
                        ALedgerAccess.SubmitChanges((ALedgerTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);
                    else if (ATablename == AAnalysisTypeTable.GetTableDBName())
                        AAnalysisTypeAccess.SubmitChanges((AAnalysisTypeTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);
                    else if (ATablename == ASuspenseAccountTable.GetTableDBName())
                        ASuspenseAccountAccess.SubmitChanges((ASuspenseAccountTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);

                    else if (ATablename == PcAttendeeTable.GetTableDBName())
                        PcAttendeeAccess.SubmitChanges((PcAttendeeTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);
                    else if (ATablename == PcConferenceTable.GetTableDBName())
                        PcConferenceAccess.SubmitChanges((PcConferenceTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);
                    else if (ATablename == PcConferenceCostTable.GetTableDBName())
                        PcConferenceCostAccess.SubmitChanges((PcConferenceCostTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);
                    else if (ATablename == PcEarlyLateTable.GetTableDBName())
                        PcEarlyLateAccess.SubmitChanges((PcEarlyLateTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);
                    else if (ATablename == PcSupplementTable.GetTableDBName())
                        PcSupplementAccess.SubmitChanges((PcSupplementTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);
                    else if (ATablename == PcDiscountTable.GetTableDBName())
                        PcDiscountAccess.SubmitChanges((PcDiscountTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);
                    else if (ATablename == PInternationalPostalTypeTable.GetTableDBName())
                        ValidateInternationalPostalType(ref AVerificationResult, ASubmitTable);
                        ValidateInternationalPostalTypeManual(ref AVerificationResult, ASubmitTable);

                        if (TVerificationHelper.IsNullOrOnlyNonCritical(AVerificationResult))
                            PInternationalPostalTypeAccess.SubmitChanges((PInternationalPostalTypeTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);
                    else if (ATablename == PtApplicationTypeTable.GetTableDBName())
                        PtApplicationTypeAccess.SubmitChanges((PtApplicationTypeTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);

                        // mark dependent lists for needing to be refreshed since there was a change in base list
                    else if (ATablename == PFormTable.GetTableDBName())
                        PFormAccess.SubmitChanges((PFormTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);
                    else if (ATablename == PFormalityTable.GetTableDBName())
                        PFormalityAccess.SubmitChanges((PFormalityTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);
                    else if (ATablename == PMailingTable.GetTableDBName())
                        PMailingAccess.SubmitChanges((PMailingTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);
                    else if (ATablename == PPartnerGiftDestinationTable.GetTableDBName())
                        PPartnerGiftDestinationAccess.SubmitChanges((PPartnerGiftDestinationTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);
                    else if (ATablename == PmDocumentTypeTable.GetTableDBName())
                        PmDocumentTypeAccess.SubmitChanges((PmDocumentTypeTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);
                    else if (ATablename == SGroupTable.GetTableDBName())
                        SGroupAccess.SubmitChanges((SGroupTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);
                    else if (ATablename == SSystemDefaultsTable.GetTableDBName())
                        SSystemDefaultsAccess.SubmitChanges((SSystemDefaultsTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);
                    else if (ATablename == SSystemDefaultsGuiTable.GetTableDBName())
                        SSystemDefaultsGuiAccess.SubmitChanges((SSystemDefaultsGuiTable)ASubmitTable, AWriteTransaction);
                        throw new EOPAppException("TCommonDataReader.SaveData: unknown table '" + ATablename + "'");
                catch (Exception Exc)
                        new TVerificationResult(null, "Cannot SubmitChanges:" + Environment.NewLine +
                                                Exc.Message, "UNDEFINED", TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));

            if ((AVerificationResult != null) &&
                (AVerificationResult.Count > 0))
                // Downgrade TScreenVerificationResults to TVerificationResults in order to allow
                // Serialisation (needed for .NET Remoting).

                return(AVerificationResult.HasCriticalErrors ? TSubmitChangesResult.scrError : TSubmitChangesResult.scrOK);

        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the Gift Batch data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AContext">Context that describes where the data validation failed.</param>
        /// <param name="ARow">The <see cref="DataRow" /> which holds the the data against which the validation is run.</param>
        /// <param name="AVerificationResultCollection">Will be filled with any <see cref="TVerificationResult" /> items if
        /// data validation errors occur.</param>
        /// <param name="AValidationControlsDict">A <see cref="TValidationControlsDict" /> containing the Controls that
        /// display data that is about to be validated.</param>
        /// <param name="AAccountTableRef">Account Table.  A reference to this table is REQUIRED when importing - optional otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="ACostCentreTableRef">Cost centre table.  A reference to this table is REQUIRED when importing - optional otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="AAccountPropertyTableRef">Account Property Table.  A reference to this table is REQUIRED when importing - optional otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="AAccountingPeriodTableRef">Accounting Period Table.  A reference to this table is REQUIRED when importing - optional otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="ACorporateExchangeTableRef">Corporate exchange rate table.  A reference to this table is REQUIRED when importing - optional otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="ACurrencyTableRef">Currency table.  A reference to this table is REQUIRED when importing - optional otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="ABaseCurrency">Ledger base currency.  Required when importing</param>
        /// <param name="AInternationalCurrency">Ledger international currency.  Required when importing</param>
        /// <returns>True if the validation found no data validation errors, otherwise false.</returns>
        public static bool ValidateGiftBatchManual(object AContext,
            AGiftBatchRow ARow,
            ref TVerificationResultCollection AVerificationResultCollection,
            TValidationControlsDict AValidationControlsDict,
            AAccountTable AAccountTableRef = null,
            ACostCentreTable ACostCentreTableRef = null,
            AAccountPropertyTable AAccountPropertyTableRef = null,
            AAccountingPeriodTable AAccountingPeriodTableRef = null,
            ACorporateExchangeRateTable ACorporateExchangeTableRef = null,
            ACurrencyTable ACurrencyTableRef = null,
            string ABaseCurrency = null,
            string AInternationalCurrency = null)
            DataColumn ValidationColumn;
            TValidationControlsData ValidationControlsData;
            TScreenVerificationResult VerificationResult;
            object ValidationContext;
            int VerifResultCollAddedCount = 0;

            // Don't validate deleted or posted DataRows
            if ((ARow.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted) || (ARow.BatchStatus == MFinanceConstants.BATCH_POSTED))
                return true;

            bool IsImporting = AContext.ToString().Contains("Importing");

            // Bank Account Code must be active
            ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[AGiftBatchTable.ColumnBankAccountCodeId];
            ValidationContext = ARow.BankAccountCode;

            if (AValidationControlsDict.TryGetValue(ValidationColumn, out ValidationControlsData))
                if (!ARow.IsBankAccountCodeNull() && (AAccountTableRef != null))
                    // We even need to check that the code exists!
                    AAccountRow foundRow = (AAccountRow)AAccountTableRef.Rows.Find(new object[] { ARow.LedgerNumber, ARow.BankAccountCode });

                    if ((foundRow == null)
                        && AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(
                            new TVerificationResult(ValidationContext,
                                String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Unknown bank account code '{0}'."), ARow.BankAccountCode),

                    // If it does exist and the account is a foreign currency account then the batch currency must match
                    if ((foundRow != null) && foundRow.ForeignCurrencyFlag)
                        if ((foundRow.ForeignCurrencyCode != ARow.CurrencyCode) && AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(
                                new TVerificationResult(ValidationContext,
                                            "The bank account code '{0}' is a foreign currency account so the currency code for the batch must be '{1}'."),
                                        ARow.BankAccountCode, foundRow.ForeignCurrencyCode),

                    // If it does exist it must be a posting account
                    if (foundRow != null)
                        if (!foundRow.PostingStatus && AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(
                                new TVerificationResult(ValidationContext,
                                            "The bank account code '{0}' is not a posting account."),

                    if ((foundRow != null) && (ARow.GiftType == MFinanceConstants.GIFT_TYPE_GIFT))
                        // The account must be a bank account as defined in the AccountProperty table
                        if (AAccountPropertyTableRef != null)
                            AAccountPropertyRow foundRow2 = (AAccountPropertyRow)AAccountPropertyTableRef.Rows.Find(
                                new object[] { ARow.LedgerNumber, ARow.BankAccountCode, "BANK ACCOUNT", "true" });

                            if ((foundRow2 == null) && AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(
                                    new TVerificationResult(ValidationContext,
                                                "The bank account code '{0}' must be associated with a real 'Bank Account' when the gift type is a 'Gift'."),

                VerificationResult = (TScreenVerificationResult)TStringChecks.ValidateValueIsActive(ARow.LedgerNumber,

                // Handle addition/removal to/from TVerificationResultCollection
                if ((VerificationResult != null)
                    && AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(AContext, VerificationResult, ValidationColumn, true))

            // Bank Cost Centre Code validation
            ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[AGiftBatchTable.ColumnBankCostCentreId];
            ValidationContext = ARow.BankCostCentre;

            if (AValidationControlsDict.TryGetValue(ValidationColumn, out ValidationControlsData))
                if (!ARow.IsBankCostCentreNull() && (ACostCentreTableRef != null))
                    // We even need to check that the code exists!
                    ACostCentreRow foundRow = (ACostCentreRow)ACostCentreTableRef.Rows.Find(new object[] { ARow.LedgerNumber, ARow.BankCostCentre });

                    if ((foundRow == null)
                        && AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(
                            new TScreenVerificationResult(ValidationContext,
                                String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Unknown Bank Cost Centre: '{0}'."), ARow.BankCostCentre),

                    // Even if the cost centre exists it must be a 'posting' cost centre
                    if (foundRow != null)
                        if (!foundRow.PostingCostCentreFlag && AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(
                                new TScreenVerificationResult(ValidationContext,
                                    String.Format(Catalog.GetString("The cost centre '{0}' is not a Posting Cost Centre."), ARow.BankCostCentre),

                // Bank Cost Centre Code must be active
                VerificationResult = (TScreenVerificationResult)TStringChecks.ValidateValueIsActive(ARow.LedgerNumber,

                // Handle addition/removal to/from TVerificationResultCollection
                if ((VerificationResult != null)
                    && AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(AContext, VerificationResult, ValidationColumn, true))

            // Currency Code validation
            ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[AGiftBatchTable.ColumnCurrencyCodeId];
            ValidationContext = ARow.BatchNumber;

            if (AValidationControlsDict.TryGetValue(ValidationColumn, out ValidationControlsData))
                if (!ARow.IsCurrencyCodeNull() && (ACurrencyTableRef != null))
                    // Currency code must exist in the currency table
                    ACurrencyRow foundRow = (ACurrencyRow)ACurrencyTableRef.Rows.Find(ARow.CurrencyCode);

                    if ((foundRow == null)
                        && AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(
                            new TScreenVerificationResult(ValidationContext,
                                String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Unknown currency code '{0}'."), ARow.CurrencyCode),

            // 'Exchange Rate' must be greater than 0
            ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[AGiftBatchTable.ColumnExchangeRateToBaseId];
            ValidationContext = ARow.BatchNumber;

            if (AValidationControlsDict.TryGetValue(ValidationColumn, out ValidationControlsData))
                if (!ARow.IsExchangeRateToBaseNull())
                    VerificationResult = (TScreenVerificationResult)TNumericalChecks.IsPositiveDecimal(ARow.ExchangeRateToBase,
                        ValidationControlsData.ValidationControlLabel +
                        (IsImporting ? String.Empty : " of Batch Number " + ValidationContext.ToString()),
                        AContext, ValidationColumn, ValidationControlsData.ValidationControl);

                    // Handle addition/removal to/from TVerificationResultCollection
                    if (AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(AContext, VerificationResult, ValidationColumn, true))

                    // Exchange rate must be 1.00 if the currency is the the base ledger currency
                    if ((ABaseCurrency != null)
                        && (!ARow.IsCurrencyCodeNull())
                        && (ARow.CurrencyCode == ABaseCurrency)
                        && (ARow.ExchangeRateToBase != 1.00m))
                        if (AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(AContext,
                                new TScreenVerificationResult(ValidationContext,
                                    Catalog.GetString("A batch in the ledger base currency must have exchange rate of 1.00."),

            // 'Effective From Date' must be valid
            ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[AGiftBatchTable.ColumnGlEffectiveDateId];
            ValidationContext = ARow.BatchNumber;

            DateTime StartDateCurrentPeriod;
            DateTime EndDateLastForwardingPeriod;
                out StartDateCurrentPeriod,
                out EndDateLastForwardingPeriod);

            if (AValidationControlsDict.TryGetValue(ValidationColumn, out ValidationControlsData))
                VerificationResult = (TScreenVerificationResult)TDateChecks.IsDateBetweenDates(ARow.GlEffectiveDate,
                    ValidationControlsData.ValidationControlLabel + (IsImporting ? String.Empty : " of Batch Number " + ValidationContext.ToString()),

                // Handle addition/removal to/from TVerificationResultCollection
                if (AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(AContext, VerificationResult, ValidationColumn, true))

                // If the GL date was good we need to have a corporate exchange rate for base currency to Intl for the first day of the period
                if ((VerificationResult == null) && (ACorporateExchangeTableRef != null) && !ARow.IsGlEffectiveDateNull()
                    && (ABaseCurrency != null) && (AInternationalCurrency != null) && (ABaseCurrency != AInternationalCurrency))
                    DateTime firstOfMonth;

                    if (TSharedFinanceValidationHelper.GetFirstDayOfAccountingPeriod(ARow.LedgerNumber, ARow.GlEffectiveDate, out firstOfMonth))
                        ACorporateExchangeRateRow foundRow = (ACorporateExchangeRateRow)ACorporateExchangeTableRef.Rows.Find(
                            new object[] { ABaseCurrency, AInternationalCurrency, firstOfMonth });

                        if ((foundRow == null)
                            && AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(
                                new TVerificationResult(ValidationContext,
                                            "International currency: there is no Corporate Exchange Rate defined for '{0}' to '{1}' for the month starting on '{2}'."),
                                        ABaseCurrency, AInternationalCurrency,

