Пример #1
        public PictureList GetPictures(PictureSearch ps)
            WallbaseImageSearchSettings wiss = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ps.SearchProvider.ProviderConfig) ? new WallbaseImageSearchSettings() : WallbaseImageSearchSettings.LoadFromXML(ps.SearchProvider.ProviderConfig);

            //if max picture count is 0, then no maximum, else specified max
            var maxPictureCount = wiss.GetMaxImageCount(ps.MaxPictureCount);
            int pageSize        = wiss.GetPageSize();
            int pageIndex       = ps.PageToRetrieve; //set page to retreive if one is specified
            var imgFoundCount   = 0;

            //authenticate to wallbase
            Authenticate(wiss.Username, wiss.Password);

            var wallResults = new List <Picture>();

            string areaURL = wiss.BuildURL();

                //calculate page index.  Random does not use pages, so for random just refresh with same url
                string strPageNum = (pageIndex * pageSize).ToString();

                string pageURL = areaURL.Contains("{0}") ? string.Format(areaURL, strPageNum) : areaURL;
                //string content = HttpPost(pageURL, postParams);
                string content = string.Empty;

                using (HttpUtility.CookieAwareWebClient _client = new HttpUtility.CookieAwareWebClient(_cookies))
                        //if random then don't post values
                        //if (wiss.SA == "random")
                        content = _client.DownloadString(pageURL);
                        //    byte[] reqResult = _client.UploadValues(pageURL, wiss.GetPostParams());
                        //    content = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(reqResult);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Log.Logger.Write(string.Format("Failed to download search results from wallbase.cc, error: {0}", ex.ToString()), Log.LoggerLevels.Warnings);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(content))

                //parse html and get count
                var pics = ParsePictures(content);
                imgFoundCount = pics.Count();

                //if we have an image ban list check for them
                // doing this in the provider instead of picture manager
                // ensures that our count does not go down if we have a max
                if (ps.BannedURLs != null && ps.BannedURLs.Count > 0)
                    pics = (from c in pics where !(ps.BannedURLs.Contains(c.Url)) select c).ToList();


                //increment page index so we can get the next set of images if they exist
            } while (imgFoundCount > 0 && wallResults.Count < maxPictureCount && ps.PageToRetrieve == 0);

            PictureList result = FetchPictures(wallResults, ps.PreviewOnly);

            result.Pictures = result.Pictures.Take(maxPictureCount).ToList();
