Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines required width for the value-fields col.
        /// </summary>
        internal void widthValcol()
//			for (int r = 0; r != _grid.RowCount; ++r)
//			for (int c = 0; c != _grid.ColCount; ++c)
//			{
//				wT = YataGraphics.MeasureWidth(_grid[r,c].text, Font);
//				if (wT > _widthVals)
//					_widthVals = wT;
//			}
//			_widthVals += _padHori * 2;

            _widthVals = 0;

            int wT, rT = 0, cT = 0;

            for (int r = 0; r != _grid.RowCount; ++r)
                for (int c = 0; c != _grid.ColCount; ++c)
                    if ((wT = _grid[r, c]._widthtext) > _widthVals)             // NOTE: Assume that the widest text in the table-font
                    {                                                           // will be widest text in the propanel font. Much faster.
                        _widthVals = wT;
                        rT         = r;
                        cT         = c;

            _widthVals          =
                _editRect.Width = YataGraphics.MeasureWidth(_grid[rT, cT].text, Font) + _padHori * 2;
            _editor.Width       = _widthVals - 6;         // cf YataGrid.Celledit()

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Deters height based on line-height * lines.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        int GetHeight(string text)
            string[] lines = text.Split(gs.CRandorLF, StringSplitOptions.None);

            return(YataGraphics.MeasureHeight(YataGraphics.HEIGHT_TEST, rt_Copyable.Font)
                   * lines.Length);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the cols and caches the 2da's colhead data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rewidthOnly"><c>true</c> to only re-width cols - ie.
        /// Font changed</param>
        /// <seealso cref="CreateCol()"><c>CreateCol()</c></seealso>
        internal void CreateCols(bool rewidthOnly = false)
            int c = 0;

            if (!rewidthOnly)
                ColCount = Fields.Length + 1;                 // 'Fields' does not include rowhead or id-col

                for (; c != ColCount; ++c)
                    Cols.Add(new Col());

                Cols[0].text = gs.Id;                 // NOTE: Is not measured - the cells below it determine col-width.

            int widthtext; c = 0;

            foreach (string head in Fields) // set initial col-widths based on colheads only ->
                ++c;                        // start at col 1 - skip id col

                if (!rewidthOnly)
                    Cols[c].text = head;

                widthtext          = YataGraphics.MeasureWidth(head, _f.FontAccent);
                Cols[c]._widthtext = widthtext;

                Cols[c].width(widthtext + _padHori * 2 + _padHoriSort, rewidthOnly);
Пример #4
        const int _padHoriSort    = 12;         // additional horizontal text padding to the right in the colheads for the sort-arrow
        #endregion Fields (static)

        #region Methods (static)
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets standard <c><see cref="HeightColhead"/></c>,
        /// <c><see cref="HeightRow"/></c>, and minimum cell-width
        /// <c><see cref="_wId"/></c>. Also caches width of "****" in
        /// <c><see cref="_wStars"/></c>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f"></param>
        /// <remarks>These values are the same for all loaded tables.</remarks>
        internal static void SetStaticMetrics(Yata f)
            HeightColhead = YataGraphics.MeasureHeight(YataGraphics.HEIGHT_TEST, f.FontAccent) + _padVert * 2;
            HeightRow     = YataGraphics.MeasureHeight(YataGraphics.HEIGHT_TEST, f.Font) + _padVert * 2;

            _wId    = YataGraphics.MeasureWidth(gs.Id, f.Font) + _padHoriRowhead * 2;
            _wStars = YataGraphics.MeasureWidth(gs.Stars, f.Font);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// cTor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="title">a caption on the titlebar</param>
        /// <param name="label">info to be displayed with a proportional font</param>
        /// <param name="copyable">info to be displayed with a fixed font in a
        /// RichTextBox so it can be copied</param>
        /// <param name="f">parent <c><see cref="Yata"/></c></param>
        /// <param name="color"></param>
        /// <param name="goto"></param>
        /// <param name="reset"></param>
        internal DifferDialog(
            string title,
            string label,
            string copyable,
            Yata f,
            Color color,
            bool @goto,
            bool reset)
            _f = f;

            Initialize(YataDialog.METRIC_LOC, true);

            Text = title;

            bu_Goto.Visible  = @goto;
            bu_Reset.Visible = reset;

            la_Info.ForeColor = color;
            la_Info.Height    = YataGraphics.MeasureHeight(label, Font) + 15;          // +15 = label's pad top+bot +5
            la_Info.Text      = label;

            int w;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyable))
                copyable += Environment.NewLine;                 // add a blank line to bot of the copyable text.

