private void CloseForm() { CloseFromMethod = true; if (Downloads.Default.CloseDownloaderAfterFinish != chkDownloaderCloseAfterDownload.Checked && !BatchDownload) { Downloads.Default.CloseDownloaderAfterFinish = chkDownloaderCloseAfterDownload.Checked; Downloads.Default.Save(); } if (DownloadErrored) { if (BatchDownload) { this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No; } else { this.Dispose(); } } if (!DownloadFinished) { try { if (!DownloadProcess.HasExited) { DownloadProcess.Kill(); } if (DownloadThread.IsAlive) { DownloadThread.Abort(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.ReportException(ex); } } if (DownloadAborted) { if (BatchDownload) { this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Abort; } else { this.Dispose(); } } else if (DownloadFinished) { if (DownloadProcess.ExitCode == 0) { if (BatchDownload) { this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes; } else { this.Dispose(); } } else { if (BatchDownload) { this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No; } } } else { if (BatchDownload) { this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No; } } }
private void BeginDownload() { Debug.Print("BeginDownload()"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DownloadUrl)) { MessageBox.Show("The URL is null or empty. Please enter a URL or Download path."); return; } rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Beginning download, this box will output progress\n"); if (BatchDownload) { chkDownloaderCloseAfterDownload.Checked = true; } if (DownloadUrl.StartsWith("http://")) { DownloadUrl = "https" + DownloadUrl.Substring(4); } string YoutubeDlFileName = null; string ArgumentsBuffer = string.Empty; string QualityFormatBuffer = string.Empty; string hlsFF = string.Empty; string webFolder = string.Empty; bool usehlsFF = Downloads.Default.fixReddit; #region youtube-dl path if (General.Default.UseStaticYtdl && File.Exists(General.Default.ytdlPath)) { YoutubeDlFileName = General.Default.ytdlPath; } else { YoutubeDlFileName = verif.YoutubeDlPath; } if (YoutubeDlFileName == null) { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Youtube-DL has not been found\nA rescan for youtube-dl was called"); verif.RefreshYoutubeDlLocation(); if (verif.YoutubeDlPath != null) { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("try redownloading the video, it seems to be detected now."); } else { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("still couldnt find youtube-dl."); } return; } rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Youtube-DL has been found and set\n"); #endregion #region Output rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Generating output directory structure\n"); if (Downloads.Default.separateIntoWebsiteURL) { webFolder = Download.getUrlBase(DownloadUrl) + "\\"; } ArgumentsBuffer = DownloadUrl + " -o \"" + Downloads.Default.downloadPath + BatchTime + "\\" + webFolder + "{0}" + Downloads.Default.fileNameSchema + "\""; if (Downloads.Default.separateDownloads) { switch (DownloadType) { case 0: ArgumentsBuffer = ArgumentsBuffer.Replace("{0}", "Video\\"); break; case 1: ArgumentsBuffer = ArgumentsBuffer.Replace("{0}", "Audio\\"); break; case 2: ArgumentsBuffer = ArgumentsBuffer.Replace("{0}", "Custom\\"); break; default: rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Unable to determine what download type to use (expected 0, 1, or 2)"); return; } } else { ArgumentsBuffer = ArgumentsBuffer.Replace("{0}", ""); } rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("The output was generated and will be used\n"); #endregion #region Quality + format switch (DownloadType) { case 0: { if (DownloadQuality == 0) { if (DownloadVideoAudio) { if (DownloadFormat == 4) { ArgumentsBuffer += DownloadFormats.VideoFormatArgsArrayOld[0]; } else { ArgumentsBuffer += DownloadFormats.VideoArgs[0]; } } else { if (DownloadFormat == 4) { ArgumentsBuffer += DownloadFormats.VideoFormatArgsArrayNoSoundOld[0]; } else { ArgumentsBuffer += DownloadFormats.VideoArgsNoSound[0]; } } } else { if (DownloadVideoAudio) { ArgumentsBuffer += DownloadFormats.GetVideoFormatArgs(DownloadQuality, Set60FPS); } else { ArgumentsBuffer += DownloadFormats.GetVideoFormatArgsNoSound(DownloadQuality, Set60FPS); } } break; } case 1: { if (UseVBR) { if (DownloadQuality == 0) { ArgumentsBuffer += " -f bestaudio --extract-audio --audio-quality 0"; } else { ArgumentsBuffer += " --extract-audio --audio-quality " + DownloadQuality; } } else { if (DownloadQuality == 0) { ArgumentsBuffer += " -f bestaudio --extract-audio --audio-quality 0"; } else { ArgumentsBuffer += " --extract-audio --audio-quality " + DownloadFormats.AudioQualityNamesArray[DownloadQuality]; } } break; } case 2: { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Custom was requested, skipping quality + format"); ArgumentsBuffer += " " + DownloadArguments; break; } default: { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Expected a downloadtype (Quality + Format)"); return; } } if (DownloadFormat > 0 && DownloadType == 0 && DownloadFormat != 4) { ArgumentsBuffer += DownloadFormats.VideoFormatsArray[DownloadFormat - 1]; } else if (DownloadType == 1) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --audio-format " + DownloadFormats.AudioFormatsArray[DownloadFormat]; } rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("The quality and format has been set\n"); #endregion #region Arguments if (Downloads.Default.fixReddit) { if (verif.FFmpegPath == null) { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Fix was requested, but ffmpeg hasn't been found\n"); } else if (Download.isReddit(DownloadUrl) && usehlsFF) { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Fix has been set; looking for ffmpeg\n"); if (General.Default.UseStaticFFmpeg && File.Exists(General.Default.ffmpegPath)) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --ffmpeg-location \"" + General.Default.ffmpegPath + "\\ffmpeg.exe\" --hls-prefer-ffmpeg"; } else { ArgumentsBuffer += " --ffmpeg-location \"" + verif.FFmpegPath + "\\ffmpeg.exe\" --hls-prefer-ffmpeg"; } rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("ffmpeg has been found and set\n"); } } if (DownloadType != 2) { if (Downloads.Default.SaveSubtitles) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --all-subs"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Downloads.Default.SubtitleFormat)) { ArgumentsBuffer += "--sub-format " + Downloads.Default.SubtitleFormat + " "; } if (Downloads.Default.EmbedSubtitles && DownloadType == 0 && DownloadFormat == 3 || DownloadFormat == 4 || DownloadFormat == 6) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --embed-subs"; } } if (Downloads.Default.SaveVideoInfo) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --write-info-json"; } if (Downloads.Default.SaveDescription) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --write-description"; } if (Downloads.Default.SaveAnnotations) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --write-annotations"; } if (Downloads.Default.SaveThumbnail) { // ArgumentsBuffer += "--write-all-thumbnails "; // Maybe? ArgumentsBuffer += " --write-thumbnail"; if (Downloads.Default.EmbedThumbnails) { switch (DownloadType) { case 0: if (DownloadFormat == 4) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --embed-thumbnail"; } else { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!\nCannot embed thumbnail to non-mp4 videos files\n"); } break; case 1: if (DownloadFormat == 3 || DownloadFormat == 4) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --embed-thumbnail"; } else { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!\nCannot embed thumbnail to non-m4a/mp3 audio files\n"); } break; } } } if (Downloads.Default.WriteMetadata) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --add-metadata"; } if (Downloads.Default.KeepOriginalFiles) { ArgumentsBuffer += " -k"; } if (Downloads.Default.LimitDownloads && Downloads.Default.DownloadLimit > 0) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --limit-rate " + Downloads.Default.DownloadLimit; switch (Downloads.Default.DownloadLimitType) { case 0: { // kb ArgumentsBuffer += "K "; break; } case 1: { // mb ArgumentsBuffer += "M "; break; } case 2: { // gb ArgumentsBuffer += "G "; break; } default: { // kb default ArgumentsBuffer += "K "; break; } } } if (Downloads.Default.RetryAttempts != 10 && Downloads.Default.RetryAttempts > 0) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --retries " + Downloads.Default.RetryAttempts; } if (Downloads.Default.ForceIPv4) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --force-ipv4"; } else if (Downloads.Default.ForceIPv6) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --force-ipv6"; } if (Downloads.Default.UseProxy && Downloads.Default.ProxyType > -1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Downloads.Default.ProxyIP) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Downloads.Default.ProxyPort)) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --proxy " + Download.ProxyProtocols[Downloads.Default.ProxyType] + Downloads.Default.ProxyIP + ":" + Downloads.Default.ProxyPort + "/ "; } } rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Arguments have been generated and are readonly in the textbox\n"); txtArgumentsGenerated.Text = ArgumentsBuffer; #endregion #region Download thread if (Program.IsDebug && Debugging && !BatchDownload) { rtbConsoleOutput.Text = ArgumentsBuffer.Replace(' ', '\n'); return; } rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Creating download thread\n"); DownloadThread = new Thread(() => { try { DownloadProcess = new System.Diagnostics.Process() { StartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(YoutubeDlFileName) { UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardError = true, CreateNoWindow = true, Arguments = ArgumentsBuffer } }; DownloadProcess.OutputDataReceived += (s, e) => { this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(() => { if (e.Data != null && rtbConsoleOutput != null) { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText(e.Data + "\n"); } })); }; DownloadProcess.ErrorDataReceived += (s, e) => { this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(() => { if (e.Data != null && rtbConsoleOutput != null) { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Error:\n"); rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText(e.Data + "\n"); } })); }; DownloadProcess.Start(); DownloadProcess.BeginOutputReadLine(); DownloadProcess.BeginErrorReadLine(); DownloadProcess.WaitForExit(); DownloadFinished = true; if (DownloadProcess.ExitCode == 0) { DownloadFinished = true; DownloadAborted = false; DownloadErrored = false; } else { DownloadErrored = true; DownloadFinished = false; } } catch (ThreadAbortException) { DownloadAborted = true; DownloadFinished = false; return; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.ReportException(ex); DownloadErrored = true; } finally { ThreadExit(); } }); rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Created, starting download thread\n"); DownloadThread.Start(); #endregion }
private void BeginDownload() { Debug.Print("BeginDownload()"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentDownload.DownloadURL)) { MessageBox.Show("The URL is null or empty. Please enter a URL or Download path."); return; } CurrentDownload.Status = DownloadStatus.GeneratingArguments; rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Beginning download, this box will output progress\n"); if (CurrentDownload.BatchDownload) { chkDownloaderCloseAfterDownload.Checked = true; } #region URL cleaning if (!CurrentDownload.DownloadURL.StartsWith("https://")) { sanitizecheck: if (CurrentDownload.DownloadURL.StartsWith("\\'") || // single quote CurrentDownload.DownloadURL.StartsWith("\\\"") || // double quote CurrentDownload.DownloadURL.StartsWith("\\n") || // newline CurrentDownload.DownloadURL.StartsWith("\\r") || // carriage-return CurrentDownload.DownloadURL.StartsWith("\\t") || // tab CurrentDownload.DownloadURL.StartsWith("\\0") || // null char CurrentDownload.DownloadURL.StartsWith("\\b") || // backspace CurrentDownload.DownloadURL.StartsWith("\\")) // backslash { CurrentDownload.DownloadURL = CurrentDownload.DownloadURL.Substring(4); goto sanitizecheck; } if (CurrentDownload.DownloadURL.StartsWith("http://")) { CurrentDownload.DownloadURL = "https" + CurrentDownload.DownloadURL.Substring(4); } } #endregion string YoutubeDlFileName = null; string ArgumentsBuffer = string.Empty; string PreviewArguments = string.Empty; string QualityFormatBuffer = string.Empty; string hlsFF = string.Empty; string webFolder = string.Empty; #region youtube-dl path if (General.Default.UseStaticYtdl && File.Exists(General.Default.ytdlPath)) { YoutubeDlFileName = General.Default.ytdlPath; } else { YoutubeDlFileName = verif.YoutubeDlPath; } if (YoutubeDlFileName == null) { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Youtube-DL has not been found\nA rescan for youtube-dl was called\n"); verif.RefreshYoutubeDlLocation(); if (verif.YoutubeDlPath != null) { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Rescan finished and found, continuing\n"); } else { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("still couldnt find youtube-dl."); CurrentDownload.Status = DownloadStatus.ProgramError; return; } } rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Youtube-DL has been found and set\n"); #endregion #region Output rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Generating output directory structure\n"); if (Downloads.Default.separateIntoWebsiteURL) { webFolder = Download.getUrlBase(CurrentDownload.DownloadURL) + "\\"; } string OutputDirectory = "\"" + Downloads.Default.downloadPath; if (CurrentDownload.BatchDownload && Downloads.Default.SeparateBatchDownloads) { OutputDirectory += "\\# Batch Downloads #"; if (Downloads.Default.AddDateToBatchDownloadFolders) { OutputDirectory += "\\" + CurrentDownload.BatchTime; } } OutputDirectory += "\\" + webFolder + "{0}" + Downloads.Default.fileNameSchema + "\""; ArgumentsBuffer = CurrentDownload.DownloadURL + " -o " + OutputDirectory; if (Downloads.Default.separateDownloads) { switch (CurrentDownload.Type) { case DownloadType.Video: ArgumentsBuffer = ArgumentsBuffer.Replace("{0}", "Video\\"); break; case DownloadType.Audio: ArgumentsBuffer = ArgumentsBuffer.Replace("{0}", "Audio\\"); break; case DownloadType.Custom: ArgumentsBuffer = ArgumentsBuffer.Replace("{0}", "Custom\\"); break; default: rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Unable to determine what download type to use (expected 0, 1, or 2)"); CurrentDownload.Status = DownloadStatus.ProgramError; return; } } else { ArgumentsBuffer = ArgumentsBuffer.Replace("{0}", ""); } rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("The output was generated and will be used\n"); #endregion #region Quality + format switch (CurrentDownload.Type) { case DownloadType.Video: { if (CurrentDownload.SkipAudioForVideos) { ArgumentsBuffer += DownloadFormats.GetVideoQualityArgsNoSound(CurrentDownload.VideoQuality); } else { ArgumentsBuffer += DownloadFormats.GetVideoQualityArgs(CurrentDownload.VideoQuality); } ArgumentsBuffer += DownloadFormats.GetVideoRecodeInfo(CurrentDownload.VideoFormat); break; } case DownloadType.Audio: { if (CurrentDownload.AudioCBRQuality == || CurrentDownload.AudioVBRQuality == AudioVBRQualityType.q0) { ArgumentsBuffer += " -f -x --audio-format best --audio-quality 0"; } else { if (CurrentDownload.UseVBR) { if (CurrentDownload.AudioVBRQuality == AudioVBRQualityType.q0) { ArgumentsBuffer += " -f bestaudio --extract-audio --audio-quality 0"; } else { ArgumentsBuffer += " --extract-audio --audio-quality " + CurrentDownload.AudioVBRQuality; } } else { if (CurrentDownload.AudioCBRQuality == { ArgumentsBuffer += " -f bestaudio --extract-audio --audio-quality 0"; } else { ArgumentsBuffer += " --extract-audio --audio-quality " + DownloadFormats.GetAudioQuality(CurrentDownload.AudioCBRQuality); } } } break; } case DownloadType.Custom: { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Custom was requested, skipping quality + format"); ArgumentsBuffer += " " + CurrentDownload.DownloadArguments; break; } default: { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Expected a downloadtype (Quality + Format)"); CurrentDownload.Status = DownloadStatus.ProgramError; return; } } rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("The quality and format has been set\n"); #endregion #region Arguments if (CurrentDownload.Type != DownloadType.Custom) { switch (CurrentDownload.PlaylistSelection) { case PlaylistSelectionType.PlaylistStartPlaylistEnd: // playlist-start and playlist-end if (CurrentDownload.PlaylistSelectionIndexStart > 0) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --playlist-start " + CurrentDownload.PlaylistSelectionIndexStart; } if (CurrentDownload.PlaylistSelectionIndexEnd > 0) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --playlist-end " + (CurrentDownload.PlaylistSelectionIndexStart + CurrentDownload.PlaylistSelectionIndexEnd); } break; case PlaylistSelectionType.PlaylistItems: // playlist-items ArgumentsBuffer += " --playlist-items " + CurrentDownload.PlaylistSelectionArg; break; case PlaylistSelectionType.DateBefore: // datebefore ArgumentsBuffer += " --datebefore " + CurrentDownload.PlaylistSelectionArg; break; case PlaylistSelectionType.DateDuring: // date ArgumentsBuffer += " --date " + CurrentDownload.PlaylistSelectionArg; break; case PlaylistSelectionType.DateAfter: // dateafter ArgumentsBuffer += " --dateafter " + CurrentDownload.PlaylistSelectionArg; break; } if (Downloads.Default.PreferFFmpeg || Download.isReddit(CurrentDownload.DownloadURL) && Downloads.Default.fixReddit) { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Looking for ffmpeg\n"); if (verif.FFmpegPath != null) { if (General.Default.UseStaticFFmpeg) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --ffmpeg-location \"" + General.Default.ffmpegPath + "\\ffmpeg.exe\""; } else { ArgumentsBuffer += " --ffmpeg-location \"" + verif.FFmpegPath + "\\ffmpeg.exe\" --hls-prefer-ffmpeg"; } rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("ffmpeg was found\n"); } else { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("ffmpeg path is null, downloading may be affected\n"); } } if (Downloads.Default.SaveSubtitles) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --all-subs"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Downloads.Default.SubtitleFormat)) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --sub-format " + Downloads.Default.SubtitleFormat + " "; } if (Downloads.Default.EmbedSubtitles && CurrentDownload.Type == DownloadType.Video) { switch (CurrentDownload.VideoFormat) { case VideoFormatType.flv: case VideoFormatType.mkv: break; } ArgumentsBuffer += " --embed-subs"; } } if (Downloads.Default.SaveVideoInfo) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --write-info-json"; } if (Downloads.Default.SaveDescription) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --write-description"; } if (Downloads.Default.SaveAnnotations) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --write-annotations"; } if (Downloads.Default.SaveThumbnail) { // ArgumentsBuffer += "--write-all-thumbnails "; // Maybe? //ArgumentsBuffer += " --write-thumbnail"; if (Downloads.Default.EmbedThumbnails) { switch (CurrentDownload.Type) { case DownloadType.Video: if (CurrentDownload.VideoFormat == VideoFormatType.mp4) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --embed-thumbnail"; } else { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!\nCannot embed thumbnail to non-mp4 videos files\n"); } break; case DownloadType.Audio: if (CurrentDownload.AudioFormat == AudioFormatType.m4a || CurrentDownload.AudioFormat == AudioFormatType.mp3) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --embed-thumbnail"; } else { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!\nCannot embed thumbnail to non-m4a/mp3 audio files\n"); } break; } } //if (Downloads.Default.EmbedThumbnails) { // switch (DownloadType) { // case 0: // if (DownloadFormat != 4) { // rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!\nCannot embed thumbnail to non-mp4 videos files\nWill try anyway.\n"); // } // break; // case 1: // if (DownloadFormat != 3 && DownloadFormat != 4) { // rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!\nCannot embed thumbnail to non-m4a/mp3 audio files\nWill try anyway.\n"); // } // break; // } // ArgumentsBuffer += " --embed-thumbnail"; //} } if (Downloads.Default.WriteMetadata) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --add-metadata"; } if (Downloads.Default.KeepOriginalFiles) { ArgumentsBuffer += " -k"; } if (Downloads.Default.LimitDownloads && Downloads.Default.DownloadLimit > 0) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --limit-rate " + Downloads.Default.DownloadLimit; switch (Downloads.Default.DownloadLimitType) { case 0: { // kb ArgumentsBuffer += "K "; break; } case 1: { // mb ArgumentsBuffer += "M "; break; } case 2: { // gb ArgumentsBuffer += "G "; break; } default: { // kb default ArgumentsBuffer += "K "; break; } } } if (Downloads.Default.RetryAttempts != 10 && Downloads.Default.RetryAttempts > 0) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --retries " + Downloads.Default.RetryAttempts; } if (Downloads.Default.ForceIPv4) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --force-ipv4"; } else if (Downloads.Default.ForceIPv6) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --force-ipv6"; } if (Downloads.Default.UseProxy && Downloads.Default.ProxyType > -1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Downloads.Default.ProxyIP) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Downloads.Default.ProxyPort)) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --proxy " + Download.ProxyProtocols[Downloads.Default.ProxyType] + Downloads.Default.ProxyIP + ":" + Downloads.Default.ProxyPort + "/ "; } } #endregion #region Authentication // Set the preview arguments to what is present in the arguments buffer. // This is so the arguments buffer can have sensitive information and // the preview arguments won't include it in case anyone creates an issue. PreviewArguments = ArgumentsBuffer; if (CurrentDownload.AuthUsername != null) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --username " + CurrentDownload.AuthUsername; CurrentDownload.AuthUsername = null; PreviewArguments += " --username ***"; } if (CurrentDownload.AuthPassword != null) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --password " + CurrentDownload.AuthPassword; CurrentDownload.AuthPassword = null; PreviewArguments += " --password ***"; } if (CurrentDownload.Auth2Factor != null) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --twofactor " + CurrentDownload.Auth2Factor; CurrentDownload.Auth2Factor = null; PreviewArguments += " --twofactor ***"; } if (CurrentDownload.AuthVideoPassword != null) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --video-password " + CurrentDownload.AuthVideoPassword; CurrentDownload.AuthVideoPassword = null; PreviewArguments += " --video-password ***"; } if (CurrentDownload.AuthNetrc) { CurrentDownload.AuthNetrc = false; ArgumentsBuffer += " --netrc"; PreviewArguments += " --netrc"; } #endregion rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Arguments have been generated and are readonly in the textbox\n"); txtArgumentsGenerated.Text = PreviewArguments; #region Download thread //if (Program.IsDebug) { // rtbConsoleOutput.Text = "===ARGUMENTS===\n" + ArgumentsBuffer.Replace(' ', '\n') + "\n\n===PREVIEW ARGUMENTS===\n" + PreviewArguments.Replace(' ', '\n'); // return; //} rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Creating download thread\n"); DownloadThread = new Thread(() => { try { while (true) { Debug.Print("Sleeping"); Thread.Sleep(2000); } DownloadProcess = new Process() { StartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(YoutubeDlFileName) { UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardError = true, CreateNoWindow = true, Arguments = ArgumentsBuffer } }; DownloadProcess.OutputDataReceived += (s, e) => { this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(() => { if (e.Data != null && rtbConsoleOutput != null) { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText(e.Data + "\n"); } })); }; DownloadProcess.ErrorDataReceived += (s, e) => { this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(() => { if (e.Data != null && rtbConsoleOutput != null) { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Error:\n"); rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText(e.Data + "\n"); } })); }; DownloadProcess.Start(); ArgumentsBuffer = null; PreviewArguments = null; DownloadProcess.BeginOutputReadLine(); DownloadProcess.BeginErrorReadLine(); DownloadProcess.WaitForExit(); if (DownloadProcess.ExitCode == 0) { CurrentDownload.Status = DownloadStatus.Finished; } else { CurrentDownload.Status = DownloadStatus.YtdlError; } } catch (ThreadAbortException) { this.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { CurrentDownload.Status = DownloadStatus.Aborted; if (DownloadProcess != null && !DownloadProcess.HasExited) { DownloadProcess.Kill(); } System.Media.SystemSounds.Hand.Play(); rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Downloading was aborted by the user."); }); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.ReportException(ex); CurrentDownload.Status = DownloadStatus.ProgramError; } finally { this.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { DownloadFinished(); }); } }); rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Created, starting download thread\n"); DownloadThread.Name = "Downloading video"; DownloadThread.Start(); #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Merges 2 files together /// </summary> /// <param name="input1">An input to merge</param> /// <param name="input2">The second input to merge</param> /// <param name="output">The file to produce</param> /// <param name="mergeAudio">Should audio be merged?</param> /// <param name="deleteAfterMerge">Should the inputs be deleted after merge?</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool mergeFiles(string input1, string input2, string output, bool mergeAudio, bool deleteAfterMerge) { try { string[] formatsV = { ".avi", ".flv", ".mkv", ".mov", ".mp4", ".webm", ".wmv" }; bool input1IsVideo = false; // is input1 video? Process ffMerge = new Process(); ffMerge.