private static void ProcessFieldData(FieldInfo[] fields, NBTFolder src, object dest) { NBTTag currentParent = src; foreach (FieldInfo fi in fields) { //Console.WriteLine($"Name: {fi.Name}\nType: {fi.FieldType.Name}\nValue: {fi.GetValue(dest)}\n\n"); try { switch (fi.FieldType.Name) { case "String": fi.SetValue(dest, currentParent[fi.Name].StringValue); break; case "Int32": fi.SetValue(dest, currentParent[fi.Name].IntValue); break; case "Double": fi.SetValue(dest, currentParent[fi.Name].DoubleValue); break; case "String[]": fi.SetValue(dest, currentParent[fi.Name].StringArrayValue); break; case "Int32[]": fi.SetValue(dest, currentParent[fi.Name].IntArrayValue); break; case "Single": fi.SetValue(dest, currentParent[fi.Name].FloatValue); break; case "Byte": fi.SetValue(dest, currentParent[fi.Name].ByteValue); break; case "List`1": string TypeStr = fi.GetValue(dest).ToString(); if (TypeStr.Contains("System.String")) { fi.SetValue(dest, currentParent[fi.Name].StringArrayValue.ToList()); } else if (TypeStr.Contains("System.Int32")) { fi.SetValue(dest, currentParent[fi.Name].IntArrayValue.ToList()); } else if (TypeStr.Contains("System.Byte")) { fi.SetValue(dest, currentParent[fi.Name].ByteArrayValue.ToList()); } else if (TypeStr.Contains("System.Single")) { fi.SetValue(dest, currentParent[fi.Name].FloatArrayValue.ToList()); } else if (TypeStr.Contains("System.Double")) { fi.SetValue(dest, currentParent[fi.Name].DoubleArrayValue.ToList()); } break; case "Byte[]": fi.SetValue(dest, currentParent[fi.Name].ByteArrayValue); break; case "Single[]": fi.SetValue(dest, currentParent[fi.Name].FloatArrayValue); break; case "Double[]": fi.SetValue(dest, currentParent[fi.Name].DoubleArrayValue); break; default: var VALX = fi.GetValue(dest); NBTFolder theFolder = currentParent[fi.Name] as NBTFolder; ProcessFieldData(fi.FieldType.GetFields(), theFolder, VALX); break; } } catch (Exception e) { } // Silently catch.. If it does not 100% conform, do not crash the program. } }
private static void ProcessFields(FieldInfo[] fields, object src, NBTTag parent) { NBTTag currentParent = parent; foreach (FieldInfo fi in fields) { //Console.WriteLine($"Name: {fi.Name}\nType: {fi.FieldType.Name}\nValue: {fi.GetValue(src)}\n\n"); NBTTag theTag = null; switch (fi.FieldType.Name) { case "String": theTag = new NBTString(fi.Name, (string)fi.GetValue(src)); break; case "Int32": theTag = new NBTInt(fi.Name, (int)fi.GetValue(src)); break; case "Double": theTag = new NBTDouble(fi.Name, (double)fi.GetValue(src)); break; case "String[]": theTag = new NBTStringArray(fi.Name, (string[])fi.GetValue(src)); break; case "Int32[]": theTag = new NBTIntArray(fi.Name, (int[])fi.GetValue(src)); break; case "Single": theTag = new NBTFloat(fi.Name, (float)fi.GetValue(src)); break; case "Byte": theTag = new NBTByte(fi.Name, (byte)fi.GetValue(src)); break; case "List`1": if (fi.GetValue(src).ToString().Contains("System.String")) { theTag = new NBTStringArray(fi.Name, (List <string>)fi.GetValue(src)); } else if (fi.GetValue(src).ToString().Contains("System.Int32")) { theTag = new NBTIntArray(fi.Name, (List <int>)fi.GetValue(src)); } else if (fi.GetValue(src).ToString().Contains("System.Byte")) { theTag = new NBTByteArray(fi.Name, (List <byte>)fi.GetValue(src)); } else if (fi.GetValue(src).ToString().Contains("System.Single")) { theTag = new NBTFloatArray(fi.Name, (List <float>)fi.GetValue(src)); } else if (fi.GetValue(src).ToString().Contains("System.Double")) { theTag = new NBTDoubleArray(fi.Name, (List <double>)fi.GetValue(src)); } else { // Treat as a compound tag NBTFolder tags = new NBTFolder(fi.Name); Type _typ = Type.GetType(fi.GetValue(src).ToString()); tags.Add(new NBTString("_TYPE", _typ.FullName)); } if (theTag == null) { continue; } else { break; } case "Byte[]": theTag = new NBTByteArray(fi.Name, (byte[])fi.GetValue(src)); break; case "Single[]": theTag = new NBTFloatArray(fi.Name, (float[])fi.GetValue(src)); break; case "Double[]": theTag = new NBTDoubleArray(fi.Name, (double[])fi.GetValue(src)); break; default: // Try to run as a folder var valx = fi.GetValue(src); NBTFolder thefolder = new NBTFolder(fi.Name); ProcessFields(fi.FieldType.GetFields(), valx, thefolder); theTag = thefolder; break; } switch (currentParent.TagType) { case NBTTagType.COMPOUND: NBTFolder parFold = currentParent as NBTFolder; parFold.Add(theTag); break; default: continue; } } }