public string GenerateScript(byte[] serialized_object, string entry_class_name, string additional_script, RuntimeVersion version, bool enable_debug) { string[] lines = JScriptGenerator.BinToBase64Lines(serialized_object); return(GetScriptHeader(version, enable_debug) + Global_Var.vbs_template.Replace( "%SERIALIZED%", String.Join(Environment.NewLine + "s = s & ", lines) ).Replace( "%CLASS%", entry_class_name ).Replace( "%ADDEDSCRIPT%", additional_script )); }
public static string Generate() { try { /* * if (Environment.Version.Major != 2) * { * WriteError("This tool should only be run on v2 of the CLR"); * Environment.Exit(1); * } */ string output_file = null; string entry_class_name = DEFAULT_ENTRY_CLASS_NAME; string additional_script = String.Empty; bool mscorlib_only = false; bool scriptlet_moniker = false; bool scriptlet_uninstall = false; bool enable_debug = false; RuntimeVersion version = RuntimeVersion.Auto; ScriptLanguage language = ScriptLanguage.JScript; Guid clsid = Guid.Empty; bool show_help = false; string assembly_path = Global_Var.dll_path; /* * if (!File.Exists(assembly_path) || show_help) * { * Console.Error.WriteLine(@"Usage: DotNetToJScript {0} [options] path\to\asm", VERSION); * Console.Error.WriteLine("Copyright (C) James Forshaw 2017. Licensed under GPLv3."); * Console.Error.WriteLine("Source code at"); * Console.Error.WriteLine("Options"); * opts.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Error); * Environment.Exit(1); * } */ IScriptGenerator generator; switch (language) { case ScriptLanguage.JScript: generator = new JScriptGenerator(); break; case ScriptLanguage.VBA: generator = new VBAGenerator(); break; case ScriptLanguage.VBScript: generator = new VBScriptGenerator(); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Invalid script language option"); } byte[] assembly = File.ReadAllBytes(assembly_path); try { HashSet <string> valid_classes = GetValidClasses(assembly); if (!valid_classes.Contains(entry_class_name)) { WriteError("Error: Class '{0}' not found is assembly.", entry_class_name); if (valid_classes.Count == 0) { WriteError("Error: Assembly doesn't contain any public, default constructable classes"); } else { WriteError("Use one of the follow options to specify a valid classes"); foreach (string name in valid_classes) { WriteError("-c {0}", name); } } Environment.Exit(1); } } catch (Exception) { WriteError("Error: loading assembly information."); WriteError("The generated script might not work correctly"); } BinaryFormatter fmt = new BinaryFormatter(); MemoryStream stm = new MemoryStream(); fmt.Serialize(stm, mscorlib_only ? BuildLoaderDelegateMscorlib(assembly) : BuildLoaderDelegate(assembly)); string script = generator.GenerateScript(stm.ToArray(), entry_class_name, additional_script, version, enable_debug); if (scriptlet_moniker || scriptlet_uninstall) { if (!generator.SupportsScriptlet) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("{0} generator does not support Scriptlet output", generator.ScriptName)); } script = CreateScriptlet(script, generator.ScriptName, scriptlet_uninstall, clsid); } /* * if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(output_file)) * { * File.WriteAllText(output_file, script, new UTF8Encoding(false)); * } * else * { * Console.WriteLine(script); * } */ return(script); } catch (Exception ex) { ReflectionTypeLoadException tex = ex as ReflectionTypeLoadException; if (tex != null) { WriteError("Couldn't load assembly file"); foreach (var e in tex.LoaderExceptions) { WriteError(e.Message); } } else { WriteError(ex.Message); } return(null); } }