            // Gift Type must be one of our predefined constants
            ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[AGiftBatchTable.ColumnGiftTypeId];
            ValidationContext = ARow.BatchNumber;

            if (AValidationControlsDict.TryGetValue(ValidationColumn, out ValidationControlsData))
                if (!ARow.IsGiftTypeNull())
                    // Ensure the gift type is correct and that it matches one of the allowable options (applies when importing)
                    if ((ARow.GiftType != MFinanceConstants.GIFT_TYPE_GIFT)
                        && (ARow.GiftType != MFinanceConstants.GIFT_TYPE_GIFT_IN_KIND)
                        && (ARow.GiftType != MFinanceConstants.GIFT_TYPE_OTHER))
                        if (AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(
                                new TScreenVerificationResult(ValidationContext,
                                    String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Unknown gift type '{0}'. Expected one of '{1}', '{2}' or '{3}'"),
                                        MFinanceConstants.GIFT_TYPE_GIFT, MFinanceConstants.GIFT_TYPE_GIFT_IN_KIND, MFinanceConstants.GIFT_TYPE_OTHER),

            return VerifResultCollAddedCount == 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports currency exchange rates, daily and corporate,
        /// from a one-of-two-styles formatted CSV file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AExchangeRDT">Daily or Corporate exchange rate table</param>
        /// <param name="ADataFilename">The .CSV file to process</param>
        /// <param name="ACSVSeparator"></param>
        /// <param name="ANumberFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="ADateFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="AImportMode">Daily or Corporate</param>
        /// <param name="AResultCollection">A validation collection to which errors will be added</param>
        /// <returns>The number of rows that were actually imported.  Rows that duplicate existing rows do not count.
        /// This is usually because this is an attempt to import again after a failed previous attempt.</returns>
        private static int ImportCurrencyExRatesFromCSV(TTypedDataTable AExchangeRDT,
            string ADataFilename,
            string ACSVSeparator,
            string ANumberFormat,
            string ADateFormat,
            string AImportMode,
            TVerificationResultCollection AResultCollection)
            if ((AImportMode != "Corporate") && (AImportMode != "Daily"))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid value '" + AImportMode + "' for mode argument: Valid values are Corporate and Daily");
            else if ((AImportMode == "Corporate") && (AExchangeRDT.GetType() != typeof(ACorporateExchangeRateTable)))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid type of exchangeRateDT argument for mode: 'Corporate'. Needs to be: ACorporateExchangeRateTable");
            else if ((AImportMode == "Daily") && (AExchangeRDT.GetType() != typeof(ADailyExchangeRateTable)))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid type of exchangeRateDT argument for mode: 'Daily'. Needs to be: ADailyExchangeRateTable");

            bool IsShortFileFormat;
            int x, y;

            // To store the From and To currencies
            // Use an array to store these to make for easy
            //   inverting of the two currencies when calculating
            //   the inverse value.
            string[] Currencies = new string[2];

            Type DataTableType;
            int RowsImported = 0;

            ACurrencyTable allCurrencies = new ACurrencyTable();
            DataTable CacheDT = TDataCache.GetCacheableDataTableFromCache("CurrencyCodeList", String.Empty, null, out DataTableType);

            using (StreamReader DataFile = new StreamReader(ADataFilename, System.Text.Encoding.Default))
                string ThousandsSeparator = (ANumberFormat == TDlgSelectCSVSeparator.NUMBERFORMAT_AMERICAN ? "," : ".");
                string DecimalSeparator = (ANumberFormat == TDlgSelectCSVSeparator.NUMBERFORMAT_AMERICAN ? "." : ",");

                CultureInfo MyCultureInfoDate = new CultureInfo("en-GB");
                MyCultureInfoDate.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern = ADateFormat;

                // TODO: disconnect the grid from the datasource to avoid flickering?

                string FileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ADataFilename);

                if ((FileNameWithoutExtension.IndexOf("_") == 3)
                    && (FileNameWithoutExtension.LastIndexOf("_") == 3)
                    && (FileNameWithoutExtension.Length == 7))
                    // File name format assumed to be like this: USD_HKD.csv
                    IsShortFileFormat = true;
                    Currencies = FileNameWithoutExtension.Split(new char[] { '_' });
                    IsShortFileFormat = false;

                int LineNumber = 0;

                while (!DataFile.EndOfStream)
                    string Line = DataFile.ReadLine();

                    // See if the first line is a special case??
                    if (LineNumber == 1)
                        // see if the first line is a text header - look for digits
                        // A valid header would look like:  From,To,Date,Rate
                        bool bFoundDigit = false;

                        for (int i = 0; i < Line.Length; i++)
                            char c = Line[i];

                            if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'))
                                bFoundDigit = true;

                        if (!bFoundDigit)
                            // No digits so we will assume the line is a header

                    //Convert separator to a char
                    char Sep = ACSVSeparator[0];
                    //Turn current line into string array of column values
                    string[] CsvColumns = Line.Split(Sep);

                    int NumCols = CsvColumns.Length;

                    //If number of columns is not 4 then import csv file is wrongly formed.
                    if (IsShortFileFormat && (NumCols < 2))
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Failed to import the CSV currency file:{0}   {1}{0}{0}"),
                            Environment.NewLine, ADataFilename);
                        resultText +=
                                    "Line #{1} contains {2} column(s). Import files with names like 'USD_HKD.csv', where the From and To currencies are given in the name, should contain 2 or 3 columns:{0}{0}"),
                                Environment.NewLine, LineNumber, NumCols.ToString());
                        resultText +=
                                    "  1. Effective Date{0}  2. Exchange Rate{0}  3. Effective time in seconds (Optional for Daily Rate only)"),
                        TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,
                        return RowsImported;
                    else if (!IsShortFileFormat && (NumCols < 4))
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Failed to import the CSV currency file:{0}   {1}{0}{0}"),
                            Environment.NewLine, ADataFilename);
                        resultText += String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Line #{1} contains {2} column(s). It should have 4 or 5 as follows:{0}{0}"),
                            Environment.NewLine, LineNumber, NumCols.ToString());
                        resultText +=
                                    "    1. From Currency{0}    2. To Currency{0}    3. Effective Date{0}    4. Exchange Rate{0}    5. Effective time in seconds (Optional for Daily Rate only)"),
                        TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,
                        return RowsImported;

                    if (!IsShortFileFormat)
                        //Read the values for the current line
                        //From currency
                        Currencies[0] = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).ToString();
                        //To currency
                        Currencies[1] = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).ToString();

                    // Perform validation on the From and To currencies at this point!!
                    if ((allCurrencies.Rows.Find(Currencies[0]) == null) || (allCurrencies.Rows.Find(Currencies[1]) == null))
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Invalid currency in import file in line #{0}"), LineNumber.ToString());
                        TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,
                        return RowsImported;

                    // Date parsing as in Petra 2.x instead of using XML date format!!!
                    string DateEffectiveStr = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).Replace("\"", String.Empty);
                    DateTime DateEffective;

                    if (!DateTime.TryParse(DateEffectiveStr, MyCultureInfoDate, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateEffective))
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                "Invalid date ({0}) in import file in line #{1}"), DateEffectiveStr, LineNumber.ToString());
                        TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,
                        return RowsImported;

                    decimal ExchangeRate = 0.0m;
                        string ExchangeRateString =
                            StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).Replace(ThousandsSeparator, "").Replace(
                                DecimalSeparator, ".").Replace("\"", String.Empty);

                        ExchangeRate = Convert.ToDecimal(ExchangeRateString, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    catch (Exception)
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                "Invalid rate of exchange in import file in line #{0}"), LineNumber.ToString());
                        TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,
                        return RowsImported;

                    int TimeEffective = 7200;

                    if (AImportMode == "Daily")
                        // Daily rate imports can have an optional final column which is the time
                        // Otherwise we assume the time is a default of 7200 (02:00am)
                        if ((IsShortFileFormat && (NumCols == 3))
                            || (!IsShortFileFormat && (NumCols == 5)))
                            string timeEffectiveStr = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true);
                            int t = (int)new Ict.Common.TypeConverter.TShortTimeConverter().ConvertTo(timeEffectiveStr, typeof(int));

                            if (t < 0)
                                // it wasn't in the format 02:00
                                if (!Int32.TryParse(timeEffectiveStr, out t))
                                    // Not a regular Int32 either
                                    t = -1;

                            if ((t >= 0) && (t < 86400))
                                TimeEffective = t;
                                // raise an error
                                string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                        "Invalid effective time in import file in line #{0}"), LineNumber.ToString());
                                TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,
                                return RowsImported;

                    if ((AImportMode == "Corporate") && AExchangeRDT is ACorporateExchangeRateTable)
                        ACorporateExchangeRateTable ExchangeRateDT = (ACorporateExchangeRateTable)AExchangeRDT;

                        // run this code in the loop twice to get ExchangeRate value and its inverse
                        for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
                            //this will cause x and y to go from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 respectively
                            x = i;
                            y = Math.Abs(i - 1);

                            ACorporateExchangeRateRow ExchangeRow = (ACorporateExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.Rows.
                                                                    Find(new object[] { Currencies[x], Currencies[y], DateEffective });

                            if (ExchangeRow == null)                                                                                    // remove 0 for Corporate
                                ExchangeRow = (ACorporateExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.NewRowTyped();
                                ExchangeRow.FromCurrencyCode = Currencies[x];
                                ExchangeRow.ToCurrencyCode = Currencies[y];
                                ExchangeRow.DateEffectiveFrom = DateEffective;

                            if (i == 0)
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = ExchangeRate;
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = 1 / ExchangeRate;
                    else if ((AImportMode == "Daily") && AExchangeRDT is ADailyExchangeRateTable)
                        ADailyExchangeRateTable ExchangeRateDT = (ADailyExchangeRateTable)AExchangeRDT;

                        // run this code in the loop twice to get ExchangeRate value and its inverse
                        for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
                            //this will cause x and y to go from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 respectively
                            x = i;
                            y = Math.Abs(i - 1);

                            ADailyExchangeRateRow ExchangeRow = (ADailyExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.Rows.
                                                                Find(new object[] { Currencies[x], Currencies[y], DateEffective, TimeEffective });

                            if (ExchangeRow == null)                                                                                    // remove 0 for Corporate
                                ExchangeRow = (ADailyExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.NewRowTyped();
                                ExchangeRow.FromCurrencyCode = Currencies[x];
                                ExchangeRow.ToCurrencyCode = Currencies[y];
                                ExchangeRow.DateEffectiveFrom = DateEffective;
                                ExchangeRow.TimeEffectiveFrom = TimeEffective;

                            if (i == 0)
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = ExchangeRate;
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = 1 / ExchangeRate;


                return RowsImported;
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports currency exchange rates, daily and corporate,
        /// from a one-of-two-styles formatted CSV file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AExchangeRDT">Daily or Corporate exchange rate table</param>
        /// <param name="ADataFilename">The .CSV file to process</param>
        /// <param name="ACSVSeparator"></param>
        /// <param name="ANumberFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="ADateFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="AImportMode">Daily or Corporate</param>
        /// <param name="AResultCollection">A validation collection to which errors will be added</param>
        /// <returns>The number of rows that were actually imported.  Rows that duplicate existing rows do not count.
        /// This is usually because this is an attempt to import again after a failed previous attempt.</returns>
        private static int ImportCurrencyExRatesFromCSV(TTypedDataTable AExchangeRDT,
                                                        string ADataFilename,
                                                        string ACSVSeparator,
                                                        string ANumberFormat,
                                                        string ADateFormat,
                                                        string AImportMode,
                                                        TVerificationResultCollection AResultCollection)
            // Keep a list of errors/warnings and severity
            List <Tuple <string, TResultSeverity> > InvalidRows = new List <Tuple <string, TResultSeverity> >();

            // keep a variable that becomes true if any row has an invalid column count, so we can show a helpful message
            bool InvalidColumnCount = false;

            // Check our method parameters
            if ((AImportMode != "Corporate") && (AImportMode != "Daily"))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid value '" + AImportMode + "' for mode argument: Valid values are Corporate and Daily");
            else if ((AImportMode == "Corporate") && !(AExchangeRDT is ACorporateExchangeRateTable))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid type of exchangeRateDT argument for mode: 'Corporate'. Needs to be: ACorporateExchangeRateTable");
            else if ((AImportMode == "Daily") && !(AExchangeRDT is ADailyExchangeRateTable))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid type of exchangeRateDT argument for mode: 'Daily'. Needs to be: ADailyExchangeRateTable");

            bool IsShortFileFormat;
            int  x, y;

            // To store the From and To currencies
            // Use an array to store these to make for easy
            //   inverting of the two currencies when calculating
            //   the inverse value.
            string[] Currencies = new string[2];

            Type DataTableType;
            int  RowsImported = 0;

            // This table will tell us the base currencies used by the current set of ledgers
            ALedgerTable ledgers = TRemote.MFinance.Setup.WebConnectors.GetAvailableLedgers();

            List <string> allBaseCurrencies           = new List <string>();
            DateTime      maxRecommendedEffectiveDate = DateTime.MaxValue;
            DateTime      minRecommendedEffectiveDate = DateTime.MinValue;
            int           preferredPeriodStartDay     = 0;

            // Use the ledger table rows to get a list of base currencies and current period end dates
            for (int i = 0; i < ledgers.Rows.Count; i++)
                ALedgerRow ledger = (ALedgerRow)ledgers.Rows[i];
                string     code   = ledger.BaseCurrency;

                if (ledger.LedgerStatus == true)
                    if (allBaseCurrencies.Contains(code) == false)

                    DataTable AccountingPeriods = TDataCache.TMFinance.GetCacheableFinanceTable(TCacheableFinanceTablesEnum.AccountingPeriodList,
                    AAccountingPeriodRow currentPeriodRow = (AAccountingPeriodRow)AccountingPeriods.Rows.Find(new object[] { ledger.LedgerNumber,
                                                                                                                             ledger.CurrentPeriod });
                    AAccountingPeriodRow forwardPeriodRow = (AAccountingPeriodRow)AccountingPeriods.Rows.Find(
                        new object[] { ledger.LedgerNumber,
                                       ledger.CurrentPeriod +
                                       ledger.NumberFwdPostingPeriods });

                    if ((forwardPeriodRow != null) &&
                        ((maxRecommendedEffectiveDate == DateTime.MaxValue) || (forwardPeriodRow.PeriodEndDate > maxRecommendedEffectiveDate)))
                        maxRecommendedEffectiveDate = forwardPeriodRow.PeriodEndDate;

                    if ((currentPeriodRow != null) &&
                        ((minRecommendedEffectiveDate == DateTime.MinValue) || (currentPeriodRow.PeriodStartDate > minRecommendedEffectiveDate)))
                        minRecommendedEffectiveDate = currentPeriodRow.PeriodStartDate;

                    if ((currentPeriodRow != null) && (preferredPeriodStartDay == 0))
                        preferredPeriodStartDay = currentPeriodRow.PeriodStartDate.Day;
                    else if ((currentPeriodRow != null) && (currentPeriodRow.PeriodStartDate.Day != preferredPeriodStartDay))
                        preferredPeriodStartDay = -1;

