private async Task httpPost(string URL, string localpath) { string login = Properties.Settings.Default.DataServerLogin; string password = MainHandler.Decode(Properties.Settings.Default.DataServerPass); string fileName = Path.GetFileName(localpath); if (fileName.EndsWith(".stream%7E")) { fileName = fileName.Remove(fileName.Length - 3); fileName = fileName + "~"; } numberOfActiveParallelDownloads++; filesToDownload.Add(localpath); if (!File.Exists(localpath)) { DownloadStatus dl = new DownloadStatus(); dl.File = localpath; dl.percent = 0.0; = true; statusOfDownloads.Add(dl); try { Action EmptyDelegate = delegate() { }; control.ShadowBoxText.Text = "Downloading '" + fileName + "'"; control.ShadowBox.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; control.shadowBoxCancelButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; control.UpdateLayout(); control.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Render, EmptyDelegate); // Create a new WebClient instance. WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.UploadProgressChanged += (s, e) => { double percent = ((double)e.BytesReceived / (double)e.TotalBytesToReceive) * 100.0; string param = localpath + "#" + percent.ToString("F2"); control.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action <DownloadStatus>(UpdateOnDownload), DispatcherPriority.Normal, dl); }; client.UploadValuesCompleted += (s, e) => { try { byte[] response = e.Result; File.WriteAllBytes(localpath, response); control.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action <string>(FinishedDownload), DispatcherPriority.Normal, localpath); } catch { //Could happen when we cancel the download. } }; Console.WriteLine("Downloading File \"{0}\" from \"{1}\" .......\n\n", fileName, URL); CancellationToken token = tokenSource.Token; await Task.Run(() => { token.Register(() => { client.CancelAsync(); CanceledDownload(); return; }); //Here we assume that the session is stored as simple ID. (as it is done in the Noxi Database). If the SessionID really is a string, this step is not needed. string resultString = Regex.Match(DatabaseHandler.SessionName, @"\d+").Value; int sid = Int32.Parse(resultString); var values = new NameValueCollection(); values.Add("username", login); values.Add("password", password); values.Add("session_id", sid.ToString()); values.Add("filename", fileName); Uri url = new Uri(URL); client.UploadValuesAsync(url, values); }, token); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageTools.Error(ex.ToString()); } } else { await control.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action <string>(FinishedDownload), DispatcherPriority.Normal, ""); } }
private int httpGetSync(string URL, string localpath) { string fileName = Path.GetFileName(localpath); if (fileName.EndsWith(".stream%7E")) { fileName = fileName.Remove(fileName.Length - 3); fileName = fileName + "~"; } filesToDownload.Add(localpath); numberOfActiveParallelDownloads++; if (!File.Exists(localpath)) { DownloadStatus dl = new DownloadStatus(); dl.File = localpath; dl.percent = 0.0; = true; statusOfDownloads.Add(dl); try { Action EmptyDelegate = delegate() { }; control.ShadowBoxText.Text = "Downloading '" + fileName + "'"; control.ShadowBox.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //control.shadowBoxCancelButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; control.UpdateLayout(); control.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Render, EmptyDelegate); // Create a new WebClient instance. WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.DownloadProgressChanged += (s, e) => { dl.percent = ((double)e.BytesReceived / (double)e.TotalBytesToReceive) * 100.0; control.ShadowBoxText.Text = "Downloading " + fileName + " (" + dl.percent.ToString("F2") + "%)\n"; }; //client.DownloadFileCompleted += (s, e) => //{ //}; tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); try { client.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri(URL), localpath, tokenSource); } catch (WebException ex) { return(-1); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageTools.Error(ex.ToString()); } } return(1); // else control.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action<string>(FinishedDownload), DispatcherPriority.Normal, ""); }
private async Task httpGet(string URL, string localpath) { string fileName = Path.GetFileName(localpath); if (fileName.EndsWith(".stream%7E")) { fileName = fileName.Remove(fileName.Length - 3); fileName = fileName + "~"; } filesToDownload.Add(localpath); numberOfActiveParallelDownloads++; if (!File.Exists(localpath)) { DownloadStatus dl = new DownloadStatus(); dl.File = localpath; dl.percent = 0.0; = true; statusOfDownloads.Add(dl); try { Action EmptyDelegate = delegate() { }; control.ShadowBoxText.Text = "Downloading '" + fileName + "'"; control.ShadowBox.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; control.shadowBoxCancelButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; control.UpdateLayout(); control.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Render, EmptyDelegate); // Create a new WebClient instance. WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.DownloadProgressChanged += (s, e) => { dl.percent = ((double)e.BytesReceived / (double)e.TotalBytesToReceive) * 100.0; control.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action <DownloadStatus>(UpdateOnDownload), DispatcherPriority.Normal, dl); }; client.DownloadFileCompleted += (s, e) => { try { //control.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action<string>(FinishedDownload), DispatcherPriority.Normal, localpath); string[] files = new string[filesToDownload.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (string path in filesToDownload) { long length = new System.IO.FileInfo(path).Length; if (length == 0) { if (File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); } } else { files[i] = path; i++; } } loadFile(localpath); } catch { //Could happen when we cancel the download. } }; //tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); CancellationToken token = tokenSource.Token; await Task.Run(() => { token.Register(() => { client.CancelAsync(); CanceledDownload(); return; }); client.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri(URL), localpath); }, token); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageTools.Error(ex.ToString()); } } else { await control.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action <string>(FinishedDownload), DispatcherPriority.Normal, ""); } }
