public async Task <Order> ValidateOrder(Order order) { order = await acmeClient.UpdateOrderAsync(order); Program.LogLine($"Order status:{order.Status}", true); while (order.Status == ACMEStatus.Processing) { await Task.Delay(500); Program.LogLine("Order status = processing; updating..", true); order = await acmeClient.UpdateOrderAsync(order); } if (order.Status == ACMEStatus.Ready) { Program.LogLine("Order succesfully processed."); return(order); } throw new Exception($"Order failed to process {order.Status}, {order.Error.Detail}"); }
static async Task OrderDomains(ACMEClient acmeClient, params string[] domainNames) { var domains = domainNames.Select(domain => new OrderIdentifier { Type = ChallengeType.DNSChallenge, Value = domain }); Uri[] validations = null; Order order = null; while (order == null) { order = await NewOrderAsync(acmeClient, domains); if (order == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed.. retrying"); await Task.Delay(5000); } } // todo: save order identifier Console.WriteLine($"Order location: {order.Location}"); validations = order.Authorizations; var auths = await RetrieveAuthz(acmeClient, validations); foreach (var item in auths) { foreach (var challenge in item.Challenges) { Console.WriteLine($"Challenge: {challenge.Url}"); Console.WriteLine($"Type: {challenge.Type}"); Console.WriteLine($"Token: {challenge.Token}"); Console.WriteLine($"Value: {challenge.AuthorizationToken}"); if (challenge.Type == "http-01") { File.WriteAllText(challenge.Token, challenge.AuthorizationToken); Console.WriteLine($"File saved as: {challenge.Token} in working directory."); Console.WriteLine($"Please upload the file to {domainNames.First()}/.well-known/acme-challenge/{challenge.Token}"); } else if (challenge.Type == "dns-01") { Console.WriteLine($"Please create a text entry in the DNS records for each domain in {string.Join(',', domainNames)} using {challenge.Token}"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Unknown challenge type encountered '{challenge.Type}'. Please handle accourdingly."); } var result = HandleConsoleInput("Challenge completed? [y/n]", new[] { "y", "yes", "n", "no" }); if (result == "y" || result == "yes") { Console.WriteLine("Validating challenge"); var validation = await ValidateChallengeCompletion(challenge, domainNames); if (validation.Any(validationItem => !validationItem.Value)) { Console.WriteLine($"The following domains failed validation: " + $"{string.Join(',', validation.Where(vItem => !vItem.Value).Select(vItem => vItem.Key))}"); } if (validation.Any(validationItem => validationItem.Value)) { var c = await CompleteChallenge(acmeClient, challenge, challenge.AuthorizationToken); if (c != null) { Console.WriteLine(c.Status); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Skipping challenge"); } } } // todo: add a proper check to see if all validations passed. order = await acmeClient.UpdateOrderAsync(order); Console.WriteLine($"Order status:{order.Status}"); // todo: if(order.Status == failed...) while (order.Status == Order.Processing) { Thread.Sleep(500); Console.WriteLine("Order status = processing; updating.."); order = await acmeClient.UpdateOrderAsync(order); } var certKey = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(4096); SaveRSAKeyToFile(certKey, $"{order.Identifiers[0].Value}.key"); Order certOrder = null; try { certOrder = await acmeClient.RequestCertificateAsync(order, certKey); while (certOrder.Status == Order.Processing) { Thread.Sleep(500); Console.WriteLine("Order status = processing; updating.."); certOrder = await acmeClient.UpdateOrderAsync(certOrder); } Console.WriteLine(certOrder.Status); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } var cert = await acmeClient.GetCertificateAsync(certOrder); var certdata = cert.Export(X509ContentType.Cert); var publicKeyFilename = $"{certOrder.Identifiers[0].Value}.crt"; File.WriteAllBytes(publicKeyFilename, certdata); Console.WriteLine($"Public certificate written to file {publicKeyFilename}"); // combine the two! var properCert = cert.CopyWithPrivateKey(certKey); var pfxData = cert.Export(X509ContentType.Pfx); var privateKeyFilename = $"{certOrder.Identifiers[0].Value}.pfx"; File.WriteAllBytes(privateKeyFilename, pfxData); Console.WriteLine($"Private certificate written to file {privateKeyFilename}"); }
