public ActionResult create(studentViewModel c) { if (HttpRuntime.Cache["currentYear"] == null) { using (tblSystemLogic system = new tblSystemLogic()) { string x = tblSystemLogic.getSystemValueByKey("currentRegistrationYear").ToString(); HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert("currentYear", x, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, TimeSpan.FromHours(50), CacheItemPriority.High, null); } } int yearRegistration = int.Parse(HttpRuntime.Cache["currentYear"].ToString()); if (tblStudentLogic.checkIfIdExist(c.EditableTblStudents.studentId, yearRegistration)) { ; ViewBag.message = DictExpressionBuilderSystem.Translate("message.studentIsAllredyRegister"); //ViewBag.message = "התלמיד כבר רשום במערכת לשנה זו - לא ניתן לבצע רישום "; return(View(c)); } if (c != null) { if (!checkstreet(c.EditableTblStudents.street)) { //ViewBag.message = "יש לבחור שם רחוב מהרשימה"; ViewBag.message = DictExpressionBuilderSystem.Translate("message.selectStreetFromList"); return(View(c)); } tblStudent v = new tblStudent(); v = c.EditableTblStudents; Task <tblStudent> x = geoCoding(v); //v.Lng = x.Result.Lng;//do not nedded since lng lat will get at the admin atachment to station //v.Lat = x.Result.Lat; int familyId = (int)Session["familyId"]; v.familyId = familyId; v.yearRegistration = yearRegistration; v.registrationStatus = false; v.Active = true; v.Color = ""; tblStudentLogic.create(v); return(RedirectToAction("index", "Family")); } else { return(Redirect("~/account/unAutorise"));//real check is by Js in client side- if we here there is asecurity problem! } }
public ActionResult update(studentViewModel c) { if (c != null) { using (tblStudentLogic student = new tblStudentLogic()) { int familyId = (int)Session["familyId"]; tblStudent v = student.getStudentByPk(; if (v.familyId == familyId && == from session + check if its the same student { if (v.street != c.EditableTblStudents.street || v.houseNumber != c.EditableTblStudents.houseNumber) { v.registrationStatus = false;//Must Have administration confirm for changing the buss station for student } v.street = c.EditableTblStudents.street; if (!checkstreet(c.EditableTblStudents.street)) { ViewBag.message = DictExpressionBuilderSystem.Translate("message.selectStreetFromList"); return(View(c)); } v.houseNumber = c.EditableTblStudents.houseNumber; v.Shicva = c.EditableTblStudents.Shicva; v.@class = c.EditableTblStudents.@class; v.subsidy = c.EditableTblStudents.subsidy; if (v.Email != c.EditableTblStudents.Email) { v.Email = c.EditableTblStudents.Email; v.GetAlertByEmail = c.EditableTblStudents.GetAlertByEmail; v.EmailConfirm = false; } if (v.CellPhone != c.EditableTblStudents.CellPhone) { v.CellPhone = c.EditableTblStudents.CellPhone; v.GetAlertByCell = c.EditableTblStudents.GetAlertByCell; v.CellConfirm = false; } //Task<tblStudent> x = geoCoding(v); //v.Lng = x.Result.Lng; //v.Lat = x.Result.Lat; v.lastUpdate = DateTime.Today; tblStudentLogic.update(v); } } return(RedirectToAction("index", "Family")); } else { return(Redirect("~/account/unAutorise"));//real check is by Js in client side- if we here there is asecurity problem! } }
public ActionResult create() { int familyId = (int)Session["familyId"];//todo take from session tblSystem v; if (HttpRuntime.Cache["currentYear"] == null) { v = tblSystemLogic.getSystemValueByKey("currentRegistrationYear"); HttpRuntime.Cache["currentYear"] = v.strValue; } int yearRegistration = int.Parse(HttpRuntime.Cache["currentYear"].ToString()); using (tblStudentLogic student = new tblStudentLogic()) { tblStudent c = new tblStudent(); c.CellConfirm = false; c.EmailConfirm = false; c.familyId = familyId; c.yearRegistration = yearRegistration; c.GetAlertByCell = false; c.GetAlertByEmail = false; c.siblingAtSchool = false; c.specialRequest = false; = DictExpressionBuilderSystem.Translate("city.TelAviv"); tblStudent n = student.getStudentByFamilyId(familyId); if (n != null) { //c.cityCode = n.cityCode; c.street = n.street; c.lastName = n.lastName; c.houseNumber = n.houseNumber; } tblStreet r = new Business_Logic.tblStreet(); List <tblStreet> s = new List <tblStreet>();//TODO get tblStreet from cache studentViewModel vm = new studentViewModel() { EditableTblStudents = c, clas = student.clas() }; return(View(vm)); } }
public ActionResult update(int id)//id= studentPk { int studentPk = id; int familyId = (int)Session["familyId"]; // int familyId = 11;//todo take from session // int yearRegistration = 2017;///todo take from cache //check if this studentPk has familyId the same as in the sessio-else return null using (tblStudentLogic student = new tblStudentLogic()) { tblStudent c = student.getStudentByPk(studentPk); if (c == null || c.familyId != familyId)//for security { return(null); } // tblStreet r = new Business_Logic.tblStreet(); List <tblStreet> s = new List <tblStreet>();//TODO get tblStreet from cache studentViewModel vm = new studentViewModel() { EditableTblStudents = c, CellConfirm = c.CellConfirm.HasValue ? c.CellConfirm.Value : false, GetAlertByCell = c.GetAlertByCell.HasValue ? c.GetAlertByCell.Value : false, EmailConfirm = c.EmailConfirm.HasValue ? c.EmailConfirm.Value : false, GetAlertByEmail = c.GetAlertByEmail.HasValue ? c.GetAlertByEmail.Value : false, paymentStatus = c.paymentStatus.HasValue ? c.paymentStatus.Value : false, siblingAtSchool = c.siblingAtSchool.HasValue ? c.siblingAtSchool.Value : false, specialRequest = c.specialRequest.HasValue ? c.specialRequest.Value : false, clas = student.clas() }; return(View(vm)); } //get family name from tblFamily //get list of street to viewbag from cashe //check if the student was register last year get the relevant data- it may be the same student //else shceck if student has brothers - take the relevant data //show view with the relevant data }