public void TestExampleSetupViaOnConfiguringOk() { //SETUP const string connectionString //#A = "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=EfCore.TestSupport-Test;Trusted_Connection=True"; var builder = new //#B DbContextOptionsBuilder <DbContextOnConfiguring>(); //#B builder.UseSqlServer(connectionString); //#C var options = builder.Options; //#D //ATTEMPT using (var context = new DbContextOnConfiguring //#B (options)) //#B { //VERIFY context.Database.GetDbConnection().ConnectionString.ShouldEqual(connectionString); } /******************************************************************** #A This holds the connection string for the database to be used for the unit test #B I set up the options I want to use #C I then provide the options to the DbContext via is new, one-parameter constructor * ******************************************************************/ }
public void TestExampleSetupViaConstructorOk() { //SETUP const string connectionString //#A = "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=EfCore.TestSupport-Test;Trusted_Connection=True"; var builder = new //#B DbContextOptionsBuilder <BookContext>(); //#B builder.UseSqlServer(connectionString); //#C var options = builder.Options; //#D using (var context = new BookContext(options)) //#E { //VERIFY context.Database.GetDbConnection().ConnectionString.ShouldEqual(connectionString); } /******************************************************************** #A This holds the connection string for the SQL Server database #B We need to create DbContextOptionsBuilder<T> class to build the options #C Here I define that I want to use the SQL Server database provider #D I then build the final DbContextOptions<EfCoreContext> options that the application's DbContext needs #E This then allows me to create an instance for my unit tests * ******************************************************************/ }