public static bool InsertTmpFileMsg(FileMsg fileMsg) { try { string sql1 = string.Format(@"INSERT into tmpfilemsg( UserID,FileName,FullName,Count,VerForm,PrintColor,PaperType,Printer,PageCount,Price,LoadTime,FinishTime,DeleteTime,State,isRemove,isNormalFile,InitPrice,FileSize) VALUES ('{0}','{1}','{2}',{3},'{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}','{13}','{14}','{15}','{16}','{17}')", fileMsg.UserID, fileMsg.FileName, fileMsg.FullName, fileMsg.Count, fileMsg.VerForm, fileMsg.PrintColor, fileMsg.PaperType, fileMsg.Printer, fileMsg.PageCount, fileMsg.Price, fileMsg.LoadTime, fileMsg.FinishTime, fileMsg.DeleteTime, fileMsg.state, fileMsg.isRemove ? "1" : "0", fileMsg.isNormalFile ? "1" : "0", fileMsg.InitPrice, fileMsg.FileSize); sql1 = sql1.Replace("\\", "\\\\"); int i = SQLiteHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql1); string s = i > 0 ? "成功" : "失败"; LogOperate.Add("插入订单:" + fileMsg.UserID + " " + fileMsg.FileName + " " + s); if (i == 0) { return(false); } else { return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return(false); } }
public static bool InsertTmpUserMsg(GroupMsg groupMsg) { try { string sql1 = string.Format(@"INSERT into tmpusermsg( UserID,FileName,FullName,GroupName,FileDirectory,Count,VerForm,PrintColor,PaperType,Printer,PageCount,InitPageCount,Price,InitPrice,Time,Area,Phone,SetTime,LoadTime,FinishTime,DeleteTime,CreateTime,PayType,State,isRemove,isManual,Note,FileSize) VALUES ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}','{13}','{14}','{15}','{16}','{17}','{18}','{19}','{20}','{21}','{22}','{23}','{24}','{25}','{26}','{27}')", groupMsg.UserID, groupMsg.FileName, groupMsg.FullName, groupMsg.GroupName, groupMsg.FileDirectory, groupMsg.Count, groupMsg.VerForm, groupMsg.PrintColor, groupMsg.PaperType, groupMsg.Printer, groupMsg.PageCount, groupMsg.InitPageCount, groupMsg.Price, groupMsg.InitPrice, groupMsg.Time, groupMsg.Area, groupMsg.Phone, groupMsg.SetTime, groupMsg.LoadTime, groupMsg.FinishTime, groupMsg.DeleteTime, groupMsg.CreateTime, groupMsg.PayType, groupMsg.state, groupMsg.isRemove?"1":"0", groupMsg.isManual?"1":"0", groupMsg.Note, groupMsg.fileSize); sql1 = sql1.Replace("\\", "\\\\"); int i = SQLiteHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql1); string s = i > 0 ? "成功" : "失败"; LogOperate.Add("插入订单:" + groupMsg.UserID + " " + s); if (i == 0) { return(false); } else { return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return(false); } }
public static bool deleteAllTmpFileMsg(string userID) { try { string sql1 = string.Format(@"delete FROM tmpfilemsg where UserID = '{0}' ", userID); int i = SQLiteHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql1); string s = i > 0 ? "成功" : "失败"; LogOperate.Add("删除所有文件:" + userID + " " + s); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return(false); } }
public static bool deleteTmpUserMsg(GroupMsg groupMsg) { try { string sql1 = string.Format(@"delete FROM tmpusermsg where UserID = '{0}' ", groupMsg.UserID); int i = SQLiteHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql1); string s = i > 0 ? "成功" : "失败"; LogOperate.Add("删除订单:" + groupMsg.UserID + " " + s); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return(false); } }
public static bool deleteTmpFileMsg(string userID, string fileName, string fulllName) { try { string sql1 = string.Format(@"delete FROM tmpfilemsg where UserID = '{0}' and FileName ='{1}' and FullName = '{2}' ", userID, fileName, fulllName); sql1 = sql1.Replace("\\", "\\\\"); int i = SQLiteHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql1); string s = i > 0 ? "成功" : "失败"; LogOperate.Add("删除文件:" + userID + " " + fileName + " " + s); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return(false); } }