            // This will tell us the complete list of all available currencies
            ACurrencyTable allCurrencies = new ACurrencyTable();
            DataTable      CacheDT       = TDataCache.GetCacheableDataTableFromCache("CurrencyCodeList", String.Empty, null, out DataTableType);

            allCurrencies.CaseSensitive = true;

            // Start reading the file
            using (StreamReader DataFile = new StreamReader(ADataFilename, System.Text.Encoding.Default))
                string ThousandsSeparator = (ANumberFormat == TDlgSelectCSVSeparator.NUMBERFORMAT_AMERICAN ? "," : ".");
                string DecimalSeparator   = (ANumberFormat == TDlgSelectCSVSeparator.NUMBERFORMAT_AMERICAN ? "." : ",");

                CultureInfo MyCultureInfoDate = new CultureInfo("en-GB");
                MyCultureInfoDate.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern = ADateFormat;

                // TODO: disconnect the grid from the datasource to avoid flickering?

                string FileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ADataFilename).ToUpper();

                if ((FileNameWithoutExtension.IndexOf("_") == 3) &&
                    (FileNameWithoutExtension.LastIndexOf("_") == 3) &&
                    (FileNameWithoutExtension.Length == 7))
                    // File name format assumed to be like this: USD_HKD.csv
                    IsShortFileFormat = true;
                    Currencies        = FileNameWithoutExtension.Split(new char[] { '_' });
                    IsShortFileFormat = false;

                int LineNumber = 0;

                while (!DataFile.EndOfStream)
                    string Line = DataFile.ReadLine();

                    // See if the first line is a special case??
                    if (LineNumber == 1)
                        // see if the first line is a text header - look for digits
                        // A valid header would look like:  From,To,Date,Rate
                        bool bFoundDigit = false;

                        for (int i = 0; i < Line.Length; i++)
                            char c = Line[i];

                            if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'))
                                bFoundDigit = true;

                        if (!bFoundDigit)
                            // No digits so we will assume the line is a header

                    //Convert separator to a char
                    char Sep = ACSVSeparator[0];
                    //Turn current line into string array of column values
                    string[] CsvColumns = Line.Split(Sep);

                    int NumCols = CsvColumns.Length;

                    // Do we have the correct number of columns?
                    int minColCount = IsShortFileFormat ? 2 : 4;
                    int maxColCount = (AImportMode == "Daily") ? minColCount + 1 : minColCount;

                    if ((NumCols < minColCount) || (NumCols > maxColCount))
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetPluralString(
                                                              "Line {0}: contains 1 column", "Line {0}: contains {1} columns", NumCols, true),
                                                          LineNumber, NumCols.ToString());

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));
                        InvalidColumnCount = true;

                    if (!IsShortFileFormat)
                        //Read the values for the current line
                        //From currency
                        Currencies[0] = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).ToString().ToUpper();
                        //To currency
                        Currencies[1] = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).ToString().ToUpper();

                    // Perform validation on the From and To currencies at this point!!
                    if ((allCurrencies.Rows.Find(Currencies[0]) == null) && (allCurrencies.Rows.Find(Currencies[1]) == null))
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                              "Line {0}: invalid currency codes ({1} and {2})"), LineNumber.ToString(), Currencies[0], Currencies[1]);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));
                    else if (allCurrencies.Rows.Find(Currencies[0]) == null)
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                              "Line {0}: invalid currency code ({1})"), LineNumber.ToString(), Currencies[0]);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));
                    else if (allCurrencies.Rows.Find(Currencies[1]) == null)
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                              "Line {0}: invalid currency code ({1})"), LineNumber.ToString(), Currencies[1]);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));

                    if ((allBaseCurrencies.Contains(Currencies[0]) == false) && (allBaseCurrencies.Contains(Currencies[1]) == false))
                        //raise a non-critical error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                              "Line {0}: Warning:  One of '{1}' and '{2}' should be a base currency in one of the active ledgers."),
                                                          LineNumber.ToString(), Currencies[0], Currencies[1]);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Noncritical));

                    // Date parsing as in Petra 2.x instead of using XML date format!!!
                    string   DateEffectiveStr = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).Replace("\"", String.Empty);
                    DateTime DateEffective;

                    if (!DateTime.TryParse(DateEffectiveStr, MyCultureInfoDate, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateEffective))
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                              "Line {0}: invalid date ({1})"), LineNumber.ToString(), DateEffectiveStr);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));

                    if (DateEffective > maxRecommendedEffectiveDate)
                        // raise a warning
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                              "Line {0}: Warning: The date '{1}' is after the latest forwarding period of any active ledger"),
                                                          LineNumber.ToString(), DateEffectiveStr);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Noncritical));
                    else if (DateEffective < minRecommendedEffectiveDate)
                        // raise a warning
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                              "Line {0}: Warning: The date '{1}' is before the current accounting period of any active ledger"),
                                                          LineNumber.ToString(), DateEffectiveStr);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Noncritical));

                    if (AImportMode == "Corporate")
                        if ((preferredPeriodStartDay >= 1) && (DateEffective.Day != preferredPeriodStartDay))
                            // raise a warning
                            string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                                  "Line {0}: Warning: The date '{1}' should be the first day of an accounting period used by all the active ledgers."),
                                                              LineNumber.ToString(), DateEffectiveStr);

                            InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Noncritical));

                    decimal ExchangeRate = 0.0m;
                        string ExchangeRateString =
                            StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).Replace(ThousandsSeparator, "").Replace(
                                DecimalSeparator, ".").Replace("\"", String.Empty);

                        ExchangeRate = Convert.ToDecimal(ExchangeRateString, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        if (ExchangeRate == 0)
                            throw new Exception();
                    catch (Exception)
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                              "Line {0}: invalid rate of exchange ({1})"), LineNumber.ToString(), ExchangeRate);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));

                    int TimeEffective = 7200;

                    if (AImportMode == "Daily")
                        // Daily rate imports can have an optional final column which is the time
                        // Otherwise we assume the time is a default of 7200 (02:00am)
                        if ((IsShortFileFormat && (NumCols == 3)) ||
                            (!IsShortFileFormat && (NumCols == 5)))
                            string timeEffectiveStr = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true);
                            int    t = (int)new Ict.Common.TypeConverter.TShortTimeConverter().ConvertTo(timeEffectiveStr, typeof(int));

                            if (t < 0)
                                // it wasn't in the format 02:00
                                if (!Int32.TryParse(timeEffectiveStr, out t))
                                    // Not a regular Int32 either
                                    t = -1;

                            if ((t >= 0) && (t < 86400))
                                TimeEffective = t;
                                // raise an error
                                string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                                      "Line {0}: invalid effective time ({1})"), LineNumber.ToString(), t);

                                InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));

                    if ((AImportMode == "Corporate") && AExchangeRDT is ACorporateExchangeRateTable)
                        ACorporateExchangeRateTable ExchangeRateDT = (ACorporateExchangeRateTable)AExchangeRDT;

                        // run this code in the loop twice to get ExchangeRate value and its inverse
                        for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
                            //this will cause x and y to go from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 respectively
                            x = i;
                            y = Math.Abs(i - 1);

                            ACorporateExchangeRateRow ExchangeRow = (ACorporateExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.Rows.
                                                                    Find(new object[] { Currencies[x], Currencies[y], DateEffective });

                            if (ExchangeRow == null)                                                                                    // remove 0 for Corporate
                                ExchangeRow = (ACorporateExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.NewRowTyped();
                                ExchangeRow.FromCurrencyCode  = Currencies[x];
                                ExchangeRow.ToCurrencyCode    = Currencies[y];
                                ExchangeRow.DateEffectiveFrom = DateEffective;

                            if (i == 0)
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = ExchangeRate;
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = Math.Round(1 / ExchangeRate, 10);
                    else if ((AImportMode == "Daily") && AExchangeRDT is ADailyExchangeRateTable)
                        ADailyExchangeRateTable ExchangeRateDT = (ADailyExchangeRateTable)AExchangeRDT;

                        // run this code in the loop twice to get ExchangeRate value and its inverse
                        for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
                            //this will cause x and y to go from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 respectively
                            x = i;
                            y = Math.Abs(i - 1);

                            ADailyExchangeRateRow ExchangeRow = (ADailyExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.Rows.
                                                                Find(new object[] { Currencies[x], Currencies[y], DateEffective, TimeEffective });

                            if (ExchangeRow == null)                                                                                    // remove 0 for Corporate
                                ExchangeRow = (ADailyExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.NewRowTyped();
                                ExchangeRow.FromCurrencyCode  = Currencies[x];
                                ExchangeRow.ToCurrencyCode    = Currencies[y];
                                ExchangeRow.DateEffectiveFrom = DateEffective;
                                ExchangeRow.TimeEffectiveFrom = TimeEffective;

                            if (i == 0)
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = ExchangeRate;
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = Math.Round(1 / ExchangeRate, 10);

                // if there are rows that could not be imported
                if ((InvalidRows != null) && (InvalidRows.Count > 0))
                    int errorCount   = 0;
                    int warningCount = 0;

                    // Go through once just to count the errors and warnings
                    foreach (Tuple <string, TResultSeverity> Row in InvalidRows)
                        if (Row.Item2 == TResultSeverity.Resv_Noncritical)

                    string resultText        = String.Empty;
                    bool   messageListIsFull = false;
                    int    counter           = 0;

                    if (errorCount > 0)
                        resultText = string.Format(Catalog.GetPluralString("1 row was not imported due to invalid data:",
                                                                           "{0} rows were not imported due to invalid data:", errorCount, true), errorCount) +

                    if (warningCount > 0)
                        resultText = string.Format(Catalog.GetPluralString("There was 1 warning associated with the imported rows:",
                                                                           "There were {0} warnings associated with the imported rows:", warningCount, true), warningCount) +

                    // Now go through again itemising each one
                    foreach (Tuple <string, TResultSeverity> Row in InvalidRows)

                        if (counter <= MAX_MESSAGE_COUNT)
                            resultText += Environment.NewLine + Row.Item1;
                        else if (!messageListIsFull)
                            resultText += String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                            "{0}{0}{1} errors/warnings were reported in total.  This message contains the first {2}."),
                                                        Environment.NewLine, InvalidRows.Count, MAX_MESSAGE_COUNT);
                            messageListIsFull = true;

                    // additional message if one or more rows has an invalid number of columns
                    if (InvalidColumnCount && IsShortFileFormat)
                        resultText += String.Format("{0}{0}" + Catalog.GetString("Each row should contain 2 or 3 columns as follows:") + "{0}" +
                                                        "  1. Effective Date{0}  2. Exchange Rate{0}  3. Effective time in seconds (Optional for Daily Rate only)"),
                    else if (InvalidColumnCount && !IsShortFileFormat)
                        resultText += String.Format("{0}{0}" + Catalog.GetString("Each row should contain 4 or 5 columns as follows:") + "{0}" +
                                                        "    1. From Currency{0}    2. To Currency{0}    3. Effective Date{0}    4. Exchange Rate{0}    5. Effective time in seconds (Optional for Daily Rate only)"),

                    TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,
                                                                         (errorCount > 0) ? TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical : TResultSeverity.Resv_Noncritical);


        private void ParseBatchLine(ref AGiftBatchRow AGiftBatch,
            ref TDBTransaction ATransaction,
            ref ALedgerTable ALedgerTable,
            ref string AImportMessage,
            int ARowNumber,
            TVerificationResultCollection AMessages,
            TValidationControlsDict AValidationControlsDictBatch,
            AAccountTable AValidationAccountTable,
            AAccountPropertyTable AValidationAccountPropertyTable,
            AAccountingPeriodTable AValidationAccountingPeriodTable,
            ACostCentreTable AValidationCostCentreTable,
            ACorporateExchangeRateTable AValidationCorporateExchTable,
            ACurrencyTable AValidationCurrencyTable)
            // There are 8 elements to import (the last of which can be blank)
            string BatchDescription = ImportString(Catalog.GetString("Batch description"),
                FMainDS.AGiftBatch.ColumnBatchDescription, AValidationControlsDictBatch);
            string BankAccountCode = ImportString(Catalog.GetString("Bank account code"),
                FMainDS.AGiftBatch.ColumnBankAccountCode, AValidationControlsDictBatch).ToUpper();
            decimal HashTotal = ImportDecimal(Catalog.GetString("Hash total"),
                FMainDS.AGiftBatch.ColumnHashTotal, ARowNumber, AMessages, AValidationControlsDictBatch);
            DateTime GlEffectiveDate = ImportDate(Catalog.GetString("Effective Date"),
                FMainDS.AGiftBatch.ColumnGlEffectiveDate, ARowNumber, AMessages, AValidationControlsDictBatch);

            AImportMessage = "Creating new batch";

            // This call sets: BatchNumber, BatchYear, BatchPeriod, GlEffectiveDate, ExchangeRateToBase, BatchDescription, BankAccountCode
            //  BankCostCentre and CurrencyCode.  The effective date will NOT be modified.
            //  The first three are not validated because they should be ok by default
            AGiftBatch = TGiftBatchFunctions.CreateANewGiftBatchRow(ref FMainDS,
                ref ATransaction,
                ref ALedgerTable,

            // Now we modify some of these in the light of the imported data
            AGiftBatch.BatchDescription = BatchDescription;
            AGiftBatch.BankAccountCode = BankAccountCode;
            AGiftBatch.HashTotal = HashTotal;
            AGiftBatch.CurrencyCode = ImportString(Catalog.GetString("Currency code"),
                FMainDS.AGiftBatch.ColumnCurrencyCode, AValidationControlsDictBatch);
            AGiftBatch.ExchangeRateToBase = ImportDecimal(Catalog.GetString("Exchange rate to base"),
                FMainDS.AGiftBatch.ColumnExchangeRateToBase, ARowNumber, AMessages, AValidationControlsDictBatch);

            AGiftBatch.BankCostCentre = ImportString(Catalog.GetString("Bank cost centre"),
                FMainDS.AGiftBatch.ColumnBankCostCentre, AValidationControlsDictBatch).ToUpper();
            AGiftBatch.GiftType = ImportString(Catalog.GetString("Gift type"),
                FMainDS.AGiftBatch.ColumnGiftType, AValidationControlsDictBatch);

