public void ListMaker(string comment2) // command used for creating lists { Console.WriteLine("This command is now replaced by the Project Manager command(which is located in the start menu)"); Console.WriteLine("If you still want to run the ListMaker then we do have an earlier version of it\nType '/command Version'"); string cRead = Console.ReadLine(); if (cRead == "/command Version") // If you want to run the old version of this app { ProcessHandler handler = new ProcessHandler(); handler.ProcessHandle(); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine("Type Exit"); Console.Write(">"); string Read = Console.ReadLine(); if (Read == "Exit") { Console.WriteLine("Exiting"); Thread.Sleep(100); viOne v = new viOne();; } } else if (cRead == "/command Reject" || cRead == "/Exit" || cRead == "exit" || cRead == "Exit" || cRead == "-state=down") // If you want to exit { Console.WriteLine("Exiting "); Thread.Sleep(100); viOne v = new viOne();; } else { Console.WriteLine("Wrong command"); ListMaker("Make list"); } }
public void WriteConsolePad() { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Do you want to start the old version or Normal version('Normal' for normal and '/version old' for old version)"); Console.Write(">"); string commandOpen = Console.ReadLine(); if (commandOpen == "/command Exit") { viOne v = new viOne();; } else if (commandOpen == "/version old") // If you want to run the old version { Console.WriteLine("Opening"); Thread.Sleep(1000); ProcessHandler handler = new ProcessHandler(); handler.ProcessWritePadUI(); Console.WriteLine("Exiting"); Thread.Sleep(1000); viOne n = new viOne();; } else if (commandOpen == "Normal") // If you want to run the normal version { Console.WriteLine("What writing software do you want to open?"); Console.WriteLine(">"); string readApp = Console.ReadLine(); ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.Arguments = $@"/C {readApp}"; startInfo.UseShellExecute = true; Process.Start(startInfo); Thread.Sleep(2000); Console.WriteLine("Type Exit or Stay"); Console.Write(">"); string rcommand = Console.ReadLine(); if (rcommand == "Exit") { viOne v = new viOne();; } else if (rcommand == "Stay") { WriteConsolePad(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Wrong command"); Thread.Sleep(100); WriteConsolePad(); } } else if (commandOpen == "/version dev") { Console.WriteLine("In developemnt"); Console.WriteLine("Writing to the input stream"); Thread.Sleep(100); Console.WriteLine("Opening a edit::access input stream in Falcon::input-edit"); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine("Write ':goto' to start Falcon::Input-edit or type '/Exit' to exit"); string commandWrite = Console.ReadLine(); if (commandWrite == ":goto") { } else if (commandWrite == "/Exit") { var back = new viOne();; } } else { Console.WriteLine( "Wrong command" ); Thread.Sleep(100); WriteConsolePad(); } }