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true; ffMerge.StartInfo.FileName = "ffmpeg.exe"; for (int i = 0; i < formatsV.Length; i++) { if (input1.EndsWith(formatsV[i])) { input1IsVideo = true; break; } } if (mergeAudio) { if (input1IsVideo) { ffMerge.StartInfo.Arguments = " -i \"" + input1 + "\" \"" + Path.GetDirectoryName(input1) + "\\tempaudio.mp3\""; } else { ffMerge.StartInfo.Arguments = " -i \"" + input2 + "\" \"" + Path.GetDirectoryName(input2) + "\\tempaudio.mp3\""; } ffMerge.Start(); ffMerge.WaitForExit(); if (input1IsVideo) { ffMerge.StartInfo.Arguments = " -i \"" + input2 + "\" -i \"" + Path.GetDirectoryName(input1) + "\\tempaudio.mp3\" -filter_complex amix=inputs=2:duration=longest \"" + Path.GetDirectoryName(input1) + "\\final.mp3\""; } else { ffMerge.StartInfo.Arguments = " -i \"" + input1 + "\" -i \"" + Path.GetDirectoryName(input2) + "\\tempaudio.mp3\" -filter_complex amix=inputs=2:duration=longest \"" + Path.GetDirectoryName(input2) + "\\final.mp3\""; } ffMerge.Start(); ffMerge.WaitForExit(); if (input1IsVideo) { ffMerge.StartInfo.Arguments = " -i \"" + input1 + "\" -i \"" + Path.GetDirectoryName(input1) + "\\final.mp3\" -map 0:v -map 1:a -longest -c copy -y \"" + output + "\""; } else { ffMerge.StartInfo.Arguments = " -i \"" + input2 + "\" -i \"" + Path.GetDirectoryName(input2) + "\\final.mp3\" -map 0:v -map 1:a -longest -c copy -y \"" + output + "\""; } ffMerge.Start(); ffMerge.WaitForExit(); } else { if (input1IsVideo) { ffMerge.StartInfo.Arguments = " -i \"" + input1 + "\" -i \"" + input2 + "\" -map 0:v -map 1:a -c copy -y \"" + output + "\""; } else { ffMerge.StartInfo.Arguments = " -i \"" + input1 + "\" -i \"" + input2 + "\" -map 1:v -map 0:a -c copy -y \"" + output + "\""; } ffMerge.Start(); ffMerge.WaitForExit(); } if (deleteAfterMerge) { File.Delete(input1); File.Delete(input2); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.ReportException(ex); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Converts a file using ffmpeg /// </summary> /// <param name="input">The full-path input file</param> /// <param name="output">The full-path output</param> /// <param name="convType">Determines what conversion it'll attempt to do; To-Video, To-Audio, To-Custom, To-Automatic</param> /// <returns>A boolean based on the success of the conversion</returns> public static bool convertFile(string input, string output, int convType = -1) { /// -1 = Automatic /// 0 = Video /// 1 = Audio /// 2 = Custom /// 6 = No params at all, just an option to look back to. aka ffmpeg auto try { Process startConvert = new Process(); if (General.Default.UseStaticFFmpeg && File.Exists(General.Default.ffmpegPath)) { startConvert.StartInfo.FileName = General.Default.ffmpegPath; } else { if (verif.FFmpegPath == null) { throw new Exception("FFmpegPath is null. Cannot convert. If you do not have ffmpeg, consider downloading it."); } startConvert.StartInfo.FileName = verif.FFmpegPath + "\\ffmpeg.exe"; } string convertArguments = "-i \"" + input + "\""; switch (convType) { case 0: if (Converts.Default.videoUseBitrate) { convertArguments += " -b:v " + Converts.Default.videoBitrate.ToString() + "k"; } if (Converts.Default.videoUsePreset) { convertArguments += " -preset " + getVideoPreset(Converts.Default.videoPreset); } if (Converts.Default.videoUseCRF) { convertArguments += " -crf " + Converts.Default.videoCRF.ToString(); } if (!output.EndsWith(".wmv") && Converts.Default.videoUseProfile) { convertArguments += " -profile:v " + getVideoProfile(Converts.Default.videoProfile); } if (Converts.Default.videoFastStart) { convertArguments += " -faststart"; } break; case 1: if (Converts.Default.audioUseBitrate) { convertArguments += " -ab " + (Converts.Default.audioBitrate * 1000); } break; case 2: convertArguments += " " + Saved.Default.convertCustom; break; case 6: // FFmpeg default break; default: if (Converts.Default.detectFiletype) { switch (getFiletype(output)) { case 0: if (Converts.Default.videoUseBitrate) { convertArguments += " -b:v " + Converts.Default.videoBitrate.ToString() + "k"; } if (Converts.Default.videoUsePreset) { convertArguments += " -preset " + getVideoPreset(Converts.Default.videoPreset); } if (Converts.Default.videoUseCRF) { convertArguments += " -crf " + Converts.Default.videoCRF.ToString(); } if (!output.EndsWith(".wmv") && Converts.Default.videoUseProfile) { convertArguments += " -profile:v " + getVideoProfile(Converts.Default.videoProfile); } if (Converts.Default.videoFastStart) { convertArguments += " -faststart"; } break; case 1: if (Converts.Default.audioUseBitrate) { convertArguments += " -ab " + (Converts.Default.audioBitrate * 1000); } break; default: convertArguments += " -preset fast -b 3000k"; break; } } else { convertArguments += " -preset fast -b 3000k"; } break; } if (Converts.Default.hideFFmpegCompile && convType != 2) { convertArguments += " -hide_banner"; } convertArguments += " \"" + output + "\""; startConvert.StartInfo.Arguments = convertArguments; startConvert.Start(); //startConvert.WaitForExit(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.ReportException(ex); return(false); } }