private string runCMLTool(string tool, string mode, List <object> parameters, Dictionary <string, object> arguments, string logName) { string result = ""; string logPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\" + logName + ".log"; File.Delete(logPath); try { StringBuilder optionsBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (mode != null || mode == "") { optionsBuilder.Append("--" + mode + " "); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> arg in arguments) { optionsBuilder.Append("-" + arg.Key + " "); if (arg.Value != null) { optionsBuilder.Append(arg.Value.ToString() + " "); } } optionsBuilder.Append("-log \"" + logPath + "\" "); foreach (object par in parameters) { optionsBuilder.Append(par.ToString() + " "); } string options = optionsBuilder.ToString(); string optionsNoPassword = null; if (arguments.ContainsKey("password")) { optionsNoPassword = options.Replace(arguments["password"].ToString(), "*"); } else { optionsNoPassword = options; } string filename = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\" + tool + ".exe"; runCMLProcess(tool, options); result += "\n-------------------------------------------\r\n" + filename + " " + optionsNoPassword + "\n-------------------------------------------\r\n"; result += File.ReadAllText(logPath); if (mode == "train" && arguments.ContainsKey("cooperative")) { AnnoTierStatic.Selected.CMLCompleteTrainOptions = options; } if (mode == "forward" && arguments.ContainsKey("cooperative")) { AnnoTierStatic.Selected.CMLCompletePredictOptions = options; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageTools.Error(ex.ToString()); } return(result); }
private void ExportAnnoContinuousToDiscrete() { if (AnnoTierStatic.Selected != null && !AnnoTierStatic.Selected.isDiscreteOrFree) { Dictionary <string, UserInputWindow.Input> input = new Dictionary <string, UserInputWindow.Input>(); input["labels"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "Class labels (separated by ;)", DefaultValue = "LOW;MEDIUM;HIGH" }; input["thresholds"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "Upper thresholds (separated by ;)", DefaultValue = "0.33;0.66;1.0" }; input["offset"] = new UserInputWindow.Input() { Label = "Optional offset (s)", DefaultValue = "0.0" }; UserInputWindow dialog = new UserInputWindow("Convert to discrete annotation", input); dialog.ShowDialog(); List <string> classes = new List <string>(); List <double> upperThresholds = new List <double>(); double offset = 0.0; if (dialog.DialogResult == true) { string[] labels = dialog.Result("labels").Split(';'); for (int i = 0; i < labels.Length; i++) { classes.Add(labels[i]); } string[] thresholds = dialog.Result("thresholds").Split(';'); for (int i = 0; i < thresholds.Length; i++) { double thresh = -1; double.TryParse(thresholds[i], out thresh); if (thresh > -1) { upperThresholds.Add(thresh); } else { MessageTools.Warning("Could not parse input"); } } if (thresholds.Length == labels.Length - 1) { upperThresholds.Add(1.0); } else if (thresholds.Length == labels.Length + 1) { classes.Add("REST"); } else if (thresholds.Length != labels.Length) { MessageBox.Show("Number of labels does not match number of threshholds"); } double.TryParse(dialog.Result("offset"), out offset); } Mouse.SetCursor(Cursors.No); AnnoList discretevalues = new AnnoList(); discretevalues.Scheme = new AnnoScheme(); discretevalues.Scheme.Type = AnnoScheme.TYPE.DISCRETE; discretevalues.Meta.Role = AnnoTier.Selected.AnnoList.Meta.Role; discretevalues.Meta.Annotator = AnnoTier.Selected.AnnoList.Meta.Annotator; discretevalues.Scheme.Name = AnnoTier.Selected.AnnoList.Scheme.Name; foreach (string label in classes) { AnnoScheme.Label item = new AnnoScheme.Label(label, System.Windows.Media.Colors.Black); discretevalues.Scheme.Labels.Add(item); } AnnoScheme.Label garbage = new AnnoScheme.Label("GARBAGE", Colors.Black); discretevalues.Scheme.Labels.Add(garbage); double lowThres = -Double.MaxValue; double highThres = 1.0; foreach (AnnoListItem ali in AnnoTierStatic.Selected.AnnoList) { double val = 0; double.TryParse(ali.Label, out val); for (int i = 0; i < classes.Count; i++) { highThres = upperThresholds[i]; if (i > 0) { lowThres = upperThresholds[i - 1]; } else { lowThres = -Double.MaxValue; } if (val > lowThres && val <= highThres) { if (!(discretevalues.Count > 0 && discretevalues[discretevalues.Count - 1].Label == classes[i])) { AnnoListItem newItem = new AnnoListItem(ali.Start + offset, ali.Duration, classes[i], "", discretevalues.Scheme.GetColorForLabel(classes[i])); if (newItem.Start < 0.0) { newItem.Duration = ali.Duration + offset + newItem.Start; newItem.Start = 0.0; newItem.Stop = newItem.Duration; } if (newItem.Duration > 0.0) { discretevalues.Add(newItem); } } else { discretevalues[discretevalues.Count - 1].Stop = discretevalues[discretevalues.Count - 1].Stop + ali.Duration; } break; } } } AnnoTier.UnselectTier(); handleAnnotation(discretevalues); Mouse.SetCursor(System.Windows.Input.Cursors.Arrow); } else { MessageBox.Show("Tier is already discrete"); } }