            // If GiftType was empty, will default to GIFT
            // In all cases we ensure that the case entered by the user is converted to the case of our constants
            if ((AGiftBatch.GiftType == String.Empty) || (String.Compare(AGiftBatch.GiftType, MFinanceConstants.GIFT_TYPE_GIFT, true) == 0))
                AGiftBatch.GiftType = MFinanceConstants.GIFT_TYPE_GIFT;
            else if (String.Compare(AGiftBatch.GiftType, MFinanceConstants.GIFT_TYPE_GIFT_IN_KIND, true) == 0)
                AGiftBatch.GiftType = MFinanceConstants.GIFT_TYPE_GIFT_IN_KIND;
            else if (String.Compare(AGiftBatch.GiftType, MFinanceConstants.GIFT_TYPE_OTHER, true) == 0)
                AGiftBatch.GiftType = MFinanceConstants.GIFT_TYPE_OTHER;

            int messageCountBeforeValidate = AMessages.Count;

            // Do our standard gift batch validation checks on this row
            AImportMessage = Catalog.GetString("Validating the gift batch data");
            AGiftBatchValidation.Validate(this, AGiftBatch, ref AMessages, AValidationControlsDictBatch);

            // And do the additional manual ones
            AImportMessage = Catalog.GetString("Additional validation of the gift batch data");
            TSharedFinanceValidation_Gift.ValidateGiftBatchManual(this, AGiftBatch, ref AMessages, AValidationControlsDictBatch,
                AValidationAccountTable, AValidationCostCentreTable, AValidationAccountPropertyTable, AValidationAccountingPeriodTable,
                AValidationCorporateExchTable, AValidationCurrencyTable,
                FLedgerBaseCurrency, FLedgerIntlCurrency);

            for (int i = messageCountBeforeValidate; i < AMessages.Count; i++)
                ((TVerificationResult)AMessages[i]).OverrideResultContext(String.Format(MCommonConstants.StrValidationErrorInLine, ARowNumber));

                if (AMessages[i] is TScreenVerificationResult)
                    TVerificationResult downgrade = new TVerificationResult((TScreenVerificationResult)AMessages[i]);
                    AMessages.Insert(i, downgrade);

            if (AGiftBatch.ExchangeRateToBase > 10000000)  // Huge numbers here indicate that the decimal comma/point is incorrect.
                AMessages.Add(new TVerificationResult(String.Format(MCommonConstants.StrImportValidationErrorInLine, ARowNumber),
                        String.Format(Catalog.GetString("A huge exchange rate of {0} suggests a decimal point format problem."),
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the GL Journal data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AContext">Context that describes where the data validation failed.</param>
        /// <param name="ARow">The <see cref="DataRow" /> which holds the the data against which the validation is run.</param>
        /// <param name="AVerificationResultCollection">Will be filled with any <see cref="TVerificationResult" /> items if
        /// data validation errors occur.</param>
        /// <param name="AValidationControlsDict">A <see cref="TValidationControlsDict" /> containing the Controls that
        /// display data that is about to be validated.</param>
        /// <param name="AGLSetupDSRef">A GLSetupTDS reference with a populated ATransactionTypeTable.  A reference to this DataSet is REQUIRED when importing - optional otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="ACurrencyTableRef">A reference to the Currency table.  A reference to this table is REQUIRED when importing - optional otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="ACorporateExchangeTableRef">Corporate exchange rate table.  A reference to this table is REQUIRED when importing - optional otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="ABaseCurrency">Ledger base currency.  Required when importing</param>
        /// <param name="AIntlCurrency">Ledger international currency.  Required when importing</param>
        /// <returns>True if the validation found no data validation errors, otherwise false.</returns>
        public static bool ValidateGLJournalManual(object AContext, AJournalRow ARow,
            ref TVerificationResultCollection AVerificationResultCollection, TValidationControlsDict AValidationControlsDict,
            GLSetupTDS AGLSetupDSRef = null,
            ACurrencyTable ACurrencyTableRef = null,
            ACorporateExchangeRateTable ACorporateExchangeTableRef = null,
            String ABaseCurrency = null,
            String AIntlCurrency = null)
            DataColumn ValidationColumn;
            TValidationControlsData ValidationControlsData;
            TScreenVerificationResult VerificationResult;
            string ValidationContext;
            int VerifResultCollAddedCount = 0;

            // Don't validate deleted or posted DataRows
            if ((ARow.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted) || (ARow.JournalStatus == MFinanceConstants.BATCH_POSTED))
                return true;

            bool isImporting = AContext.ToString().Contains("Importing");

            // 'Exchange Rate' must be greater than 0
            ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[AJournalTable.ColumnExchangeRateToBaseId];
            ValidationContext = ARow.JournalNumber.ToString() + " of Batch Number: " + ARow.BatchNumber.ToString();

            if (AValidationControlsDict.TryGetValue(ValidationColumn, out ValidationControlsData))
                VerificationResult = (TScreenVerificationResult)TNumericalChecks.IsPositiveDecimal(ARow.ExchangeRateToBase,
                    ValidationControlsData.ValidationControlLabel + (isImporting ? String.Empty : " of Journal Number: " + ValidationContext.ToString()),
                    AContext, ValidationColumn, ValidationControlsData.ValidationControl);

                // Handle addition/removal to/from TVerificationResultCollection
                if (AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(AContext, VerificationResult, ValidationColumn, true))

                // Exchange rate must be 1.00 if the currency is the base ledger currency
                if ((ABaseCurrency != null)
                    && (!ARow.IsExchangeRateToBaseNull())
                    && (ARow.TransactionCurrency == ABaseCurrency)
                    && (ARow.ExchangeRateToBase != 1.00m))
                    if (AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(AContext,
                            new TVerificationResult(ValidationContext,
                                Catalog.GetString("A journal in the ledger base currency must have exchange rate of 1.00."),

            // Transaction currency must be valid
            bool isValidTransactionCurrency = true;

            if (isImporting && (ACurrencyTableRef != null))
                ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[AJournalTable.ColumnTransactionCurrencyId];

                if (AValidationControlsDict.TryGetValue(ValidationColumn, out ValidationControlsData))
                    ACurrencyRow foundRow = (ACurrencyRow)ACurrencyTableRef.Rows.Find(ARow.TransactionCurrency);
                    isValidTransactionCurrency = (foundRow != null);

                    if ((foundRow == null)
                        && AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(
                            new TVerificationResult(ValidationContext,
                                String.Format(Catalog.GetString("'{0}' is not a valid currency."), ARow.TransactionCurrency),

            if ((ACorporateExchangeTableRef != null) && isValidTransactionCurrency && (ABaseCurrency != null) && (AIntlCurrency != null)
                && !ARow.IsDateEffectiveNull() && (ABaseCurrency != AIntlCurrency))
                // For ledgers where the base currency and intl currency differ there must be a corporate exchange rate to the international currency
                ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[AJournalTable.ColumnTransactionCurrencyId];
                ValidationContext = ARow.JournalNumber.ToString() + " of Batch Number: " + ARow.BatchNumber.ToString();

                if (AValidationControlsDict.TryGetValue(ValidationColumn, out ValidationControlsData))
                    DateTime firstOfMonth;

                    if (TSharedFinanceValidationHelper.GetFirstDayOfAccountingPeriod(ARow.LedgerNumber,
                            ARow.DateEffective, out firstOfMonth))
                        ACorporateExchangeRateRow foundRow = (ACorporateExchangeRateRow)ACorporateExchangeTableRef.Rows.Find(
                            new object[] { ABaseCurrency, AIntlCurrency, firstOfMonth });

                        if ((foundRow == null)
                            && AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(
                                new TVerificationResult(ValidationContext,
                                            "There is no Corporate Exchange Rate defined for '{0}' to '{1}' for the month starting on '{2}'."),
                                        ABaseCurrency, AIntlCurrency,

            // Sub-system code must exist in the transaction type table
            if (isImporting && (AGLSetupDSRef.ATransactionType != null))
                ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[AJournalTable.ColumnSubSystemCodeId];

                if (AValidationControlsDict.TryGetValue(ValidationColumn, out ValidationControlsData))
                    ATransactionTypeRow foundRow = (ATransactionTypeRow)AGLSetupDSRef.ATransactionType.Rows.Find(
                        new object[] { ARow.LedgerNumber, ARow.SubSystemCode, ARow.TransactionTypeCode });

                    if ((foundRow == null)
                        && AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(
                            new TVerificationResult(ValidationContext,
                                        "The combination of Transaction Type of '{0}' and Sub-system Code of '{1}' is not valid for journals in Ledger {2}."),
                                    ARow.TransactionTypeCode, ARow.SubSystemCode, ARow.LedgerNumber),

            // Journal description must not be null
            if (isImporting)
                ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[AJournalTable.ColumnJournalDescriptionId];

                if (AValidationControlsDict.TryGetValue(ValidationColumn, out ValidationControlsData))
                    if ((ARow.JournalDescription == null) || (ARow.JournalDescription.Length == 0))
                        if (AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(
                                new TVerificationResult(ValidationContext,
                                    Catalog.GetString("The journal description must not be empty."),

            return VerifResultCollAddedCount == 0;
        private void LoadDatabase()
            intBaseCurrencyDigits = DIGIT_INIT_VALUE;
            intForeignCurrencyDigits = DIGIT_INIT_VALUE;

            TDBTransaction transaction = null;
                ref transaction,
                    currencyTable = ACurrencyAccess.LoadAll(transaction);

            if (currencyTable.Rows.Count == 0)
                EVerificationException terminate = new EVerificationException(
                    Catalog.GetString("The table a_currency is empty!"));
                terminate.Context = "Common Accounting";
                terminate.ErrorCode = "TCurrencyInfo01";
                throw terminate;
        public static bool GetData(string ATablename, TSearchCriteria[] ASearchCriteria, out TTypedDataTable AResultTable)
            // TODO: check access permissions for the current user

            bool           NewTransaction = false;
            TDBTransaction ReadTransaction;

            TTypedDataTable tempTable = null;

                ReadTransaction = DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.GetNewOrExistingTransaction(IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead,
                                                                                    out NewTransaction);

                // TODO: auto generate
                if (ATablename == AApSupplierTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = AApSupplierAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == AApDocumentTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = AApDocumentAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == ATransactionTypeTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = ATransactionTypeAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == ACurrencyTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = ACurrencyAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == ADailyExchangeRateTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = ADailyExchangeRateAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == ACorporateExchangeRateTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = ACorporateExchangeRateAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == ACurrencyLanguageTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = ACurrencyLanguageAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == AFeesPayableTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = AFeesPayableAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == AFeesReceivableTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = AFeesReceivableAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == AAnalysisTypeTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = AAnalysisTypeAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == AGiftBatchTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = AGiftBatchAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == AJournalTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = AJournalAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == ALedgerTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = ALedgerAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == MExtractMasterTable.GetTableDBName())
                    if (ASearchCriteria == null)
                        tempTable = MExtractMasterAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                        tempTable = MExtractMasterAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == MExtractTable.GetTableDBName())
                    // it does not make sense to load ALL extract rows for all extract masters so search criteria needs to be set
                    if (ASearchCriteria != null)
                        tempTable = MExtractAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == PcAttendeeTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = PcAttendeeAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == PcConferenceCostTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = PcConferenceCostAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == PcEarlyLateTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = PcEarlyLateAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == PcSupplementTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = PcSupplementAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == PcDiscountTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = PcDiscountAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == PInternationalPostalTypeTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = PInternationalPostalTypeAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == PtApplicationTypeTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = PtApplicationTypeAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == PMailingTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = PMailingAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == PPartnerGiftDestinationTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = PPartnerGiftDestinationAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == PmDocumentTypeTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = PmDocumentTypeAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == SGroupTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = SGroupAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                    throw new Exception("TCommonDataReader.GetData: unknown table " + ATablename);
            catch (Exception Exp)
                TLogging.Log("TCommonDataReader.GetData exception: " + Exp.ToString(), TLoggingType.ToLogfile);
                TLogging.Log(Exp.StackTrace, TLoggingType.ToLogfile);
                if (NewTransaction)
                    TLogging.LogAtLevel(7, "TCommonDataReader.GetData: committed own transaction.");

            // Accept row changes here so that the Client gets 'unmodified' rows

            // return the table
            AResultTable = tempTable;

        private void NewRowManual(ref ACurrencyLanguageRow ARow)
            // Deal with primary key.  CurrencyCode (varchar(16)) and LanguageCode (varchar(20)) are unique.
            if (FMainDS.ACurrencyLanguage.Rows.Count == 0)
                // Our first row is always USD/EN
                ARow.CurrencyCode = "USD";
                ARow.LanguageCode = "EN";
                // We already have some rows, so we use the currently selected language in the comboBox as a starter
                // This may or may not be the most recently added language depending on how the main data set has been sorted
                // But once we have started adding rows it should remain the 'active' row
                string prevLanguage = cmbDetailLanguageCode.cmbCombobox.Text;

                // Try and find some popular or at least likely currencies
                // Remember that we will almost certainly select a currency that the user does NOT want in their language
                // So this will be the one we always propose!!!!
                string[] tryCurrencies =
                    "USD", "GBP", "EUR", "INR", "AUD", "CAD", "CHF", "CNY", "JPY", "NZD", "PHP", "PKR", "ZAR"
                int nTryCurrency = 0;

                bool bFoundCurrency = true;

                while (FMainDS.ACurrencyLanguage.Rows.Find(new object[] { tryCurrencies[nTryCurrency], prevLanguage }) != null)
                    if (++nTryCurrency == tryCurrencies.Length)
                        // We have exhausted our popular choices
                        bFoundCurrency = false;

                if (bFoundCurrency)
                    ARow.CurrencyCode = tryCurrencies[nTryCurrency];
                    ARow.LanguageCode = prevLanguage;

                // So we have tried all the popular currencies in the current language
                // Now we fall back to trying all currencies in the current languages.
                // Remember that we will almost certainly select a currency that the user does NOT want in their language
                // So this will be the one we always propose!!!!
                Type DataTableType;

                ACurrencyTable allCurrencies = new ACurrencyTable();
                DataTable      CacheDT       = TDataCache.GetCacheableDataTableFromCache("CurrencyCodeList", String.Empty, null, out DataTableType);

                nTryCurrency   = 0;
                bFoundCurrency = true;

                while (FMainDS.ACurrencyLanguage.Rows.Find(new object[] { allCurrencies.Rows[nTryCurrency][0].ToString(), prevLanguage }) != null)
                    if (++nTryCurrency == tryCurrencies.Length)
                        bFoundCurrency = false;

                if (bFoundCurrency)
                    ARow.CurrencyCode = allCurrencies.Rows[nTryCurrency][0].ToString();
                    ARow.LanguageCode = prevLanguage;

