public override void loadcontent(master master) { base.textureName = "tower"; base.loadcontent(master); t_weapon.loadcontent(master); t_weapon.location = this.geom.AABB.Position; }
public override void loadcontent(master master) { base.textureName = "tower"; base.color = Color.GreenYellow; base.loadcontent(master); geom.OnCollision += this.oncollision; geom.CollisionGroup = 10; }
public override void loadcontent(master master) { base.textureName = "bullet"; base.loadcontent(master); base.texture = master.texturebullet; this.geom.OnCollision += oncollide; this.body.LinearDragCoefficient = .00001f; this.body.Mass = .001f; }
public override void loadcontent(master master) { //Define which type of weapon for this tower base.t_weapon = new w_machinegun(); //Have the tower load itself base.loadcontent(master); //Custom values for the tower base.interval = 5000; //Custom values for the towers weapon }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> public GameplayScreen(ScreenManager screenmanager) { this.ScreenManager = screenmanager; TransitionOnTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.5); TransitionOffTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5); game = ScreenManager.Game; physics = new PhysicsSimulator(); master = new master(physics, game); camera = new camera(game, (int)((float) * simplegui.gui_size)); spritebatch = ScreenManager.SpriteBatch; }
public override void loadcontent(master master) { //Create the bullet type //base.bulletp = new bullet(); //Have the weapon load itself base.loadcontent(master); //Custom values for the weapon base.modifyfirerate(2); //Custom values for the bullet base.w_bullet.body.Mass = .01f; base.w_bullet.modifyShootingSpeed(1); }
public void update(GameTime gametime, master master) { //calculate the transform matrix transform = math.identity * //translate by negative position math.createtranslation(-position.X, -position.Y, 0) * math.createscale(scale) * //rotate about z axis //math.createrotationz(1.75f) * //translate by the origin amount math.createtranslation(viewportwidth / 2, viewportheight / 2, 0); translate = math.identity * //translate by negative position math.createtranslation(-position.X, -position.Y, 0) * //rotate about z axis //math.createrotationz(1.75f) * //translate by the origin amount math.createtranslation(viewportwidth / 2, viewportheight / 2, 0); //delta so the movement seems smoooth float delta = (float)gametime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; //get a rectangle which contains all the players Rectangle players = master.playerspace(); //pad the rectangle players.X -= 500; players.Y -= 500; players.Width += 1000; players.Height += 1000; position = math.smoothstep(position, new Vector2(players.Center.X, players.Center.Y), movespeed); //create a scale based on the the size of the player rectangle in respect to the original viewport size float xscale = viewportwidth / players.Width; float yscale = viewportheight/ players.Height; //use the largest scaling value, the smaller value scale will still include all the picture from the larger scale float newscale = (xscale < yscale) ? xscale : yscale; //clamp the scale to the min or max newscale = math.clamp(newscale, minscale, maxscale); //smooth the scaling scale = math.smoothstep(scale, newscale, scalespeed); //currently not using the rotation, but it is in there for future reference }
public particleeffects(master _master) { this.master = _master; _particles = new Dictionary<string, ParticleEffect>(); renderer = new SpriteBatchRenderer(); }
public virtual void loadcontent(master master) { this.master = master; w_bullet.loadcontent(master); }
public virtual void loadcontent(master master) { this.master = master; load(master.content); this.playernumber = playernumber; }
public override void loadcontent(master master) { base.textureName = "player"; shieldtexture = master.content.Load<Texture2D>("shield"); base.loadcontent(master); base.playernumber = + 1; if (geom.OnCollision == null) { this.geom.OnCollision += this.oncollide; } //Load the players weapon pweapon.loadcontent(master); pweapon.playernumber = this.playernumber; //Load the players tower ptower.loadcontent(master); ptower.playernumber = this.playernumber; ptower.t_weapon.modifyfirerate(2); //custom physics values for the player body.IsQuadraticDragEnabled = true; body.Mass = 25; body.LinearDragCoefficient = body.Mass * 2f; body.QuadraticDragCoefficient = body.Mass * .85f; body.RotationalDragCoefficient = 1; geom.CollisionGroup = playernumber; base.interval = _towerspawnrate; Vector2 vec0 = Vector2.Zero; Vector2 size = new Vector2(this.texture.Width * 3, this.texture.Height * 3); aabb = new AABB(ref vec0, ref size); }
public simplegui(float width, float height, master master) { screen_width = width; screen_height = height; this._master = master; }