static Tweaks() { tweaks = new Collection <Tweak>(); Tweak t; t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Useful Toggles"; t.type = Tweak.controlType.title; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Access Media While Syncing"; t.description = "Toggle each sync"; t.key = @"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Zune\Events\ZNetSyncState"; t.onValue = 0; t.offValue = 1; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Fake Xbox 'Gold'"; t.strOnValue = "Gold"; t.strOffValue = "Silver"; t.keyType = Tweak.tweakType.str; t.key = @"HKCU\Software\Microsoft\GameFoundation\Store\GamerProfile\Current\MembershipLevel"; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "System Settings"; t.type = Tweak.controlType.title; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Hide clock"; t.key = @"HKLM\System\State\DateTime\ClockInvisibleOnSystemTray"; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Dehydration Hack"; t.offValue = 3; t.onValue = 0; t.key = @"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\TaskHost\DehydrateOnPause"; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "32bit color"; t.onValue = 32; t.offValue = 16; t.key = @"HKLM\Drivers\Display\Primary\bpp"; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "'Never' timeout option"; t.onValue = 0; t.offValue = 1; t.key = @"HKLM\ControlPanel\Lock\DisableNever"; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Soft shutter button"; t.key = @"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Camera\Settings\SoftShutterButton"; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Disable Start Menu Letters"; t.onValue = 500; t.offValue = 45; t.key = @"HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Start\GroupingThreshold"; t.rebootNeeded = true; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Max Task Switcher Apps"; t.key = @"HKLM\System\Shell\Frame\MaxSessions"; t.type = Tweak.controlType.selector; t.options = new List <SelectorTweak>(); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "3", IntValue = 4 }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "5", IntValue = 6 }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "8", IntValue = 9 }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "15", IntValue = 16 }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "no limit", IntValue = 9999 }); t.rebootNeeded = true; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Play video sound over Bluetooth"; t.key = @"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Zune\Playback\Video\A2DP\CapsSet1\DisableA2DPPLayback"; t.onValue = 0; t.offValue = 1; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Enable SmartDJ"; t.key = @"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Zune\SmartDj\LocalEnabled"; t.onValue = 1; t.offValue = 0; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Customizations"; t.type = Tweak.controlType.title; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Voice (reboot required)"; t.type = Tweak.controlType.selector; t.key = @"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Speech\UXLanguages\Tokens\" + System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture + @"\Voice"; t.keyType = Tweak.tweakType.str; string prefix = @"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\SPEECH\Voices\Tokens\"; t.options = new List <SelectorTweak>(); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "Hazel (en-GB)", Value = prefix + "MSTTS_V30_EnGB_HazelM" }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "Helena (es-ES)", Value = prefix + "MSTTS_V30_EsES_HelenaM" }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "Hedda (de-DE)", Value = prefix + "MSTTS_V30_DeDE_HeddaM" }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "Lucia (it-IT)", Value = prefix + "MSTTS_V30_ItIT_LuciaM" }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "Hortense (fr-FR)", Value = prefix + "MSTTS_V30_FrFR_HortenseM" }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "Zira (en-US)", Value = prefix + "MSTTS_V30_EnUS_ZiraM" }); tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Volume Control (reboot required)"; t.key = @"HKCU\ControlPanel\Volume\MaxSystemUIVolume"; t.type = Tweak.controlType.selector; t.options = new List <SelectorTweak>(); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "0 - 10", IntValue = 10 }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "0 - 15", IntValue = 15 }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "0 - 20", IntValue = 20 }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "0 - 30 (Default)", IntValue = 30 }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "0 - 40", IntValue = 40 }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "0 - 50", IntValue = 50 }); tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Rename 3G+ to 4G"; t.key = @"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Connectivity\CellularUx\DataConnectionIcon\1XHSDPA"; t.keyType = Tweak.tweakType.str; t.strOnValue = "4G"; t.strOffValue = "3G+"; t.rebootNeeded = true; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.type = Tweak.controlType.title; t.title = "Tango-only"; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Static IP"; t.key = @"HKLM\Comm\Connectivity\WiFiSplashUX\EnableStaticIP"; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Export contacts to SIM"; t.key = @"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Contacts\Sim\EnableSIMAddressBookAndExport"; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.type = Tweak.controlType.title; t.title = "Pranks"; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Wireless charge"; t.onValue = 6553618; t.offValue = 6553613; t.key = @"HKLM\System\State\Battery\Main"; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "AC Power"; t.key = @"HKLM\System\State\Power\ACLineStatus"; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "5G"; t.key = @"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Connectivity\CellularUx\DataConnectionIcon\1XUMTS"; t.keyType = Tweak.tweakType.str; t.strOnValue = "5G"; t.strOffValue = "3G"; t.rebootNeeded = true; tweaks.Add(t); }