public static bool UpdateTmpFileMsg(FileMsg fileMsg) { try { string sql1 = string.Format(@"update tmpfilemsg set UserID = '{0}',FileName = '{1}',FullName = '{2}',Count = '{3}',VerForm = '{4}',PrintColor = '{5}',PaperType = '{6}',Printer = '{7}',PageCount = '{8}',Price = '{9}',LoadTime = '{10}',FinishTime = '{11}',DeleteTime = '{12}',State = '{13}',isRemove = '{14}',isNormalFile = '{15}',InitPrice = '{16}' where UserID = '{17}' and FileName ='{18}' and FullName = '{19}' ", fileMsg.UserID, fileMsg.FileName, fileMsg.FullName, fileMsg.Count, fileMsg.VerForm, fileMsg.PrintColor, fileMsg.PaperType, fileMsg.Printer, fileMsg.PageCount, fileMsg.Price, fileMsg.LoadTime, fileMsg.FinishTime, fileMsg.DeleteTime, fileMsg.state, fileMsg.isRemove ? "1" : "0", fileMsg.isNormalFile ? "1" : "0", fileMsg.InitPrice, fileMsg.UserID, fileMsg.FileName, fileMsg.FullName); sql1 = sql1.Replace("\\", "\\\\"); int i = SQLiteHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql1); string s = i > 0 ? "成功" : "失败"; LogOperate.Add("更新文件:" + fileMsg.UserID + " " + fileMsg.FileName + " " + s); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return(false); } }
public static bool UpdateTmpUserMsg(GroupMsg groupMsg) { try { string sql1 = string.Format(@"update tmpusermsg set UserID = '{0}',FileName = '{1}',FullName = '{2}',GroupName = '{3}',FileDirectory = '{4}',Count = '{5}',VerForm = '{6}',PrintColor = '{7}',PaperType = '{8}',Printer = '{9}',PageCount = '{10}',InitPageCount = '{11}',Price = '{12}',InitPrice = '{13}',Time = '{14}',Area = '{15}',Phone = '{16}',SetTime = '{17}',LoadTime = '{18}',FinishTime = '{19}',DeleteTime = '{20}',CreateTime = '{21}',PayType = '{22}',State = '{23}',isRemove = '{24}',isManual = '{25}',Note = '{26}',FileSize = '{27}' where UserID = '{28}'", groupMsg.UserID, groupMsg.FileName, groupMsg.FullName, groupMsg.GroupName, groupMsg.FileDirectory, groupMsg.Count, groupMsg.VerForm, groupMsg.PrintColor, groupMsg.PaperType, groupMsg.Printer, groupMsg.PageCount, groupMsg.InitPageCount, groupMsg.Price, groupMsg.InitPrice, groupMsg.Time, groupMsg.Area, groupMsg.Phone, groupMsg.SetTime, groupMsg.LoadTime, groupMsg.FinishTime, groupMsg.DeleteTime, groupMsg.CreateTime, groupMsg.PayType, groupMsg.state, groupMsg.isRemove ? "1" : "0", groupMsg.isManual ? "1" : "0", groupMsg.Note, groupMsg.fileSize, groupMsg.UserID); sql1 = sql1.Replace("\\", "\\\\"); int i = SQLiteHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql1); string s = i > 0 ? "成功" : "失败"; LogOperate.Add("更新订单:" + groupMsg.UserID + " " + s); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return(false); } }
private void frm_Main_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if (!unInit) { if (main.groupList.FindIndex(t => t.isPrint == true) != -1) { MessageBox.Show("请打印文件完成后再退出!"); e.Cancel = true; } if (this.Text.IndexOf(preString) != -1) { this.Text.Replace(preString, "-正在关闭..."); } else { this.Text += "-正在关闭..."; } foreach (var v in main.groupList) { if (!v.isRemove) { SqlModlus.SaveGroupMsg(v); } } try { bExit = true; WordToPdf.RunFlag = false; ExcelHelper.RunFlag = false; WordToPdf.Stop(); ExcelHelper.Stop(); foreach (var v in FileHelper.lockFileList) { v.fs.Close(); File.Delete(v.FullName); } LogOperate.Add("软件关闭!"); LogOperate.Stop(); } catch { } } }
public static List <FileMsg> GetAllFile(DirectoryInfo root, string userName, string userID, string newPath, string oldPath) { List <FileMsg> tmpList = new List <FileMsg>(); FileInfo[] files = root.GetFiles(); DirectoryInfo[] info = root.GetDirectories(); foreach (var v in files) { if ((v.