private static void SystemUnload(CommandParams parameters) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters.Parameters)) { IRC.DeliverMessage("You need to provide at least 1 parameters", parameters.SourceChannel); return; } string module = parameters.Parameters; Module _m = ExtensionHandler.RetrieveModule(module); if (_m == null) { IRC.DeliverMessage("This module is not currently loaded in core", parameters.SourceChannel, libirc.Defs.Priority.High); return; } _m.Exit(); IRC.DeliverMessage("Unloaded module " + module, parameters.SourceChannel, libirc.Defs.Priority.High); }
/// <summary> /// Display admin command /// </summary> /// <param name="chan">Channel</param> /// <param name="user">User name</param> /// <param name="host">Host</param> /// <param name="message">Message</param> public static void ParseAdmin( chan, string user, string host, string message) { User invoker = new User(user, host, ""); if (message == config.CommandPrefix + "reload") { if (chan.Users.IsApproved(invoker, "admin")) { chan.LoadConfig(); lock (Module.module) { foreach (Module xx in Module.module) { try { if (xx.working) { xx.Hook_ReloadConfig(chan); } } catch (Exception fail) { Program.Log("Crash on Hook_Reload in " + xx.Name); handleException(fail); } } } irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("Config", chan.Language), chan); return; } if (!chan.suppress_warnings) { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("PermissionDenied", chan.Language), chan); } return; } if (message == config.CommandPrefix + "refresh") { if (chan.Users.IsApproved(invoker, "flushcache")) { irc.RestartIRCMessageDelivery(); chan.instance.irc.Message(messages.get("MessageQueueWasReloaded", chan.Language), chan.Name); return; } if (!chan.suppress_warnings) { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("PermissionDenied", chan.Language), chan, IRC.priority.low); } return; } if (message == config.CommandPrefix + "info") { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(config.WebpageURL + config.DumpDir + "/" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(chan.Name) + ".htm", chan); return; } if (message.StartsWith(config.CommandPrefix + "part ")) { string channel = message.Substring(6); if (channel != "") { Channel = core.getChannel(channel); if (Channel == null) { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("UnknownChan", chan.Language), chan, IRC.priority.low); return; } core.partChannel(Channel, invoker.Nick, invoker.Host, config.CommandPrefix + "part", chan.Name); return; } irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("Responses-PartFail", chan.Language), chan, IRC.priority.low); return; } if (message.StartsWith(config.CommandPrefix + "drop ")) { string channel = message.Substring(6); if (channel != "") { Channel = core.getChannel(channel); if (Channel == null) { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("UnknownChan", chan.Language), chan, IRC.priority.low); return; } core.partChannel(Channel, invoker.Nick, invoker.Host, config.CommandPrefix + "drop", chan.Name); return; } irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("Responses-PartFail", chan.Language), chan, IRC.priority.low); return; } if (message.StartsWith(config.CommandPrefix + "language")) { if (chan.Users.IsApproved(invoker, "admin")) { string parameter = ""; if (message.Contains(" ")) { parameter = message.Substring(message.IndexOf(" ") + 1).ToLower(); } if (parameter != "") { if (messages.exist(parameter)) { chan.Language = parameter; irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("Language", chan.Language), chan); chan.SaveConfig(); return; } if (!chan.suppress_warnings) { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("InvalidCode", chan.Language), chan); } return; } irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("LanguageInfo", chan.Language), chan); return; } if (!chan.suppress_warnings) { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("PermissionDenied", chan.Language), chan, IRC.priority.low); } return; } if (message.StartsWith(config.CommandPrefix + "help")) { string parameter = ""; if (message.Contains(" ")) { parameter = message.Substring(message.IndexOf(" ") + 1); } if (parameter != "") { ShowHelp(parameter, chan); return; } irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage("I am running version " + config.Version + " my source code is licensed under GPL and located at I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features", chan); return; } if (message == config.CommandPrefix + "suppress-off") { if (chan.Users.IsApproved(invoker, "admin")) { if (!chan.suppress) { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("Silence1", chan.Language), chan); return; } chan.suppress = false; irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("Silence2", chan.Language), chan); chan.SaveConfig(); config.Save(); return; } if (!chan.suppress_warnings) { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("PermissionDenied", chan.Language), chan, IRC.priority.low); } return; } if (message == config.CommandPrefix + "suppress-on") { if (chan.Users.IsApproved(invoker, "admin")) { if (chan.suppress) { //Message("Channel had already quiet mode disabled",; return; } chan.instance.irc.Message(messages.get("SilenceBegin", chan.Language), chan.Name); chan.suppress = true; chan.SaveConfig(); return; } if (!chan.suppress_warnings) { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("PermissionDenied", chan.Language), chan, IRC.priority.low); } return; } if (message == config.CommandPrefix + "whoami") { SystemUser current = chan.Users.getUser(user + "!