public static List <AnnoList> LoadfromElanFile(String filepath) { List <AnnoList> list = new List <AnnoList>(); try { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(filepath); //Get time order references XmlNode time_order = doc.SelectSingleNode("//TIME_ORDER"); List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > time_order_list = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); foreach (XmlNode node in time_order.ChildNodes) { time_order_list.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(node.Attributes[0].Value.ToString(), node.Attributes[1].Value.ToString())); } //Get number of tiers int i = 0; foreach (XmlNode tier in doc.SelectNodes("//TIER")) { AnnoList al = new AnnoList(); AnnoScheme scheme = new AnnoScheme(); scheme.Type = AnnoScheme.TYPE.FREE; string tierid = tier.Attributes.GetNamedItem("TIER_ID").Value.ToString(); string role = ""; try { role = tier.Attributes.GetNamedItem("PARTICIPANT").Value.ToString(); } catch { } al = new AnnoList(); al.Source.File.Path = filepath; foreach (XmlNode annotation in tier.ChildNodes) { string label = null; string starttmp = ""; string endtmp = ""; double start = -1; double end = -1; double duration = -1; XmlNode alignable_annotation = annotation.FirstChild; starttmp = (from kvp in time_order_list where kvp.Key == alignable_annotation.Attributes.GetNamedItem("TIME_SLOT_REF1").Value.ToString() select kvp.Value).ToList()[0]; start = double.Parse(starttmp, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / 1000; endtmp = (from kvp in time_order_list where kvp.Key == alignable_annotation.Attributes.GetNamedItem("TIME_SLOT_REF2").Value.ToString() select kvp.Value).ToList()[0]; end = double.Parse(endtmp, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / 1000; label = alignable_annotation.FirstChild.InnerText; AnnoScheme.Label l = new AnnoScheme.Label(label, Colors.Black); if (scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.DISCRETE && scheme.Labels.Find(x => x.Name == label) == null) { scheme.Labels.Add(l); } duration = end - start; al.AddSorted(new AnnoListItem(start, duration, label, "", Colors.Black)); //The tier is used as metainformation as well. Might be changed if thats relevant in the future } i++; al.Scheme = scheme; al.Meta.Role = role; al.Scheme.Name = tierid; list.Add(al); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageTools.Error(ex.ToString()); } return(list); }
public string CMLPredictBayesFusion(string roleout, string sessionpath, string schemespath, string server, string username, string password, string datapath, string database, string outputscheme, string roles, string outputannotator, bool tocontinuous, string netpath, float filter) { string result = ""; string[] split = server.Split(':'); string ip = split[0]; string port = split[1]; string logPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\" + "cml-fusion.log"; File.Delete(logPath); string cont = (tocontinuous == true) ? "true" : "false"; string filt = ((filter != -1.0f) ? "-filter " + filter : ""); try { string options_no_pass = "******" + username + " -log \"" + logPath + "\"" + " -role_out \"" + roleout + "\"" + " -netpath " + "\"" + netpath + "\" " + filt; string options = options_no_pass + " -password " + password; string arguments = "\"" + sessionpath + "\" " + "\"" + schemespath + "\" " + "\"" + datapath + "\\" + database + "\" " + ip + " " + port + " " + database + " " + roles + " " + outputannotator + " " + outputscheme + " " + cont; Process process = new Process(); ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal; startInfo.FileName = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\bayesfusion.exe"; startInfo.Arguments = "--bayesnetfusion " + options + " " + arguments; result += "\n-------------------------------------------\r\n" + startInfo.FileName + " --bayesnetfusion " + options_no_pass + " " + arguments + "\n-------------------------------------------\r\n"; process.StartInfo = startInfo; process.Start(); process.WaitForExit(); //result += File.ReadAllText(logPath); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageTools.Error(ex.ToString()); } return(result); }
public static AnnoList LoadfromFile(string filepath) { AnnoList list = new AnnoList(); list.Source.File.Path = filepath; list.Scheme = new AnnoScheme(); list.Scheme.Labels = new List <AnnoScheme.Label>(); //try { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(filepath); XmlNode annotation = doc.SelectSingleNode("annotation"); XmlNode info = annotation.SelectSingleNode("info"); list.Source.File.Type = info.Attributes["ftype"].Value == AnnoSource.FileSource.TYPE.ASCII.ToString() ? AnnoSource.FileSource.TYPE.ASCII : AnnoSource.FileSource.TYPE.BINARY; int size = int.Parse(info.Attributes["size"].Value); XmlNode meta = annotation.SelectSingleNode("meta"); if (meta != null) { if (meta.Attributes["role"] != null) { list.Meta.Role = meta.Attributes["role"].Value; } if (meta.Attributes["annotator"] != null) { list.Meta.Annotator = meta.Attributes["annotator"].Value; } } XmlNode scheme = annotation.SelectSingleNode("scheme"); if (scheme.Attributes["name"] != null) { list.Scheme.Name = scheme.Attributes["name"].Value; } string type = "FREE"; if (scheme.Attributes["type"] != null) { type = scheme.Attributes["type"].Value; } if (type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.DISCRETE.ToString()) { list.Scheme.Type = AnnoScheme.TYPE.DISCRETE; } else if (type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.CONTINUOUS.ToString()) { list.Scheme.Type = AnnoScheme.TYPE.CONTINUOUS; } else if (type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.FREE.ToString()) { list.Scheme.Type = AnnoScheme.TYPE.FREE; } else if (type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.POINT.ToString()) { list.Scheme.Type = AnnoScheme.TYPE.POINT; } else if (type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.POLYGON.ToString()) { list.Scheme.Type = AnnoScheme.TYPE.POLYGON; } else if (type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.GRAPH.ToString()) { list.Scheme.Type = AnnoScheme.TYPE.GRAPH; } else if (type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.SEGMENTATION.ToString()) { list.Scheme.Type = AnnoScheme.TYPE.SEGMENTATION; } if (scheme.Attributes["color"] != null) { list.Scheme.MinOrBackColor = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(scheme.Attributes["color"].Value); } else if (scheme.Attributes["mincolor"] != null) { list.Scheme.MinOrBackColor = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(scheme.Attributes["mincolor"].Value); } else if (list.Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.CONTINUOUS) { list.Scheme.MinOrBackColor = Defaults.Colors.GradientMin; } if (scheme.Attributes["maxcolor"] != null) { list.Scheme.MaxOrForeColor = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(scheme.Attributes["maxcolor"].Value); } else if (list.Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.CONTINUOUS) { list.Scheme.MaxOrForeColor = Defaults.Colors.GradientMax; } Dictionary <string, string> LabelIds = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (list.Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.DISCRETE) { foreach (XmlNode item in scheme) { LabelIds.Add(item.Attributes["id"].Value, item.Attributes["name"].Value); Color color = Defaults.Colors.Foreground; if (item.Attributes["color"] != null) { color = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(item.Attributes["color"].Value); } AnnoScheme.Label lcp = new AnnoScheme.Label(item.Attributes["name"].Value, color); list.Scheme.Labels.Add(lcp); } AnnoScheme.Label garbage = new AnnoScheme.Label("GARBAGE", Defaults.Colors.Foreground); list.Scheme.Labels.Add(garbage); } else if (list.Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.FREE) { } else if (list.Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.CONTINUOUS) { list.Scheme.MinScore = double.Parse(scheme.Attributes["min"].Value); list.Scheme.MaxScore = double.Parse(scheme.Attributes["max"].Value); list.Scheme.SampleRate = double.Parse(scheme.Attributes["sr"].Value); } else if (list.Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.POINT || list.Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.POLYGON || list.Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.GRAPH || list.Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.SEGMENTATION) { list.Scheme.SampleRate = double.Parse(scheme.Attributes["sr"].Value); list.Scheme.NumberOfPoints = int.Parse(scheme.Attributes["num"].Value); } if (File.Exists(filepath + "~")) { if (list.Source.File.Type == AnnoSource.FileSource.TYPE.ASCII) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filepath + "~", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); string line = null; double start = 0.0; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { string[] data = line.Split(';'); if (list.Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.CONTINUOUS) { double value = double.NaN; double.TryParse(data[0], out value); double confidence = Convert.ToDouble(data[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); AnnoListItem e = new AnnoListItem(start, 1 / list.Scheme.SampleRate, value, "", Defaults.Colors.Foreground, confidence); list.Add(e); start = start + 1 / list.Scheme.SampleRate; } else if (list.Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.DISCRETE) { start = Convert.ToDouble(data[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); double stop = Convert.ToDouble(data[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); double dur = stop - start; string label = ""; if (int.Parse(data[2]) < 0) { label = "GARBAGE"; } else { LabelIds.TryGetValue(data[2], out label); } Color color = Colors.Black; if (list.Scheme.Labels.Find(x => x.Name == label) != null) { color = list.Scheme.Labels.Find(x => x.Name == label).Color; } double confidence = Convert.ToDouble(data[3], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); AnnoListItem e = new AnnoListItem(start, dur, label, "", color, confidence); list.AddSorted(e); } else if (list.Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.FREE) { start = Convert.ToDouble(data[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); double stop = Convert.ToDouble(data[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); double dur = stop - start; string label = data[2]; double confidence = Convert.ToDouble(data[3], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Color color = Colors.Black; if (data.Length > 4) { string[] metapairs = data[4].Split('='); for (int i = 0; i < metapairs.Length; i++) { if (metapairs[i].Contains("color")) { color = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(metapairs[i + 1]); break; } } } AnnoListItem e = new AnnoListItem(start, dur, label, "", color, confidence); list.AddSorted(e); } else if (list.Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.POINT) { string frameLabel = data[0]; double frameConfidence = Convert.ToDouble(data[data.Count() - 1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); PointList points = new PointList(); for (int i = 1; i < data.Count() - 1; ++i) { string pd = data[i].Replace("(", ""); pd = pd.Replace(")", ""); string[] pointData = pd.Split(':'); points.Add(new PointListItem(double.Parse(pointData[1]), double.Parse(pointData[2]), pointData[0], double.Parse(pointData[3]))); } AnnoListItem ali = new AnnoListItem(start, 1 / list.Scheme.SampleRate, frameLabel, "", list.Scheme.MinOrBackColor, frameConfidence, true, points); list.Add(ali); start = start + 1 / list.Scheme.SampleRate; } } sr.Close(); } else if (list.Source.File.Type == AnnoSource.FileSource.TYPE.BINARY) { BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(File.Open(filepath + "~", FileMode.Open)); long length = (binaryReader.BaseStream.Length); double start = 0.0; while (binaryReader.BaseStream.Position < binaryReader.BaseStream.Length) { if (list.Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.CONTINUOUS) { double value = (double)binaryReader.ReadSingle(); double confidence = (double)binaryReader.ReadSingle(); AnnoListItem e = new AnnoListItem(start, 1 / list.Scheme.SampleRate, value, "", Defaults.Colors.Foreground, confidence); list.Add(e); start = start + 1 / list.Scheme.SampleRate; } else if (list.Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.DISCRETE) { start = binaryReader.ReadDouble(); double stop = binaryReader.ReadDouble(); double dur = stop - start; string label = ""; int index = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); if (index < 0) { label = "GARBAGE"; } else { LabelIds.TryGetValue(index.ToString(), out label); } Color color = Colors.Black; if (list.Scheme.Labels.Find(x => x.Name == label) != null) { color = list.Scheme.Labels.Find(x => x.Name == label).Color; } double confidence = Math.Round(binaryReader.ReadSingle(), 3, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); AnnoListItem e = new AnnoListItem(start, dur, label, "", color, confidence); list.AddSorted(e); } else if (list.Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.FREE) { start = binaryReader.ReadDouble(); double stop = binaryReader.ReadDouble(); double dur = stop - start; int stringlength = (int)binaryReader.ReadUInt32(); byte[] labelasbytes = (binaryReader.ReadBytes(stringlength)); string label = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(labelasbytes); Color color = Colors.Black; double confidence = Math.Round(binaryReader.ReadSingle(), 3, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); AnnoListItem e = new AnnoListItem(start, dur, label, "", color, confidence); list.AddSorted(e); } } binaryReader.Close(); } } //Plugin logic should be called after parsing if (meta != null && meta.Attributes["trigger"] != null) { string[] triggers = meta.Attributes["trigger"].Value.Split(';'); foreach (string trigger in triggers) { try { Match match = Regex.Match(trigger, @"([^{]+)\{([^}]*)\}"); if (match.Success && match.Groups.Count == 3) { string dllName = match.Groups[1].Value; string arguments = match.Groups[2].Value; Dictionary <string, object> args = arguments.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) .Select(part => part.Split('=')) .ToDictionary(split => split[0], split => (object)split[1]); PluginCaller pluginCaller = new PluginCaller(dllName + ".dll", dllName); AnnoTrigger annoTrigger = new AnnoTrigger(list, pluginCaller, args); list.Meta.Trigger.Add(annoTrigger); } else { MessageTools.Warning("could not parse trigger '" + trigger + "'"); } } catch (Exception) { MessageTools.Warning("could not parse trigger '" + trigger + "'"); } } } if (meta != null && meta.Attributes["pipeline"] != null) { string[] pipelines = meta.Attributes["pipeline"].Value.Split(';'); foreach (string pipeline in pipelines) { try { Pipeline pipe = new Pipeline(list, pipeline); list.Meta.Pipeline.Add(pipe); } catch (Exception) { MessageTools.Warning("could not parse pipeline '" + pipeline + "'"); } } } } //catch(Exception e) //{ // MessageBox.Show("An exception occured while reading annotation from '" + filepath + "'"); //} return(list); }
public static AnnoList LoadFromEventFile(String filepath) { AnnoList list = new AnnoList(); try { XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(filepath); var events = doc.Descendants("event"); //list.Scheme.Type = AnnoScheme.TYPE.DISCRETE; //list.Scheme.Labels = new List<AnnoScheme.Label>(); foreach (var e in events) { string label = null; string meta = ""; double start = -1; double duration = -1; Type type = Type.EMPTY; var sender_attr = e.Attribute("sender"); var event_attr = e.Attribute("event"); label = (event_attr == null ? "" : event_attr.Value); //+ "@" //+ (sender_attr == null ? "" : sender_attr.Value); var from_attr = e.Attribute("from"); if (from_attr != null) { start = double.Parse(from_attr.Value) / 1000.0; } var dur_attr = e.Attribute("dur"); if (dur_attr != null) { duration = double.Parse(dur_attr.Value) / 1000.0; } var type_attr = e.Attribute("type"); if (type_attr != null) { switch (type_attr.Value) { case "MAP": type = Type.MAP; break; case "TUPLE": type = Type.TUPLE; break; case "STRING": type = Type.STRING; break; //depricated, matched to tuple case "FLOATS": type = Type.TUPLE; break; //depricated, matched to map case "NTUPLE": type = Type.MAP; break; } } switch (type) { case Type.MAP: var tuples = e.Descendants("tuple"); foreach (var tuple in tuples) { var string_attr = tuple.Attribute("string"); var value_attr = tuple.Attribute("value"); meta = meta + ((string_attr == null ? "" : string_attr.Value) + "=" + (value_attr == null ? "" : value_attr.Value)) + ";"; } break; case Type.STRING: if (e.Value != "") { label = e.Value; } break; case Type.TUPLE: meta = e.Value == null ? "" : e.Value; break; } AnnoScheme.Label asl = new AnnoScheme.Label(label, Colors.Black); if (!list.Scheme.Labels.Any(item => item.Name == asl.Name)) { list.Scheme.Labels.Add(asl); } var state_attr = e.Attribute("state"); if (state_attr.Value.ToString().ToUpper() == "COMPLETED") { Color color = Colors.Black; //if (list.Scheme.Labels.Find(x => x.Name == label) != null) //{ // color = list.Scheme.Labels.Find(x => x.Name == label).Color; //} list.AddSorted(new AnnoListItem(start, duration, label, meta, color)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageTools.Error(ex.ToString()); } //AnnoScheme.Label garbage = new AnnoScheme.Label("GARBAGE", Colors.Black); //list.Scheme.Labels.Add(garbage); return(list); }
public static AnnoScheme GetAnnotationScheme(string annoName, AnnoScheme.TYPE annoType) { MongoClient mongo = new MongoClient(ServerConnectionString); IMongoDatabase database = mongo.GetDatabase(Properties.Settings.Default.DatabaseName); AnnoScheme scheme = new AnnoScheme(); scheme.Type = annoType; var annoSchemes = database.GetCollection <BsonDocument>(DatabaseDefinitionCollections.Schemes); var builder = Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter; FilterDefinition <BsonDocument> annoSchemeFilter = builder.Eq("name", annoName) & builder.Eq("type", annoType.ToString()); BsonDocument annoSchemeDocument = null; try { annoSchemeDocument = annoSchemes.Find(annoSchemeFilter).Single(); if (annoSchemeDocument["type"].ToString() == annoType.ToString()) { scheme.Name = annoSchemeDocument["name"].ToString(); if (scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.CONTINUOUS) { scheme.MinScore = annoSchemeDocument["min"].ToDouble(); scheme.MaxScore = annoSchemeDocument["max"].ToDouble(); scheme.SampleRate = annoSchemeDocument["sr"].ToDouble(); scheme.MinOrBackColor = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(annoSchemeDocument["min_color"].ToString()); scheme.MaxOrForeColor = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(annoSchemeDocument["max_color"].ToString()); } else if (scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.DISCRETE) { scheme.MinOrBackColor = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(annoSchemeDocument["color"].ToString()); BsonArray schemeLabelsArray = annoSchemeDocument["labels"].AsBsonArray; string SchemeLabel = ""; string SchemeColor = "#000000"; for (int j = 0; j < schemeLabelsArray.Count; j++) { try { if (schemeLabelsArray[j]["isValid"].AsBoolean == true) { SchemeLabel = schemeLabelsArray[j]["name"].ToString(); SchemeColor = schemeLabelsArray[j]["color"].ToString(); AnnoScheme.Label lcp = new AnnoScheme.Label(schemeLabelsArray[j]["name"].ToString(), (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(schemeLabelsArray[j]["color"].ToString())); scheme.Labels.Add(lcp); } } catch { SchemeLabel = schemeLabelsArray[j]["name"].ToString(); SchemeColor = schemeLabelsArray[j]["color"].ToString(); AnnoScheme.Label lcp = new AnnoScheme.Label(schemeLabelsArray[j]["name"].ToString(), (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(schemeLabelsArray[j]["color"].ToString())); scheme.Labels.Add(lcp); } } } else if (scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.FREE) { scheme.MinOrBackColor = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(annoSchemeDocument["color"].ToString()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageTools.Warning(ex.ToString()); } return(scheme); }
public bool SaveToFile(string filePath, string delimiter = ";") { Dictionary <string, string> LabelIds = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filePath, false, System.Text.Encoding.Default); sw.WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>"); sw.WriteLine("<annotation ssi-v=\"3\">"); sw.WriteLine(" <info ftype=\"" + Source.File.Type.ToString() + "\" size=\"" + this.Count + "\" />"); sw.WriteLine(" <meta annotator=\"" + Meta.AnnotatorFullName + "\" role=\"" + Meta.Role + "\"/>"); if (Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.CONTINUOUS) { sw.WriteLine(" <scheme name=\"" + this.Scheme.Name + "\" type=\"CONTINUOUS\" sr=\"" + this.Scheme.SampleRate + "\" min=\"" + this.Scheme.MinScore + "\" max=\"" + this.Scheme.MaxScore + "\" mincolor=\"" + this.Scheme.MinOrBackColor + "\" maxcolor=\"" + this.Scheme.MaxOrForeColor + "\" />"); } else if (Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.FREE) { sw.WriteLine(" <scheme name=\"" + this.Scheme.Name + "\" type=\"FREE\" color=\"" + this.Scheme.MinOrBackColor + "\"/>"); } else if (Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.DISCRETE) { sw.WriteLine(" <scheme name=\"" + this.Scheme.Name + "\" type=\"DISCRETE\" color=\"" + this.Scheme.MinOrBackColor + "\">"); int index = 0; foreach (AnnoScheme.Label lp in this.Scheme.Labels) { if (lp.Name != "GARBAGE") { sw.WriteLine(" <item name=\"" + lp.Name + "\" id=\"" + index + "\" color=\"" + lp.Color + "\" />"); LabelIds.Add(lp.Name, index.ToString()); index++; } } sw.WriteLine(" </scheme>"); } else if (Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.POINT) { sw.WriteLine(" <scheme name=\"" + this.Scheme.Name + "\" type=\"POINT\" sr=\"" + this.Scheme.SampleRate + "\" num=\"" + this.Scheme.NumberOfPoints + "\" color=\"" + this.Scheme.MinOrBackColor + "\" />"); } else if (Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.POLYGON) { sw.WriteLine(" <scheme name=\"" + this.Scheme.Name + "\" type=\"CONTINUOUS\" sr=\"" + this.Scheme.SampleRate + "\" num=\"" + this.Scheme.NumberOfPoints + "\" color=\"" + this.Scheme.MinOrBackColor + "\" />"); } else if (Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.GRAPH) { sw.WriteLine(" <scheme name=\"" + this.Scheme.Name + "\" type=\"CONTINUOUS\" sr=\"" + this.Scheme.SampleRate + "\" num=\"" + this.Scheme.NumberOfPoints + "\" color=\"" + this.Scheme.MinOrBackColor + "\" />"); } else if (Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.SEGMENTATION) { sw.WriteLine(" <scheme name=\"" + this.Scheme.Name + "\" type=\"CONTINUOUS\" sr=\"" + this.Scheme.SampleRate + "\" num=\"" + this.Scheme.NumberOfPoints + "\" color=\"" + this.Scheme.MinOrBackColor + "\" />"); } sw.WriteLine("</annotation>"); sw.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageTools.Error(ex.ToString()); return(false); } try { if (Source.File.Type == AnnoSource.FileSource.TYPE.ASCII) { StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filePath + "~", false, System.Text.Encoding.Default); if (Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.CONTINUOUS) { foreach (AnnoListItem e in this) { sw.WriteLine(e.Score + delimiter + e.Confidence); } } else if (Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.FREE) { foreach (AnnoListItem e in this) { if (e.Color != Scheme.MaxOrForeColor) { sw.WriteLine(e.Start + delimiter + e.Stop + delimiter + e.Label + delimiter + e.Confidence); } else { sw.WriteLine(e.Start + delimiter + e.Stop + delimiter + e.Label + delimiter + e.Confidence + delimiter + "color=" + e.Color.ToString()); } } } else if (Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.DISCRETE) { string index = ""; foreach (AnnoListItem e in this) { if (e.Label != "GARBAGE") { LabelIds.TryGetValue(e.Label, out index); sw.WriteLine(e.Start + delimiter + e.Stop + delimiter + index + delimiter + e.Confidence); } else { sw.WriteLine(e.Start + delimiter + e.Stop + delimiter + -1 + delimiter + e.Confidence); } } } else if (Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.POINT) { foreach (AnnoListItem e in this) { string output = ""; output += e.Label + delimiter; for (int i = 0; i < e.Points.Count; ++i) { output += '(' + e.Points[i].Label + ':' + e.Points[i].XCoord + ':' + e.Points[i].YCoord + ":" + e.Points[i].Confidence + ')' + delimiter; } sw.WriteLine(output + e.Confidence); } } else if (Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.POLYGON) { foreach (AnnoListItem e in this) { sw.WriteLine(e.Label + delimiter + e.Confidence); } } else if (Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.GRAPH) { foreach (AnnoListItem e in this) { sw.WriteLine(e.Label + delimiter + e.Confidence); } } else if (Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.SEGMENTATION) { foreach (AnnoListItem e in this) { sw.WriteLine(e.Label + delimiter + e.Confidence); } } sw.Close(); } else { BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(filePath + "~", FileMode.Create)); if (Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.CONTINUOUS) { foreach (AnnoListItem e in this) { bw.Write((float)e.Score); bw.Write((float)e.Confidence); } } else if (Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.FREE) { foreach (AnnoListItem e in this) { bw.Write(e.Start); bw.Write(e.Stop); bw.Write((uint)e.Label.Length); byte[] label = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(e.Label); bw.Write(label); bw.Write((float)e.Confidence); } } else if (Scheme.Type == AnnoScheme.TYPE.DISCRETE) { string index = ""; foreach (AnnoListItem e in this) { uint ind = unchecked ((uint)-1); if (e.Label != "GARBAGE") { LabelIds.TryGetValue(e.Label, out index); ind = uint.Parse(index); } bw.Write(e.Start); bw.Write(e.Stop); bw.Write(ind); bw.Write((float)e.Confidence); } } bw.Close(); } HasChanged = false; AnnoList newAnno = new AnnoList(); newAnno.Source.File.Path = filePath; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageTools.Error(ex.ToString()); return(false); } return(true); }