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == FileAttributes.Hidden) { continue; } if (v.Extension.ToUpper() == "") { continue; } if (v.Extension.ToUpper() == ".RAR") { continue; } if (v.Extension.ToUpper() == ".ZIP") { continue; } double filesize = System.Math.Ceiling(v.Length / 1024.0); //string strSize = ""; //if (filesize > 1024) // strSize = Math.Round((filesize / 1024.0), 2).ToString() + "M"; //else // strSize = filesize.ToString() + "K"; if (v.Extension.ToUpper() == ".PDF") { if (v.Name.IndexOf("W2P_tmp~W2P_tmp~") == 0) { continue; } string tmpPageCount = FileHelper.GetPDFofPageCount(v.FullName).ToString(); if (tmpPageCount == "-1") { tmpList.Add(new FileMsg() { FileSize = filesize, UserID = userID, FullName = newPath + "\\" + v.FullName.Replace(oldPath, "").Trim('\\'), FileName = v.Name, PageCount = "----", Count = "1", PrintColor = "黑白", VerForm = "正反", LoadTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), state = "0", isNew = true, isInit = true, isNormalFile = true }); } else { tmpList.Add(new FileMsg() { FileSize = filesize, UserID = userID, FullName = newPath + "\\" + v.FullName.Replace(oldPath, "").Trim('\\'), FileName = v.Name, PageCount = tmpPageCount, Count = "1", PrintColor = "黑白", VerForm = (tmpPageCount == "1" ? "单面" : "正反"), LoadTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), state = "0", isNew = true, isInit = true }); } } else if (v.Extension.ToUpper() == ".DOC" || v.Extension.ToUpper() == ".DOCX") { string newFileName1 = WordToPdf.GetPdfName(v.FullName); string newFileName = WordToPdf.GetPdfPath(v.FullName); if (File.Exists(newFileName)) { string tmpPageCount = FileHelper.GetPDFofPageCount(newFileName).ToString(); tmpList.Add(new FileMsg() { FileSize = filesize, UserID = userID, FullName = newPath + "\\" + newFileName.Replace(oldPath, "").Trim('\\'), FileName = v.Name, PageCount = tmpPageCount, Count = "1", PrintColor = "黑白", VerForm = tmpPageCount == "1"?"单面": "正反", LoadTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), state = "0", isNew = true, isInit = true }); } else { WTPMsg wTPMsg = new WTPMsg(); string[] tmpStr = v.FullName.Split('\\'); wTPMsg.FileName = tmpStr[tmpStr.Count() - 1]; wTPMsg.FullFileName = v.FullName; wTPMsg.UserName = userName; LogOperate.Add("刷新检测Word没有转化,当前路径:" + newFileName + "," + userName); WordToPdf.AddMsg(wTPMsg); return(null); } } else { tmpList.Add(new FileMsg() { FileSize = filesize, UserID = userID, FullName = newPath + "\\" + v.FullName.Replace(oldPath, "").Trim('\\'), FileName = v.Name, PageCount = "----", Count = "1", PrintColor = "黑白", VerForm = "正反", LoadTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), state = "0", isNew = true, isInit = true, isNormalFile = true }); } } foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in info) { tmpList.AddRange(GetAllFile(dir, userName, userID, newPath, oldPath)); } return(tmpList); }
public static void GetUserMsg(string root) { string destPath = System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + @"\tmpCaeaload"; if (!Directory.Exists(destPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(destPath); } int i = 0; DirectoryInfo tmpRootInfo = new DirectoryInfo(root); List <GroupMsg> tmpList = new List <GroupMsg>(); DirectoryInfo[] tmpInfoArray = tmpRootInfo.GetDirectories(); foreach (var tmpInfo in tmpInfoArray) { if (frm_Main.bExit) { break; } if (FileHelper.GetFileCount(tmpInfo) == 0) { //tmpInfo.Delete(); //MessageBox.Show("文件夹:" + tmpInfo.Name + " 异常!"); LogOperate.Add("文件夹:" + tmpInfo.Name + "为空"); //tmpInfoArray = tmpRootInfo.GetDirectories(); continue; } List <FileMsg> tmpFileMsg = new List <FileMsg>(); string tmps = destPath + "\\" + tmpInfo.Name + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + "(_caeaload)"; string newName = tmps.Replace(destPath + "\\", ""); if ((tmpFileMsg = GetAllFile(tmpInfo, tmpInfo.Name, newName, tmps, tmpInfo.FullName)) != null && tmpFileMsg.Count != 0) { try { newName = tmpInfo.Name; LogOperate.Add("开始移动订单:" + tmpInfo.Name); tmpInfo.MoveTo(tmps); } catch (Exception ex) { LogOperate.Add("移动订单失败:" + tmpInfo.Name + "," + ex.Message); //MessageBox.Show("移动订单失败:" + tmpInfo.Name + "," + ex.Message); Thread.Sleep(100); tmpInfoArray = tmpRootInfo.GetDirectories(); continue; } GroupMsg groupmsg = new GroupMsg() { UserID = tmpInfo.Name, CreateTime = tmpInfo.CreationTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), FileMsgList = tmpFileMsg, LoadTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), FileDirectory = frm_Main.CurrentPath, state = "0", GroupName = newName, Count = "1", PageCount = tmpFileMsg.Sum(t => t.PageCount == "----" ? 