private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string password = textBox3.Text; if (password != "" && password != "пароль") { try { string sql = "SELECT FIO FROM admin WHERE password='******';"; MySqlConnection conn = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn.Open(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn); MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { MessageBox.Show(reader[0].ToString()); admin form = new admin(reader[0].ToString()); form.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Вы ввели неверный логин или пароль!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } reader.Close(); conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString(), ex.Source.ToString(), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Вы ввели неккоректные данные!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (vyborcard == false) { MessageBox.Show("Выберите карту для пополнения!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { if (vybordeposit == false) { MessageBox.Show("Выберите депозит!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { if (textBox1.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Введите сумму депозита!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { if (kod.ToString() != textBox2.Text) { MessageBox.Show("Вы ввели неверный код!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { string summazapyataya = textBox1.Text; if (Convert.ToDouble(summazapyataya) < Convert.ToDouble(min_vznos) || Convert.ToDouble(summazapyataya) > Convert.ToDouble(max_vznos)) { MessageBox.Show("Сумма депозита должна быть в диапазоне от " + min_vznos + " до " + max_vznos + " " + valytadeposit + " !", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { string sql = "SELECT ostatok,valyta FROM bank_card,valyta WHERE id_card=" + mas_id_card[id_selected] + " AND valyta.id_valyta=(SELECT id_valyta FROM bank_card WHERE id_card=" + mas_id_card[id_selected] + ")"; MySqlConnection conn1 = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn1.Open(); MySqlCommand command1 = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn1); MySqlDataReader reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader(); reader1.Read(); string ostatok = reader1[0].ToString(); valytacard = reader1[1].ToString(); ostatok = ostatok.Replace('.', ','); reader1.Close(); conn1.Close(); if (valytacard == valytadeposit) { if (Convert.ToDouble(ostatok) >= Convert.ToDouble(summazapyataya)) { ostatok = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDouble(ostatok) - Convert.ToDouble(summazapyataya)); ostatok = ostatok.Replace(',', '.'); sql = "UPDATE bank_card SET ostatok='" + ostatok + "' WHERE id_card=" + mas_id_card[id_selected]; conn1 = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn1.Open(); command1 = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn1); reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader(); reader1.Read(); reader1.Close(); conn1.Close(); sql = "SELECT id_deposit_dopolnitelnaya FROM deposit_dopolnitelnaya ORDER BY id_deposit_dopolnitelnaya DESC"; conn1 = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn1.Open(); command1 = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn1); reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader(); reader1.Read(); string id_last_deposit = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(reader1[0]) + 1); reader1.Close(); conn1.Close(); string symma = summazapyataya.Replace(',', '.'); string id_valytacard = ""; if (valytacard == "BYN") { id_valytacard = "1"; } if (valytacard == "RUB") { id_valytacard = "2"; } if (valytacard == "EUR") { id_valytacard = "3"; } if (valytacard == "USD") { id_valytacard = "4"; } sql = "INSERT INTO history(id_client, id_card, datetime, summa, information_history,id_valyta) VALUES ('" + id_client + "','" + mas_id_card[id_selected] + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','" + symma + "','Открытие депозита " + comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'," + id_valytacard + ")"; conn1 = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn1.Open(); command1 = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn1); reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader(); reader1.Read(); reader1.Close(); conn1.Close(); string data_vidachi = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string data_okonchianiya = DateTime.Now.AddDays(Convert.ToDouble(srok_deposit)).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string snytie = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); if (snyatie == "YES") { sql = "INSERT INTO deposit_dopolnitelnaya(id_deposit_dopolnitelnaya, id_client, id_deposit, data_vidachi, data_okonchianiya, snytie, summa, data_raschet, nakopleniya) VALUES (" + id_last_deposit + "," + id_client + "," + id_deposit + ",'" + data_vidachi + "','" + data_okonchianiya + "','" + snytie + "','" + symma + "',NULL,'0')"; conn1 = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn1.Open(); command1 = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn1); reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader(); reader1.Read(); reader1.Close(); conn1.Close(); this.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Открыт новый депозит!