public void Can_Filter_BlogPosts_By_Tag()
     // Arrange: Given a series of blogposts with tags associated, a repository and a blog controller
     var tag = new Tag {TagID = 1, Name = "tag 1"};
     var tag2 = new Tag {TagID = 2, Name = "tag 2"};
     var blogPost = new BlogPost {ContentID = 1};
     var blogPost2 = new BlogPost() {ContentID = 2};
     var blogPost3 = new BlogPost() {ContentID = 3};
     // mock blog post repository
     var moqBlogPostRepository = UnitTestHelpers.MockBlogPostRepositoryReturnsMoqObject(blogPost, blogPost2, blogPost3);
         Setup(x => x.GetQueryableBlogPostByTagName(tag.Name)).             // when a user wants to filter by tag
         Returns((new List<BlogPost> {blogPost, blogPost3}).AsQueryable()); // They will obtain the filtered blogposts
     var controller = new BlogController(moqBlogPostRepository.Object);
     // Act: when the user clicks on a tag
     var result = controller.Tag("tag-1");
     // Assert: the result will be a view with a list of blogposts filtered by tag
     var model = ((BlogPostViewModel) result.ViewData.Model).BlogPostPagedList;
     model.Single(x => x.ContentID == 1).ContentID.ShouldEqual(1);
     model.Single(x => x.ContentID == 3).ContentID.ShouldEqual(3);
     Assert.IsNull(model.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ContentID == 2));
 public void Can_Filter_Blogposts_By_Category()
     // Arrange: Given a series of blogs associated with a categories, a repository that manages
     // the access to those blogposts, and a blog controller
     var category = new Category {CategoryID = 1, Name = "category 1"};
     var category2 = new Category {CategoryID = 2, Name = "category 2"};
     var blogPost = new BlogPost { ContentID = 1 };
     var blogPost2 = new BlogPost() { ContentID = 2 };
     var blogPost3 = new BlogPost() { ContentID = 3 };
     var moqBlogPostRepository = UnitTestHelpers.MockBlogPostRepositoryReturnsMoqObject(blogPost, blogPost2,
         Setup(x => x.GetQueryableBlogPostByCategory(category.Name)).        // when a user wants to filter by category
         Returns((new List<BlogPost> {blogPost, blogPost3}).AsQueryable());  // They will obtain the filtered blogposts
     var controller = new BlogController(moqBlogPostRepository.Object);
     // Act: when the user clicks on category
     var result = controller.Category("category-1");
     // Assert: the result will be a view with a list of blogposts filtered by category
     var model = ((BlogPostViewModel) result.ViewData.Model).BlogPostPagedList;
     model.Single(x => x.ContentID == 1).ContentID.ShouldEqual(1);
     model.Single(x => x.ContentID == 3).ContentID.ShouldEqual(3);
     Assert.IsNull(model.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ContentID == 2));
 public void Can_Get_A_Related_List_Of_BLogPosts()
     // Arrange: Given a series of blogposts that are related by tags and categories, a repository
     // that manages those blogposts and a blog controller
     // categories
     var category = new Category() { CategoryID = 1, Name = "category 1" };
     var category2 = new Category() { CategoryID = 2, Name = "category 2" };
     // blogposts
     var blogPost = new BlogPost() { ContentID = 1 , Title = "blogPost 1", Path="blogpost-1", PublishingDate = DateTime.Now};
     var blogPost2 = new BlogPost() { ContentID = 2 };
     var blogPost3 = new BlogPost() { ContentID = 3 };
     var blogPost4 = new BlogPost()  { ContentID = 4 };
     // add categories to blogposts
     // create mock repository
     var moqBlogPostRepository = UnitTestHelpers.MockBlogPostRepositoryReturnsMoqObject(blogPost, blogPost2,
     const int numberOfRelatedPosts = 5;
     //moq get by id
     moqBlogPostRepository.Setup(x => x.GetByPath(blogPost.PublishingDate.Year,
                                     blogPost.PublishingDate.Day, blogPost.Path)).Returns(blogPost);
     //moq getQueryableRelatedBlogPosts
         Setup(x => x.GetListOfRelatedBlogPosts(blogPost, numberOfRelatedPosts)). // when a user wants to get related posts
