public void UpdateProperty(float frame, ref MotionProps m, BodymovinAnimatedShapeProperties[] set) { /* ----- CHECK FOR COMPLETE ----- */ if (m.keys <= 0) { //Debug.Log(">>> NO PROP KEYS TO ANIMATE!"); m.completed = true; return; } if (frame >= m.endFrame) { if (set == null || m.key + 1 == set.Length - 1) { m.completed = true; //Debug.Log("****** Prop Animation done! ******"); return; } SetKeyframe(ref m, set, m.key + 1); } /* ----- PERCENT KEYFRAME COMPLETE ----- */ m.percent = (frame - m.startFrame) / (m.endFrame - m.startFrame); /* ----- CUBIC BEZIER EASE ----- */ float ease = Ease.CubicBezier(, m.currentOutTangent, m.nextInTangent,, m.percent); /* ----- UPDATE POINTS ----- */ for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++) { if (m.percent < 0) { // BACK TO START OF KEYFRAME points[i].p = startPoints[i].p; points[i].i = startPoints[i].i; points[i].o = startPoints[i].o; } else { points[i].p = startPoints[i].p + ((endPoints[i].p - startPoints[i].p) * ease); points[i].i = startPoints[i].i + ((endPoints[i].i - startPoints[i].i) * ease); points[i].o = startPoints[i].o + ((endPoints[i].o - startPoints[i].o) * ease); } } // Debug.Log("Shape anim fr: " + frame + " m.percent: " + m.percent); /* ----- UPDATE MESH ----- */ UpdateMesh(false); }
public void MotionSetup(ref bool b, ref MotionProps prop, BodymovinAnimatedShapeProperties[] set) { b = set != null && set.Length > 0; if (b) { prop = new MotionProps { keys = set.Length }; SetKeyframe(ref prop, set, 0); } }
public void CreatePathKeyframe(ref MotionProps prop, float start, float end, Vector2[] ease, BodyPoint[] pts, int k = 0) { prop.completed = false; prop.keys = 1; prop.key = k; prop.startFrame = start; prop.endFrame = end; prop.currentOutTangent = ease[0]; prop.nextInTangent = ease[1]; startPoints = points; endPoints = pts; }
public void CreateKeyframe(ref MotionProps prop, float start, float end, Vector2[] ease, Vector3 startValue, Vector3 endValue, int k = 0) { prop.completed = false; prop.keys = 1; prop.key = k; prop.startFrame = start; prop.endFrame = end; prop.currentOutTangent = ease[0]; prop.nextInTangent = ease[1]; prop.startValue = startValue; prop.endValue = endValue; }
/* ----- KEYFRAME SETTERS ----- */ public void SetKeyframe(ref MotionProps prop, BodymovinAnimatedProperties[] set, int k = 0) { prop.completed = false; if (prop.keys <= 0 || set == null) { return; } if (k >= prop.keys) { k = 0; } prop.key = k; prop.startFrame = set[k].t; prop.endFrame = set.Length > k + 1 ? set[k + 1].t : prop.startFrame; prop.currentOutTangent = set[k].o; prop.nextInTangent = set[k].i; prop.startValue = set[k].s; prop.endValue = set[k].e; }
public void SetKeyframe(ref MotionProps prop, BodymovinAnimatedProperties[] set, int k = 0) { prop.completed = false; if (prop.keys <= 0) { return; } if (k >= prop.keys) { k = 0; } prop.key = k; prop.startFrame = set[k].t; prop.endFrame = set.Length > k + 1 ? set[k + 1].t : prop.startFrame; prop.currentOutTangent = set[k].o; prop.nextInTangent = set[k].i; bool v3 = (set == content.positionSets || set == content.scaleSets || set == content.anchorSets); prop.startValue = v3 ? set[k].s : new Vector3(set[k].sf, 0, 0); prop.endValue = v3 ? set[k].e : new Vector3(set[k].ef, 0, 0); }
public void SetKeyframe(ref MotionProps prop, BodymovinAnimatedShapeProperties[] set, int k = 0) { prop.completed = false; if (prop.keys <= 0 || set == null) { return; } if (k >= prop.keys) { k = 0; } prop.key = k; prop.startFrame = set[k].t; prop.endFrame = set.Length > k ? set[k + 1].t : prop.startFrame; prop.currentOutTangent = set[k].o; prop.nextInTangent = set[k].i; if (set == motionSet) { startPoints = set[k].pts[0]; endPoints = set[k].pts[1]; } }