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } else { sql = "INSERT INTO deposit_dopolnitelnaya(id_deposit_dopolnitelnaya, id_client, id_deposit, data_vidachi, data_okonchianiya, snytie, summa, data_raschet, nakopleniya) VALUES (" + id_last_deposit + "," + id_client + "," + id_deposit + ",'" + data_vidachi + "','" + data_okonchianiya + "',NULL,'" + symma + "',NULL,'0')"; conn1 = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn1.Open(); command1 = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn1); reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader(); reader1.Read(); reader1.Close(); conn1.Close(); this.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Открыт новый депозит!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Недостаточно средств!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } else { if (valytadeposit == "BYN") { if (valytacard == "RUB") { summazapyataya = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDouble(summazapyataya) / Convert.ToDouble(RUB) * 100); } if (valytacard == "EUR") { summazapyataya = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDouble(summazapyataya) / Convert.ToDouble(EUR)); } if (valytacard == "USD") { summazapyataya = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDouble(summazapyataya) / Convert.ToDouble(USD)); } } else { if (valytadeposit == "RUB") { summazapyataya = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDouble(summazapyataya) / 100 * Convert.ToDouble(RUB)); } if (valytadeposit == "EUR") { summazapyataya = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDouble(summazapyataya) * Convert.ToDouble(EUR)); } if (valytadeposit == "USD") { summazapyataya = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDouble(summazapyataya) * Convert.ToDouble(USD)); } if (valytacard == "RUB") { summazapyataya = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDouble(summazapyataya) / Convert.ToDouble(RUB) * 100); } if (valytacard == "EUR") { summazapyataya = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDouble(summazapyataya) / Convert.ToDouble(EUR)); } if (valytacard == "USD") { summazapyataya = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDouble(summazapyataya) / Convert.ToDouble(USD)); } } if (Convert.ToDouble(ostatok) >= Convert.ToDouble(summazapyataya)) { DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show("Для продолжения необходимо произвести обмен валют.\r\nОбмен будет произведен по следующему курсу:\r\n100 Российских рублей =" + RUB + " Белорусских рублей\r\nДоллар США =" + USD + " Белорусских рублей\r\nЕвро =" + EUR + " Белорусских рублей", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dialog == DialogResult.Yes) { ostatok = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDouble(ostatok) - Convert.ToDouble(summazapyataya)); ostatok = ostatok.Replace(',', '.'); sql = "UPDATE bank_card SET ostatok='" + ostatok + "' WHERE id_card=" + mas_id_card[id_selected]; conn1 = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn1.Open(); command1 = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn1); reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader(); reader1.Read(); reader1.Close(); conn1.Close(); sql = "SELECT id_deposit_dopolnitelnaya FROM deposit_dopolnitelnaya ORDER BY id_deposit_dopolnitelnaya DESC"; conn1 = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn1.Open(); command1 = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn1); reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader(); reader1.Read(); string id_last_deposit = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(reader1[0]) + 1); reader1.Close(); conn1.Close(); string symma = textBox1.Text.Replace(',', '.'); string id_valytacard = ""; if (valytacard == "BYN") { id_valytacard = "1"; } if (valytacard == "RUB") { id_valytacard = "2"; } if (valytacard == "EUR") { id_valytacard = "3"; } if (valytacard == "USD") { id_valytacard = "4"; } sql = "INSERT INTO history(id_client, id_card, datetime, summa, information_history,id_valyta) VALUES ('" + id_client + "','" + mas_id_card[id_selected] + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','" + symma + "','Открытие депозита " + comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'," + id_valytacard + ")"; conn1 = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn1.Open(); command1 = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn1); reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader(); reader1.Read(); reader1.Close(); conn1.Close(); string data_vidachi = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string data_okonchianiya = DateTime.Now.AddDays(Convert.ToDouble(srok_deposit)).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string snytie = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); if (snyatie == "YES") { sql = "INSERT INTO deposit_dopolnitelnaya(id_deposit_dopolnitelnaya, id_client, id_deposit, data_vidachi, data_okonchianiya, snytie, summa, data_raschet, nakopleniya) VALUES (" + id_last_deposit + "," + id_client + "," + id_deposit + ",'" + data_vidachi + "','" + data_okonchianiya + "','" + snytie + "','" + symma + "',NULL,'0')"; conn1 = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn1.Open(); command1 = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn1); reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader(); reader1.Read(); reader1.Close(); conn1.Close(); this.