private void AddRole_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Dictionary <string, UserInputWindow.Input> input = new Dictionary <string, UserInputWindow.Input>(); input["name"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "Name", DefaultValue = "" }; input["hasStreams"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "Has streams", DefaultValue = "true" }; UserInputWindow dialog = new UserInputWindow("Add new role", input); dialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialog.DialogResult == true) { string name = dialog.Result("name"); bool hasStreams = true; bool.TryParse(dialog.Result("hasStreams"), out hasStreams); DatabaseRole role = new DatabaseRole() { Name = name, HasStreams = hasStreams }; if (DatabaseHandler.AddRole(role)) { GetRoles(dialog.Result("name")); } } }
private void CopySession_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (SessionsBox.SelectedItem != null) { DatabaseSession session = (DatabaseSession)SessionsBox.SelectedItem; Dictionary <string, UserInputWindow.Input> input = new Dictionary <string, UserInputWindow.Input>(); input["names"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "Name", DefaultValue = session.Name }; UserInputWindow dialog = new UserInputWindow("Enter new name (if several separate by ';')", input); dialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialog.DialogResult == true) { string names = dialog.Result("names"); string[] tokens = names.Split(';'); foreach (string token in tokens) { DatabaseSession newSession = new DatabaseSession() { Name = token, Date = session.Date, Language = session.Language, Location = session.Location }; DatabaseHandler.AddSession(newSession); } GetSessions(session.Name); } } }
private void exportToGenie_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Dictionary <string, UserInputWindow.Input> input = new Dictionary <string, UserInputWindow.Input>(); input["separator"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "File seperator", DefaultValue = ";" }; input["sr"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "Sample rate", DefaultValue = "100" }; input["label"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "Label of rest class", DefaultValue = "REST" }; UserInputWindow dialog = new UserInputWindow("Export frame-wise annotation", input); dialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialog.DialogResult == true) { int sr; if (Int32.TryParse(dialog.Result("sr"), out sr)) { ExportFrameWiseAnnotations(sr, dialog.Result("separator"), dialog.Result("label")); } } }
private void EditStream_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (StreamsBox.SelectedItem != null) { string name = (string)StreamsBox.SelectedItem; DatabaseStream stream = new DatabaseStream() { Name = name }; if (DatabaseHandler.GetStream(ref stream)) { Dictionary <string, UserInputWindow.Input> input = new Dictionary <string, UserInputWindow.Input>(); input["name"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "Name", DefaultValue = stream.Name }; input["fileExt"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "File extension", DefaultValue = stream.FileExt }; input["type"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "Type", DefaultValue = stream.Type }; input["sr"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "Sample rate", DefaultValue = stream.SampleRate.ToString() }; UserInputWindow dialog = new UserInputWindow("Edit stream type", input); dialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialog.DialogResult == true) { stream.Name = dialog.Result("name"); stream.FileExt = dialog.Result("fileExt"); stream.Type = dialog.Result("type"); double sr = 25.0; double.TryParse(dialog.Result("sr"), out sr); stream.SampleRate = sr; if (DatabaseHandler.UpdateStream(name, stream)) { GetStreamTypes(name); } } } } }