private void navigatorNewAnno_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (Time.TotalDuration > 0) { AnnoTierNewSchemeWindow dialog = new AnnoTierNewSchemeWindow(); dialog.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen; dialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialog.DialogResult == true) { AnnoScheme.TYPE annoType = dialog.Result(); if (DatabaseLoaded) { databaseAddNewAnnotation(annoType); } else { if (annoType == AnnoScheme.TYPE.FREE) { AnnoTierNewFreeSchemeWindow dialog2 = new AnnoTierNewFreeSchemeWindow(); dialog2.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen; dialog2.ShowDialog(); if (dialog2.DialogResult == true) { AnnoScheme annoScheme = dialog2.Result; AnnoList annoList = new AnnoList() { Scheme = annoScheme }; addAnnoTier(annoList); } } else if (annoType == AnnoScheme.TYPE.DISCRETE) { AnnoTierNewDiscreteSchemeWindow dialog2 = new AnnoTierNewDiscreteSchemeWindow(); dialog2.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen; dialog2.ShowDialog(); if (dialog2.DialogResult == true) { AnnoList annoList = dialog2.GetAnnoList(); addAnnoTier(annoList); } } else if (annoType == AnnoScheme.TYPE.CONTINUOUS) { double defaultSr = 25.0; foreach (IMedia m in mediaList.Medias) { if (m.IsVideo()) { defaultSr = m.GetSampleRate(); break; } } AnnoTierNewContinuousSchemeWindow.Input input = new AnnoTierNewContinuousSchemeWindow.Input() { SampleRate = defaultSr, MinScore = 0.0, MaxScore = 1.0, MinColor = Colors.LightBlue, MaxColor = Colors.Red }; AnnoTierNewContinuousSchemeWindow dialog2 = new AnnoTierNewContinuousSchemeWindow(input); dialog2.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen; dialog2.ShowDialog(); if (dialog2.DialogResult == true) { AnnoScheme annoScheme = dialog2.Result; AnnoList annoList = new AnnoList() { Scheme = annoScheme }; addAnnoTier(annoList); } } } } } else { MessageTools.Warning("Nothing to annotate, load some data first."); } }
public static bool LoadDataV2b(Signal signal, FileStream fs) { uint total = signal.number * signal.dim * signal.bytes; byte[] data_buffer = new byte[total]; fs.Read(data_buffer, 0, (int)total); int index = 0; int step = (int)signal.bytes; switch (signal.type) { case Signal.Type.SHORT: { if (signal.bytes == sizeof(short)) { for (UInt32 i = 0; i < signal.number; i++) { for (UInt32 j = 0; j < signal.dim; j++) {[i * signal.dim + j] = (float)BitConverter.ToInt16(data_buffer, index); index += step; } } } else { MessageTools.Error("Invalid number of bytes (" + signal.bytes + ") for data type 'short'"); return(false); } } break; case Signal.Type.USHORT: { if (signal.bytes == sizeof(ushort)) { for (UInt32 i = 0; i < signal.number; i++) { for (UInt32 j = 0; j < signal.dim; j++) {[i * signal.dim + j] = (float)BitConverter.ToUInt16(data_buffer, index); index += step; } } } else { MessageTools.Error("Invalid number of bytes (" + signal.bytes + ") for data type 'short'"); return(false); } } break; case Signal.Type.INT: { if (signal.bytes == sizeof(int)) { for (UInt32 i = 0; i < signal.number; i++) { for (UInt32 j = 0; j < signal.dim; j++) {[i * signal.dim + j] = (float)BitConverter.ToInt32(data_buffer, index); index += step; } } } else { MessageTools.Error("Invalid number of bytes (" + signal.bytes + ") for data type 'short'"); return(false); } } break; case Signal.Type.UINT: { if (signal.bytes == sizeof(uint)) { for (UInt32 i = 0; i < signal.number; i++) { for (UInt32 j = 0; j < signal.dim; j++) {[i * signal.dim + j] = (float)BitConverter.ToUInt32(data_buffer, index); index += step; } } } else { MessageTools.Error("Invalid number of bytes (" + signal.bytes + ") for data type 'short'"); return(false); } } break; case Signal.Type.FLOAT: { if (signal.bytes == sizeof(float)) { for (UInt32 i = 0; i < signal.number; i++) { for (UInt32 j = 0; j < signal.dim; j++) {[i * signal.dim + j] = BitConverter.ToSingle(data_buffer, index); index += step; } } } else { MessageTools.Error("Invalid number of bytes (" + signal.bytes + ") for data type 'float'"); return(false); } } break; case Signal.Type.DOUBLE: { if (signal.bytes == sizeof(double)) { for (UInt32 i = 0; i < signal.number; i++) { for (UInt32 j = 0; j < signal.dim; j++) {[i * signal.dim + j] = (float)BitConverter.ToDouble(data_buffer, index); index += step; } } } else { MessageTools.Error("Invalid number of bytes (" + signal.bytes + ") for data type 'float'"); return(false); } } break; } return(true); }