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Открыт новый депозит!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } else { sql = "INSERT INTO deposit_dopolnitelnaya(id_deposit_dopolnitelnaya, id_client, id_deposit, data_vidachi, data_okonchianiya, snytie, summa, data_raschet, nakopleniya) VALUES (" + id_last_deposit + "," + id_client + "," + id_deposit + ",'" + data_vidachi + "','" + data_okonchianiya + "',NULL,'" + symma + "',NULL,'0')"; conn1 = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn1.Open(); command1 = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn1); reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader(); reader1.Read(); reader1.Close(); conn1.Close(); this.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Открыт новый депозит!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("Недостаточно средств!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } } } } } } } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show(exc.Message.ToString(), exc.Source.ToString(), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (button1.Text == "Оплатить") { if (textBox3.Text != "" && textBox3.Text != "0") { if (textBox2.Text != "") { if (textBox2.Text == kod.ToString()) { try { string summazapyataya = textBox3.Text; string summatocka = summazapyataya.Replace(',', '.'); string summazapyataya1 = summazapyataya; string ostatokzapyataya = ostatok.Replace('.', ','); bool flag = false; if (valytacard == "BYN") { if (Convert.ToDouble(summazapyataya) < Convert.ToDouble(ostatokzapyataya)) { string str = "UPDATE bank_card SET ostatok=ostatok-'" + summatocka + "' WHERE id_card=" + mas_id_card[id_selected]; MySqlConnection conn1 = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn1.Open(); MySqlCommand command1 = new MySqlCommand(str, conn1); MySqlDataReader reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader(); reader1.Read(); reader1.Close(); conn1.Close(); string sql1 = "SELECT vystavleno FROM plategi_dopolnitelnaya WHERE id_plateg_dopolnitelnaya=" + id_plateg_dopolnitelnaya; MySqlConnection connection = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); connection.Open(); MySqlCommand comm = new MySqlCommand(sql1, connection); MySqlDataReader read = comm.ExecuteReader(); read.Read(); string vystavleno = (Convert.ToDouble(read[0].ToString().Replace('.', ',')) - Convert.ToDouble(summazapyataya)).ToString().Replace(',', '.'); if (Convert.ToDouble(vystavleno.Replace('.', ',')) < 0) { vystavleno = "0"; } read.Close(); connection.Close(); str = "UPDATE plategi_dopolnitelnaya SET vystavleno='" + vystavleno + "' WHERE id_plateg_dopolnitelnaya=" + id_plateg_dopolnitelnaya; conn1 = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn1.Open(); command1 = new MySqlCommand(str, conn1); reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader(); reader1.Read(); reader1.Close(); conn1.Close(); str = "INSERT INTO history(id_client, id_plateg, id_card, datetime, summa, information_history,id_valyta) VALUES ('" + id_client + "','" + id_plateg + "','" + mas_id_card[id_selected] + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','" + summatocka + "','Оплата " + naznachenie + " " + scet + "',1)"; conn1 = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn1.Open(); command1 = new MySqlCommand(str, conn1); reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader(); reader1.Read(); reader1.Close(); conn1.Close(); flag = true; } else { MessageBox.Show("Недостаточно средств!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } else { if (valytacard == "RUB") { summazapyataya = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDouble(summazapyataya) / Convert.ToDouble(RUB) * 100); } if (valytacard == "EUR") { summazapyataya = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDouble(summazapyataya) / Convert.ToDouble(EUR)); } if (valytacard == "USD") { summazapyataya = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDouble(summazapyataya) / Convert.ToDouble(USD)); } if (Convert.ToDouble(summazapyataya) < Convert.ToDouble(ostatokzapyataya)) { DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show("Для продолжения необходимо произвести обмен валют.\r\nОбмен будет произведен по следующему курсу:\r\n100 Российских рублей =" + RUB + " Белорусских рублей\r\nДоллар США =" + USD + " Белорусских рублей\r\nЕвро =" + EUR + " Белорусских рублей", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dialog == DialogResult.Yes) { summatocka = summazapyataya.Replace(',', '.'); string str = "UPDATE bank_card SET ostatok=ostatok-'" + summatocka + "' WHERE id_card=" + mas_id_card[id_selected]; MySqlConnection conn1 = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn1.Open(); MySqlCommand command1 = new MySqlCommand(str, conn1); MySqlDataReader reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader(); reader1.Read(); reader1.Close(); conn1.Close(); string sql1 = "SELECT vystavleno FROM plategi_dopolnitelnaya WHERE id_plateg_dopolnitelnaya=" + id_plateg_dopolnitelnaya; MySqlConnection connection = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); connection.Open(); MySqlCommand comm = new MySqlCommand(sql1, connection); MySqlDataReader read = comm.ExecuteReader(); read.Read(); string vystavleno = (Convert.ToDouble(read[0].ToString().Replace('.', ',')) - Convert.ToDouble(summazapyataya1)).ToString().Replace(',', '.'); if (Convert.ToDouble(vystavleno.Replace('.', ',')) < 0) { vystavleno = "0"; } read.Close(); connection.Close(); str = "UPDATE plategi_dopolnitelnaya SET vystavleno='" + vystavleno + "' WHERE id_plateg_dopolnitelnaya=" + id_plateg_dopolnitelnaya; conn1 = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn1.Open(); command1 = new MySqlCommand(str, conn1); reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader(); reader1.Read(); reader1.Close(); conn1.Close(); summatocka = summazapyataya1.Replace(',', '.'); str = "INSERT INTO history(id_client, id_plateg, id_card, datetime, summa, information_history,id_valyta) VALUES ('" + id_client + "','" + id_plateg + "','" + mas_id_card[id_selected] + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','" + summatocka + "','Оплата " + naznachenie + " " + scet + "',1)"; conn1 = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn1.Open(); command1 = new MySqlCommand(str, conn1); reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader(); reader1.Read(); reader1.Close(); conn1.Close(); flag = true; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Недостаточно средств!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } if (flag == true) { Random random = new Random(); doc_content += "Карт-чек №" + random.Next(100000000, 999999999) + "\r\n"; doc_content += DateTime.Now + "\r\nБанковская карточка: " + number_card + "\r\nНомер плательщика: " + random.Next(100000000, 999999999); doc_content += "\r\nПолучатель платежа: \"Унитарное \r\nпредприятие \"Компания\"\"\r\n\r\n"; doc_content += naznachenie + "\r\n" + str_scet + ": " + scet + "\r\n"; if (FIO != "") { doc_content += "ФИО: " + FIO + "\r\n"; } if (adres != "") { doc_content += "Адрес: " + adres + "\r\n"; } if (id_plateg == "280" || id_plateg == "281" || id_plateg == "282") { doc_content += "Фамилия: " + textBox4.Text + "\r\n"; doc_content += "Имя: " + textBox5.Text + "\r\n"; doc_content += "Отчество: " + textBox6.Text + "\r\n"; } doc_content += "Сумма: " + summazapyataya1 + " BYN\r\n\r\nНомер услуги: " + nomer_uslygi + "\r\n№ операции: " + random.Next(100000000, 999999999) + "\r\n"; string sqlhistory = "SELECT id_history FROM history ORDER BY id_history DESC"; MySqlConnection connhistory = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); connhistory.Open(); MySqlCommand commandhistory = new MySqlCommand(sqlhistory, connhistory); MySqlDataReader readerhistory = commandhistory.ExecuteReader(); readerhistory.Read(); doc_name = readerhistory[0].ToString(); readerhistory.Close(); connhistory.Close(); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word._Application app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application(); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document doc = app.Documents.Add(); doc.Paragraphs[1].Range.Text = doc_content; Clipboard.SetImage(pictureBox1.Image); doc.Paragraphs[doc.Paragraphs.Count].Range.Paste(); app.Visible = false; doc.SaveAs2(@"D:\Колледж\4 КУРС\ПРАКТИКА\интернет-банкинг\история\" + doc_name + ".docx"); doc.Close(); app.Quit(); panel2.Visible = false; panel3.Visible = true; label6.Text = doc_content; pictureBox1.Top = label6.Top + label6.Height + 5; groupBox1.Height = pictureBox1.Height + label6.Height + 40; groupBox1.Width = label6.Width + 15; Height = groupBox1.Height + 200; panel3.Height = Height - 70; Width = Width - 100; } } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show(exc.Message.ToString(), exc.Source.ToString(), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Вы ввели неверный код!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Введите код подтверждения!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Введите сумму платежа!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } if (button1.Text == "Далее") { str_scet = label1.Text; string sql = "SELECT FIO,adres,vystavleno,id_plateg_dopolnitelnaya FROM plategi_dopolnitelnaya WHERE id_plateg=" + id_plateg + " AND litsevoy_scet=" + textBox1.Text; MySqlConnection conn = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn.Open(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn); MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { textBox1.Visible = false; scet = textBox1.Text; FIO = reader[0].ToString(); if (FIO != "") { label2.Text = "ФИО: " + FIO; label2.Visible = true; } else { label2.Text = ""; label3.Top = label2.Top; label1.Top = label3.Top + label3.Height + 15; textBox3.Top = label3.Top + label3.Height + 15; panel1.Top = label1.Top + label1.Height + 30; button1.Top = panel1.Top + panel1.Height + 30; } adres = reader[1].ToString(); if (adres != "") { label3.Text += adres; label3.Visible = true; } else { label3.Text = ""; label1.Top = label3.Top; textBox3.Top = label3.Top; panel1.Top = label1.Top + label1.Height + 30; button1.Top = panel1.Top + panel1.Height + 30; } textBox3.Text = reader[2].ToString(); label1.Text = "Сумма"; button1.Text = "Оплатить"; panel1.Visible = true; if (number_phone == "") { label4.Text = "PIN-код"; linkLabel1.Visible = false; } id_plateg_dopolnitelnaya = reader[3].ToString(); textBox1.Visible = false; textBox3.Visible = true; if (id_plateg == "280" || id_plateg == "281" || id_plateg == "282") { panel4.Visible = true; panel4.Top = label1.Top; label1.Top = panel4.Top + panel4.Height + 15; textBox3.Top = panel4.Top + panel4.Height + 15; panel1.Top = label1.Top + label1.Height + 70; button1.Top = panel1.Top + panel1.Height; } Height = button1.Top + button1.Height + 150; } else { MessageBox.Show("Вы ввели несуществующий номер!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } reader.Close(); conn.Close(); } }
