private void BeginDownload() { Debug.Print("BeginDownload()"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DownloadUrl)) { MessageBox.Show("The URL is null or empty. Please enter a URL or Download path."); return; } rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Beginning download, this box will output progress\n"); if (BatchDownload) { chkDownloaderCloseAfterDownload.Checked = true; } if (DownloadUrl.StartsWith("http://")) { DownloadUrl = "https" + DownloadUrl.Substring(4); } string YoutubeDlFileName = null; string ArgumentsBuffer = string.Empty; string QualityFormatBuffer = string.Empty; string hlsFF = string.Empty; string webFolder = string.Empty; bool usehlsFF = Downloads.Default.fixReddit; #region youtube-dl path if (General.Default.UseStaticYtdl && File.Exists(General.Default.ytdlPath)) { YoutubeDlFileName = General.Default.ytdlPath; } else { YoutubeDlFileName = verif.YoutubeDlPath; } if (YoutubeDlFileName == null) { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Youtube-DL has not been found\nA rescan for youtube-dl was called"); verif.RefreshYoutubeDlLocation(); if (verif.YoutubeDlPath != null) { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("try redownloading the video, it seems to be detected now."); } else { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("still couldnt find youtube-dl."); } return; } rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Youtube-DL has been found and set\n"); #endregion #region Output rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Generating output directory structure\n"); if (Downloads.Default.separateIntoWebsiteURL) { webFolder = Download.getUrlBase(DownloadUrl) + "\\"; } ArgumentsBuffer = DownloadUrl + " -o \"" + Downloads.Default.downloadPath + BatchTime + "\\" + webFolder + "{0}" + Downloads.Default.fileNameSchema + "\""; if (Downloads.Default.separateDownloads) { switch (DownloadType) { case 0: ArgumentsBuffer = ArgumentsBuffer.Replace("{0}", "Video\\"); break; case 1: ArgumentsBuffer = ArgumentsBuffer.Replace("{0}", "Audio\\"); break; case 2: ArgumentsBuffer = ArgumentsBuffer.Replace("{0}", "Custom\\"); break; default: rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Unable to determine what download type to use (expected 0, 1, or 2)"); return; } } else { ArgumentsBuffer = ArgumentsBuffer.Replace("{0}", ""); } rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("The output was generated and will be used\n"); #endregion #region Quality + format switch (DownloadType) { case 0: { if (DownloadQuality == 0) { if (DownloadVideoAudio) { if (DownloadFormat == 4) { ArgumentsBuffer += DownloadFormats.VideoFormatArgsArrayOld[0]; } else { ArgumentsBuffer += DownloadFormats.VideoArgs[0]; } } else { if (DownloadFormat == 4) { ArgumentsBuffer += DownloadFormats.VideoFormatArgsArrayNoSoundOld[0]; } else { ArgumentsBuffer += DownloadFormats.VideoArgsNoSound[0]; } } } else { if (DownloadVideoAudio) { ArgumentsBuffer += DownloadFormats.GetVideoFormatArgs(DownloadQuality, Set60FPS); } else { ArgumentsBuffer += DownloadFormats.GetVideoFormatArgsNoSound(DownloadQuality, Set60FPS); } } break; } case 1: { if (UseVBR) { if (DownloadQuality == 0) { ArgumentsBuffer += " -f bestaudio --extract-audio --audio-quality 0"; } else { ArgumentsBuffer += " --extract-audio --audio-quality " + DownloadQuality; } } else { if (DownloadQuality == 0) { ArgumentsBuffer += " -f bestaudio --extract-audio --audio-quality 0"; } else { ArgumentsBuffer += " --extract-audio --audio-quality " + DownloadFormats.AudioQualityNamesArray[DownloadQuality]; } } break; } case 2: { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Custom was requested, skipping quality + format"); ArgumentsBuffer += " " + DownloadArguments; break; } default: { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Expected a downloadtype (Quality + Format)"); return; } } if (DownloadFormat > 0 && DownloadType == 0 && DownloadFormat != 4) { ArgumentsBuffer += DownloadFormats.VideoFormatsArray[DownloadFormat - 1]; } else if (DownloadType == 1) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --audio-format " + DownloadFormats.AudioFormatsArray[DownloadFormat]; } rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("The quality and format has been set\n"); #endregion #region Arguments rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Looking for ffmpeg\n"); if (verif.FFmpegPath != null) { if (General.Default.UseStaticFFmpeg) { ArgumentsBuffer += "--ffmpeg-location \"" + General.Default.ffmpegPath + "\\ffmpeg.exe\""; } else { ArgumentsBuffer += " --ffmpeg-location \"" + verif.FFmpegPath + "\\ffmpeg.exe\" --hls-prefer-ffmpeg"; } } else { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("ffmpeg path is null, downloading may be affected\n"); } if (Downloads.Default.fixReddit) { if (verif.FFmpegPath == null) { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Fix was requested, but ffmpeg hasn't been found\n"); } else if (Download.isReddit(DownloadUrl) && usehlsFF) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --hls-prefer-ffmpeg"; rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("hls