protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["BalanceTradeClient"] == null || Session["BalanceARIDs"] == null) { Response.Redirect("ARList.aspx"); } BindDropDown(); if ((int)Session["BalanceTradeClient"] != 0) { CM_Client c = new CM_ClientBLL((int)Session["BalanceTradeClient"]).Model; if (c != null) { lb_TradeClient.Text = c.FullName + "(" + c.LinkManName + ":" + c.Mobile + ")"; } } string _ARIDs = (string)Session["BalanceARIDs"]; IList <AC_ARAPList> lists = AC_ARAPListBLL.GetModelList("Type = 1 AND OwnerClient=" + Session["OwnerClient"].ToString() + " AND TradeClient=" + Session["BalanceTradeClient"].ToString() + " AND ISNULL(BalanceFlag,1)=1" + " AND ID IN (" + _ARIDs + ")"); if (lists.Count == 0) { MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "无待结算应收款记录!", "ARList.aspx"); return; } tbx_Amount.Text = lists.Sum(p => Math.Round(p.Amount, 2)).ToString("0.##"); } }
public ARAPInfo(int id) { AC_ARAPList m = new AC_ARAPListBLL(id).Model; if (m != null) { FillModel(m); } }
public ARAPInfo(int id) { AC_ARAPList m = new AC_ARAPListBLL(id).Model; if (m != null) FillModel(m); }