Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialises a new instance so that it represents a subset of the <see cref="eSectionTextPart.header"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pPart">A dot separated list of integers specifying the body-part, or <see langword="null"/> for the whole message</param>
        /// <param name="pNames">Must not be <see langword="null"/> nor empty.</param>
        /// <param name="pNot"><see langword="true"/> to represent all header fields except those specified, <see langword="false"/> to represent only the header fields specified.</param>
        public cSection(string pPart, cHeaderFieldNames pNames, bool pNot = false)
            if (pPart != null && !ZValidPart(pPart))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(pPart));
            Part = pPart;

            if (pNot)
                TextPart = eSectionTextPart.headerfieldsnot;
                TextPart = eSectionTextPart.headerfields;

            if (pNames == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pNames));
            if (pNames.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(pNames));
            Names = pNames;
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialises a new instance so that it represents an entire body-part.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pPart">A dot separated list of integers specifying the body-part, or <see langword="null"/> for the whole message</param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// <see cref="TextPart"/> is set to <see cref="eSectionTextPart.all"/>, <see cref="Names"/> to <see langword="null"/>.
 /// </remarks>
 public cSection(string pPart)
     if (pPart != null && !ZValidPart(pPart))
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(pPart));
     Part     = pPart;
     TextPart = eSectionTextPart.all;
     Names    = null;
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the header field names from the specified collection that this instance has not been populated with (case insensitive).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pNames"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public cHeaderFieldNames Missing(cHeaderFieldNames pNames)
     if (mNot)
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines whether the collection has not been populated with header fields of any of the names specified (case insensitive).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pNames"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 /// <remarks>
 /// <see langword="false"/> does not mean that there are any header fields of the specified names in the collection.
 /// </remarks>
 public bool ContainsNone(cHeaderFieldNames pNames)
     if (mNot)
     foreach (var lName in pNames)
         if (mNames.Contains(lName))
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialises a new instance using the specified <see cref="cMessage"/> properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pProperties">The message properties to cache the backing data for.</param>
        public cMessageCacheItems(fMessageProperties pProperties)
            Attributes = 0;

            // see comments elsewhere as to why mdnsent is commented out
            if ((pProperties & (fMessageProperties.flags | fMessageProperties.answered | fMessageProperties.flagged | fMessageProperties.deleted | fMessageProperties.seen | fMessageProperties.draft | fMessageProperties.recent | /* fMessageProperties.mdnsent | */ fMessageProperties.forwarded | fMessageProperties.submitpending | fMessageProperties.submitted)) != 0)
                Attributes |= fMessageCacheAttributes.flags;
            if ((pProperties & (fMessageProperties.envelope | fMessageProperties.sent | fMessageProperties.subject | fMessageProperties.basesubject | fMessageProperties.from | fMessageProperties.sender | fMessageProperties.replyto | fMessageProperties.to | fMessageProperties.cc | fMessageProperties.bcc | fMessageProperties.inreplyto | fMessageProperties.messageid)) != 0)
                Attributes |= fMessageCacheAttributes.envelope;
            if ((pProperties & fMessageProperties.received) != 0)
                Attributes |= fMessageCacheAttributes.received;
            if ((pProperties & fMessageProperties.size) != 0)
                Attributes |= fMessageCacheAttributes.size;
            if ((pProperties & fMessageProperties.bodystructure | fMessageProperties.attachments | fMessageProperties.plaintextsizeinbytes) != 0)
                Attributes |= fMessageCacheAttributes.bodystructure;
            if ((pProperties & fMessageProperties.uid) != 0)
                Attributes |= fMessageCacheAttributes.uid;
            if ((pProperties & fMessageProperties.modseq) != 0)
                Attributes |= fMessageCacheAttributes.modseq;

            cHeaderFieldNameList lNames = new cHeaderFieldNameList();

            if ((pProperties & fMessageProperties.references) != 0)
            if ((pProperties & fMessageProperties.importance) != 0)