         Returns((new List<BlogPost> { blogPost3 }));                  // They will obtain the related posts
     var controller = new BlogController(moqBlogPostRepository.Object);
     // Act: when the user goes into the detail screen
     var result = controller.Details(blogPost.PublishingDate.Year,
     // Assert: then he can see a series of related blogposts
     var viewResult = ((ViewResult) result);
     var model = ((BlogPostDetailModel) viewResult.ViewData.Model);
        public void Can_View_A_Selected_BlogPost()
            //Arrange: Given a series of blog posts, a repository and a controller
            const int year = 2010;
            const int month = 10;
            const int day = 10;
            BlogPost selectedBlogPost = new BlogPost
                                                ContentID = 1,
                                                Title = "This is a post title",
                                                Path = "this-is-a-post-title",
                                                PublishingDate = new DateTime(year, month, day),

            var moqBlogPostRepository = UnitTestHelpers.MockBlogPostRepositoryReturnsMoqObject(selectedBlogPost,
                                                                            new BlogPost() {ContentID = 2});
            moqBlogPostRepository.Setup(x => x.GetByPath(year,  month, day, selectedBlogPost.Path)).Returns(selectedBlogPost);
            var controller = new BlogController(moqBlogPostRepository.Object);
            //Act: if the user clicks on one of the blogpost
            var result = controller.Details(year, month, day,                           // Date
                                            selectedBlogPost.Path);                     // path
            var view = (ViewResult) result;
            //Assert: then the user will be able to see the content of the blogpost
            ((BlogPostDetailModel) view.ViewData.Model).BlogPost.ContentID.ShouldEqual(1);
 public void Can_List_BlogPosts_Ordered_Descending_By_PublishedDate()
     //Arrange: Given a repository of blog posts and a BlogPost controller
     var mockBlogPostRepository = UnitTestHelpers.MockBlogPostRepository(
         new BlogPost {ContentID = 1, PublishingDate = DateTime.Now},
         new BlogPost {ContentID = 2, PublishingDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)});
     var controller = new BlogController(mockBlogPostRepository);
     // Act: When the user goes to see the list of blogs
     var result = controller.Index();
     // Assert: the user can see all the blog posts orderer by descending publishing date
     var model = (BlogPostViewModel) result.ViewData.Model;
 public void Can_List_All_BlogPosts_Other_Pages()
     //Arrange: Given a repository of blog posts and a BlogPost Controller
     // and that the number of posts per page is set to 5 (Pang! Magic Number!)
     var mockBlogPostRepository = UnitTestHelpers.MockBlogPostRepository(
         new BlogPost {ContentID = 1}, new BlogPost {ContentID = 2}, new BlogPost {ContentID = 3},
         new BlogPost {ContentID = 4}, new BlogPost {ContentID = 5}, new BlogPost {ContentID = 6});
     var controller = new BlogController(mockBlogPostRepository);
     // Act: When the user goes to see the second page
     var result = controller.Index(1);
     // Assert: the user can see all the blog posts that belong to the second page
     var model = (BlogPostViewModel) result.ViewData.Model;
 public void Can_List_All_BlogPosts_First_Page()
     // Arrange : Given a repository of blog posts and a BlogPost Controller
     var mockBlogPostRepository = UnitTestHelpers.MockBlogPostRepository(
         new BlogPost {ContentID = 1, Title = "Blog post 1", BodyContent = "Content 1"},
         new BlogPost {ContentID = 2, Title = "Blog Post 2", BodyContent = "Content 2"});
     var controller = new BlogController(mockBlogPostRepository);
     // Act: When the user goes to see the index
     var result = controller.Index();
     // Assert: the user can see all the blogposts that belong to the first page
     var model = (BlogPostViewModel) result.ViewData.Model;