private void AddStream_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Dictionary <string, UserInputWindow.Input> input = new Dictionary <string, UserInputWindow.Input>(); input["name"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "Name", DefaultValue = "" }; input["fileExt"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "File extension", DefaultValue = "" }; input["type"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "Type", DefaultValue = "" }; input["sr"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "Sample rate", DefaultValue = "" }; UserInputWindow dialog = new UserInputWindow("Add new stream type", input); dialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialog.DialogResult == true) { string name = dialog.Result("name"); string fileExt = dialog.Result("fileExt"); string type = dialog.Result("type"); double sr = 25.0; double.TryParse(dialog.Result("sr"), out sr); DatabaseStream streamType = new DatabaseStream() { Name = name, FileExt = fileExt, Type = type, SampleRate = sr }; if (DatabaseHandler.AddStream(streamType)) { GetStreamTypes(dialog.Result("name")); } } }
private void EditRole_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (RolesBox.SelectedItem != null) { string old_name = (string)RolesBox.SelectedItem; DatabaseRole old_role = DatabaseHandler.Roles.Find(r => r.Name == old_name); Dictionary <string, UserInputWindow.Input> input = new Dictionary <string, UserInputWindow.Input>(); input["name"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "Name", DefaultValue = old_name }; input["hasStreams"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "Has streams", DefaultValue = (old_role == null ? "true" : old_role.HasStreams.ToString()) }; UserInputWindow dialog = new UserInputWindow("Edit role", input); dialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialog.DialogResult == true) { string name = dialog.Result("name"); bool hasStreams = true; bool.TryParse(dialog.Result("hasStreams"), out hasStreams); DatabaseRole role = new DatabaseRole() { Name = name, HasStreams = hasStreams }; if (DatabaseHandler.UpdateRole(old_name, role)) { GetRoles(name); } } } }
private void AddAnnotation_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Dictionary <string, UserInputWindow.Input> input = new Dictionary <string, UserInputWindow.Input>(); input["label"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "Class label", DefaultValue = "" }; input["color"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "Color code (#RGB)", DefaultValue = "" }; UserInputWindow dialog = new UserInputWindow("Add a new class label", input); dialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialog.DialogResult == true) { items = new List <AnnoScheme.Label>(); string label = dialog.Result("label"); Color color = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(dialog.Result("color")); AnnoScheme.Label lcp = new AnnoScheme.Label(label, color); labelcolors.Add(lcp); foreach (AnnoScheme.Label lp in labelcolors) { items.Add(new AnnoScheme.Label(label, color) { Name = lp.Name, Color = lp.Color }); } AnnotationResultBox.ItemsSource = items; } }
private void Add_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (allowEdit) { string name = null; Brush col1 = null; Brush col2 = null; string sr = null; string min = null; string max = null; if (annoList != null) { name = annoList.Scheme.Name; if (annoList.Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.DISCRETE || annoList.Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.FREE) { usedlabels = new HashSet <AnnoScheme.Label>(); foreach (AnnoListItem item in annoList) { AnnoScheme.Label l = new AnnoScheme.Label(item.Label, item.Color); bool detected = false; foreach (AnnoScheme.Label p in usedlabels) { if (p.Name == l.Name) { detected = true; } } if (detected == false) { usedlabels.Add(l); } } col1 = new SolidColorBrush(annoList.Scheme.MinOrBackColor); } else { col1 = new SolidColorBrush(annoList.Scheme.MinOrBackColor); col2 = new SolidColorBrush(annoList.Scheme.MaxOrForeColor); sr = (1000.0 / (annoList.Scheme.SampleRate * 1000.0)).ToString(); min = annoList.Scheme.MinScore.ToString(); max = annoList.Scheme.MaxScore.ToString(); } } storeAnnotationSchemetoDatabase(name, usedlabels, annoList.Scheme.Type, col1, col2, sr, min, max); } else { Dictionary <string, UserInputWindow.Input> input = new Dictionary <string, UserInputWindow.Input>(); input["name"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "Name", DefaultValue = "" }; UserInputWindow dialog = new UserInputWindow("Add new name", input); dialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialog.DialogResult == true) { DataBaseResultsBox.Items.Add(dialog.Result("name")); DataBaseResultsBox.SelectedItem = dialog.Result("name"); } } }