                // We could at this point start trying other languages - but there seems little point since the currency list contains
                // currencies that will never be used since they no longer exist!!  It is therefore assumed that by this time
                // the user has gone on to a different langauge where we will have started again with USD ....
        /// <summary>
        /// get more details of the last gift of the partner
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="APartnerKey"></param>
        /// <param name="ALastGiftDate"></param>
        /// <param name="ALastGiftAmount"></param>
        /// <param name="ALastGiftGivenToPartnerKey"></param>
        /// <param name="ALastGiftRecipientLedger"></param>
        /// <param name="ALastGiftCurrencyCode"></param>
        /// <param name="ALastGiftDisplayFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="ALastGiftGivenToShortName"></param>
        /// <param name="ALastGiftRecipientLedgerShortName"></param>
        /// <param name="ARestrictedOrConfidentialGiftAccessDenied"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Boolean GetLastGiftDetails(Int64 APartnerKey,
                                                 out DateTime ALastGiftDate,
                                                 out decimal ALastGiftAmount,
                                                 out Int64 ALastGiftGivenToPartnerKey,
                                                 out Int64 ALastGiftRecipientLedger,
                                                 out String ALastGiftCurrencyCode,
                                                 out String ALastGiftDisplayFormat,
                                                 out String ALastGiftGivenToShortName,
                                                 out String ALastGiftRecipientLedgerShortName,
                                                 out Boolean ARestrictedOrConfidentialGiftAccessDenied)
            DataSet          LastGiftDS;
            AGiftDetailTable GiftDetailDT;
            SGroupGiftTable  GroupGiftDT;
            SUserGroupTable  UserGroupDT;
            AGiftRow         GiftDR;
            AGiftBatchRow    GiftBatchDR;
            AGiftDetailRow   GiftDetailDR;
            ACurrencyRow     CurrencyDR;
            Int16            Counter;
            Boolean          AccessToGift = false;

            DataRow[] FoundUserGroups;

            ALastGiftAmount                           = 0;
            ALastGiftCurrencyCode                     = "";
            ALastGiftDisplayFormat                    = "";
            ALastGiftDate                             = DateTime.MinValue;
            ALastGiftGivenToPartnerKey                = 0;
            ALastGiftGivenToShortName                 = "";
            ALastGiftRecipientLedger                  = 0;
            ALastGiftRecipientLedgerShortName         = "";
            ARestrictedOrConfidentialGiftAccessDenied = false;

            DateTime tmpLastGiftDate                             = ALastGiftDate;
            decimal  tmpLastGiftAmount                           = ALastGiftAmount;
            Int64    tmpLastGiftGivenToPartnerKey                = ALastGiftGivenToPartnerKey;
            Int64    tmpLastGiftRecipientLedger                  = ALastGiftRecipientLedger;
            String   tmpLastGiftCurrencyCode                     = ALastGiftCurrencyCode;
            String   tmpLastGiftDisplayFormat                    = ALastGiftDisplayFormat;
            String   tmpLastGiftGivenToShortName                 = ALastGiftGivenToShortName;
            String   tmpLastGiftRecipientLedgerShortName         = ALastGiftRecipientLedgerShortName;
            Boolean  tmpRestrictedOrConfidentialGiftAccessDenied = ARestrictedOrConfidentialGiftAccessDenied;

            if ((!UserInfo.GUserInfo.IsTableAccessOK(TTableAccessPermission.tapINQUIRE, AGiftTable.GetTableDBName())))
                // User hasn't got access to a_gift Table in the DB

            // Set up temp DataSet
            LastGiftDS = new DataSet("LastGiftDetails");
            LastGiftDS.Tables.Add(new AGiftTable());
            LastGiftDS.Tables.Add(new AGiftBatchTable());
            LastGiftDS.Tables.Add(new AGiftDetailTable());
            LastGiftDS.Tables.Add(new ACurrencyTable());
            LastGiftDS.Tables.Add(new PPartnerTable());

            TDBTransaction Transaction  = null;
            bool           SubmissionOK = true;

            // Important: The IsolationLevel here needs to correspond with the IsolationLevel in the
            // Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.UIConnectors.TPartnerEditUIConnector.LoadData Method
            // as otherwise the attempt of taking-out of a DB Transaction here will lead to Bug #4167!
                                                                  TEnforceIsolationLevel.eilMinimum, ref Transaction, ref SubmissionOK,
                        AGiftAccess.LoadViaPPartner(LastGiftDS, APartnerKey, null, Transaction,
                                                    StringHelper.InitStrArr(new String[] { "ORDER BY", AGiftTable.GetDateEnteredDBName() + " DESC" }), 0, 1);
                    catch (ESecurityDBTableAccessDeniedException)
                        // User hasn't got access to a_gift Table in the DB
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw ex;

                    if (LastGiftDS.Tables[AGiftTable.GetTableName()].Rows.Count == 0)
                        // Partner hasn't given any Gift so far

                    // Get the last gift
                    GiftDR = ((AGiftTable)LastGiftDS.Tables[AGiftTable.GetTableName()])[0];

                    if (GiftDR.Restricted)
                        AccessToGift = false;
                        GroupGiftDT  = SGroupGiftAccess.LoadViaAGift(
                        UserGroupDT = SUserGroupAccess.LoadViaSUser(UserInfo.GUserInfo.UserID, Transaction);

                        // Loop over all rows of GroupGiftDT
                        for (Counter = 0; Counter <= GroupGiftDT.Rows.Count - 1; Counter += 1)
                            // To be able to view a Gift, ReadAccess must be granted
                            if (GroupGiftDT[Counter].ReadAccess)
                                // Find out whether the user has a row in s_user_group with the
                                // GroupID of the GroupGift row
                                FoundUserGroups =
                                    UserGroupDT.Select(SUserGroupTable.GetGroupIdDBName() + " = '" + GroupGiftDT[Counter].GroupId + "'");

                                if (FoundUserGroups.Length != 0)
                                    // Access to gift can be granted
                                    AccessToGift = true;

                                    // don't evaluate further GroupGiftDT rows
                        AccessToGift = true;

                    if (AccessToGift)
                        tmpLastGiftDate = GiftDR.DateEntered;

                        // Console.WriteLine('GiftDR.LedgerNumber: ' + GiftDR.LedgerNumber.ToString + '; ' +
                        // 'GiftDR.BatchNumber:  ' + GiftDR.BatchNumber.ToString);
                        // Load Gift Batch
                        AGiftBatchAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(LastGiftDS, GiftDR.LedgerNumber, GiftDR.BatchNumber,
                                                          StringHelper.InitStrArr(new String[] { AGiftBatchTable.GetCurrencyCodeDBName() }), Transaction, null, 0, 0);

                        if (LastGiftDS.Tables[AGiftBatchTable.GetTableName()].Rows.Count != 0)
                            GiftBatchDR             = ((AGiftBatchRow)LastGiftDS.Tables[AGiftBatchTable.GetTableName()].Rows[0]);
                            tmpLastGiftCurrencyCode = GiftBatchDR.CurrencyCode;

                            // Get Currency
                            ACurrencyAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(LastGiftDS, GiftBatchDR.CurrencyCode, Transaction);

                            if (LastGiftDS.Tables[ACurrencyTable.GetTableName()].Rows.Count != 0)
                                CurrencyDR = (ACurrencyRow)(LastGiftDS.Tables[ACurrencyTable.GetTableName()].Rows[0]);
                                tmpLastGiftCurrencyCode  = CurrencyDR.CurrencyCode;
                                tmpLastGiftDisplayFormat = CurrencyDR.DisplayFormat;
                                tmpLastGiftCurrencyCode  = "";
                                tmpLastGiftDisplayFormat = "";
                            // missing Currency
                            tmpLastGiftCurrencyCode  = "";
                            tmpLastGiftDisplayFormat = "";

                        // Load Gift Detail
                                                       StringHelper.InitStrArr(new String[] { AGiftDetailTable.GetGiftTransactionAmountDBName(),
                                                                                              AGiftDetailTable.GetConfidentialGiftFlagDBName() }),
                        GiftDetailDT = (AGiftDetailTable)LastGiftDS.Tables[AGiftDetailTable.GetTableName()];

                        if (GiftDetailDT.Rows.Count != 0)
                            if (GiftDR.LastDetailNumber > 1)
                                // Gift is a Split Gift
                                tmpLastGiftAmount = 0;

                                for (Counter = 0; Counter <= GiftDetailDT.Rows.Count - 1; Counter += 1)
                                    GiftDetailDR = (AGiftDetailRow)GiftDetailDT.Rows[Counter];

                                    // Check for confidential gift and whether the current user is allowed to see it
                                    if (GiftDetailDR.ConfidentialGiftFlag)
                                        if (!((UserInfo.GUserInfo.IsInGroup(SharedConstants.PETRAGROUP_FINANCE2)) ||
                                            // User isn't allowed to see the gift
                                            tmpRestrictedOrConfidentialGiftAccessDenied = true;
                                            tmpLastGiftAmount = 0;

                                    tmpLastGiftAmount = tmpLastGiftAmount + GiftDetailDR.GiftTransactionAmount;

                                tmpLastGiftGivenToShortName         = "";
                                tmpLastGiftRecipientLedgerShortName = "";
                                tmpLastGiftGivenToPartnerKey        = -1;
                                tmpLastGiftRecipientLedger          = -1;
                                // Gift isn't a Split Gift
                                GiftDetailDR = (AGiftDetailRow)GiftDetailDT.Rows[0];

                                // Check for confidential gift and whether the current user is allowed to see it
                                if (GiftDetailDR.ConfidentialGiftFlag)
                                    if (!((UserInfo.GUserInfo.IsInGroup(SharedConstants.PETRAGROUP_FINANCE2)) ||
                                        // User isn't allowed to see the gift
                                        tmpRestrictedOrConfidentialGiftAccessDenied = true;

                                tmpLastGiftAmount            = GiftDetailDR.GiftTransactionAmount;
                                tmpLastGiftGivenToPartnerKey = GiftDetailDR.RecipientKey;

                                // Get Partner ShortName
                                PPartnerAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(LastGiftDS, GiftDetailDR.RecipientKey,
                                                                StringHelper.InitStrArr(new String[] { PPartnerTable.GetPartnerShortNameDBName() }), Transaction, null, 0, 0);

                                if (LastGiftDS.Tables[PPartnerTable.GetTableName()].Rows.Count != 0)
                                    tmpLastGiftGivenToShortName =
                                    // missing Partner
                                    tmpLastGiftGivenToShortName = "";

                                // Get rid of last record because we are about to select again into the same DataTable...

                                // Get Recipient Ledger
                                PPartnerAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(LastGiftDS, GiftDetailDR.RecipientLedgerNumber,
                                                                StringHelper.InitStrArr(new String[] { PPartnerTable.GetPartnerShortNameDBName() }), Transaction, null, 0, 0);

                                if (LastGiftDS.Tables[PPartnerTable.GetTableName()].Rows.Count != 0)
                                    tmpLastGiftRecipientLedgerShortName =
                                    // missing Ledger
                                    tmpLastGiftRecipientLedgerShortName = "";
                            // missing Gift Detail
                            tmpLastGiftAmount                   = 0;
                            tmpLastGiftGivenToShortName         = "";
                            tmpLastGiftRecipientLedgerShortName = "";
                            tmpLastGiftGivenToPartnerKey        = -1;
                            tmpLastGiftRecipientLedger          = -1;
                        // Gift is a restriced Gift and the current user isn't allowed to see it
                        tmpRestrictedOrConfidentialGiftAccessDenied = true;
                    TLogging.LogAtLevel(7, "TGift.GetLastGiftDetails: committed own transaction.");

            ALastGiftDate                             = tmpLastGiftDate;
            ALastGiftAmount                           = tmpLastGiftAmount;
            ALastGiftGivenToPartnerKey                = tmpLastGiftGivenToPartnerKey;
            ALastGiftRecipientLedger                  = tmpLastGiftRecipientLedger;
            ALastGiftCurrencyCode                     = tmpLastGiftCurrencyCode;
            ALastGiftDisplayFormat                    = tmpLastGiftDisplayFormat;
            ALastGiftGivenToShortName                 = tmpLastGiftGivenToShortName;
            ALastGiftRecipientLedgerShortName         = tmpLastGiftRecipientLedgerShortName;
            ARestrictedOrConfidentialGiftAccessDenied = tmpRestrictedOrConfidentialGiftAccessDenied;

        private void NewRowManual(ref ACurrencyLanguageRow ARow)
            // Deal with primary key.  CurrencyCode (varchar(16)) and LanguageCode (varchar(20)) are unique.
            if (FMainDS.ACurrencyLanguage.Rows.Count == 0)
                // Our first row is always USD/EN
                ARow.CurrencyCode = "USD";
                ARow.LanguageCode = "EN";
                // We already have some rows, so we use the currently selected language in the comboBox as a starter
                // This may or may not be the most recently added language depending on how the main data set has been sorted
                // But once we have started adding rows it should remain the 'active' row
                string prevLanguage = cmbDetailLanguageCode.cmbCombobox.Text;

                // Try and find some popular or at least likely currencies
                // Remember that we will almost certainly select a currency that the user does NOT want in their language
                // So this will be the one we always propose!!!!
                string[] tryCurrencies =
                    "USD", "GBP", "EUR", "INR", "AUD", "CAD", "CHF", "CNY", "JPY", "NZD", "PHP", "PKR", "ZAR"
                int nTryCurrency = 0;

                bool bFoundCurrency = true;

                while (FMainDS.ACurrencyLanguage.Rows.Find(new object[] { tryCurrencies[nTryCurrency], prevLanguage }) != null)
                    if (++nTryCurrency == tryCurrencies.Length)
                        // We have exhausted our popular choices
                        bFoundCurrency = false;

                if (bFoundCurrency)
                    ARow.CurrencyCode = tryCurrencies[nTryCurrency];
                    ARow.LanguageCode = prevLanguage;

                // So we have tried all the popular currencies in the current language
                // Now we fall back to trying all currencies in the current languages.
                // Remember that we will almost certainly select a currency that the user does NOT want in their language
                // So this will be the one we always propose!!!!
                Type DataTableType;

                ACurrencyTable allCurrencies = new ACurrencyTable();
                DataTable CacheDT = TDataCache.GetCacheableDataTableFromCache("CurrencyCodeList", String.Empty, null, out DataTableType);

                nTryCurrency = 0;
                bFoundCurrency = true;

                while (FMainDS.ACurrencyLanguage.Rows.Find(new object[] { allCurrencies.Rows[nTryCurrency][0].ToString(), prevLanguage }) != null)
                    if (++nTryCurrency == tryCurrencies.Length)
                        bFoundCurrency = false;

                if (bFoundCurrency)
                    ARow.CurrencyCode = allCurrencies.Rows[nTryCurrency][0].ToString();
                    ARow.LanguageCode = prevLanguage;

