private void appStartup() { try { Jobs.Log("appStartup Called", null); Action act = null; if (!Jobs.isDatabaseExists()) { act = () => { WaitingDialog.getMessageLabel().Text = "Initiating database..."; }; Invoke(act); Jobs.Log("New Database Initilized", null); } Jobs.initiateDatabaseConnection(); act = () => { loadLoans(); }; Invoke(act); } catch (Exception ex) { Jobs.Log("Error[appStartup]", ex); } }
public static bool printLoan(String loanid, String loanno) { bool ret = false; try { if (loanid == null && loanno == null) { ret = false; return(ret); } if (loanid == null) { loanid = "0"; } if (loanno == null) { loanno = ""; } SQLiteParameter[] param = new SQLiteParameter[2]; param[0] = new SQLiteParameter("@loanid", loanid); param[1] = new SQLiteParameter("@loanno", loanno.ToLower().Trim()); //SQLiteDataReader dr = Jobs.executeReader("select * from loan where " + Jobs.CL_LOANID + "=" + loanid + " or trim(lower(" + Jobs.CL_LOANNO + "))='" + loanno.ToLower().Trim() + "'"); SQLiteDataReader dr = Jobs.executeReaderWithParam("select * from loan where " + Jobs.CL_LOANID + "=@loanid or trim(lower(" + Jobs.CL_LOANNO + "))=@loanno", param); if (dr.Read()) { loanNumber = dr[Jobs.CL_LOANNO].ToString(); custName = dr[Jobs.CL_NAME].ToString(); custAddress = dr[Jobs.CL_ADDRESS].ToString(); custCNo = dr[Jobs.CL_CONTACTNUMBER].ToString(); refName = dr[Jobs.CL_REFNAME].ToString(); refCNo = dr[Jobs.CL_REFCONTACTNUMBER].ToString(); mgItems = dr[Jobs.CL_MORTGAGE_ITEMS].ToString(); mgRemarks = dr[Jobs.CL_MORTGAGE_REMARKS].ToString(); String[] rms = mgRemarks.Split(new String[] { Jobs.DATABASE_FIELD_SEPARATOR }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (rms.Length == 4) { rmCheck = rms[0].Trim(); rmVehicle = rms[1].Trim(); rmGold = rms[2].Trim(); rmDocument = rms[3].Trim(); } byte[] imgBytes = null; try { imgBytes = (Byte[])dr[Jobs.CL_PHOTO]; } catch (Exception) { imgBytes = null; } finally { if (imgBytes != null) { custPhoto = Jobs.ByteToImage(imgBytes); } } byte[] spBytes = null; try { spBytes = (Byte[])dr[Jobs.CL_CHECK_SCAN]; } catch (Exception) { spBytes = null; } finally { if (spBytes != null) { scanPhoto = Jobs.ByteToImage(spBytes); } } PrintDialog printDialog = new PrintDialog(); using (PrintDocument pDoc = new PrintDocument()) { printDialog.Document = pDoc; printDialog.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.Margins = new Margins(0, 0, 0, 0); pDoc.PrinterSettings = printDialog.PrinterSettings; pDoc.PrintPage += pDoc_PrintPage; if (printDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { pDoc.Print(); ret = true; } if (scanPhoto != null) { pDoc.PrintPage += pDoc_PrintPage1; pDoc.Print(); } } } else { MessageBox.Show(frmMain.ActiveForm, "Sorry, selected loan details is removed from database.", "Deleted entry", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } catch (Exception ex) { Jobs.Log("Error[printLoan]", ex); } loanNumber = custName = custCNo = custAddress = refName = refCNo = mgItems = mgRemarks = rmCheck = rmGold = rmVehicle = rmDocument = ""; custPhoto = scanPhoto = null; return(ret); }
private void addLoan(bool close) { try { Jobs.Log("NewLoan Add Called", null); if (txtCustFullname.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "Please enter valid customer's full name.", "Invalid Details", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); txtCustFullname.Focus(); return; } if (txtCustAddress.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "Please enter valid customer's address.", "Invalid Details", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); txtCustAddress.Focus(); return; } if (txtCustContactNo.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "Please enter valid customer's contact number.", "Invalid Details", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); txtCustContactNo.Focus(); return; } if (txtLoanNumber.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "Please enter valid loan number.", "Invalid Details", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); txtLoanNumber.Focus(); return; } if (bmpCapturedImg == null) { if (MessageBox.Show(this, "Are you sure to add loan detail without customer photo ?", "No customer photo", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No) { return; } } String separator = Jobs.DATABASE_FIELD_SEPARATOR; String mortgageItems = ""; String mortgageRemarks = ""; if (chkMortCheck.Checked) { mortgageItems = "Check" + separator; mortgageRemarks = txtCheckRemarks.Text + separator; } else { mortgageItems = separator; mortgageRemarks = separator; } if (chkMortVehicle.Checked) { mortgageItems += "Vehicle" + separator; mortgageRemarks += txtVehicleRemarks.Text + separator; } else { mortgageItems += separator; mortgageRemarks += separator; } if (chkMortGold.Checked) { mortgageItems += "Gold" + separator; mortgageRemarks += txtGoldRemarks.Text + separator; } else { mortgageItems += separator; mortgageRemarks += separator; } if (chkMortDocument.Checked) { mortgageItems += "Document"; mortgageRemarks += txtDocumentRemarks.Text; } else { mortgageItems += ""; mortgageRemarks += ""; } String loanid = null; if (editMode) { loanid = editLoanId; } //compress(pbScanImage.Image, ""); Bitmap bmpCheckScan = null; try { bmpCheckScan = (Bitmap)pbScanImage.Image; ///Image.FromFile("check1.jpg"); } catch (Exception) { } if (Jobs.sqlAddLoan(loanid, txtCustFullname.Text.Trim(), txtCustAddress.Text.Trim(), txtCustContactNo.Text.Trim(), txtRefFullname.Text.Trim(), txtRefContactNo.Text.Trim(), txtLoanNumber.Text.Trim(), mortgageItems, mortgageRemarks, bmpCapturedImg, bmpCheckScan)) { if (close) { DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); } else { txtCustFullname.Text = txtCustAddress.Text = txtCustContactNo.Text = txtRefFullname.Text = txtRefContactNo.Text = txtLoanNumber.Text = txtCheckRemarks.Text = txtVehicleRemarks.Text = txtGoldRemarks.Text = txtDocumentRemarks.Text = ""; chkMortCheck.Checked = chkMortVehicle.Checked = chkMortGold.Checked = chkMortDocument.Checked = false; bmpCapturedImg = null; if (camera.IsCapturing) { camera.StopCapture(); } camera.Visible = true; pbCapturedImg.Visible = false; txtCustFullname.Focus(); } } else { MessageBox.Show(this, "Unable to add new loan, please try again." + Environment.NewLine + "Please contact technical team.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } catch (Exception ex) { Jobs.Log("Error[AddLoan]", ex); } }