                w = GetWidth(copyable) + 30;                     // +30 = parent panel's pad left+right +5
                pa_Copyable.Height = GetHeight(copyable) + 20;   // +20 = parent panel's pad top+bot +5

                rt_Copyable.Text = copyable;
                pa_Copyable.Visible = false;
                pa_Copyable.Height  = w = 0;

            if (w < WIDTH_Min)
                w = WIDTH_Min;

            ClientSize = new Size(w + 20,             // +20 = pad real and imagined.
                                  la_Info.Height + pa_Copyable.Height + bu_Okay.Height);

            MinimumSize = new Size(Width, Height);

            Show(_f);             // Yata is owner.
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// cTor. Instantiates this <c>FileWatcherDialog</c>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="grid">the <c><see cref="YataGrid"/></c> being watched</param>
        /// <param name="fwdType"><c><see cref="FwdType"/></c>
        /// <list type="bullet">
        /// <item><c><see cref="FwdType.FileDeleted">Fwd.FileDeleted</see></c></item>
        /// <item><c><see cref="FwdType.FileChanged">Fwd.FileChanged</see></c></item>
        /// </list></param>
        internal FileWatcherDialog(
            YataGrid grid,
            FwdType fwdType)
            _f = (_grid = grid)._f;             // 'YataDialog._f' is used only to set UI parameters.


            string text = String.Empty;

            switch (_fwdType = fwdType)
            case FwdType.FileDeleted:
                text           = FILE_Del;
                bu_Action.Text = "Resave";

            case FwdType.FileChanged:
                text           = FILE_Wsc;
                bu_Action.Text = "Reload";

            if (_grid.Readonly)
                text += " CANCEL DISABLES THE READONLY FLAG.";

            la_Info.Text = text;
            int wInfo = YataGraphics.MeasureWidth(la_Info.Text, la_Info.Font);

            tb_Pfe.Text = _grid.Fullpath;
            int wPfe = YataGraphics.MeasureWidth(tb_Pfe.Text, tb_Pfe.Font);

            ClientSize = new Size(Math.Max(wInfo, wPfe) + 20, ClientSize.Height);

            MinimumSize = new Size(Math.Max(WIDTH_Min, Width), Height);
            MaximumSize = new Size(Int32.MaxValue, Height);

            _t1.Tick    += t1_OnTick;
            _t1.Interval = 330;             // enable button delay.

            _t2.Tick    += t2_OnTick;
            _t2.Interval = 300;             // watch file period.
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Deters width based on longest copyable line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        int GetWidth(string text)
            string[] lines = text.Split(gs.CRandorLF, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            int width = 0, test;

            foreach (var line in lines)
                if ((test = YataGraphics.MeasureWidth(line, rt_Copyable.Font)) > width)
                    width = test;
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Relabels a col.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selc"></param>
        internal void RelabelCol(int selc)
            Fields[selc - 1]      = InputDialog._colabel;        // the Field-count is 1 less than the col-count
            Cols[selc]._widthtext = YataGraphics.MeasureWidth((Cols[selc].text = InputDialog._colabel),


            if (!Changed)
                Changed = true;
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates and maintains rowhead width wrt/ current Font across all
        /// tabs/tables.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f"></param>
        internal static void metricStaticHeads(Yata f)
            YataGrid table;

            int rows = 0, rowsTest;             // row-headers' width stays uniform across all tabpages

            int tabs = f.Tabs.TabCount;
            int tab  = 0;

            for (; tab != tabs; ++tab)             // find the table w/ most rows ->
                table = f.Tabs.TabPages[tab].Tag as YataGrid;
                if ((rowsTest = table.RowCount - 1) > rows)
                    rows = rowsTest;

            string texttest = "9";             // determine how many nines need to be measured ->

            while ((rows /= 10) != 0)
                texttest += "9";

            WidthRowhead = YataGraphics.MeasureWidth(texttest, f.FontAccent) + _padHoriRowhead * 2;

            for (tab = 0; tab != tabs; ++tab)
                table = f.Tabs.TabPages[tab].Tag as YataGrid;

                table.WidthTable = WidthRowhead;
                foreach (var col in table.Cols)
                    table.WidthTable += col.width();

                table._panelRows.Width  = WidthRowhead;
                table._panelCols.Height = HeightColhead;

Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Clones a specified <c>Font</c> and reduces it in size (if necessary)
        /// to fit in dialogs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="font">a <c>Font</c> to potentially reduce in size</param>
        /// <returns>a <c>Font</c> that's roughly the size of Yata's default
        /// <c>Font</c></returns>
        internal static Font CreateDialogFont(ICloneable font)
            var fontdialog = font.Clone() as Font;

            string    label = fontdialog.Name;
            FontStyle style = Yata.getStyleStandard(fontdialog.FontFamily);