            Names = new cHeaderFieldNames(lNames);
Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialises a new instance so that it represents a whole text part.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pPart">A dot separated list of integers specifying the body-part, or <see langword="null"/> for the whole message</param>
 /// <param name="pTextPart">May be <see cref="eSectionTextPart.all"/>, <see cref="eSectionTextPart.header"/>, <see cref="eSectionTextPart.text"/> or <see cref="eSectionTextPart.mime"/> (<see cref="eSectionTextPart.mime"/> only if <paramref name="pPart"/> is not <see langword="null"/>).</param>
 public cSection(string pPart, eSectionTextPart pTextPart)
     if (pPart != null && !ZValidPart(pPart))
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(pPart));
     Part = pPart;
     if (pTextPart == eSectionTextPart.headerfields || pTextPart == eSectionTextPart.headerfieldsnot)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(pTextPart));
     if (pPart == null && pTextPart == eSectionTextPart.mime)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(pTextPart));
     TextPart = pTextPart;
     Names    = null;
Пример #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialises a new instance using the specified IMAP message attributes and header field names.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pAttributes"></param>
 /// <param name="pNames">Can't be <see langword="null"/>, may be empty.</param>
 public cMessageCacheItems(fMessageCacheAttributes pAttributes, cHeaderFieldNames pNames)
     Attributes = pAttributes;
     Names      = pNames ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pNames));
Пример #8
        internal static void _Tests(cTrace.cContext pParentContext)
            var lContext = pParentContext.NewMethod(nameof(cHeaderFields), nameof(_Tests));

            cStrings          lStrings;
            cHeaderFieldNames lABCDE = new cHeaderFieldNames("a", "B", "c", "D", "e");
            cHeaderFieldNames lDEFGH = new cHeaderFieldNames("f", "g", "h", "D", "e");
            cHeaderFieldNames lGHIJK = new cHeaderFieldNames("i", "g", "h", "j", "K");

            var lBytes =
                new cBytes(
                    "angus:  value of angus\r\n" +
                    "fred      :     value of fred      \r\n" +
                    "charlie  \t  :   value    \r\n    \t    of    \r\n   charlie  \t\t   \r\n" +
                    "message-id   :  <*****@*****.**>  \r\n" +
                    "MESSAGE-id  : <1234   @   local(blah)  .machine .example> \r\n" +
                    "IN-reply-TO:    <*****@*****.**><*****@*****.**>\r\n\t<*****@*****.**>\r\n" +
                    "REfEReNCeS:\r\n\t<*****@*****.**>\r\n\t<   \"12345\"   @   local(blah)   .machine .example>   \r\n" +
                    "Importance: low\r\n" +
                    "anotherone: just in case\r\n" +
                    "\r\n" +
                    "check: stop\r\n");

            if (!TryConstruct(lBytes, out var lFields))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.1.1");

            if (lFields.Count != 9)
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.1.1.1");

            if (!lFields.Contains("a"))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.1.2");
            if (!lFields.Contains(lABCDE))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.1.3");
            if (!lFields.Contains(lDEFGH))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.1.4");
            if (!lFields.Contains(lGHIJK))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.1.5");
            if (lFields.ContainsNone(lABCDE) || lFields.ContainsNone(lDEFGH) || lFields.ContainsNone(lGHIJK))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.1.6");

            if (lFields.Missing(lABCDE).Count != 0 || lFields.Missing(lDEFGH).Count != 0)
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.1.7");

            if (cTools.ASCIIBytesToString(lFields.FirstNamed("fred").Value) != "     value of fred      ")
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.1.8");
            if (lFields.FirstNamed("a") != null)
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.1.9");

            if (lFields.AllNamed("fred").Count() != 1)
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.1.10");
            if (lFields.AllNamed("a").Count() != 0)
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.1.11");
            if (lFields.AllNamed("mEsSaGe-ID").Count() != 2)
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.1.12");

            //if (!lFields.All("mEsSaGe-ID").All(h => h is cHeaderFieldMsgId lMsgId && lMsgId.MsgId == "*****@*****.**")) throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.1.13");