private void plategi_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ActiveControl = textBox1; Text = "Оплата " + naznachenie; if (naznachenie == "Дополнительное занятие" || naznachenie == "Сдача экзамена" || naznachenie == "Топливо" || naznachenie == "Автомобиль для экзамена" || naznachenie == "Обучение" || naznachenie == "Общежитие" || naznachenie == "Byfly,ZALA,Максифон,Умный дом" || naznachenie == "Единый Таможенный тариф ЕАЭС") { label1.Text = "Номер договора"; } if (naznachenie == "Питание" || naznachenie == "Учебники" || naznachenie == "Кружки") { label1.Text = "Номер учащегося"; } if (naznachenie == "Телефон" || naznachenie == "По № телефона") { label1.Text = "Номер телефона"; label2.Text = "Введите 9 цифр номера телефона\r\nв формате: 29ххххххх, 33ххххххх,\r\n25ххххххх, 44ххххххх"; label2.Visible = true; } if (naznachenie == "velcom - voka" || naznachenie == "velcom - Домашний интернет и ТВ" || naznachenie == "Интернет" || naznachenie == "Абонентская плата" || naznachenie == "Водоснабжение" || naznachenie == "Газоснабжение" || naznachenie == "Коммунальные платежи" || naznachenie == "Электроэнергия") { label1.Text = "Лицевой счет"; } if (naznachenie == "Компьютерные услуги" || naznachenie == "Практический экзамен на авто" || naznachenie == "Практический экзамен на мото" || naznachenie == "Теоретический экзамен" || naznachenie == "Замена номера автомобиля" || naznachenie == "Выдача транзита" || naznachenie == "Замена номера мото/прицепа" || naznachenie == "Изготовление номеров" || naznachenie == "Регистрация автомобиля" || naznachenie == "Регистрация мотоцикла/прицепа") { label1.Text = "Идентификационный \r\nномер"; } if (naznachenie == "Госпошлина" || naznachenie == "Разрешение") { label1.Text = "Серия и номер\r\nтехпаспорта ТС"; label2.Text = "Введите серию и номер \r\nсвидетельства о гос.регистрации\r\nтранспортного средства\r\n(например: АБВ012345)"; label2.Visible = true; } if (naznachenie == "Пополнение счета") { label1.Text = "Номер игрового счета"; } if (label2.Visible == false) { label1.Top = label2.Top; textBox1.Top = label2.Top; button1.Top = label1.Top + label1.Height + 60; } Height = button1.Top + button1.Height + 150; for (int i = 0; i < col_cards; i++) { try { string str = "SELECT type_card,name,valyta,number_card,ostatok,raschetnaya,number_phone,PIN FROM bank_card,type,type_card,valyta WHERE type_card.id_type_card=(SELECT type FROM type WHERE id_type=(SELECT id_type FROM bank_card WHERE id_card=" + mas_id_card[i] + ")) AND type.id_type=(SELECT id_type FROM bank_card WHERE id_card=" + mas_id_card[i] + ") AND valyta.id_valyta=(SELECT id_valyta FROM bank_card WHERE id_card=" + mas_id_card[i] + ") AND id_card =" + mas_id_card[i]; MySqlConnection conn = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn.Open(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(str, conn); MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); string ostatok1 = reader[4].ToString(); ostatok1 = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDouble(ostatok1) - Convert.ToDouble(ostatok1) % 0.01); string[] mas = new string[10]; mas = reader[3].ToString().Split(' '); comboBox1.Items.Add(reader[0].ToString() + " " + reader[1].ToString() + " " + mas[0] + "**** ****" + mas[3] + " остаток:" + ostatok1 + " " + reader[2].ToString()); if (reader[5].ToString() == "YES") { comboBox1.SelectedIndex = i; id_selected = i; valytacard = reader[2].ToString(); ostatok = reader[4].ToString(); number_card = mas[0] + "**** ****" + mas[3]; number_phone = reader[6].ToString(); kod = Convert.ToInt32(reader[7]); } reader.Close(); conn.Close(); } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show(exc.Message.ToString(), exc.Source.ToString(), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (shag == 1) { string number_card = textBox1.Text; string FIO = textBox2.Text; if (number_card != "" && number_card != "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" && FIO != "" && FIO != "Иванов Иван Иванович") { try { string sql = "SELECT id_card,PIN FROM bank_card WHERE number_card='" + number_card + "' AND FIO='" + FIO + "';"; MySqlConnection conn = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn.Open(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn); MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { id = reader[0].ToString(); PIN = reader[1].ToString(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Вы ввели неверные данные!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } reader.Close(); conn.Close(); if (id != null) { sql = "SELECT id_client FROM bank_card WHERE id_card='" + id + "';"; conn = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn.Open(); command = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn); reader = command.