private static async Task OrderDomains(ACMEClient acmeClient, params string[] domainNames) { IEnumerable <OrderIdentifier> domains = domainNames.Select(domain => new OrderIdentifier { Type = ChallengeType.DNSChallenge, Value = domain }); Uri[] validations = null; Order order = null; while (order == null) { order = await NewOrderAsync(acmeClient, domains); if (order == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed.. retrying"); await Task.Delay(5000); } } // todo: save order identifier Console.WriteLine($"Order location: {order.Location}"); validations = order.Authorizations; IEnumerable <AuthorizationChallengeResponse> auths = await RetrieveAuthz(acmeClient, validations); foreach (AuthorizationChallengeResponse item in auths) { if (item.Status == ACMEStatus.Valid) { Console.WriteLine("Domain already validated succesfully."); continue; } AuthorizationChallenge validChallenge = item.Challenges.Where(challenge => challenge.Status == ACMEStatus.Valid).FirstOrDefault(); if (validChallenge != null) { Console.WriteLine("Found a valid challenge, skipping domain."); Console.WriteLine(validChallenge.Type); continue; } IEnumerable <AuthorizationChallenge> applicableChallenges = item.Wildcard ? item.Challenges.Where(x => x.Type == "dns-01") : item.Challenges; foreach (AuthorizationChallenge challenge in applicableChallenges) { Console.WriteLine($"Status: {challenge.Status}"); Console.WriteLine($"Challenge: {challenge.Url}"); Console.WriteLine($"Type: {challenge.Type}"); Console.WriteLine($"Token: {challenge.Token}"); Console.WriteLine($"Value: {challenge.AuthorizationToken}"); if (challenge.Type == "http-01") { File.WriteAllText(challenge.Token, challenge.AuthorizationToken); Console.WriteLine($"File saved as: {challenge.Token} in working directory."); Console.WriteLine($"Please upload the file to {item.Identifier.Value}/.well-known/acme-challenge/{challenge.Token}"); } else if (challenge.Type == "dns-01") { Console.WriteLine($"Please create a text entry for _acme-challenge.{item.Identifier.Value} with value: {challenge.AuthorizationToken}"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Unknown challenge type encountered '{challenge.Type}'. Please handle accourdingly."); } var result = HandleConsoleInput("Challenge completed? [y/n]", new[] { "y", "yes", "n", "no" }); if (result == "y" || result == "yes") { Console.WriteLine("Validating challenge"); var validation = await ValidateChallengeCompletion(challenge, item.Identifier.Value); if (validation) { AuthorizationChallengeResponse c = await CompleteChallenge(acmeClient, challenge, challenge.AuthorizationToken); while (c.Status == ACMEStatus.Pending) { await Task.Delay(5000); c = await acmeClient.GetAuthorizationChallengeAsync(challenge.Url); } Console.WriteLine($"Challenge Status: {c.Status}"); if (c.Status == ACMEStatus.Valid) { // no reason to keep going, we have one succesfull challenge! break; } } else { Console.WriteLine($"Validation failed for {item.Identifier.Value}"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Skipping challenge"); } } } foreach (Uri challenge in order.Authorizations) { AuthorizationChallengeResponse c; do { c = await acmeClient.GetAuthorizationChallengeAsync(challenge); }while (c == null || c.Status == ACMEStatus.Pending); if (c.Status == ACMEStatus.Invalid) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to validate domain {c.Identifier.Value}. Aborting"); return; } } order = await acmeClient.UpdateOrderAsync(order); Console.WriteLine($"Order status:{order.Status}"); while (order.Status == ACMEStatus.Processing) { Thread.Sleep(500); Console.WriteLine("Order status = processing; updating.."); order = await acmeClient.UpdateOrderAsync(order); } var certKey = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(4096); SaveRSAKeyToFile(certKey, $"{FixFilename(order.Identifiers[0].Value)}.key"); Order certOrder = null; try { certOrder = await acmeClient.RequestCertificateAsync(order, certKey); while (certOrder.Status == ACMEStatus.Processing) { Thread.Sleep(500); Console.WriteLine("Order status = processing; updating.."); certOrder = await acmeClient.UpdateOrderAsync(certOrder); } Console.WriteLine(certOrder.Status); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return; } X509Certificate2 cert = await acmeClient.GetCertificateAsync(certOrder); var certdata = cert.Export(X509ContentType.Cert); var publicKeyFilename = $"{FixFilename(certOrder.Identifiers[0].Value)}.crt"; File.WriteAllBytes(publicKeyFilename, certdata); Console.WriteLine($"Public certificate written to file {publicKeyFilename}"); // combine the two! X509Certificate2 properCert = cert.CopyWithPrivateKey(certKey); Console.WriteLine("Enter password to secure PFX"); System.Security.SecureString password = PasswordInput.ReadPassword(); var pfxData = properCert.Export(X509ContentType.Pfx, password); var privateKeyFilename = $"{FixFilename(certOrder.Identifiers[0].Value)}.pfx"; File.WriteAllBytes(privateKeyFilename, pfxData); Console.WriteLine($"Private certificate written to file {privateKeyFilename}"); }