                // We could at this point start trying other languages - but there seems little point since the currency list contains
                // currencies that will never be used since they no longer exist!!  It is therefore assumed that by this time
                // the user has gone on to a different langauge where we will have started again with USD ....
        public static bool GetData(string ATablename, TSearchCriteria[] ASearchCriteria, out TTypedDataTable AResultTable)
            // TODO: check access permissions for the current user

            TDBTransaction ReadTransaction = null;

            TTypedDataTable tempTable = null;

                                                                      ref ReadTransaction,
                // TODO: auto generate
                if (ATablename == AApSupplierTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = AApSupplierAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == AApDocumentTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = AApDocumentAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == ATransactionTypeTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = ATransactionTypeAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == ACurrencyTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = ACurrencyAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == ADailyExchangeRateTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = ADailyExchangeRateAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == ACorporateExchangeRateTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = ACorporateExchangeRateAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == ACurrencyLanguageTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = ACurrencyLanguageAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == AFeesPayableTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = AFeesPayableAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == AFeesReceivableTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = AFeesReceivableAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == AAnalysisTypeTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = AAnalysisTypeAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == AGiftBatchTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = AGiftBatchAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == AJournalTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = AJournalAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == ALedgerTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = ALedgerAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == MExtractMasterTable.GetTableDBName())
                    if (ASearchCriteria == null)
                        tempTable = MExtractMasterAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                        tempTable = MExtractMasterAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == MExtractTable.GetTableDBName())
                    // it does not make sense to load ALL extract rows for all extract masters so search criteria needs to be set
                    if (ASearchCriteria != null)
                        tempTable = MExtractAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == PcAttendeeTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = PcAttendeeAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == PcConferenceCostTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = PcConferenceCostAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == PcEarlyLateTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = PcEarlyLateAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == PcSupplementTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = PcSupplementAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == PcDiscountTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = PcDiscountAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == PFormTable.GetTableDBName())
                    string[] columns           = TTypedDataTable.GetColumnStringList(PFormTable.TableId);
                    StringCollection fieldList = new StringCollection();

                    for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
                        // Do not load the template document - we don't display it and it is big!
                        if (columns[i] != PFormTable.GetTemplateDocumentDBName())

                    tempTable = PFormAccess.LoadAll(fieldList, ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == PInternationalPostalTypeTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = PInternationalPostalTypeAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == PtApplicationTypeTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = PtApplicationTypeAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == PFormalityTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = PFormalityAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == PMailingTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = PMailingAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == PPartnerGiftDestinationTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = PPartnerGiftDestinationAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == PmDocumentTypeTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = PmDocumentTypeAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                else if (ATablename == SGroupTable.GetTableDBName())
                    tempTable = SGroupAccess.LoadAll(ReadTransaction);
                    throw new Exception("TCommonDataReader.GetData: unknown table " + ATablename);

            // Accept row changes here so that the Client gets 'unmodified' rows

            // return the table
            AResultTable = tempTable;

        public static TSubmitChangesResult SaveData(string ATablename,
                                                    ref TTypedDataTable ASubmitTable,
                                                    out TVerificationResultCollection AVerificationResult)
            TDBTransaction  SubmitChangesTransaction = null;
            bool            SubmissionOK             = false;
            TTypedDataTable SubmitTable = ASubmitTable;

            TVerificationResultCollection VerificationResult = null;

            // TODO: check write permissions

            if (ASubmitTable != null)
                VerificationResult = new TVerificationResultCollection();

                DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.BeginAutoTransaction(IsolationLevel.Serializable, ref SubmitChangesTransaction, ref SubmissionOK,
                        if (ATablename == AAccountingPeriodTable.GetTableDBName())
                            AAccountingPeriodAccess.SubmitChanges((AAccountingPeriodTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);

                        else if (ATablename == ACurrencyTable.GetTableDBName())
                            ACurrencyAccess.SubmitChanges((ACurrencyTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);
                        else if (ATablename == ADailyExchangeRateTable.GetTableDBName())
                            ADailyExchangeRateAccess.SubmitChanges((ADailyExchangeRateTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);
                        else if (ATablename == ACorporateExchangeRateTable.GetTableDBName())
                            ACorporateExchangeRateAccess.SubmitChanges((ACorporateExchangeRateTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);
                        else if (ATablename == ACurrencyLanguageTable.GetTableDBName())
                            ACurrencyLanguageAccess.SubmitChanges((ACurrencyLanguageTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);
                        else if (ATablename == AFeesPayableTable.GetTableDBName())
                            AFeesPayableAccess.SubmitChanges((AFeesPayableTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);

                        else if (ATablename == AFeesReceivableTable.GetTableDBName())
                            AFeesReceivableAccess.SubmitChanges((AFeesReceivableTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);

                        else if (ATablename == AGiftBatchTable.GetTableDBName())
                            // This method is called from ADailyExchangeRate Setup - please do not remove
                            // The method is not required for changes made to the gift batch screens, which use a TDS
                            AGiftBatchAccess.SubmitChanges((AGiftBatchTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);
                        else if (ATablename == AJournalTable.GetTableDBName())
                            // This method is called from ADailyExchangeRate Setup - please do not remove
                            // The method is not required for changes made to the journal screens, which use a TDS
                            AJournalAccess.SubmitChanges((AJournalTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);
                        else if (ATablename == ARecurringJournalTable.GetTableDBName())
                            // This method is called from Submit Recurring GL Batch form - please do not remove
                            // The method is not required for changes made to the journal screens, which use a TDS
                            ARecurringJournalAccess.SubmitChanges((ARecurringJournalTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);
                        else if (ATablename == ALedgerTable.GetTableDBName())
                            // This method is called from ADailyExchangeRate Testing - please do not remove
                            ALedgerAccess.SubmitChanges((ALedgerTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);
                        else if (ATablename == AAnalysisTypeTable.GetTableDBName())
                            AAnalysisTypeAccess.SubmitChanges((AAnalysisTypeTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);
                        else if (ATablename == ASuspenseAccountTable.GetTableDBName())
                            ASuspenseAccountAccess.SubmitChanges((ASuspenseAccountTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);

                        else if (ATablename == PcAttendeeTable.GetTableDBName())
                            PcAttendeeAccess.SubmitChanges((PcAttendeeTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);
                        else if (ATablename == PcConferenceTable.GetTableDBName())
                            PcConferenceAccess.SubmitChanges((PcConferenceTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);
                        else if (ATablename == PcConferenceCostTable.GetTableDBName())
                            PcConferenceCostAccess.SubmitChanges((PcConferenceCostTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);
                        else if (ATablename == PcEarlyLateTable.GetTableDBName())
                            PcEarlyLateAccess.SubmitChanges((PcEarlyLateTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);
                        else if (ATablename == PcSupplementTable.GetTableDBName())
                            PcSupplementAccess.SubmitChanges((PcSupplementTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);
                        else if (ATablename == PcDiscountTable.GetTableDBName())
                            PcDiscountAccess.SubmitChanges((PcDiscountTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);
                        else if (ATablename == PInternationalPostalTypeTable.GetTableDBName())
                            ValidateInternationalPostalType(ref VerificationResult, SubmitTable);
                            ValidateInternationalPostalTypeManual(ref VerificationResult, SubmitTable);

                            if (TVerificationHelper.IsNullOrOnlyNonCritical(VerificationResult))
                                PInternationalPostalTypeAccess.SubmitChanges((PInternationalPostalTypeTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);
                        else if (ATablename == PtApplicationTypeTable.GetTableDBName())
                            PtApplicationTypeAccess.SubmitChanges((PtApplicationTypeTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);

                            // mark dependent lists for needing to be refreshed since there was a change in base list
                        else if (ATablename == PFormTable.GetTableDBName())
                            PFormAccess.SubmitChanges((PFormTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);
                        else if (ATablename == PFormalityTable.GetTableDBName())
                            PFormalityAccess.SubmitChanges((PFormalityTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);
                        else if (ATablename == PMailingTable.GetTableDBName())
                            PMailingAccess.SubmitChanges((PMailingTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);
                        else if (ATablename == PPartnerGiftDestinationTable.GetTableDBName())
                            PPartnerGiftDestinationAccess.SubmitChanges((PPartnerGiftDestinationTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);
                        else if (ATablename == PmDocumentTypeTable.GetTableDBName())
                            PmDocumentTypeAccess.SubmitChanges((PmDocumentTypeTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);
                        else if (ATablename == SGroupTable.GetTableDBName())
                            SGroupAccess.SubmitChanges((SGroupTable)SubmitTable, SubmitChangesTransaction);
                            throw new EOPAppException("TCommonDataReader.SaveData: unknown table '" + ATablename + "'");

                        SubmissionOK = true;
                    catch (Exception Exc)
                            new TVerificationResult(null, "Cannot SubmitChanges:" + Environment.NewLine +
                                                    Exc.Message, "UNDEFINED", TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));

            ASubmitTable        = SubmitTable;
            AVerificationResult = VerificationResult;

            if ((AVerificationResult != null) &&
                (AVerificationResult.Count > 0))
                // Downgrade TScreenVerificationResults to TVerificationResults in order to allow
                // Serialisation (needed for .NET Remoting).

                return(AVerificationResult.HasCriticalErrors ? TSubmitChangesResult.scrError : TSubmitChangesResult.scrOK);

        /// <summary>
        /// Imports currency exchange rates, daily and corporate,
        /// from a one-of-two-styles formatted CSV file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AExchangeRDT">Daily or Corporate exchange rate table</param>
        /// <param name="ADataFilename">The .CSV file to process</param>
        /// <param name="ACSVSeparator"></param>
        /// <param name="ANumberFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="ADateFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="AImportMode">Daily or Corporate</param>
        /// <param name="AResultCollection">A validation collection to which errors will be added</param>
        /// <returns>The number of rows that were actually imported.  Rows that duplicate existing rows do not count.
        /// This is usually because this is an attempt to import again after a failed previous attempt.</returns>
        private static int ImportCurrencyExRatesFromCSV(TTypedDataTable AExchangeRDT,
            string ADataFilename,
            string ACSVSeparator,
            string ANumberFormat,
            string ADateFormat,
            string AImportMode,
            TVerificationResultCollection AResultCollection)
            // Keep a list of errors/warnings and severity
            List <Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>>InvalidRows = new List <Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>>();

            // keep a variable that becomes true if any row has an invalid column count, so we can show a helpful message
            bool InvalidColumnCount = false;

            // Check our method parameters
            if ((AImportMode != "Corporate") && (AImportMode != "Daily"))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid value '" + AImportMode + "' for mode argument: Valid values are Corporate and Daily");
            else if ((AImportMode == "Corporate") && !(AExchangeRDT is ACorporateExchangeRateTable))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid type of exchangeRateDT argument for mode: 'Corporate'. Needs to be: ACorporateExchangeRateTable");
            else if ((AImportMode == "Daily") && !(AExchangeRDT is ADailyExchangeRateTable))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid type of exchangeRateDT argument for mode: 'Daily'. Needs to be: ADailyExchangeRateTable");

            bool IsShortFileFormat;
            int x, y;

            // To store the From and To currencies
            // Use an array to store these to make for easy
            //   inverting of the two currencies when calculating
            //   the inverse value.
            string[] Currencies = new string[2];

            Type DataTableType;
            int RowsImported = 0;

            // This table will tell us the base currencies used by the current set of ledgers
            ALedgerTable ledgers = TRemote.MFinance.Setup.WebConnectors.GetAvailableLedgers();

            List <string>allBaseCurrencies = new List <string>();
            DateTime maxRecommendedEffectiveDate = DateTime.MaxValue;
            DateTime minRecommendedEffectiveDate = DateTime.MinValue;
            int preferredPeriodStartDay = 0;

            // Use the ledger table rows to get a list of base currencies and current period end dates
            for (int i = 0; i < ledgers.Rows.Count; i++)
                ALedgerRow ledger = (ALedgerRow)ledgers.Rows[i];
                string code = ledger.BaseCurrency;

                if (ledger.LedgerStatus == true)
                    if (allBaseCurrencies.Contains(code) == false)

                    DataTable AccountingPeriods = TDataCache.TMFinance.GetCacheableFinanceTable(TCacheableFinanceTablesEnum.AccountingPeriodList,
                    AAccountingPeriodRow currentPeriodRow = (AAccountingPeriodRow)AccountingPeriods.Rows.Find(new object[] { ledger.LedgerNumber,
                                                                                                                             ledger.CurrentPeriod });
                    AAccountingPeriodRow forwardPeriodRow = (AAccountingPeriodRow)AccountingPeriods.Rows.Find(
                        new object[] { ledger.LedgerNumber,
                                       ledger.CurrentPeriod +
                                       ledger.NumberFwdPostingPeriods });

                    if ((forwardPeriodRow != null)
                        && ((maxRecommendedEffectiveDate == DateTime.MaxValue) || (forwardPeriodRow.PeriodEndDate > maxRecommendedEffectiveDate)))
                        maxRecommendedEffectiveDate = forwardPeriodRow.PeriodEndDate;

                    if ((currentPeriodRow != null)
                        && ((minRecommendedEffectiveDate == DateTime.MinValue) || (currentPeriodRow.PeriodStartDate > minRecommendedEffectiveDate)))
                        minRecommendedEffectiveDate = currentPeriodRow.PeriodStartDate;

                    if ((currentPeriodRow != null) && (preferredPeriodStartDay == 0))
                        preferredPeriodStartDay = currentPeriodRow.PeriodStartDate.Day;
                    else if ((currentPeriodRow != null) && (currentPeriodRow.PeriodStartDate.Day != preferredPeriodStartDay))
                        preferredPeriodStartDay = -1;

            // This will tell us the complete list of all available currencies
            ACurrencyTable allCurrencies = new ACurrencyTable();
            DataTable CacheDT = TDataCache.GetCacheableDataTableFromCache("CurrencyCodeList", String.Empty, null, out DataTableType);
            allCurrencies.CaseSensitive = true;

            // Start reading the file
            using (StreamReader DataFile = new StreamReader(ADataFilename, System.Text.Encoding.Default))
                string ThousandsSeparator = (ANumberFormat == TDlgSelectCSVSeparator.NUMBERFORMAT_AMERICAN ? "," : ".");
                string DecimalSeparator = (ANumberFormat == TDlgSelectCSVSeparator.NUMBERFORMAT_AMERICAN ? "." : ",");

                CultureInfo MyCultureInfoDate = new CultureInfo("en-GB");
                MyCultureInfoDate.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern = ADateFormat;

                // TODO: disconnect the grid from the datasource to avoid flickering?