prefers ffmpeg (fix\n"); } } if (DownloadType != 2) { if (Downloads.Default.SaveSubtitles) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --all-subs"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Downloads.Default.SubtitleFormat)) { ArgumentsBuffer += "--sub-format " + Downloads.Default.SubtitleFormat + " "; } if (Downloads.Default.EmbedSubtitles && DownloadType == 0 && DownloadFormat == 3 || DownloadFormat == 4 || DownloadFormat == 6) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --embed-subs"; } } if (Downloads.Default.SaveVideoInfo) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --write-info-json"; } if (Downloads.Default.SaveDescription) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --write-description"; } if (Downloads.Default.SaveAnnotations) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --write-annotations"; } if (Downloads.Default.SaveThumbnail) { // ArgumentsBuffer += "--write-all-thumbnails "; // Maybe? ArgumentsBuffer += " --write-thumbnail"; if (Downloads.Default.EmbedThumbnails) { switch (DownloadType) { case 0: if (DownloadFormat == 4) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --embed-thumbnail"; } else { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!\nCannot embed thumbnail to non-mp4 videos files\n"); } break; case 1: if (DownloadFormat == 3 || DownloadFormat == 4) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --embed-thumbnail"; } else { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!\nCannot embed thumbnail to non-m4a/mp3 audio files\n"); } break; } } } if (Downloads.Default.WriteMetadata) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --add-metadata"; } if (Downloads.Default.KeepOriginalFiles) { ArgumentsBuffer += " -k"; } if (Downloads.Default.LimitDownloads && Downloads.Default.DownloadLimit > 0) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --limit-rate " + Downloads.Default.DownloadLimit; switch (Downloads.Default.DownloadLimitType) { case 0: { // kb ArgumentsBuffer += "K "; break; } case 1: { // mb ArgumentsBuffer += "M "; break; } case 2: { // gb ArgumentsBuffer += "G "; break; } default: { // kb default ArgumentsBuffer += "K "; break; } } } if (Downloads.Default.RetryAttempts != 10 && Downloads.Default.RetryAttempts > 0) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --retries " + Downloads.Default.RetryAttempts; } if (Downloads.Default.ForceIPv4) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --force-ipv4"; } else if (Downloads.Default.ForceIPv6) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --force-ipv6"; } if (Downloads.Default.UseProxy && Downloads.Default.ProxyType > -1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Downloads.Default.ProxyIP) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Downloads.Default.ProxyPort)) { ArgumentsBuffer += " --proxy " + Download.ProxyProtocols[Downloads.Default.ProxyType] + Downloads.Default.ProxyIP + ":" + Downloads.Default.ProxyPort + "/ "; } } rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Arguments have been generated and are readonly in the textbox\n"); txtArgumentsGenerated.Text = ArgumentsBuffer; #endregion #region Download thread if (Program.IsDebug && Debugging && !BatchDownload) { rtbConsoleOutput.Text = ArgumentsBuffer.Replace(' ', '\n'); return; } rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Creating download thread\n"); DownloadThread = new Thread(() => { try { DownloadProcess = new System.Diagnostics.Process() { StartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(YoutubeDlFileName) { UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardError = true, CreateNoWindow = true, Arguments = ArgumentsBuffer } }; DownloadProcess.OutputDataReceived += (s, e) => { this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(() => { if (e.Data != null && rtbConsoleOutput != null) { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText(e.Data + "\n"); } })); }; DownloadProcess.ErrorDataReceived += (s, e) => { this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(() => { if (e.Data != null && rtbConsoleOutput != null) { rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Error:\n"); rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText(e.Data + "\n"); } })); }; DownloadProcess.Start(); DownloadProcess.BeginOutputReadLine(); DownloadProcess.BeginErrorReadLine(); DownloadProcess.WaitForExit(); DownloadFinished = true; if (DownloadProcess.ExitCode == 0) { DownloadFinished = true; DownloadAborted = false; DownloadErrored = false; } else { DownloadErrored = true; DownloadFinished = false; } } catch (ThreadAbortException) { DownloadAborted = true; DownloadFinished = false; return; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.ReportException(ex); DownloadErrored = true; } finally { ThreadExit(); } }); rtbConsoleOutput.AppendText("Created, starting download thread\n"); DownloadThread.Start(); #endregion }
private void btnRedownload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Download.downloadYoutubeDL(Settings.Default.youtubedlDir); }