            // the font as it appears in a dialog is smaller than the same font
            // with the SAME pointsize as it appears on the table ...

            float pts = fontdialog.SizeInPoints;

            while (YataGraphics.MeasureHeight(YataGraphics.HEIGHT_TEST, fontdialog) > YataGraphics.hFontDefault)
                fontdialog = new Font(label, pts -= 0.75F, style);
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Resets the width of a specified col based on the cells in rows
        /// <paramref name="r"/> to <paramref name="r"/> +
        /// <paramref name="range"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c">col</param>
        /// <param name="r">first row to consider as changed (default -1 if
        /// deleting rows and/or no extant text-widths have changed; ie, no
        /// text-widths need to be re-measured)</param>
        /// <param name="range">range of rows to consider as changed (default 0
        /// for a single row)</param>
        internal void Colwidth(int c, int r = -1, int range = 0)
            Col col = Cols[c];

            int colwidth = col._widthtext + _padHoriSort;
            int widthtext;

            if (r != -1)             // re-calc '_widthtext' regardless of what happens below ->
                string text;

                int rend = r + range;
                for (; r <= rend; ++r)
                    if ((text = this[r, c].text) == gs.Stars)                    // bingo.
                        widthtext = _wStars;
                        widthtext = YataGraphics.MeasureWidth(text, Font);

                    this[r, c]._widthtext = widthtext;

                    if (widthtext > colwidth)
                        colwidth = widthtext;

            if (!col.UserSized)                 // ie. don't resize a col that user has adjusted. If it needs to
            {                                   // be forced (eg. on reload) unflag UserSized on all cols first.
                int totalwidth = col.width();

                if ((colwidth += _padHori * 2) > totalwidth)
                else if (colwidth < totalwidth)                 // recalc width on the entire col
                    if (c == 0 || _wId > colwidth)
                        colwidth = _wId;

                    for (r = 0; r != RowCount; ++r)
                        widthtext = this[r, c]._widthtext + _padHori * 2;

                        if (widthtext > colwidth)
                            colwidth = widthtext;
                    col.width(colwidth, true);

                if (range == 0 && totalwidth != colwidth)                       // if range >0 let Calibrate() handle multiple
                {                                                               // cols or at least the scrollers and do the UI-update
                    Invalidator(INVALID_GRID | INVALID_COLS);

            if (Propanel != null && Propanel.Visible)
                Propanel.widthValcol();                 // TODO: Re-calc the 'c' col only.
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a col.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selc"></param>
        /// <seealso cref="CreateCols()"><c>CreateCols()</c></seealso>
        internal void CreateCol(int selc)
            --selc;                               // the Field-count is 1 less than the col-count

            int fieldsLength = Fields.Length + 1; // create a new Fields array ->
            var fields       = new string[fieldsLength];

            for (int i = 0; i != fieldsLength; ++i)
                if (i < selc)
                    fields[i] = Fields[i];
                else if (i == selc)
                    fields[i] = InputDialog._colabel;

                    var col = new Col();
                    col.text       = InputDialog._colabel;
                    col._widthtext = YataGraphics.MeasureWidth(col.text, _f.FontAccent);
                    col.width(col._widthtext + _padHori * 2 + _padHoriSort);
                    col.selected = true;

                    Cols.Insert(i + 1, col);

                    for (int r = 0; r != RowCount; ++r)
                        var cells = new Cell[ColCount];                         // create a new Cells array in each row ->
                        for (int c = 0; c != ColCount; ++c)
                            if (c < selc + 1)
                                cells[c] = this[r, c];
                            else if (c == selc + 1)
                                cells[c]            = new Cell(r, c, gs.Stars);
                                cells[c].selected   = true;
                                cells[c]._widthtext = _wStars;
                            else                             // (c > selc + 1)
                                cells[c]    = this[r, c - 1];
                                cells[c].x += 1;
                        Rows[r]._cells  = cells;
                        Rows[r].Length += 1;
                else                 // (i > selc)
                    fields[i] = Fields[i - 1];
            Fields = fields;

            int w = _wStars + _padHori * 2;

            if (w > Cols[++selc].width())



            if (!Changed)
                Changed = true;
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// cTor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Each tabbed table gets its own Propanel.</remarks>
        internal Propanel(YataGrid grid)

            _grid = grid;

            if (Settings._gradient)
                BackColor = Color.SkyBlue;
                BackColor = Color.LightBlue;

            Anchor  = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
            TabStop = false;             // <- the Propanel is not currently coded to cope w/ keyboard-input.

            if (Settings._font3 != null)
//				Font.Dispose(); // be wary. Be very wary. -> Do NOT Dispose()
                // debug builds don't throw
                // but release builds CTD when invoking the SettingsEditor after
                // the Propanel has been opened ... eg.