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); if (reader[0].ToString() == "" || reader[0].ToString() == "0") { shag = 2; label1.Text = "Шаг 2: подтверждение карты"; label2.Text = "PIN-код (4 цифры)"; textBox1.Text = "XXXX"; textBox1.Width = 70; textBox2.Visible = false; label3.Visible = false; button1.Location = new Point(135, 265); this.Height = 360; } else { MessageBox.Show("Пользователь с такой картой уже зарегистрирован!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } reader.Close(); conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString(), ex.Source.ToString(), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Введите данные!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } return; } if (shag == 2) { if (textBox1.Text != "" && textBox1.Text != "XXXX") { if (PIN == textBox1.Text) { shag = 3; label1.Text = "Шаг 3: выбор логина и пароля"; label2.Text = "Логин"; label3.Text = "Пароль (минимум 8 символов)"; textBox1.Text = ""; textBox1.Width = 170; textBox2.Text = ""; textBox2.Width = 170; textBox2.Visible = true; label3.Visible = true; button1.Location = new Point(142, 362); button1.Text = "Зарегистрироваться"; this.Height = 440; } else { popytki--; if (popytki > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Введен неверный PIN-код! \r\n Количество оставшихся попыток" + popytki, "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { MessageBox.Show("Введен неверный PIN-код 3 раза! \r\n Регистрация прекращена" + popytki, "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); this.Close(); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("Введите PIN-код!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } return; } if (shag == 3) { if (textBox1.Text != "" && textBox2.Text != "") { try { string sql = "SELECT id_client FROM client WHERE login='******';"; MySqlConnection conn = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn.Open(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn); MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { MessageBox.Show("Пользователь с таким логином уже существует!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); reader.Close(); conn.Close(); } else { reader.Close(); conn.Close(); string sql_last_id = "SELECT id_client FROM client ORDER BY id_client DESC ;"; //определение последнего id в таблице client conn.Open(); command = new MySqlCommand(sql_last_id, conn); reader = command.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); int last_id = Convert.ToInt32(reader[0]) + 1; reader.Close(); conn.Close(); sql = "INSERT INTO client(id_client,login,password) VALUES ('" + last_id + "','" + textBox1.Text + "','" + textBox2.Text + "');"; //создание записи в таблице client conn = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn.Open(); command = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn); reader = command.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); reader.Close(); conn.Close(); sql = "UPDATE bank_card SET id_client=" + last_id; //создание записи в таблице client conn = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn.Open(); command = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn); reader = command.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); reader.Close(); conn.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Вы успешно зарегистрированы!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); this.Close(); main.Show(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString(), ex.Source.ToString(), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Введите данные!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } }
void vivoddeposit(string sql, string sql1) { try { panel1.Controls.Clear(); label10.Visible = false; int col_deposit = 0; MySqlConnection conn = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn.Open(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn); MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); col_deposit = Convert.ToInt32(reader[0]); reader.Close(); conn.Close(); if (col_deposit != 0) { PictureBox[] picturebox = new PictureBox[20]; Label[] name = new Label[20]; Label[] valyta = new Label[20]; Label[] procent = new Label[20]; Label[] srok = new Label[20]; Label[] summa = new Label[20]; Label[] information = new Label[20]; Button[] button = new Button[20]; int coord = 50; int coordtop = 75; name[0] = new Label(); valyta[0] = new Label(); procent[0] = new Label(); srok[0] = new Label(); summa[0] = new Label(); information[0] = new Label(); panel1.Controls.Add(name[0]); panel1.Controls.Add(valyta[0]); panel1.Controls.Add(procent[0]); panel1.Controls.Add(srok[0]); panel1.Controls.Add(summa[0]); panel1.Controls.Add(information[0]); conn = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn.Open(); command = new MySqlCommand(sql1, conn); reader = command.ExecuteReader(); for (int i = 1; i <= col_deposit; i++) { int coordleft = 20; picturebox[i] = new PictureBox(); name[i] = new Label(); valyta[i] = new Label(); procent[i] = new Label(); srok[i] = new Label(); summa[i] = new Label(); information[i] = new Label(); button[i] = new Button(); picturebox[i].Width = 125; name[i].Width = 200; valyta[i].Width = 150; procent[i].Width = 100; srok[i].Width = 100; summa[i].Width = 250; information[i].Width = 200; button[i].Width = 120; picturebox[i].Height = 80; name[i].Height = 80; information[i].Height = 80; button[i].Height = 40; summa[i].Height = 80; button[i].FlatStyle = 0; button[i].FlatAppearance.BorderColor = Color.Black; button[i].Font = new Font("Tahoma", 10, FontStyle.Bold); button[i].ForeColor = Color.White; picturebox[i].Top = coord; name[i].Top = coordtop; valyta[i].Top = coordtop; procent[i].Top = coordtop; srok[i].Top = coordtop; summa[i].Top = coordtop; information[i].Top = coordtop; button[i].Top = coordtop; picturebox[i].Left = coordleft; coordleft += picturebox[i].Width + 20; name[0].Left = coordleft; name[i].Left = coordleft; coordleft += name[i].Width + 20; valyta[0].Left = coordleft; valyta[i].Left = coordleft; coordleft += valyta[i].Width + 20; procent[0].Left = coordleft; procent[i].Left = coordleft; coordleft += procent[i].Width + 20; srok[0].Left = coordleft; srok[i].Left = coordleft; coordleft += srok[i].Width + 20; summa[0].Left = coordleft; summa[i].Left = coordleft; coordleft += summa[i].Width + 20; information[0].Left = coordleft; information[i].Left = coordleft; coordleft += information[i].Width + 20; button[i].Left = coordleft; button[i].BackColor = Color.Red; coordleft += button[i].Width + 20; panel1.Width = coordleft; button[i].Name = "btn" + i; button[i].Click += ButtonOnClick; button[i].Text = "Оформить"; name[i].TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopCenter; valyta[i].TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopCenter; procent[i].TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopCenter; srok[i].TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopCenter; summa[i].TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopCenter; information[i].TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopCenter; picturebox[i].BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Center; panel1.Controls.Add(picturebox[i]); panel1.Controls.Add(name[i]); panel1.Controls.Add(valyta[i]); panel1.Controls.Add(procent[i]); panel1.Controls.Add(srok[i]); panel1.Controls.Add(summa[i]); panel1.Controls.Add(information[i]); panel1.Controls.Add(button[i]); coord += picturebox[i].Height + 20; coordtop += picturebox[i].Height + 20; reader.Read(); name[i].Text = reader[2].ToString(); if (reader[1].ToString() == "1") { valyta[i].Text = "Белорусский рубль"; } if (reader[1].ToString() == "2") { valyta[i].Text = "Российский рубль"; } if (reader[1].ToString() == "3") { valyta[i].Text = "Евро"; } if (reader[1].ToString() == "4") { valyta[i].Text = "Доллар США"; } procent[i].Text = reader[4].ToString() + " %"; srok[i].Text = reader[3].ToString() + " дней"; summa[i].Text = "Минимальная сумма депозита: " + reader[5].ToString() + "\r\n" + "Максимальная сумма депозита: " + reader[6].ToString(); information[i].Text = reader[9].ToString(); picturebox[i].BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(reader[10].ToString()); } reader.Close(); conn.Close(); name[0].Width = name[1].Width; valyta[0].Width = valyta[1].Width; procent[0].Width = procent[1].Width; srok[0].Width = srok[1].Width; summa[0].Width = summa[1].Width; information[0].Width = information[1].Width; name[0].Text = "Название"; valyta[0].Text = "Валюта"; procent[0].Text = "Процентная ставка"; srok[0].Text = "Срок"; summa[0].Text = "Минимальная-максимальная сумма"; information[0].Text = "Дополнительная информация"; name[0].TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; valyta[0].TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; procent[0].TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; srok[0].TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; summa[0].TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; information[0].TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; panel1.Height = (picturebox[1].Height + 20) * col_deposit + 50; this.Width = panel1.Width + 100; void ButtonOnClick(object sender1, EventArgs eventArgs) { try { var a = (Button)sender1; if (a != null) { int b = Convert.ToInt32(a.Name.Replace("btn", "")); string str = "SELECT id_deposit FROM deposit WHERE name_deposit='" + name[b].Text + "';"; MySqlConnection conn1 = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn1.Open(); MySqlCommand command1 = new MySqlCommand(str, conn1); MySqlDataReader reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader(); reader1.Read(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(reader1[0]); bool warning = false; for (int i = 1; i <= col_deposit; i++) { if (mas_id_deposit[i] == id) { MessageBox.Show("Данный тип депозита уже открыт!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); warning = true; } } if (warning == false) { depositopen form = new depositopen(mas_id_card, mas_id_deposit, col_cards, col_deposit, id_client, RUB, EUR, USD); form.Show(); form.comboBox1.SelectedItem = name[b].Text; } reader1.Close(); conn1.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString(), ex.Source.ToString(), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } else { label10.Visible = true; label10.Top = button1.Top + button1.Height + 70; this.Width = 1220; panel1.Width = 1000; panel1.Height = 100; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString(), ex.Source.ToString(), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void vivod(bool flag, string delete) { try { string sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_name = '" + tablitsa + "';"; //получение кол-ва столбцов таблицы string sql1 = "DESCRIBE " + tablitsa + ";"; //получение списка имен столбцов string sql2 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + tablitsa + ";"; //получение кол-ва строк таблицы MySqlConnection conn = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn.Open(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn); MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); int colstolbec = Convert.ToInt32(reader[0].ToString()); reader.Close(); conn.Close(); conn.Open(); command = new MySqlCommand(sql2, conn); reader = command.