@" + host); if (current.level == "null") { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("Unknown", chan.Language), chan); return; } irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("usr1", chan.Language, new List <string> { current.level, }), chan); return; } if (message == config.CommandPrefix + "system-relog") { if (chan.Users.IsApproved(invoker, "root")) { core.irc.Authenticate(); return; } } if (message.StartsWith(config.CommandPrefix + "instance ")) { if (chan.Users.IsApproved(invoker, "root")) { string channel; string instance; message = message.Substring(".instance ".Length); if (!message.Contains(" ")) { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage("This command need 2 parameters", chan); return; } channel = message.Substring(message.IndexOf(" ") + 1); instance = message.Substring(0, message.IndexOf(" ")); ch = core.getChannel(channel); if (ch == null) { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage("This channel I never heard of :'(", chan); return; } Instance _instance = null; lock (core.Instances) { if (!core.Instances.ContainsKey(instance)) { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage("This instance I never heard of :'(", chan); return; } _instance = core.Instances[instance]; } if (_instance == ch.instance) { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage("This channel is already in this instance", chan); return; } ch.instance.irc.SendData("PART " + ch.Name + " :Switching instance"); ch.instance = _instance; ch.instance.irc.SendData("JOIN " + ch.Name); ch.DefaultInstance = ch.instance.Nick; ch.SaveConfig(); chan.instance.irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage("Changed default instance of " + channel + " to " + instance, chan); return; } if (!chan.suppress_warnings) { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("PermissionDenied", chan.Language), chan, IRC.priority.low); } } if (message == config.CommandPrefix + "traffic-off") { if (chan.Users.IsApproved(invoker, "root")) { config.Logging = false; irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage("Logging stopped", chan); return; } if (!chan.suppress_warnings) { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("PermissionDenied", chan.Language), chan, IRC.priority.low); } } if (message == config.CommandPrefix + "traffic-on") { if (chan.Users.IsApproved(invoker, "root")) { config.Logging = true; irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage("Logging traf", chan.Name); return; } if (!chan.suppress_warnings) { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("PermissionDenied", chan.Language), chan, IRC.priority.low); } } if (message == config.CommandPrefix + "restart") { if (chan.Users.IsApproved(invoker, "root")) { irc.Message("System is shutting down, requested by " + invoker.Nick + " from " + chan.Name, config.DebugChan); Program.Log("System is shutting down, requested by " + invoker.Nick + " from " + chan.Name); Kill(); return; } if (!chan.suppress_warnings) { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("PermissionDenied", chan.Language), chan.Name, IRC.priority.low); } } if (message == config.CommandPrefix + "channellist") { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("Responses-List", chan.Language, new List <string> { config.channels.Count.ToString() }), chan); return; } if (message.StartsWith(config.CommandPrefix + "configure ")) { if (chan.Users.IsApproved(invoker, "admin")) { string text = message.Substring("@configure ".Length); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { return; } if (text.Contains("=") && !text.EndsWith("=")) { string name = text.Substring(0, text.IndexOf("=")); string value = text.Substring(text.IndexOf("=") + 1); bool _temp_a; switch (name) { case "ignore-unknown": if (bool.TryParse(value, out _temp_a)) { chan.IgnoreUnknown = _temp_a; irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("configuresave", chan.Language, new List <string> { value, name }), chan); chan.SaveConfig(); return; } irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("configure-va", chan.Language, new List <string> { name, value }), chan); return; case "respond-wait": int _temp_b; if (int.TryParse(value, out _temp_b)) { if (_temp_b > 1 && _temp_b < 364000) { chan.respond_wait = _temp_b; irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("configuresave", chan.Language, new List <string> { value, name }), chan); chan.SaveConfig(); return; } } irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("configure-va", chan.Language, new List <string> { name, value }), chan); return; case "respond-message": if (bool.TryParse(value, out _temp_a)) { chan.respond_message = _temp_a; irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("configuresave", chan.Language, new List <string> { value, name }), chan); chan.SaveConfig(); return; } irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("configure-va", chan.Language, new List <string> { name, value }), chan); return; case "suppress-warnings": if (bool.TryParse(value, out _temp_a)) { chan.suppress_warnings = _temp_a; irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("configuresave", chan.Language, new List <string> { value, name }), chan); chan.SaveConfig(); return; } irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("configure-va", chan.Language, new List <string> { name, value }), chan); return; } bool exist = false; lock (Module.module) { foreach (Module curr in Module.module) { try { if (curr.working) { if (curr.Hook_SetConfig(chan, invoker, name, value)) { exist = true; } } } catch (Exception fail) { Program.Log("Error on Hook_SetConfig module " + curr.Name); core.handleException(fail); } } } if (!chan.suppress_warnings && !exist) { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("configure-wrong", chan.Language), chan); } return; } if (!text.Contains(" ")) { switch (text) { case "ignore-unknown": irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("Responses-Conf", chan.Language, new List <string> { text, chan.IgnoreUnknown.ToString() }), chan); return; case "respond-message": irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("Responses-Conf", chan.Language, new List <string> { text, chan.respond_message.ToString() }), chan); return; case "suppress-warnings": irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("Responses-Conf", chan.Language, new List <string> { text, chan.suppress_warnings.ToString() }), chan); return; } bool exist = false; lock (Module.module) { foreach (Module curr in Module.module) { try { if (curr.working) { if (curr.Hook_GetConfig(chan, invoker, text)) { exist = true; } } } catch (Exception fail) { Program.Log("Error on Hook_GetConfig module " + curr.Name); core.handleException(fail); } } } if (exist) { return; } } if (!chan.suppress_warnings) { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("configure-wrong", chan.Language), chan); } return; } if (!chan.suppress_warnings) { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage(messages.get("PermissionDenied", chan.Language), chan, IRC.priority.low); } return; } if (message.StartsWith(config.CommandPrefix + "system-lm ")) { if (chan.Users.IsApproved(invoker, "root")) { string module = message.Substring("@system-lm ".Length); if (module.EndsWith(".bin")) { Module _m = getModule(module); if (_m != null) { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage("This module was already loaded and you can't load one module twice, module will be reloaded now", chan, IRC.priority.high); _m.Exit(); } if (module.EndsWith(".bin")) { module = "modules" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + module; if (File.Exists(module)) { if (LoadMod(module)) { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage("Loaded module " + module, chan, IRC.priority.high); return; } irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage("Unable to load module " + module, chan, IRC.priority.high); return; } irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage("File not found " + module, chan, IRC.priority.high); return; } irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage("Loaded module " + module, chan, IRC.priority.high); return; } irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage("This module is not currently loaded in core", chan, IRC.priority.high); return; } } if (message == config.CommandPrefix + "verbosity--") { if (chan.Users.IsApproved(invoker, "root")) { if (config.SelectedVerbosity > 0) { config.SelectedVerbosity--; } irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage("Verbosity: " + config.SelectedVerbosity.ToString(), chan, IRC.priority.high); } } if (message == config.CommandPrefix + "verbosity++") { if (chan.Users.IsApproved(invoker, "root")) { config.SelectedVerbosity++; irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage("Verbosity: " + config.SelectedVerbosity.ToString(), chan, IRC.priority.high); } } if (message.StartsWith(config.CommandPrefix + "system-rm ")) { if (chan.Users.IsApproved(invoker, "root")) { string module = message.Substring("@system-lm ".Length); Module _m = getModule(module); if (_m == null) { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage("This module is not currently loaded in core", chan, IRC.priority.high); return; } _m.Exit(); irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage("Unloaded module " + module, chan, IRC.priority.high); } } if (message.StartsWith(config.CommandPrefix + "join ")) { if (chan.Users.IsApproved(invoker, "reconnect")) { channel = core.getChannel(message.Substring("@join ".Length)); irc.Join(channel); } } if (message == config.CommandPrefix + "commands") { irc._SlowQueue.DeliverMessage("Commands: there is too many commands to display on one line, see for a list of commands and help", chan); } }
/// <summary> /// Load a binary module /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool LoadMod(string path) { try { if (File.Exists(path)) { System.Reflection.Assembly library = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(path); if (library == null) { Program.Log("Unable to load " + path + " because the file can't be read", true); return(false); } Type[] types = library.GetTypes(); Type type = library.GetType("wmib.RegularModule"); Type pluginInfo = null; foreach (Type curr in types) { if (curr.IsAssignableFrom(type)) { pluginInfo = curr; break; } } if (pluginInfo == null) { foreach (Type curr in types) { if (curr.BaseType == typeof(Module)) { pluginInfo = curr; break; } } } if (pluginInfo == null) { Program.Log("Unable to load " + path + " because the library contains no module", true); return(false); } Module _plugin = (Module)Activator.CreateInstance(pluginInfo); _plugin.ParentDomain = core.domain; if (!_plugin.Construct()) { core.Log("Invalid module", true); _plugin.Exit(); return(false); } InitialiseMod(_plugin); return(true); } Program.Log("Unable to load " + path + " because the file can't be read", true); } catch (Exception fail) { core.handleException(fail); } return(false); }