0 : int.Parse(t.PageCount)).ToString(), //initPageCount = tmpFileMsg.Sum(t => t.PageCount == -1 ? 0 : t.PageCount), VerForm = "正反", PrintColor = "黑白", PaperType = GetPaperType.defaultBWPaper, Printer = GetPrinterType.defaultBWPrinter, PayType = "4", SetTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), FullName = tmpInfo.FullName.Trim('\\'), isInit = true }; groupmsg.FileName = groupmsg.GetDisplayFileName(); groupmsg.InitPageCount = groupmsg.PageCount; groupmsg.InitPrice = "-2"; tmpList.Add(groupmsg); Thread.Sleep(10); } else { Thread.Sleep(100); } } #region //while (tmpInfoArray.Count() > 0) //{ // if (frm_Main.bExit) // break; // DirectoryInfo tmpInfo = tmpInfoArray[0]; // if (FileHelper.GetFileCount(tmpInfo) == 0) // { // //tmpInfo.Delete(); // MessageBox.Show("文件夹:" + tmpInfo.Name + " 异常!"); // tmpInfoArray = tmpRootInfo.GetDirectories(); // continue ; // } // List<FileMsg> tmpFileMsg = new List<FileMsg>(); // string tmps = destPath + "\\" + tmpInfo.Name + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + "(_caeaload)"; // string newName = tmps.Replace(destPath + "\\",""); // if ((tmpFileMsg = GetAllFile(tmpInfo, tmpInfo.Name, newName, tmps, tmpInfo.FullName)) != null && tmpFileMsg.Count != 0) // { // try // { // newName = tmpInfo.Name; // LogOperate.Add("开始移动订单:" + tmpInfo.Name); // tmpInfo.MoveTo(tmps); // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // LogOperate.Add("移动订单失败:" + tmpInfo.Name + "," + ex.Message); // MessageBox.Show("移动订单失败:" + tmpInfo.Name + "," + ex.Message); // Thread.Sleep(100); // tmpInfoArray = tmpRootInfo.GetDirectories(); // continue; // } // GroupMsg groupmsg = new GroupMsg() // { // UserID = tmpInfo.Name, // CreateTime = tmpInfo.CreationTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), // FileMsgList = tmpFileMsg, // LoadTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), // FileDirectory = frm_Main.CurrentPath, // state = "0", // GroupName = newName, // Count = "1", // PageCount = tmpFileMsg.Sum(t => t.PageCount == "----" ? 0: int.Parse( t.PageCount)).ToString(), // //initPageCount = tmpFileMsg.Sum(t => t.PageCount == -1 ? 0 : t.PageCount), // VerForm = "正反", // PrintColor = "黑白", // PaperType = GetPaperType.defaultBWPaper, // Printer = GetPrinterType.defaultBWPrinter, // PayType = "4", // SetTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), // FullName = tmpInfo.FullName.Trim('\\'), // isInit = true // }; // groupmsg.FileName = groupmsg.GetDisplayFileName(); // groupmsg.InitPageCount = groupmsg.PageCount; // groupmsg.InitPrice = "-2"; // tmpList.Add(groupmsg); // Thread.Sleep(10); // } // else // Thread.Sleep(100); // tmpInfoArray = tmpRootInfo.GetDirectories(); //} #endregion foreach (var v in tmpList) { UserDB userDB = SqlModlus.selectUserMsg(v.GroupName); v.Printer = v.FileMsgList.Count() == v.FileMsgList.Count(t => t.isNormalFile) ? "----" : GetPrinterType.defaultBWPrinter; v.PaperType = GetPaperType.defaultBWPaper; v.Area = FileHelper.addrList.Contains(userDB.lastAddr) ? userDB.lastAddr : null; v.Phone =; foreach (var subv in v.FileMsgList) { subv.Printer = subv.isNormalFile ? "----" : GetPrinterType.defaultBWPrinter; subv.PaperType = GetPaperType.defaultBWPaper; subv.Price = subv.GetPrice(); subv.InitPrice = "-2"; } v.Price = v.GetPrice(); v.GetDisplayVerForm(); } foreach (var v in tmpList) { if (v.FileMsgList.