public static Signal LoadStreamFile(string filepath) { Signal signal = new Signal(); try { if (filepath.EndsWith("~")) { filepath = filepath.Remove(filepath.Length - 1); } XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); // parse filename signal.filePath = filepath; string[] tmp = filepath.Split('\\'); signal.fileName = tmp[tmp.Length - 1]; = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(signal.fileName); doc.Load(filepath); XmlNode node = null; node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//info"); string ftype_s = node.Attributes["ftype"].Value.ToUpper(); signal.rate = double.Parse(node.Attributes["sr"].Value); signal.dim = uint.Parse(node.Attributes["dim"].Value); signal.bytes = uint.Parse(node.Attributes["byte"].Value); string type_s = node.Attributes["type"].Value.ToUpper(); for (uint i = 0; i < TypeName.Length; i++) { if (type_s == TypeName[i]) { signal.type = (Type)i; break; } } string delim = " "; if (node.Attributes["delim"] != null) { delim = node.Attributes["delim"].Value; } node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//meta"); if (node != null) { foreach (XmlAttribute attribute in node.Attributes) { signal.Meta.Add(attribute.Name, attribute.Value); } } uint num = 0; foreach (XmlNode n in doc.SelectNodes("//chunk")) { num += uint.Parse(n.Attributes["num"].Value); } signal.time = 0; signal.number = num; if (!(signal.number > 0 && signal.dim > 0)) { MessageTools.Error("empty stream file '" + filepath + "'"); return(null); } = new float[signal.dim * signal.number]; try { if (ftype_s == "ASCII") { StreamReader fs_data = new StreamReader(filepath + "~"); if (!LoadDataV2a(signal, fs_data, delim.ToCharArray())) { MessageTools.Error("could not read stream data '" + filepath + "'"); return(null); } fs_data.Close(); } else { FileStream fs_data = new FileStream(filepath + "~", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); if (!LoadDataV2b(signal, fs_data)) { MessageTools.Error("could not read stream data '" + filepath + "'"); return(null); } fs_data.Close(); } } catch { } signal.minmax(); signal.loaded = true; } catch (Exception e) { MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("File " + filepath + " is corrupted! Should it be deleted?", "Attention", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { File.Delete(filepath); File.Delete(filepath + "~"); } return(null); } return(signal); }
private void exportSSISampleList() { String userName = userNameTextBox.Text; String annoPath = (String)annoComboBox.SelectedItem; ItemCollection signalItems = signalSelectedListBox.Items; if (userName.Length == 0 || annoPath == null || signalItems.IsEmpty) { MessageTools.Error("Select a user name and annotation and at least one signal."); return; } SaveFileDialog dialog = new SaveFileDialog(); dialog.InitialDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(annoPath); dialog.Filter = "Sample files (*.samples)|*.samples|All files (*.*)|*.*"; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true) { string samplesPath = dialog.FileName; StringBuilder signalPaths = new StringBuilder(); bool first = true; foreach (string item in signalItems) { if (first) { first = false; } else { signalPaths.Append(';'); } signalPaths.Append(item); } if(!File.Exists("anno2samp.exe")) { try { string url = ""; WebClient Client = new WebClient(); Client.DownloadFile(url, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "anno2samp.exe"); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Tools for creating Samplelists are not available, please check your internet connection."); return; } } Process process = new Process(); ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; startInfo.FileName = "anno2samp.exe"; startInfo.Arguments = userName + " " + annoPath + " " + signalPaths + " " + samplesPath; if (continuousCheckBox.IsChecked == true) { startInfo.Arguments += " -frame " + frameTextBox.Text + " -delta " + deltaTextBox.Text + " -percent " + percentTextBox.Text; if (labelTextBox.Text.Length > 0) { startInfo.Arguments += " -label " + labelTextBox.Text; } if(!annoPath.Contains(".annotation")) startInfo.Arguments += " -legacy"; } process.StartInfo = startInfo; process.Start(); process.WaitForExit(); if (process.ExitCode == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Samplelist successfully created in " + samplesPath); } } }
public string CompleteTier(int context, AnnoTier tier, string stream, double confidence = -1.0, double minGap = 0.0, double minDur = 0.0) { string result = ""; Directory.CreateDirectory(Properties.Settings.Default.DatabaseDirectory + "\\" + Properties.Settings.Default.DatabaseName + "\\models"); string username = Properties.Settings.Default.MongoDBUser; string password = Properties.Settings.Default.MongoDBPass; string session = Properties.Settings.Default.LastSessionId; string datapath = Properties.Settings.Default.DatabaseDirectory; string ipport = Properties.Settings.Default.DatabaseAddress; string[] split = ipport.Split(':'); string ip = split[0]; string port = split[1]; string database = Properties.Settings.Default.DatabaseName; string role = tier.AnnoList.Meta.Role; string scheme = tier.AnnoList.Scheme.Name; string annotator = tier.AnnoList.Meta.Annotator; bool isTrained = false; bool isForward = false; try { { string arguments = " -cooperative " + "-context " + context + " -username " + username + " -password " + password + " -filter " + session + " -log cml.log " + "\"" + datapath + "\\" + database + "\" " + ip + " " + port + " " + database + " " + role + " " + scheme + " " + annotator + " " + "\"" + stream + "\""; Process process = new Process(); ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; startInfo.FileName = "cmltrain.exe"; startInfo.Arguments = "--train" + arguments; result += startInfo.Arguments + "\n-------------------------------------------\r\n"; process.StartInfo = startInfo; process.Start(); process.WaitForExit(); result += File.ReadAllText("cml.log"); if (process.ExitCode == 0) { isTrained = true; } else { return(result); } } { string arguments = " -cooperative " + "-context " + context + " -username " + username + " -password " + password + " -filter " + session + " -confidence " + confidence + " -mingap " + minGap + " -mindur " + minDur + " -log cml.log " + "\"" + datapath + "\\" + database + "\" " + ip + " " + port + " " + database + " " + role + " " + scheme + " " + annotator + " " + "\"" + stream + "\""; Process process = new Process(); ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; startInfo.FileName = "cmltrain.exe"; startInfo.Arguments = "--forward" + arguments; result += startInfo.Arguments + "\n-------------------------------------------\r\n"; process.StartInfo = startInfo; process.Start(); process.WaitForExit(); result += File.ReadAllText("cml.log"); if (process.ExitCode == 0) { isForward = true; } else { return(result); } } if (isTrained && isForward) { databaseReload(tier); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageTools.Error(ex.ToString()); } return(result); }