            //lStrings = (lFields.First(cHeaderFieldNames.InReplyTo) as cHeaderFieldMsgIds)?.MsgIds;
            //if (lStrings.Count != 3 || !lStrings.Contains("*****@*****.**") || !lStrings.Contains("*****@*****.**") || !lStrings.Contains("*****@*****.**")) throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.1.15");

            lStrings = lFields.References;
            if (lStrings.Count != 2 || !lStrings.Contains("*****@*****.**") || !lStrings.Contains("*****@*****.**"))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.1.16");

            if (lFields.Importance != eImportance.low)
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.1.17");

            if (!lFields.Contains("check") || lFields.AllNamed("check").Count() != 0)
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.1.18");

            lBytes = new cBytes("a: 1\r\nc: 2\r\nc: two\r\ne: 3\r\n\r\n");
            if (!TryConstruct(lABCDE, false, lBytes, out var lFieldsABCDE))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.1");
            if (!TryConstruct(lABCDE, false, lBytes, out var lFieldsABCDE2))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.1.1");

            lBytes = new cBytes("e: 3\r\ng: 4\r\ng: four\r\n\r\n");
            if (!TryConstruct(lDEFGH, false, lBytes, out var lFieldsDEFGH))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.2");

            lBytes = new cBytes("g: 4\r\ni: 5\r\nk: 6\r\nk: six\r\n");
            if (!TryConstruct(lGHIJK, false, lBytes, out var lFieldsGHIJK))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.3");

            lBytes =
                new cBytes(
                    "Importance: normal\r\n" +
                    "message-id   :  <[email protected]  \r\n" +
                    "IN-reply-TO:    <*****@*****.**><[email protected]\r\n\t<*****@*****.**>\r\n" +
                    "g: 4\r\ng: four\r\ni: 5\r\nk: 6\r\nk: six\r\n");

            if (!TryConstruct(lABCDE, true, lBytes, out var lNotABCDE))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.4");

            lBytes =
                new cBytes(
                    "Importance: high\r\n" +
                    "a: 1\r\nc: 2\r\nc: two\r\ni: 5\r\nk: 6\r\nk: six\r\n");

            if (!TryConstruct(lDEFGH, true, lBytes, out var lNotDEFGH))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.4");

            lBytes =
                new cBytes(
                    "Importance: error\r\n" +
                    "a: 1\r\nc: 2\r\nc: two\r\ne: 3\r\n");

            if (!TryConstruct(lGHIJK, true, lBytes, out var lNotGHIJK))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.5");

            if (lNotABCDE.Contains("a") || lNotABCDE.Contains("e") || !lNotABCDE.Contains("f") || !lNotABCDE.Contains("g"))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.6");
            if (lNotABCDE.Contains(lABCDE) || lNotABCDE.Contains(lDEFGH) || !lNotABCDE.Contains(lGHIJK))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.7");
            if (!lNotABCDE.ContainsNone(lABCDE) || lNotABCDE.ContainsNone(lDEFGH) || lNotABCDE.ContainsNone(lGHIJK))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.8");
            if (lNotABCDE.Missing(lABCDE) != lABCDE || lNotABCDE.Missing(lDEFGH) != new cHeaderFieldNames("d", "E") || lNotABCDE.Missing(lGHIJK).Count != 0)
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.9");

            bool lFailed;

            lFailed = false;
            try { lNotABCDE.FirstNamed("A"); }
            catch { lFailed = true; }
            if (!lFailed)
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.10");

            if (lNotABCDE.FirstNamed(kHeaderFieldName.MessageId) == null || lNotABCDE.FirstNamed(kHeaderFieldName.InReplyTo) == null || lNotABCDE.Importance != eImportance.normal)
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.11");
            if (lNotDEFGH.Importance != eImportance.high)
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.12");
            if (lNotGHIJK.Importance != null)
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.13");

            if (!ReferenceEquals((lFieldsABCDE + null), lFieldsABCDE))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.14.1");
            if (!ReferenceEquals((null + lFieldsABCDE), lFieldsABCDE))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.14.2");
            if (!ReferenceEquals((lFieldsABCDE + lFields), lFields))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.14.3");
            if (!ReferenceEquals(lFields, (lFieldsABCDE + lFields)))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.14.4");
            if (!ReferenceEquals(lFieldsABCDE, (lFieldsABCDE + lFieldsABCDE2)))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.14.5");

