// Called when a phone number is swiped for deletion. Illustrates how to delete a multivalue property
        protected void DeletePhoneNumber(int phoneNumberID)
            using (ABAddressBook addressBook = new ABAddressBook()) {
                ABPerson contact = addressBook.GetPerson(contactID);

                // get the phones and copy them to a mutable set of multivalues (so we can edit)
                ABMutableMultiValue <string> phones = contact.GetPhones().ToMutableMultiValue();

                // loop backwards and delete the phone number
                for (int i = phones.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (phones [i].Identifier == phoneNumberID)

                // attach the phones back to the contact

                // save the changes

                // show an alert, letting the user know the number deletion was successful
                new UIAlertView("Alert", "Phone Number Deleted", null, "OK", null).Show();

                // repopulate the page
        protected void BtnAddPhoneNumberTouchUpInside(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // get a reference to the contact
            using (ABAddressBook addressBook = new ABAddressBook())
                ABPerson contact = addressBook.GetPerson(contactID);

                // get the phones and copy them to a mutable set of multivalues (so we can edit)
                ABMutableMultiValue <string> phones = contact.GetPhones().ToMutableMultiValue();

                // add the phone number to the phones via the multivalue.Add method
                phones.Add(new NSString(txtPhoneLabel.Text), new NSString(txtPhoneNumber.Text));

                // attach the phones back to the contact

                // save the address book changes

                // show an alert, letting the user know the number addition was successful
                new UIAlertView("Alert", "Phone Number Added", null, "OK", null).Show();

                // update the page

                // we have to call reload to refresh the table because the action didn't originate
                // from the table.
        protected void BtnSaveChangesTouchUpInside(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (ABAddressBook addressBook = new ABAddressBook()) {
                ABPerson contact = addressBook.GetPerson(contactID);

                if (contact != null)
                    // save contact name information
                    contact.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text;
                    contact.LastName  = txtLastName.Text;

                    // get the phones and copy them to a mutable set of multivalues (so we can edit)
                    ABMutableMultiValue <string> phones = contact.GetPhones().ToMutableMultiValue();

                    // remove all phones data
                    // HACK: Cast nint to int
                    for (int i = (int)phones.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)

                    // add the phone number to the phones from the table data source
                    for (int i = 0; i < PhoneNumberTableSource.labels.Count; i++)
                        phones.Add(new NSString(PhoneNumberTableSource.numbers [i]), new NSString(PhoneNumberTableSource.labels [i]));

                    // attach the phones back to the contact

                    // save the address book changes

                    // show an alert, letting the user know information saved successfully
                    new UIAlertView("Alert", "Contact Information Saved!", null, "OK", null).Show();

                    // update the page

                    // we have to call reload to refresh the table because the action didn't originate
                    // from the table.
                    new UIAlertView("Alert", "Please select a contact using the top right button", null, "OK", null).Show();
partial         void AddElba(Id sender)
            NSMutableDictionary homeAddr, workAddr;
            ABMutableMultiValue multiValue;

            // Get the address book - there is only one.
            ABAddressBook ab = ABAddressBook.SharedAddressBook;

            // Create a record.
            ABPerson person = new ABPerson();

            // Set value in record for first name property.
            person.SetValueForProperty((NSString) "Able", AddressBookFramework.kABFirstNameProperty);
            // Set value in record for last name property.
            person.SetValueForProperty((NSString) "Elba", AddressBookFramework.kABLastNameProperty);

            // kABAddressProperty is a multiValue.
            // It's values, such as kABAddressHomeLabel, have in turn keys,
            // such as kABAddressStreetKey.
            // Create and populate a NSDictionary with some kABAddressHomeLabel keys.
            homeAddr = new NSMutableDictionary();
            homeAddr[AddressBookFramework.kABAddressStreetKey] = (NSString) "123 Home Dr.";
            homeAddr[AddressBookFramework.kABAddressCityKey] = (NSString) "Home City";
            homeAddr[AddressBookFramework.kABAddressStateKey] = (NSString) "CA";
            homeAddr[AddressBookFramework.kABAddressZIPKey] = (NSString) "94110";
            homeAddr[AddressBookFramework.kABAddressCountryKey] = (NSString) "United States";

            // Create and populate a NSDictionary with some kABAddressWorkLabel keys.
            workAddr = new NSMutableDictionary();
            workAddr[AddressBookFramework.kABAddressStreetKey] = (NSString) "123 Home Dr.";
            workAddr[AddressBookFramework.kABAddressCityKey] = (NSString) "Home City";
            workAddr[AddressBookFramework.kABAddressStateKey] = (NSString) "CA";
            workAddr[AddressBookFramework.kABAddressZIPKey] = (NSString) "94110";
            workAddr[AddressBookFramework.kABAddressCountryKey] = (NSString) "United States";

            // Create an ABMultivalue and add the kABAddressHomeLabel and
            // kABAddressWorkLabel NSDictionaries
            multiValue = new ABMutableMultiValue();
            multiValue.AddValueWithLabel(homeAddr, AddressBookFramework.kABAddressHomeLabel);
            multiValue.AddValueWithLabel(workAddr, AddressBookFramework.kABAddressWorkLabel);

            // Set value in record for kABAddressProperty.
            person.SetValueForProperty(multiValue, AddressBookFramework.kABAddressProperty);

            // kABPhoneProperty is a multivalue.
            // Create and populate a multiValue.
            multiValue = new ABMutableMultiValue();
            multiValue.AddValueWithLabel((NSString) "408-974-0000", AddressBookFramework.kABPhoneWorkLabel);
            multiValue.AddValueWithLabel((NSString) "408-974-1111", AddressBookFramework.kABPhoneHomeLabel);
            multiValue.AddValueWithLabel((NSString) "408-974-2222", AddressBookFramework.kABPhoneMobileLabel);
            multiValue.AddValueWithLabel((NSString) "408-974-3333", AddressBookFramework.kABPhoneMainLabel);
            multiValue.AddValueWithLabel((NSString) "408-974-4444", AddressBookFramework.kABPhoneHomeFAXLabel);
            multiValue.AddValueWithLabel((NSString) "408-974-5555", AddressBookFramework.kABPhoneWorkFAXLabel);
            multiValue.AddValueWithLabel((NSString) "408-974-6666", AddressBookFramework.kABPhonePagerLabel);

            // Set value in record for kABPhoneProperty.
            person.SetValueForProperty(multiValue, AddressBookFramework.kABPhoneProperty);

            // Add record to the Address Book
            if (ab.AddRecord(person))
                // Save the Address Book
                if (ab.Save())