private void ExportAnnoContinuousToDiscrete() { if (AnnoTierStatic.Selected != null && !AnnoTierStatic.Selected.IsDiscreteOrFree) { Dictionary <string, UserInputWindow.Input> input = new Dictionary <string, UserInputWindow.Input>(); input["labels"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "Class labels (separated by ;)", DefaultValue = Properties.Settings.Default.ConvertToDiscreteClasses }; input["thresholds"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "Upper thresholds (separated by ;)", DefaultValue = Properties.Settings.Default.ConvertToDiscreteThreshs }; input["offset"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "Optional offset (s)", DefaultValue = Properties.Settings.Default.ConvertToDiscreteDelays }; UserInputWindow dialog = new UserInputWindow("Convert to discrete annotation", input); dialog.ShowDialog(); List <string> classes = new List <string>(); List <double> upperThresholds = new List <double>(); double offset = 0.0; if (dialog.DialogResult == true) { Properties.Settings.Default.ConvertToDiscreteClasses = dialog.Result("labels"); Properties.Settings.Default.ConvertToDiscreteThreshs = dialog.Result("thresholds"); Properties.Settings.Default.ConvertToDiscreteDelays = dialog.Result("offset"); Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); string[] labels = dialog.Result("labels").Split(';'); for (int i = 0; i < labels.Length; i++) { classes.Add(labels[i]); } string[] thresholds = dialog.Result("thresholds").Split(';'); for (int i = 0; i < thresholds.Length; i++) { double thresh = -1; double.TryParse(thresholds[i], out thresh); if (thresh > -1) { upperThresholds.Add(thresh); } else { MessageTools.Warning("Could not parse input"); } } if (thresholds.Length == labels.Length - 1) { upperThresholds.Add(1.0); } else if (thresholds.Length == labels.Length + 1) { classes.Add("REST"); } else if (thresholds.Length != labels.Length) { MessageBox.Show("Number of labels does not match number of threshholds"); } double.TryParse(dialog.Result("offset"), out offset); } Mouse.SetCursor(Cursors.No); AnnoList discretevalues = new AnnoList(); discretevalues.Scheme = new AnnoScheme(); discretevalues.Scheme.Type = AnnoScheme.TYPE.DISCRETE; discretevalues.Meta.Role = AnnoTier.Selected.AnnoList.Meta.Role; discretevalues.Meta.Annotator = AnnoTier.Selected.AnnoList.Meta.Annotator; discretevalues.Scheme.Name = AnnoTier.Selected.AnnoList.Scheme.Name; foreach (string label in classes) { AnnoScheme.Label item = new AnnoScheme.Label(label, System.Windows.Media.Colors.Black); discretevalues.Scheme.Labels.Add(item); } AnnoScheme.Label garbage = new AnnoScheme.Label("GARBAGE", Colors.Black); discretevalues.Scheme.Labels.Add(garbage); double lowThres = -Double.MaxValue; double highThres = 1.0; foreach (AnnoListItem ali in AnnoTierStatic.Selected.AnnoList) { double val = ali.Score; for (int i = 0; i < classes.Count; i++) { highThres = upperThresholds[i]; if (i > 0) { lowThres = upperThresholds[i - 1]; } else { lowThres = -Double.MaxValue; } if (val > lowThres && val <= highThres) { if (!(discretevalues.Count > 0 && discretevalues[discretevalues.Count - 1].Label == classes[i])) { AnnoListItem newItem = new AnnoListItem(ali.Start + offset, ali.Duration, classes[i], "", discretevalues.Scheme.GetColorForLabel(classes[i])); if (newItem.Start < 0.0) { newItem.Duration = ali.Duration + offset + newItem.Start; newItem.Start = 0.0; newItem.Stop = newItem.Duration; } if (newItem.Duration > 0.0) { discretevalues.Add(newItem); } } else { discretevalues[discretevalues.Count - 1].Stop = discretevalues[discretevalues.Count - 1].Stop + ali.Duration; } break; } } } AnnoTier.Unselect(); addAnnoTierFromList(discretevalues); Mouse.SetCursor(System.Windows.Input.Cursors.Arrow); } else { MessageBox.Show("Tier is already discrete"); } }