public static void CheckForUpdate(bool ForceCheck = false) { if (Program.IsDebug && !ForceCheck) { Debug.Print("-version " + GitData.UpdateVersion + " -name " + System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName); } else { if (!General.Default.CheckForUpdatesOnLaunch && !ForceCheck) { return; } if (GitData.UpdateAvailable) { using (frmUpdateAvailable Update = new frmUpdateAvailable()) { Update.BlockSkip = GitData.UpdateAvailable; switch (Update.ShowDialog()) { case DialogResult.Yes: try { UpdateApplication(); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.ReportException(ex); return; } break; } } } else { Thread checkUpdates = new Thread(() => { if (GitData.UpdateVersion == "-1" || ForceCheck) { decimal GitVersion = UpdateChecker.GetGitVersion(0); if (UpdateChecker.IsUpdateAvailable(GitVersion)) { if (GitVersion != Properties.Settings.Default.SkippedVersion || ForceCheck) { using (frmUpdateAvailable Update = new frmUpdateAvailable()) { Update.BlockSkip = ForceCheck; switch (Update.ShowDialog()) { case DialogResult.Yes: try { UpdateApplication(); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.ReportException(ex); return; } break; case DialogResult.Ignore: Properties.Settings.Default.SkippedVersion = GitVersion; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); break; } } } } else if (ForceCheck) { MessageBox.Show("No updates available."); } } }); checkUpdates.Start(); } } }
public static void UpdateYoutubeDl() { GetGitVersionString(1); if (Downloads.Default.useYtdlUpdater && General.Default.UseStaticYtdl && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Default.ytdlPath) && File.Exists(General.Default.ytdlPath) || File.Exists(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\youtube-dl.exe")) { Process UpdateYoutubeDl = new Process(); UpdateYoutubeDl.StartInfo.Arguments = "-U"; if (!General.Default.UseStaticYtdl || string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Default.ytdlPath)) { UpdateYoutubeDl.StartInfo.FileName = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\youtube-dl.exe"; UpdateYoutubeDl.Start(); UpdateYoutubeDl.WaitForExit(); } else { UpdateYoutubeDl.StartInfo.FileName = General.Default.ytdlPath; UpdateYoutubeDl.Start(); UpdateYoutubeDl.WaitForExit(); } } else { if (!General.Default.UseStaticYtdl || string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Default.ytdlPath)) { Thread DownloadYoutubeDl = new Thread(() => { using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; wc.Headers.Add("User-Agent: " + Program.UserAgent); try { string ytdlDownloadPath = null; if (General.Default.UseStaticYtdl && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Default.ytdlPath)) { ytdlDownloadPath = General.Default.ytdlPath; } else { ytdlDownloadPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\youtube-dl.exe"; } wc.DownloadFile(string.Format(GitData.GitLinks.ApplicationDownloadUrl, GitData.GitLinks.Users[1], GitData.GitLinks.ApplciationNames[1], GitData.YoutubeDlVersion), ytdlDownloadPath); if (GitData.YoutubeDlVersion != Properties.Settings.Default.YoutubeDlVersion) { Properties.Settings.Default.YoutubeDlVersion = GitData.YoutubeDlVersion; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } MessageBox.Show("Youtube-dl has been updated."); } catch (WebException webex) { ErrorLog.ReportWebException(webex, string.Format(GitData.GitLinks.ApplicationDownloadUrl, GitData.GitLinks.Users[1], GitData.GitLinks.ApplciationNames[1], GitData.YoutubeDlVersion)); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.ReportException(ex); } } }); DownloadYoutubeDl.Start(); } else { Thread DownloadYoutubeDl = new Thread(() => { using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; wc.Headers.Add("User-Agent: " + Program.UserAgent); try { wc.DownloadFile(string.Format(GitData.GitLinks.ApplicationDownloadUrl, GitData.GitLinks.Users[1], GitData.GitLinks.ApplciationNames[1], GitData.YoutubeDlVersion), General.Default.ytdlPath); if (GitData.YoutubeDlVersion != Properties.Settings.Default.YoutubeDlVersion) { Properties.Settings.Default.YoutubeDlVersion = GitData.YoutubeDlVersion; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } MessageBox.Show("Youtube-dl has been updated."); } catch (WebException webex) { ErrorLog.ReportWebException(webex, string.Format(GitData.GitLinks.ApplicationDownloadUrl, GitData.GitLinks.Users[1], GitData.GitLinks.ApplciationNames[1], GitData.YoutubeDlVersion)); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.ReportException(ex); } } }); DownloadYoutubeDl.Start(); } } }