            var lNotDE = lNotABCDE + lNotDEFGH;

            if (!lNotDE.ContainsNone(new cHeaderFieldNames("d", "E")))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.15.1");
            if (!lNotDE.Contains(lGHIJK))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.15.2");
            if (!lNotDE.Contains(new cHeaderFieldNames("a", "c", "f", "h")))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.15.3");
            if (lNotDE.AllNamed("a").Count() != 1 || lNotDE.AllNamed("b").Count() != 0 || lNotDE.AllNamed("c").Count() != 2 || lNotDE.AllNamed("f").Count() != 0 || lNotDE.AllNamed("g").Count() != 2 || lNotDE.AllNamed("h").Count() != 0 || lNotDE.AllNamed("i").Count() != 1 || lNotDE.AllNamed("j").Count() != 0 || lNotDE.AllNamed("k").Count() != 2)
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.15.4");

            var lAll = lNotABCDE + lNotGHIJK;

            if (!lAll.Contains(lABCDE) || !lAll.Contains(lDEFGH) || !lAll.Contains(lGHIJK))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.16.1");
            if (lAll.AllNamed("a").Count() != 1 || lAll.AllNamed("b").Count() != 0 || lAll.AllNamed("c").Count() != 2 || lAll.AllNamed("d").Count() != 0 || lAll.AllNamed("e").Count() != 1 || lAll.AllNamed("f").Count() != 0 || lAll.AllNamed("g").Count() != 2 || lAll.AllNamed("h").Count() != 0 || lAll.AllNamed("i").Count() != 1 || lAll.AllNamed("j").Count() != 0 || lAll.AllNamed("k").Count() != 2)
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.16.2");

            var lNotABC = lNotABCDE + lFieldsDEFGH;

            if (!lNotABC.ContainsNone(new cHeaderFieldNames("a", "B", "C")))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.17.1");
            if (!lNotABC.Contains(new cHeaderFieldNames("d", "e", "f", "g", "h")))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.17.2");
            if (lNotABC.AllNamed("d").Count() != 0 || lNotABC.AllNamed("e").Count() != 1 || lNotABC.AllNamed("f").Count() != 0 || lNotABC.AllNamed("g").Count() != 2 || lNotABC.AllNamed("h").Count() != 0 || lNotABC.AllNamed("i").Count() != 1 || lNotABC.AllNamed("j").Count() != 0 || lNotABC.AllNamed("k").Count() != 2)
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.16.2");

            var lNotABCDE2 = lNotABCDE + lFieldsGHIJK;

            if (!lNotABCDE2.ContainsNone(lABCDE) || !lNotABCDE2.Contains(lGHIJK))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.18.1");
            if (lNotABCDE2.AllNamed("f").Count() != 0 || lNotABCDE2.AllNamed("g").Count() != 2 || lNotABCDE2.AllNamed("h").Count() != 0 || lNotABCDE2.AllNamed("i").Count() != 1 || lNotABCDE2.AllNamed("j").Count() != 0 || lNotABCDE2.AllNamed("k").Count() != 2)
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.18.2");

            var lNotFGH = lFieldsABCDE + lNotDEFGH;

            if (!lNotFGH.ContainsNone(new cHeaderFieldNames("F", "G", "H")) || !lNotFGH.Contains(lABCDE))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.19.1");
            if (lNotFGH.AllNamed("a").Count() != 1 || lNotFGH.AllNamed("b").Count() != 0 || lNotFGH.AllNamed("c").Count() != 2 || lNotFGH.AllNamed("d").Count() != 0 || lNotFGH.AllNamed("e").Count() != 1 || lNotFGH.AllNamed("i").Count() != 1 || lNotFGH.AllNamed("j").Count() != 0 || lNotFGH.AllNamed("k").Count() != 2)
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.19.2");

            var lNotGHIJK2 = lFieldsABCDE + lNotGHIJK;