                string FileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ADataFilename).ToUpper();

                if ((FileNameWithoutExtension.IndexOf("_") == 3)
                    && (FileNameWithoutExtension.LastIndexOf("_") == 3)
                    && (FileNameWithoutExtension.Length == 7))
                    // File name format assumed to be like this: USD_HKD.csv
                    IsShortFileFormat = true;
                    Currencies = FileNameWithoutExtension.Split(new char[] { '_' });
                    IsShortFileFormat = false;

                int LineNumber = 0;

                while (!DataFile.EndOfStream)
                    string Line = DataFile.ReadLine();

                    // See if the first line is a special case??
                    if (LineNumber == 1)
                        // see if the first line is a text header - look for digits
                        // A valid header would look like:  From,To,Date,Rate
                        bool bFoundDigit = false;

                        for (int i = 0; i < Line.Length; i++)
                            char c = Line[i];

                            if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'))
                                bFoundDigit = true;

                        if (!bFoundDigit)
                            // No digits so we will assume the line is a header

                    //Convert separator to a char
                    char Sep = ACSVSeparator[0];
                    //Turn current line into string array of column values
                    string[] CsvColumns = Line.Split(Sep);

                    int NumCols = CsvColumns.Length;

                    // Do we have the correct number of columns?
                    int minColCount = IsShortFileFormat ? 2 : 4;
                    int maxColCount = (AImportMode == "Daily") ? minColCount + 1 : minColCount;

                    if ((NumCols < minColCount) || (NumCols > maxColCount))
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetPluralString(
                                "Line {0}: contains 1 column", "Line {0}: contains {1} columns", NumCols, true),
                            LineNumber, NumCols.ToString());

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));
                        InvalidColumnCount = true;

                    if (!IsShortFileFormat)
                        //Read the values for the current line
                        //From currency
                        Currencies[0] = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).ToString().ToUpper();
                        //To currency
                        Currencies[1] = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).ToString().ToUpper();

                    // Perform validation on the From and To currencies at this point!!
                    if ((allCurrencies.Rows.Find(Currencies[0]) == null) && (allCurrencies.Rows.Find(Currencies[1]) == null))
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                "Line {0}: invalid currency codes ({1} and {2})"), LineNumber.ToString(), Currencies[0], Currencies[1]);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));
                    else if (allCurrencies.Rows.Find(Currencies[0]) == null)
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                "Line {0}: invalid currency code ({1})"), LineNumber.ToString(), Currencies[0]);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));
                    else if (allCurrencies.Rows.Find(Currencies[1]) == null)
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                "Line {0}: invalid currency code ({1})"), LineNumber.ToString(), Currencies[1]);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));

                    if ((allBaseCurrencies.Contains(Currencies[0]) == false) && (allBaseCurrencies.Contains(Currencies[1]) == false))
                        //raise a non-critical error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                "Line {0}: Warning:  One of '{1}' and '{2}' should be a base currency in one of the active ledgers."),
                            LineNumber.ToString(), Currencies[0], Currencies[1]);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Noncritical));

                    // Date parsing as in Petra 2.x instead of using XML date format!!!
                    string DateEffectiveStr = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).Replace("\"", String.Empty);
                    DateTime DateEffective;

                    if (!DateTime.TryParse(DateEffectiveStr, MyCultureInfoDate, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateEffective))
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                "Line {0}: invalid date ({1})"), LineNumber.ToString(), DateEffectiveStr);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));

                    if (DateEffective > maxRecommendedEffectiveDate)
                        // raise a warning
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                "Line {0}: Warning: The date '{1}' is after the latest forwarding period of any active ledger"),
                            LineNumber.ToString(), DateEffectiveStr);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Noncritical));
                    else if (DateEffective < minRecommendedEffectiveDate)
                        // raise a warning
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                "Line {0}: Warning: The date '{1}' is before the current accounting period of any active ledger"),
                            LineNumber.ToString(), DateEffectiveStr);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Noncritical));

                    if (AImportMode == "Corporate")
                        if ((preferredPeriodStartDay >= 1) && (DateEffective.Day != preferredPeriodStartDay))
                            // raise a warning
                            string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                    "Line {0}: Warning: The date '{1}' should be the first day of an accounting period used by all the active ledgers."),
                                LineNumber.ToString(), DateEffectiveStr);

                            InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Noncritical));

                    decimal ExchangeRate = 0.0m;
                        string ExchangeRateString =
                            StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).Replace(ThousandsSeparator, "").Replace(
                                DecimalSeparator, ".").Replace("\"", String.Empty);

                        ExchangeRate = Convert.ToDecimal(ExchangeRateString, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        if (ExchangeRate == 0)
                            throw new Exception();
                    catch (Exception)
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                "Line {0}: invalid rate of exchange ({1})"), LineNumber.ToString(), ExchangeRate);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));

                    int TimeEffective = 7200;

                    if (AImportMode == "Daily")
                        // Daily rate imports can have an optional final column which is the time
                        // Otherwise we assume the time is a default of 7200 (02:00am)
                        if ((IsShortFileFormat && (NumCols == 3))
                            || (!IsShortFileFormat && (NumCols == 5)))
                            string timeEffectiveStr = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true);
                            int t = (int)new Ict.Common.TypeConverter.TShortTimeConverter().ConvertTo(timeEffectiveStr, typeof(int));

                            if (t < 0)
                                // it wasn't in the format 02:00
                                if (!Int32.TryParse(timeEffectiveStr, out t))
                                    // Not a regular Int32 either
                                    t = -1;

                            if ((t >= 0) && (t < 86400))
                                TimeEffective = t;
                                // raise an error
                                string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                        "Line {0}: invalid effective time ({1})"), LineNumber.ToString(), t);

                                InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));

                    if ((AImportMode == "Corporate") && AExchangeRDT is ACorporateExchangeRateTable)
                        ACorporateExchangeRateTable ExchangeRateDT = (ACorporateExchangeRateTable)AExchangeRDT;

                        // run this code in the loop twice to get ExchangeRate value and its inverse
                        for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
                            //this will cause x and y to go from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 respectively
                            x = i;
                            y = Math.Abs(i - 1);

                            ACorporateExchangeRateRow ExchangeRow = (ACorporateExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.Rows.
                                                                    Find(new object[] { Currencies[x], Currencies[y], DateEffective });

                            if (ExchangeRow == null)                                                                                    // remove 0 for Corporate
                                ExchangeRow = (ACorporateExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.NewRowTyped();
                                ExchangeRow.FromCurrencyCode = Currencies[x];
                                ExchangeRow.ToCurrencyCode = Currencies[y];
                                ExchangeRow.DateEffectiveFrom = DateEffective;

                            if (i == 0)
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = ExchangeRate;
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = Math.Round(1 / ExchangeRate, 10);
                    else if ((AImportMode == "Daily") && AExchangeRDT is ADailyExchangeRateTable)
                        ADailyExchangeRateTable ExchangeRateDT = (ADailyExchangeRateTable)AExchangeRDT;

                        // run this code in the loop twice to get ExchangeRate value and its inverse
                        for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
                            //this will cause x and y to go from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 respectively
                            x = i;
                            y = Math.Abs(i - 1);

                            ADailyExchangeRateRow ExchangeRow = (ADailyExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.Rows.
                                                                Find(new object[] { Currencies[x], Currencies[y], DateEffective, TimeEffective });

                            if (ExchangeRow == null)                                                                                    // remove 0 for Corporate
                                ExchangeRow = (ADailyExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.NewRowTyped();
                                ExchangeRow.FromCurrencyCode = Currencies[x];
                                ExchangeRow.ToCurrencyCode = Currencies[y];
                                ExchangeRow.DateEffectiveFrom = DateEffective;
                                ExchangeRow.TimeEffectiveFrom = TimeEffective;

                            if (i == 0)
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = ExchangeRate;
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = Math.Round(1 / ExchangeRate, 10);

                // if there are rows that could not be imported
                if ((InvalidRows != null) && (InvalidRows.Count > 0))
                    int errorCount = 0;
                    int warningCount = 0;

                    // Go through once just to count the errors and warnings
                    foreach (Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>Row in InvalidRows)
                        if (Row.Item2 == TResultSeverity.Resv_Noncritical)

                    string resultText = String.Empty;
                    bool messageListIsFull = false;
                    int counter = 0;

                    if (errorCount > 0)
                        resultText = string.Format(Catalog.GetPluralString("1 row was not imported due to invalid data:",
                                "{0} rows were not imported due to invalid data:", errorCount, true), errorCount) +

                    if (warningCount > 0)
                        resultText = string.Format(Catalog.GetPluralString("There was 1 warning associated with the imported rows:",
                                "There were {0} warnings associated with the imported rows:", warningCount, true), warningCount) +

                    // Now go through again itemising each one
                    foreach (Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>Row in InvalidRows)

                        if (counter <= MAX_MESSAGE_COUNT)
                            resultText += Environment.NewLine + Row.Item1;
                        else if (!messageListIsFull)
                            resultText += String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                    "{0}{0}{1} errors/warnings were reported in total.  This message contains the first {2}."),
                                Environment.NewLine, InvalidRows.Count, MAX_MESSAGE_COUNT);
                            messageListIsFull = true;

                    // additional message if one or more rows has an invalid number of columns
                    if (InvalidColumnCount && IsShortFileFormat)
                        resultText += String.Format("{0}{0}" + Catalog.GetString("Each row should contain 2 or 3 columns as follows:") + "{0}" +
                                "  1. Effective Date{0}  2. Exchange Rate{0}  3. Effective time in seconds (Optional for Daily Rate only)"),
                    else if (InvalidColumnCount && !IsShortFileFormat)
                        resultText += String.Format("{0}{0}" + Catalog.GetString("Each row should contain 4 or 5 columns as follows:") + "{0}" +
                                "    1. From Currency{0}    2. To Currency{0}    3. Effective Date{0}    4. Exchange Rate{0}    5. Effective time in seconds (Optional for Daily Rate only)"),

                    TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,
                        (errorCount > 0) ? TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical : TResultSeverity.Resv_Noncritical);


                return RowsImported;
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports currency exchange rates, daily and corporate,
        /// from a one-of-two-styles formatted CSV file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AExchangeRDT">Daily or Corporate exchange rate table</param>
        /// <param name="ADataFilename">The .CSV file to process</param>
        /// <param name="ACSVSeparator"></param>
        /// <param name="ANumberFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="ADateFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="AImportMode">Daily or Corporate</param>
        /// <param name="AResultCollection">A validation collection to which errors will be added</param>
        /// <returns>The number of rows that were actually imported.  Rows that duplicate existing rows do not count.
        /// This is usually because this is an attempt to import again after a failed previous attempt.</returns>
        private static int ImportCurrencyExRatesFromCSV(TTypedDataTable AExchangeRDT,
                                                        string ADataFilename,
                                                        string ACSVSeparator,
                                                        string ANumberFormat,
                                                        string ADateFormat,
                                                        string AImportMode,
                                                        TVerificationResultCollection AResultCollection)
            if ((AImportMode != "Corporate") && (AImportMode != "Daily"))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid value '" + AImportMode + "' for mode argument: Valid values are Corporate and Daily");
            else if ((AImportMode == "Corporate") && (AExchangeRDT.GetType() != typeof(ACorporateExchangeRateTable)))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid type of exchangeRateDT argument for mode: 'Corporate'. Needs to be: ACorporateExchangeRateTable");
            else if ((AImportMode == "Daily") && (AExchangeRDT.GetType() != typeof(ADailyExchangeRateTable)))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid type of exchangeRateDT argument for mode: 'Daily'. Needs to be: ADailyExchangeRateTable");

            bool IsShortFileFormat;
            int  x, y;

            // To store the From and To currencies
            // Use an array to store these to make for easy
            //   inverting of the two currencies when calculating
            //   the inverse value.
            string[] Currencies = new string[2];

            Type DataTableType;
            int  RowsImported = 0;

            ACurrencyTable allCurrencies = new ACurrencyTable();
            DataTable      CacheDT       = TDataCache.GetCacheableDataTableFromCache("CurrencyCodeList", String.Empty, null, out DataTableType);


            using (StreamReader DataFile = new StreamReader(ADataFilename, System.Text.Encoding.Default))
                string ThousandsSeparator = (ANumberFormat == TDlgSelectCSVSeparator.NUMBERFORMAT_AMERICAN ? "," : ".");
                string DecimalSeparator   = (ANumberFormat == TDlgSelectCSVSeparator.NUMBERFORMAT_AMERICAN ? "." : ",");

                CultureInfo MyCultureInfoDate = new CultureInfo("en-GB");
                MyCultureInfoDate.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern = ADateFormat;

                // TODO: disconnect the grid from the datasource to avoid flickering?

                string FileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ADataFilename);

                if ((FileNameWithoutExtension.IndexOf("_") == 3) &&
                    (FileNameWithoutExtension.LastIndexOf("_") == 3) &&
                    (FileNameWithoutExtension.Length == 7))
                    // File name format assumed to be like this: USD_HKD.csv
                    IsShortFileFormat = true;
                    Currencies        = FileNameWithoutExtension.Split(new char[] { '_' });
                    IsShortFileFormat = false;

                int LineNumber = 0;

                while (!DataFile.EndOfStream)
                    string Line = DataFile.ReadLine();

                    // See if the first line is a special case??
                    if (LineNumber == 1)
                        // see if the first line is a text header - look for digits
                        // A valid header would look like:  From,To,Date,Rate
                        bool bFoundDigit = false;

                        for (int i = 0; i < Line.Length; i++)
                            char c = Line[i];

                            if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'))
                                bFoundDigit = true;

                        if (!bFoundDigit)
                            // No digits so we will assume the line is a header

                    //Convert separator to a char
                    char Sep = ACSVSeparator[0];
                    //Turn current line into string array of column values
                    string[] CsvColumns = Line.Split(Sep);

                    int NumCols = CsvColumns.Length;

                    //If number of columns is not 4 then import csv file is wrongly formed.
                    if (IsShortFileFormat && (NumCols < 2))
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Failed to import the CSV currency file:{0}   {1}{0}{0}"),
                                                          Environment.NewLine, ADataFilename);
                        resultText +=
                                              "Line #{1} contains {2} column(s). Import files with names like 'USD_HKD.csv', where the From and To currencies are given in the name, should contain 2 or 3 columns:{0}{0}"),
                                          Environment.NewLine, LineNumber, NumCols.ToString());
                        resultText +=
                                              "  1. Effective Date{0}  2. Exchange Rate{0}  3. Effective time in seconds (Optional for Daily Rate only)"),
                        TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,
                    else if (!IsShortFileFormat && (NumCols < 4))
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Failed to import the CSV currency file:{0}   {1}{0}{0}"),
                                                          Environment.NewLine, ADataFilename);
                        resultText += String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Line #{1} contains {2} column(s). It should have 4 or 5 as follows:{0}{0}"),
                                                    Environment.NewLine, LineNumber, NumCols.ToString());
                        resultText +=
                                              "    1. From Currency{0}    2. To Currency{0}    3. Effective Date{0}    4. Exchange Rate{0}    5. Effective time in seconds (Optional for Daily Rate only)"),
                        TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,

                    if (!IsShortFileFormat)
                        //Read the values for the current line
                        //From currency
                        Currencies[0] = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).ToString();
                        //To currency
                        Currencies[1] = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).ToString();