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("订单有效文件为空!"); continue; } if (!SqlModlus.InsertTmpUserMsg(v)) { MessageBox.Show("订单保存异常!"); } Thread.Sleep(1); foreach (var v1 in v.FileMsgList) { if (!SqlModlus.InsertTmpFileMsg(v1)) { MessageBox.Show("文件保存异常!"); } Thread.Sleep(1); } } if (main.groupList == null) { main.groupList = new List <GroupMsg>(); } foreach (var v in main.groupList) { if (v.isRemove) { continue; } if (v.isManual) { v.isInit = true; continue; } } main.groupList.AddRange(tmpList); main.groupList.ForEach(t => t.isPrint = false); //main.groupList.RemoveAll(t => t.isRemove == true); }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //File.AppendAllLines(@"E:\代码\C#\Winform\私单\打印管理20190916\20190820\打印管理\打印管理\bin\Debug\log\logtext 20190926 171728.txt",new string[] { "123456"}); bool b = SQLiteHelper.SQLiteInit(string.Format(@"Data Source={0}\PrintDB.db", Application.StartupPath), "jtmes"); if (b) { KeyPreview = true; try { foreach (var v in toolStrip1.Items) { if (v is ToolStripButton) { ToolStripButton Tbtn = v as ToolStripButton; if (Convert.ToString(Tbtn.Tag) == "1") { Tbtn.Paint += toolStrip1_Paint; Tbtn.MouseMove += toolStrip1_MouseMove; } } } logFlag = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigClass.GetConfigString("sys", "log", "true")); LogOperate.Init(); LogOperate.Start(); LogOperate.Add("软件运行"); CurrentPath = ConfigClass.GetConfigString("File", "path", ""); if (!Directory.Exists(CurrentPath)) { FolderBrowserDialog f = new FolderBrowserDialog(); if (f.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { CurrentPath = f.SelectedPath; ConfigClass.SetConfigString("File", "path", CurrentPath); } else { unInit = true; Application.Exit(); } } string strFastPrint = ConfigClass.GetConfigString("Printer", "speed", "false"); CK_fastPrint.Checked = strFastPrint.ToUpper() == "TRUE" ? true : false; nFastPrint = CK_fastPrint.Checked; bool bConvert = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigClass.GetConfigString("sys", "Convert", "false")); if (bConvert) { timer2.Interval = 1000; timer2.Enabled = true; } else { fileWatcher.Path = CurrentPath; fileWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; } sysConfigData.printerName = ConfigClass.GetConfigString("sys", "小票打印机", ""); sysConfigData.ShopName = ConfigClass.GetConfigString("sys", "店铺名称", ""); sysConfigData.BarcodePath = ConfigClass.GetConfigString("sys", "二维码路径", ""); sound = new System.Media.SoundPlayer("Audio.wav"); sound.Load(); //main.groupList = ConfigClass.LoadCookie<GroupMsg>("cookie.dat"); main.groupList = SqlModlus.selectTmpUserMsg(); if (main.groupList == null) { main.groupList = new List <GroupMsg>(); } foreach (var v in main.groupList) { if (!v.isManual) { List <FileMsg> fmsg = SqlModlus.selectTmpFileMsg(v.UserID); v.FileMsgList = fmsg; } } main.groupList.ForEach(t => t.isPrint = false); main.groupList.RemoveAll(t => t.isRemove == true); txt_Date.Text = DateTime.Now.Date.ToLongDateString(); CurrentDate = txt_Date.Text; FileHelper.timelist = GetPeopleMsg.GetTimeList(); FileHelper.addrList = GetPeopleMsg.GetAddrList(); FileHelper.rowMsg = GetDefaultAddMsg.getMsg(); GetPaperType.UpdatePaperList(); GetPrinterType.UpdatePrinterList(); GetPaperPrice.getPrice(); GetUserMsg(CurrentPath); WordToPdf.Start(); DealControl(new int[] { 0, 0, 0 }); CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; treeView1.ExpandAll(); treeView1.MouseDoubleClick += new MouseEventHandler(treeView1_DoubleClick); txt_path.Text = CurrentPath; //FileHelper.act.BeginInvoke(frm_Main.CurrentPath, callback, null); frm_MainMenu = New_Form(frm_MainMenu); tooldoWork = frm_MainMenu.doWork; if (frm_MainMenu != null) { frm_MainMenu.setdgvPos(panel_Parent.Width, panel_Parent.Height); } ExcelHelper.Start(); frm_MainMenu.refresh(""); toolStrip2.ItemClicked += new System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemClickedEventHandler(this.toolStrip2_ItemClicked); unInit = false; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } else { MessageBox.Show("数据库连接异常!"); } }