Пример #1
         * this will show the high scores
        private void highscoresbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            high_scores high = new high_scores(); //this will launch the high scores window

            this.Hide();                          //this will hide the main menu
            high.ShowDialog();                    //this will show the high scores window
            this.Close();                         //this will close the main menu
Пример #2
         * this method will bring up the high scores when it is clicked
        private void high_score_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.Hide();                     //this will hide this window
            string nam = name_textBox.Text;  //this will get the name of the player

            highscore.addtolist(nam, Score); //this will add the name and the score to the list if it is on the top 10
            highscore.ShowDialog();          //this will show the main menu window