                    // Perform validation on the From and To currencies at this point!!
                    if ((allCurrencies.Rows.Find(Currencies[0]) == null) || (allCurrencies.Rows.Find(Currencies[1]) == null))
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText          = String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Invalid currency in import file in line #{0}"), LineNumber.ToString());
                        TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,

                    // Date parsing as in Petra 2.x instead of using XML date format!!!
                    string   DateEffectiveStr = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).Replace("\"", String.Empty);
                    DateTime DateEffective;

                    if (!DateTime.TryParse(DateEffectiveStr, MyCultureInfoDate, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateEffective))
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                              "Invalid date ({0}) in import file in line #{1}"), DateEffectiveStr, LineNumber.ToString());
                        TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,

                    decimal ExchangeRate = 0.0m;
                        string ExchangeRateString =
                            StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).Replace(ThousandsSeparator, "").Replace(
                                DecimalSeparator, ".").Replace("\"", String.Empty);

                        ExchangeRate = Convert.ToDecimal(ExchangeRateString, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    catch (Exception)
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                              "Invalid rate of exchange in import file in line #{0}"), LineNumber.ToString());
                        TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,

                    int TimeEffective = 7200;

                    if (AImportMode == "Daily")
                        // Daily rate imports can have an optional final column which is the time
                        // Otherwise we assume the time is a default of 7200 (02:00am)
                        if ((IsShortFileFormat && (NumCols == 3)) ||
                            (!IsShortFileFormat && (NumCols == 5)))
                            string timeEffectiveStr = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true);
                            int    t = (int)new Ict.Common.TypeConverter.TShortTimeConverter().ConvertTo(timeEffectiveStr, typeof(int));

                            if (t < 0)
                                // it wasn't in the format 02:00
                                if (!Int32.TryParse(timeEffectiveStr, out t))
                                    // Not a regular Int32 either
                                    t = -1;

                            if ((t >= 0) && (t < 86400))
                                TimeEffective = t;
                                // raise an error
                                string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                                      "Invalid effective time in import file in line #{0}"), LineNumber.ToString());
                                TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,

                    if ((AImportMode == "Corporate") && AExchangeRDT is ACorporateExchangeRateTable)
                        ACorporateExchangeRateTable ExchangeRateDT = (ACorporateExchangeRateTable)AExchangeRDT;

                        // run this code in the loop twice to get ExchangeRate value and its inverse
                        for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
                            //this will cause x and y to go from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 respectively
                            x = i;
                            y = Math.Abs(i - 1);

                            ACorporateExchangeRateRow ExchangeRow = (ACorporateExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.Rows.
                                                                    Find(new object[] { Currencies[x], Currencies[y], DateEffective });

                            if (ExchangeRow == null)                                                                                    // remove 0 for Corporate
                                ExchangeRow = (ACorporateExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.NewRowTyped();
                                ExchangeRow.FromCurrencyCode  = Currencies[x];
                                ExchangeRow.ToCurrencyCode    = Currencies[y];
                                ExchangeRow.DateEffectiveFrom = DateEffective;

                            if (i == 0)
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = ExchangeRate;
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = 1 / ExchangeRate;
                    else if ((AImportMode == "Daily") && AExchangeRDT is ADailyExchangeRateTable)
                        ADailyExchangeRateTable ExchangeRateDT = (ADailyExchangeRateTable)AExchangeRDT;

                        // run this code in the loop twice to get ExchangeRate value and its inverse
                        for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
                            //this will cause x and y to go from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 respectively
                            x = i;
                            y = Math.Abs(i - 1);

                            ADailyExchangeRateRow ExchangeRow = (ADailyExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.Rows.
                                                                Find(new object[] { Currencies[x], Currencies[y], DateEffective, TimeEffective });

                            if (ExchangeRow == null)                                                                                    // remove 0 for Corporate
                                ExchangeRow = (ADailyExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.NewRowTyped();
                                ExchangeRow.FromCurrencyCode  = Currencies[x];
                                ExchangeRow.ToCurrencyCode    = Currencies[y];
                                ExchangeRow.DateEffectiveFrom = DateEffective;
                                ExchangeRow.TimeEffectiveFrom = TimeEffective;

                            if (i == 0)
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = ExchangeRate;
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = 1 / ExchangeRate;


        public static void GetData(string ATablename, TSearchCriteria[] ASearchCriteria, out TTypedDataTable AResultTable,
                                   TDBTransaction AReadTransaction)
            AResultTable = null;
            string context = string.Format("GetData {0}", SharedConstants.MODULE_ACCESS_MANAGER);

            // check access permissions for the current user
            TModuleAccessManager.CheckUserPermissionsForTable(ATablename, TTablePermissionEnum.eCanRead);

            // TODO: auto generate
            if (ATablename == AApSupplierTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = AApSupplierAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == AApDocumentTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = AApDocumentAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == ATransactionTypeTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = ATransactionTypeAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == ACurrencyTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = ACurrencyAccess.LoadAll(AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == ADailyExchangeRateTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = ADailyExchangeRateAccess.LoadAll(AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == ACorporateExchangeRateTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = ACorporateExchangeRateAccess.LoadAll(AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == ACurrencyLanguageTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = ACurrencyLanguageAccess.LoadAll(AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == AFeesPayableTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = AFeesPayableAccess.LoadAll(AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == AFeesReceivableTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = AFeesReceivableAccess.LoadAll(AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == AAnalysisTypeTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = AAnalysisTypeAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == AGiftBatchTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = AGiftBatchAccess.LoadAll(AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == AJournalTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = AJournalAccess.LoadAll(AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == ALedgerTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = ALedgerAccess.LoadAll(AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == MExtractMasterTable.GetTableDBName())
                if (ASearchCriteria == null)
                    AResultTable = MExtractMasterAccess.LoadAll(AReadTransaction);
                    AResultTable = MExtractMasterAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == MExtractTable.GetTableDBName())
                // it does not make sense to load ALL extract rows for all extract masters so search criteria needs to be set
                if (ASearchCriteria != null)
                    AResultTable = MExtractAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == PcAttendeeTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = PcAttendeeAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == PcConferenceCostTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = PcConferenceCostAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == PcEarlyLateTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = PcEarlyLateAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == PcSupplementTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = PcSupplementAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == PcDiscountTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = PcDiscountAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == PCountryTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = PCountryAccess.LoadAll(AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == PFormTable.GetTableDBName())
                string[]         columns   = TTypedDataTable.GetColumnStringList(PFormTable.TableId);
                StringCollection fieldList = new StringCollection();

                for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
                    // Do not load the template document - we don't display it and it is big!
                    if (columns[i] != PFormTable.GetTemplateDocumentDBName())

                AResultTable = PFormAccess.LoadAll(fieldList, AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == PInternationalPostalTypeTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = PInternationalPostalTypeAccess.LoadAll(AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == PtApplicationTypeTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = PtApplicationTypeAccess.LoadAll(AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == PFormalityTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = PFormalityAccess.LoadAll(AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == PMailingTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = PMailingAccess.LoadAll(AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == PPartnerGiftDestinationTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = PPartnerGiftDestinationAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(ASearchCriteria, AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == PmDocumentTypeTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = PmDocumentTypeAccess.LoadAll(AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == SGroupTable.GetTableDBName())
                TSecurityChecks.CheckUserModulePermissions(SharedConstants.PETRAMODULE_SYSADMIN, context);
                AResultTable = SGroupAccess.LoadAll(AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == SSystemDefaultsTable.GetTableDBName())
                TSecurityChecks.CheckUserModulePermissions(SharedConstants.PETRAMODULE_SYSADMIN, context);
                AResultTable = SSystemDefaultsAccess.LoadAll(AReadTransaction);
            else if (ATablename == SSystemDefaultsGuiTable.GetTableDBName())
                AResultTable = SSystemDefaultsGuiAccess.LoadAll(AReadTransaction);
                throw new Exception("TCommonDataReader.GetData: unknown table " + ATablename);

            // Accept row changes here so that the Client gets 'unmodified' rows
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the GL Journal data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AContext">Context that describes where the data validation failed.</param>
        /// <param name="ARow">The <see cref="DataRow" /> which holds the the data against which the validation is run.</param>
        /// <param name="AVerificationResultCollection">Will be filled with any <see cref="TVerificationResult" /> items if
        /// data validation errors occur.</param>
        /// <param name="AGLSetupDSRef">A GLSetupTDS reference with a populated ATransactionTypeTable.  A reference to this DataSet is REQUIRED when importing - optional otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="ACurrencyTableRef">A reference to the Currency table.  A reference to this table is REQUIRED when importing - optional otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="ACorporateExchangeTableRef">Corporate exchange rate table.  A reference to this table is REQUIRED when importing - optional otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="ABaseCurrency">Ledger base currency.  Required when importing</param>
        /// <param name="AIntlCurrency">Ledger international currency.  Required when importing</param>
        /// <returns>True if the validation found no data validation errors, otherwise false.</returns>
        public static bool ValidateGLJournalManual(object AContext, AJournalRow ARow,
                                                   ref TVerificationResultCollection AVerificationResultCollection,
                                                   GLSetupTDS AGLSetupDSRef         = null,
                                                   ACurrencyTable ACurrencyTableRef = null,
                                                   ACorporateExchangeRateTable ACorporateExchangeTableRef = null,
                                                   String ABaseCurrency = null,
                                                   String AIntlCurrency = null)
            DataColumn ValidationColumn;
            TScreenVerificationResult VerificationResult;
            string ValidationContext;
            int    VerifResultCollAddedCount = 0;

            // Don't validate deleted or posted DataRows
            if ((ARow.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted) || (ARow.JournalStatus == MFinanceConstants.BATCH_POSTED))

            bool isImporting = AContext.ToString().Contains("Importing");

            // 'Exchange Rate' must be greater than 0
            ValidationColumn  = ARow.Table.Columns[AJournalTable.ColumnExchangeRateToBaseId];
            ValidationContext = ARow.JournalNumber.ToString() + " of Batch Number: " + ARow.BatchNumber.ToString();

            if (true)
                VerificationResult = (TScreenVerificationResult)TNumericalChecks.IsPositiveDecimal(ARow.ExchangeRateToBase,
                                                                                                   String.Empty + (isImporting ? String.Empty : " of Journal Number: " + ValidationContext.ToString()),
                                                                                                   AContext, ValidationColumn);

                // Handle addition/removal to/from TVerificationResultCollection
                if (AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(AContext, VerificationResult))

                // Exchange rate must be 1.00 if the currency is the base ledger currency
                if ((ABaseCurrency != null) &&
                    (!ARow.IsExchangeRateToBaseNull()) &&
                    (ARow.TransactionCurrency == ABaseCurrency) &&
                    (ARow.ExchangeRateToBase != 1.00m))
                    if (AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(AContext,
                                                                              new TVerificationResult(ValidationContext,
                                                                                                      Catalog.GetString("A journal in the ledger base currency must have exchange rate of 1.00."),

            // Transaction currency must be valid
            bool isValidTransactionCurrency = true;

            if (isImporting && (ACurrencyTableRef != null))
                ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[AJournalTable.ColumnTransactionCurrencyId];

                if (true)
                    ACurrencyRow foundRow = (ACurrencyRow)ACurrencyTableRef.Rows.Find(ARow.TransactionCurrency);
                    isValidTransactionCurrency = (foundRow != null);

                    if ((foundRow == null) &&
                            new TVerificationResult(ValidationContext,
                                                    String.Format(Catalog.GetString("'{0}' is not a valid currency."), ARow.TransactionCurrency),

            if ((ACorporateExchangeTableRef != null) && isValidTransactionCurrency && (ABaseCurrency != null) && (AIntlCurrency != null) &&
                !ARow.IsDateEffectiveNull() && (ABaseCurrency != AIntlCurrency))
                // For ledgers where the base currency and intl currency differ there must be a corporate exchange rate to the international currency
                ValidationColumn  = ARow.Table.Columns[AJournalTable.ColumnTransactionCurrencyId];
                ValidationContext = ARow.JournalNumber.ToString() + " of Batch Number: " + ARow.BatchNumber.ToString();

                if (true)
                    DateTime firstOfMonth;

                    if (TSharedFinanceValidationHelper.GetFirstDayOfAccountingPeriod(ARow.LedgerNumber,
                                                                                     ARow.DateEffective, out firstOfMonth))
                        ACorporateExchangeRateRow foundRow = (ACorporateExchangeRateRow)ACorporateExchangeTableRef.Rows.Find(
                            new object[] { ABaseCurrency, AIntlCurrency, firstOfMonth });

                        if ((foundRow == null) &&
                                new TVerificationResult(ValidationContext,
                                                                          "There is no Corporate Exchange Rate defined for '{0}' to '{1}' for the month starting on '{2}'."),
                                                                      ABaseCurrency, AIntlCurrency,

            // Sub-system code must exist in the transaction type table
            if (isImporting && (AGLSetupDSRef.ATransactionType != null))
                ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[AJournalTable.ColumnSubSystemCodeId];

                if (true)
                    ATransactionTypeRow foundRow = (ATransactionTypeRow)AGLSetupDSRef.ATransactionType.Rows.Find(
                        new object[] { ARow.LedgerNumber, ARow.SubSystemCode, ARow.TransactionTypeCode });

                    if ((foundRow == null) &&
                            new TVerificationResult(ValidationContext,
                                                                      "The combination of Transaction Type of '{0}' and Sub-system Code of '{1}' is not valid for journals in Ledger {2}."),
                                                                  ARow.TransactionTypeCode, ARow.SubSystemCode, ARow.LedgerNumber),

            // Journal description must not be null
            if (isImporting)
                ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[AJournalTable.ColumnJournalDescriptionId];

                if (true)
                    if ((ARow.JournalDescription == null) || (ARow.JournalDescription.Length == 0))
                        if (AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(
                                new TVerificationResult(ValidationContext,
                                                        Catalog.GetString("The journal description must not be empty."),

            return(VerifResultCollAddedCount == 0);