Пример #1
        private Uri m_uri; // Stream URI

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        // Constructors / Finalizer
        /// <summary>
        /// Instance Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">URL to connect to</param>
        public AudioStream(string url)
            // Initialize network stream members
            m_uri = new Uri(url);
            m_tcpClient = new TcpClient();
            m_headers = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            m_metadataInterval = -1;

            // Initialize buffer members
            m_buffer = null;
            m_stop = new ManualResetEvent(false);
Пример #2
        // Member Functions
        /// <summary>
        /// Connects to the stream, processes headers, and begins buffering
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="embedMetadata">Flag to include metadata if possible, check on return</param>
        public void Connect(ref bool embedMetadata)
            string					header;					// A single HTTP header string

            if (m_disposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException(typeof(AudioStream).Name);
            if (m_connected) throw new InvalidOperationException("Audio stream has already been connected");

            // Attempt to to connect to the provided host and port
            m_tcpClient.Connect(m_uri.Host, m_uri.Port);

            // Set up the request HTTP headers to pass to the server
            string requestHeaders = (embedMetadata) ?
                String.Format("GET {0} HTTP/1.0\r\nIcy-Metadata:1\r\n\r\n", m_uri.AbsolutePath) :
                String.Format("GET {0} HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", m_uri.AbsolutePath);
            byte[] requestHeaderBits = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(requestHeaders);
            m_tcpClient.GetStream().Write(requestHeaderBits, 0, requestHeaderBits.Length);

            // Read the HTTP response headers from the connection
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(m_tcpClient.GetStream());

            // The first header must end with "200 OK".  This allows for both HTTP and ICY responses.
            header = sr.ReadLine();
            if (!header.EndsWith("200 OK")) throw new Exception("Invalid response [" + header + "] received from server");

            // Read and process the remaining response headers, stopping when the blank one is found.
            // This should position the TCP stream at the head of the actual data stream
            header = sr.ReadLine();
            while (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(header))
                // Split the header into KEY:VALUE components
                int colon = header.IndexOf(':');
                if ((colon > 0) && (header.Length > colon + 1))
                    string key = header.Substring(0, colon);
                    string value = header.Substring(colon + 1);

                    // SPECIAL HEADER: ICY-METAINT
                    if (String.Compare(key, "Icy-Metaint", true) == 0) m_metadataInterval = Int32.Parse(value.Trim());

                    // SPECIAL HEADER: CONTENT-TYPE
                    else if (String.Compare(key, "content-type", true) == 0) m_contentType = value.Trim();

                    // EVERYTHING ELSE
                    else if(!m_headers.ContainsKey(key)) m_headers.Add(key, value);

                header = sr.ReadLine();						// Next header

            // Set the return value for embedded metadata and create the audio stream buffer
            embedMetadata = (m_metadataInterval > 0);
            m_buffer = new AudioStreamBuffer(BUFFER_SIZE, embedMetadata);

            // Launch the background worker thread to begin buffering the audio data
            m_bufferThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(BufferThreadProc));
            m_bufferThread.IsBackground = true;
            m_bufferThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal;

            m_connected = true;								// Stream is now connected