            if (!lNotGHIJK2.ContainsNone(lGHIJK) || !lNotGHIJK2.Contains(lABCDE))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.20.1");
            if (lNotGHIJK2.AllNamed("a").Count() != 1 || lNotGHIJK2.AllNamed("b").Count() != 0 || lNotGHIJK2.AllNamed("c").Count() != 2 || lNotGHIJK2.AllNamed("d").Count() != 0 || lNotGHIJK2.AllNamed("e").Count() != 1 || lNotGHIJK2.AllNamed("f").Count() != 0)
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.20.2");

            var lAtoH = lFieldsABCDE + lFieldsDEFGH;

            if (!lAtoH.Contains(lABCDE) || !lAtoH.Contains(lDEFGH) || !lAtoH.ContainsNone(new cHeaderFieldNames("I", "J", "K")))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.21.1");
            if (lAtoH.AllNamed("a").Count() != 1 || lAtoH.AllNamed("b").Count() != 0 || lAtoH.AllNamed("c").Count() != 2 || lAtoH.AllNamed("d").Count() != 0 || lAtoH.AllNamed("e").Count() != 1 || lAtoH.AllNamed("f").Count() != 0 || lAtoH.AllNamed("g").Count() != 2 || lAtoH.AllNamed("h").Count() != 0)
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.21.2");

            lFailed = false;
            try { lAtoH.AllNamed("i"); }
            catch { lFailed = true; }
            if (!lFailed)
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.21.3");

            var lNotF = lFieldsABCDE + lFieldsGHIJK;

            if (lNotF.Contains("F") || !lNotF.Contains(lABCDE) || !lNotF.Contains(lGHIJK) || lNotF.Contains(lDEFGH))
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.22.1");
            if (lNotF.AllNamed("a").Count() != 1 || lNotF.AllNamed("b").Count() != 0 || lNotF.AllNamed("c").Count() != 2 || lNotF.AllNamed("d").Count() != 0 || lNotF.AllNamed("e").Count() != 1 || lNotF.AllNamed("g").Count() != 1 || lNotF.AllNamed("h").Count() != 0 || lNotF.AllNamed("i").Count() != 1 || lNotF.AllNamed("j").Count() != 0 || lNotF.AllNamed("k").Count() != 2)
                throw new cTestsException($"{nameof(cHeaderFields)}.2.22.2");
Пример #9
        private static bool ZTryConstruct(cHeaderFieldNames pNames, bool pNot, IList <byte> pBytes, out cHeaderFields rFields)
            if (pBytes == null)
                rFields = null; return(false);

            cBytesCursor        lCursor = new cBytesCursor(pBytes);
            List <cHeaderField> lFields = new List <cHeaderField>();

            while (true)
                if (!lCursor.GetRFC822FieldName(out var lName))
                if (!lCursor.SkipByte(cASCII.COLON))
                    rFields = null; return(false);
                if (!lCursor.GetRFC822FieldValue(out var lValue))
                    rFields = null; return(false);

                if (lName.Equals(kHeaderFieldName.References, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    if (cHeaderFieldMsgIds.TryConstruct(lName, lValue, out var lReferences))
                        lFields.Add(new cHeaderField(lName, new cBytes(lValue)));
                else if (lName.Equals(kHeaderFieldName.Importance, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    if (cHeaderFieldImportance.TryConstruct(lValue, out var lImportance))
                        lFields.Add(new cHeaderField(lName, new cBytes(lValue)));
                    lFields.Add(new cHeaderField(lName, new cBytes(lValue)));

            if (!lCursor.Position.AtEnd && !lCursor.SkipBytes(cBytesCursor.CRLF))
                rFields = null; return(false);

            rFields = new cHeaderFields(pNames, pNot, lFields);
Пример #10
 internal static bool TryConstruct(cHeaderFieldNames pNames, bool pNot, IList <byte> pBytes, out cHeaderFields rFields) => ZTryConstruct(pNames, pNot, pBytes, out rFields);
Пример #11
 private cHeaderFields(cHeaderFieldNames pNames, bool pNot, IList <cHeaderField> pFields) : base(pFields)
     mNames = pNames ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pNames));
     mNot   = pNot;