static Tweaks() { tweaks = new Collection<Tweak>(); Tweak t; t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Useful Toggles"; t.type = Tweak.controlType.title; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Access Media While Syncing"; t.description = "Toggle each sync"; t.key = @"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Zune\Events\ZNetSyncState"; t.onValue = 0; t.offValue = 1; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Fake Xbox 'Gold'"; t.strOnValue = "Gold"; t.strOffValue = "Silver"; t.keyType = Tweak.tweakType.str; t.key = @"HKCU\Software\Microsoft\GameFoundation\Store\GamerProfile\Current\MembershipLevel"; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "System Settings"; t.type = Tweak.controlType.title; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Hide clock"; t.key = @"HKLM\System\State\DateTime\ClockInvisibleOnSystemTray"; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Dehydration Hack"; t.offValue = 3; t.onValue = 0; t.key = @"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\TaskHost\DehydrateOnPause"; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "32bit color"; t.onValue = 32; t.offValue = 16; t.key = @"HKLM\Drivers\Display\Primary\bpp"; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "'Never' timeout option"; t.onValue = 0; t.offValue = 1; t.key = @"HKLM\ControlPanel\Lock\DisableNever"; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Soft shutter button"; t.key = @"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Camera\Settings\SoftShutterButton"; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Disable Start Menu Letters"; t.onValue = 500; t.offValue = 45; t.key = @"HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Start\GroupingThreshold"; t.rebootNeeded = true; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Max Task Switcher Apps"; t.key = @"HKLM\System\Shell\Frame\MaxSessions"; t.type = Tweak.controlType.selector; t.options = new List<SelectorTweak>(); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "3", IntValue = 4 }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "5", IntValue = 6 }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "8", IntValue = 9 }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "15", IntValue = 16 }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "no limit", IntValue = 9999 }); t.rebootNeeded = true; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Play video sound over Bluetooth"; t.key = @"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Zune\Playback\Video\A2DP\CapsSet1\DisableA2DPPLayback"; t.onValue = 0; t.offValue = 1; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Enable SmartDJ"; t.key = @"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Zune\SmartDj\LocalEnabled"; t.onValue = 1; t.offValue = 0; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Customizations"; t.type = Tweak.controlType.title; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Voice (reboot required)"; t.type = Tweak.controlType.selector; t.key = @"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Speech\UXLanguages\Tokens\" + System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture + @"\Voice"; t.keyType = Tweak.tweakType.str; string prefix = @"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\SPEECH\Voices\Tokens\"; t.options = new List<SelectorTweak>(); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "Hazel (en-GB)", Value = prefix + "MSTTS_V30_EnGB_HazelM" }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "Helena (es-ES)", Value = prefix + "MSTTS_V30_EsES_HelenaM" }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "Hedda (de-DE)", Value = prefix + "MSTTS_V30_DeDE_HeddaM" }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "Lucia (it-IT)", Value = prefix + "MSTTS_V30_ItIT_LuciaM" }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "Hortense (fr-FR)", Value = prefix + "MSTTS_V30_FrFR_HortenseM" }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "Zira (en-US)", Value = prefix + "MSTTS_V30_EnUS_ZiraM" }); tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Volume Control (reboot required)"; t.key = @"HKCU\ControlPanel\Volume\MaxSystemUIVolume"; t.type = Tweak.controlType.selector; t.options = new List<SelectorTweak>(); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "0 - 10", IntValue = 10 }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "0 - 15", IntValue = 15 }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "0 - 20", IntValue = 20 }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "0 - 30 (Default)", IntValue = 30 }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "0 - 40", IntValue = 40 }); t.options.Add(new SelectorTweak() { Title = "0 - 50", IntValue = 50 }); tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Rename 3G+ to 4G"; t.key = @"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Connectivity\CellularUx\DataConnectionIcon\1XHSDPA"; t.keyType = Tweak.tweakType.str; t.strOnValue = "4G"; t.strOffValue = "3G+"; t.rebootNeeded = true; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.type = Tweak.controlType.title; t.title = "Tango-only"; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Static IP"; t.key = @"HKLM\Comm\Connectivity\WiFiSplashUX\EnableStaticIP"; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Export contacts to SIM"; t.key = @"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Contacts\Sim\EnableSIMAddressBookAndExport"; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.type = Tweak.controlType.title; t.title = "Pranks"; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "Wireless charge"; t.onValue = 6553618; t.offValue = 6553613; t.key = @"HKLM\System\State\Battery\Main"; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "AC Power"; t.key = @"HKLM\System\State\Power\ACLineStatus"; tweaks.Add(t); t = new Tweak(); t.title = "5G"; t.key = @"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Connectivity\CellularUx\DataConnectionIcon\1XUMTS"; t.keyType = Tweak.tweakType.str; t.strOnValue = "5G"; t.strOffValue = "3G"; t.rebootNeeded = true; tweaks.Add(t); }