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); int colstrok = Convert.ToInt32(reader[0].ToString()); reader.Close(); conn.Close(); conn.Open(); string[] namestolbec = new string[colstolbec]; command = new MySqlCommand(sql1, conn); reader = command.ExecuteReader(); int k = 0; while (reader.Read()) { namestolbec[k] = reader[0].ToString(); k++; } reader.Close(); conn.Close(); dataGridView1.RowCount = colstrok; dataGridView1.ColumnCount = colstolbec; for (int i = 0; i < colstolbec; i++) { dataGridView1.Columns[i].HeaderText = namestolbec[i]; } if (flag) { for (int i = Convert.ToInt32(delete); i <= colstrok; i++) { string sqlupdate = "UPDATE " + tablitsa + " SET " + dataGridView1.Columns[0].HeaderText + "=" + i + " WHERE " + dataGridView1.Columns[0].HeaderText + "=" + (i + 1); conn.Open(); command = new MySqlCommand(sqlupdate, conn); reader = command.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); reader.Close(); conn.Close(); } } string sql3 = "SELECT * FROM " + tablitsa + " ORDER BY " + dataGridView1.Columns[0].HeaderText + ";"; //получение содержимого таблицы conn.Open(); command = new MySqlCommand(sql3, conn); reader = command.ExecuteReader(); int a = 0; while (reader.Read()) { for (int i = 0; i < colstolbec; i++) { dataGridView1.Rows[a].Cells[i].Value = reader[i].ToString(); } a++; } reader.Close(); conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString(), ex.Source.ToString(), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (vyborsystem == false) { MessageBox.Show("Выберите платежную систему!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { if (vyborvalyta == false) { MessageBox.Show("Выберите валюту!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { if (vyborsrok == false) { MessageBox.Show("Выберите срок действия карты!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { string[] mas = new string[5]; mas = type_card.Split(' '); string type = ""; string name = ""; for (int i = 1; i < mas.Length; i++) { if (i != mas.Length - 1) { name += mas[i] + " "; } else { name += mas[i]; } } if (mas[0] == "Visa") { type = "1"; } if (mas[0] == "MasterCard") { type = "2"; } if (mas[0] == "Maestro") { type = "3"; } string sql = "SELECT FIO,type.id_type FROM bank_card,type WHERE id_client='" + id_client + "' AND type.type='" + type + "' AND'" + name + "'"; MySqlConnection conn1 = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn1.Open(); MySqlCommand command1 = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn1); MySqlDataReader reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader(); reader1.Read(); string FIO = reader1[0].ToString(); type = reader1[1].ToString(); reader1.Close(); conn1.Close(); sql = "SELECT id_card FROM bank_card ORDER BY id_card DESC"; conn1 = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn1.Open(); command1 = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn1); reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader(); reader1.Read(); string id_card = (Convert.ToInt32(reader1[0]) + 1).ToString(); reader1.Close(); conn1.Close(); string srok_deystviya = DateTime.Now.AddYears(Convert.ToInt32(srok)).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string randomizer() { string number_card = ""; Random random = new Random(); int number1 = random.Next(1000, 9999); int number2 = random.Next(1000, 9999); int number3 = random.Next(1000, 9999); int number4 = random.Next(1000, 9999); number_card = number1.ToString() + " " + number2.ToString() + " " + number3.ToString() + " " + number4.ToString(); sql = "SELECT number_card FROM bank_card WHERE number_card='" + number_card + "'"; conn1 = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn1.Open(); command1 = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn1); reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader(); if (reader1.Read()) { reader1.Close(); conn1.Close(); randomizer(); } else { reader1.Close(); conn1.Close(); } return(number_card); } Random random1 = new Random(); int PIN = random1.Next(1000, 9999); sql = "INSERT INTO bank_card(id_card, id_client, id_type, id_valyta, FIO, number_card, ostatok, srok_deystviya, PIN) VALUES ('" + id_card + "','" + id_client + "','" + type + "','" + valyta + "','" + FIO + "','" + randomizer() + "','0','" + srok_deystviya + "','" + PIN + "')"; conn1 = DBUtils.GetDBConnection(); conn1.Open(); command1 = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn1); reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader(); reader1.Read(); reader1.Close(); conn1.Close(); this.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Получена новая карта " + type_card + "!", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } } } } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show(exc.Message.ToString(), exc.Source.ToString(), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }