public void showViaToast(ToastForm myForm, String track, String artist) { myForm.setArtist(artist); myForm.setTrack(track); myForm.setAlbum(""); myForm.setAlbumImage(spotifytoaster.Properties.Resources.album_missing); // Attempt to load additional information about the track if (albumInfo.loadAlbumInfo(artist, track)) { // Set Album Title if we have one if (null != albumInfo.getAlbumTitle()) { myForm.setAlbum(albumInfo.getAlbumTitle()); } // Set Album Image URL if we have one if (null != albumInfo.getAlbumImageURL()) { myForm.setAlbumImageUrl(albumInfo.getAlbumImageURL()); } // Add Track Number to the title if we have one if (null != albumInfo.getTrackNumber()) { myForm.setTrack(albumInfo.getTrackNumber() + ". " + track); } } myForm.Show(); }
//Constructor for NameChangeTracker public NameChangeTracker(ToastForm myForm) { NameChangeTracker.myForm = myForm; psi = new ProcessInformation(); tmd = new TrackMetadata(); notify = new Notify(); //Console.WriteLine(psi.getSpotifyPID()); // Listen for name change changes for spotify(check pid!=0). hWinEventHook = SetWinEventHook(0x0800c, 0x800c, IntPtr.Zero, procDelegate, Convert.ToUInt32(psi.getSpotifyPID()), 0, 0); // Listen for create window event across all processes/threads on current desktop.(check pid=0) hWinEventHook_start = SetWinEventHook(0x00008000, 0x00008000, IntPtr.Zero, procDelegate_start, 0, 0, 0); }