                Font = Settings._font3;
                Font = new Font("Verdana", 7.25F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, (byte)0);

            if (_heightr == -1)
                _heightr = YataGraphics.MeasureHeight(YataGraphics.HEIGHT_TEST, Font) + _padVert * 2;

            _editRect.Height = _heightr - 1;             // cf YataGrid.EditCell()

            HeightProps = _grid.ColCount * _heightr;

            int wT;

            for (int c = 0; c != _grid.ColCount; ++c)
                wT = YataGraphics.MeasureWidth(_grid.Cols[c].text, Font);
                if (wT > _widthVars)
                    _widthVars = wT;
            _widthVars += _padHori * 2 + 1;

            _scroll.Dock          = DockStyle.Right;
            _scroll.LargeChange   = _heightr;
            _scroll.ValueChanged += scroll_valuechanged;




            _editor.Leave += editor_leave;

Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the <c><see cref="Row">Rows</see></c> and adds
        /// <c><see cref="Cell">Cells</see></c> to each <c>Row</c>. Also sets
        /// <c><see cref="Cell.loadchanged">Cell.loadchanged</see></c> if a
        /// cell-field's text was altered/corrected while loading the 2da for
        /// this <c>YataGrid</c>.
        /// </summary>
        void CreateRows()
            RowCount = _rows.Count;

            bool changed = false, loadchanged; string text;
            bool isLoadchanged = false;

            for (int r = 0; r != RowCount; ++r)
                changed = changed ||
                          _rows[r].Length > ColCount;                     // flag Changed if any field(s) get cut off.

                Rows.Add(new Row(r,
                                 (r % 2 == 0) ? Brushes.Alice
                                                                                          : Brushes.Bob,

                for (int c = 0; c != ColCount; ++c)
                    loadchanged = false;
                    if (c < _rows[r].Length)
                        text = _rows[r][c];
                        if (VerifyText(ref text, true))
                            changed = loadchanged = isLoadchanged = true;
                        text    = gs.Stars;
                        changed = loadchanged = isLoadchanged = true;

                    (this[r, c] = new Cell(r, c, text)).loadchanged = loadchanged;

            if (isLoadchanged)             // inform user regardless of Strict setting ->
                using (var ib = new Infobox(Infobox.Title_infor, "Cell-texts changed."))
            Changed |= changed;

            _rows.Clear();             // done w/ '_rows'

            int w, wT;             // adjust col-widths based on fields ->

            for (int c = 0; c != ColCount; ++c)
                w = _wId;                 // start each col at min colwidth
                for (int r = 0; r != RowCount; ++r)
                    if ((text = this[r, c].text) == gs.Stars)                    // bingo.
                        wT = _wStars;
                        wT = YataGraphics.MeasureWidth(text, Font);

                    this[r, c]._widthtext = wT;

                    if ((wT += _padHori * 2) > w)
                        w = wT;

//			var threads = new Thread[ColCount];
//			for (int c = 0; c != ColCount; ++c)
//			{
//				int cT = c;
//				threads[c] = new Thread(() => doCol(cT));
//				//logfile.Log("c= " + c + " IsBackground= " + threads[c].IsBackground); // default false
//				threads[c].IsBackground = true;
//				threads[c].Start();
//			}

//			int procs = Environment.ProcessorCount;
//			logfile.Log("ProcessorCount= " + procs);
//			var threads = new Thread[procs];
//			for (int i = 0; i != procs; ++i)
//			{
//				threads[i] = new Thread(()=> doCol(0, RowCount/procs)); // wont work - a lone doCol() method would be totally thread unsafe.
//			}

//			int c0 = 0;
//			int c1 = ColCount / 4;
//			int c2 = ColCount / 2;
//			int c3 = ColCount * 3 / 4;
//			int c4 = ColCount;
//			logfile.Log("c0= " + c0);
//			logfile.Log("c1= " + c1);
//			logfile.Log("c2= " + c2);
//			logfile.Log("c3= " + c3);
//			logfile.Log("c4= " + c4);
//			var threads = new Thread[4];
//			threads[0] = new Thread(()=> doCol0(c0,c1));
//			threads[0].IsBackground = true;
//			threads[0].Start();
//			threads[1] = new Thread(()=> doCol1(c1,c2));
//			threads[1].IsBackground = true;
//			threads[1].Start();
//			threads[2] = new Thread(()=> doCol2(c2,c3));
//			threads[2].IsBackground = true;
//			threads[2].Start();
//			threads[3] = new Thread(()=> doCol3(c3,c4));
//			threads[3].IsBackground = true;
//			threads[3].Start();
//			foreach (var thread in threads)
//				thread.Join();