public Vector3 Value3(MotionProps m, float ease) { return((m.percent < 0 || m.percent > 1) ? m.startValue : m.startValue + ((m.endValue - m.startValue) * ease)); }
public void UpdateProperty(float frame, ref MotionProps m, BodymovinAnimatedProperties[] set) { /* ----- CHECK FOR COMPLETE ----- */ if (m.keys <= 0) { //Debug.Log(">>> NO PROP KEYS TO ANIMATE!"); m.completed = true; return; } if (frame >= m.endFrame) { if (m.key + 1 == set.Length - 1) { m.completed = true; //Debug.Log("****** Prop Animation done! ******"); return; } while (frame >= m.endFrame) { // Debug.Log("fr > end, eq: " + frame + " - " + m.startFrame + " / (" + m.endFrame + " - " + m.startFrame + ") keyframe: " + m.key ); SetKeyframe(ref m, set, m.key + 1); if (m.key == 0) { break; } } } /* ----- PERCENT KEYFRAME COMPLETE ----- */ m.percent = (frame - m.startFrame) / (m.endFrame - m.startFrame); /* ----- CUBIC BEZIER EASE ----- */ //Debug.Log("to: " + m.currentOutTangent + " ti: " + m.nextInTangent); float ease = Ease.CubicBezier(, m.currentOutTangent, m.nextInTangent,, m.percent); /* ----- UPDATE PROPERTY ----- */ if (set == content.strokeColorSets) { Color c = stroke.Color; Vector3 v = Value3(m, ease); currentStrokeColor = v; c.r = v.x; c.g = v.y; c.b = v.z; UpdateStrokeColor(c); } else if (set == content.fillColorSets) { //Debug.Log("diff: " + (set[m.key].e.x - set[m.key].s.x).ToString("F4") + " fnl: " + (set[m.key].s + ((set[m.key].e - set[m.key].s) * ease)) + " percent: " + m.percent + " ease: " + ease); Color c = fill.Color; Vector3 v = Value3(m, ease); currentFillColor = v; c.r = v.x; c.g = v.y; c.b = v.z; UpdateFillColor(c); } }
public float Value1(MotionProps m, float ease) { return((m.percent < 0 || m.percent > 1) ? m.startValue.x : m.startValue.x + ((m.endValue.x - m.startValue.x) * ease)); }
public void UpdateProperty(float frame, ref MotionProps m, BodymovinAnimatedProperties[] set) { /* ----- CHECK FOR COMPLETE ----- */ if (m.keys <= 0) { //Debug.Log(">>> NO PROP KEYS TO ANIMATE!"); m.completed = true; return; } if (frame >= m.endFrame) { if (m.key + 1 == set.Length - 1) { m.completed = true; //Debug.Log("****** Prop Animation done! ******"); return; } while (frame >= m.endFrame) { // Debug.Log("fr > end, eq: " + frame + " - " + m.startFrame + " / (" + m.endFrame + " - " + m.startFrame + ") keyframe: " + m.key ); SetKeyframe(ref m, set, m.key + 1); if (m.key == 0) { break; } } } /* ----- PERCENT KEYFRAME COMPLETE ----- */ m.percent = (frame - m.startFrame) / (m.endFrame - m.startFrame); /* ----- CUBIC BEZIER EASE ----- */ float ease = Ease.CubicBezier(, m.currentOutTangent, m.nextInTangent,, m.percent); /* ----- UPDATE PROPERTY ----- */ if (set == content.positionSets) { transform.localPosition = Value3(m, ease) + positionOffset; } else if (set == content.anchorSets) { Vector3 v = Value3(m, ease); currentAnchor = v; for (int i = 0; i < shapes.Length; i++) { shapes[i].UpdateAnchor(v); } } else if (set == content.scaleSets) { transform.localScale = Value3(m, ease); } else if (set == content.rotationXSets) { finalRotation.x = Value1(m, ease); } else if (set == content.rotationYSets) { finalRotation.y = Value1(m, ease); } else if (set == content.rotationZSets) { finalRotation.z = Value1(m, ease); } else if (set == content.opacitySets) { float v = Value1(m, ease); currentOpacity = v; for (int i = 0; i < shapes.Length; i++) { shapes[i].UpdateOpacity(v); } } }