public List <HSIFutures> GetHSIDataList() { List <HSIFutures> dataList = new List <HSIFutures>(); try { //int slowLine = 30; string connStr = "Driver= {MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=;Database=realtimedata;User=root; Password=root; Option=3;"; //string sql = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM hsiindh_1min t ORDER BY id DESC)realtimedata LIMIT 0," + slowLine; //string sql = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM hsiindh_1min t WHERE '" + startTime + "' <= t.DATE AND t.DATE <= '" + endTime + "'ORDER BY id DESC) tt LIMIT 0," + slowLine; //string sql = "SELECT * FROM hsiindh_1min t WHERE '" + startTime + "' <= t.DATE AND t.DATE <= '" + endTime + "'"; string sql = "SELECT * FROM hsiindh_1min t ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 200"; // string sql = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM hsiindh_1min t ORDER BY id DESC)realtimedata LIMIT 0,990)realtimedata2 ORDER BY id"; OdbcConnection myConnection = new OdbcConnection(connStr); //创建数据库连接 OdbcCommand myCommand = new OdbcCommand(sql, myConnection); //创建sql和连接实例化的对象 myConnection.Open(); Console.WriteLine(myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery().ToString()); OdbcDataReader myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { HSIFutures hSIFutures = new HSIFutures(); hSIFutures.SetSymbol(myReader[1].ToString()); hSIFutures.SetDate((DateTime)myReader[2]); hSIFutures.SetOpen(double.Parse(myReader[3].ToString())); hSIFutures.SetHigh(double.Parse(myReader[4].ToString())); hSIFutures.SetLow(double.Parse(myReader[5].ToString())); hSIFutures.SetClose(double.Parse(myReader[6].ToString())); //hSIFutures.SetCreatedate(long.Parse(myReader[10].ToString())); dataList.Add(hSIFutures); } myConnection.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("数据库连接失败" + " " + ex.Message); } return(dataList); }
public List <Double> getSARLineDatas(List <HSIFutures> list, float step, float maxStep) { List <Double> sarList = new List <Double>(); //记录没有没有初始化过 double INIT_VALUE = -100; //加速因子 double af = 0; //加速因子 //极值 double ep = INIT_VALUE; //极点价 //判断是上涨还是下跌 false:下跌 bool lasttrend = false; double SAR = 0; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count() - 1; i++) { //上一个周期的sar double priorSAR = SAR; HSIFutures item = list[i]; if (lasttrend) { //上涨 if (ep == INIT_VALUE || ep < item.GetHigh()) { //重新初始化值 ep = item.GetHigh(); //当这个周期为上涨,前一个周期的 ep为 最高价 af = Math.Min(af + step, maxStep); //af } SAR = priorSAR + af * (ep - priorSAR); //这以周期的的SAR值 double lowestPrior2Lows = Math.Min(list[Math.Max(1, i) - 1].GetLow(), list[i].GetLow()); if (SAR > list[i + 1].GetLow()) { SAR = ep; //重新初始化值 af = 0; ep = INIT_VALUE; lasttrend = !lasttrend; } else if (SAR > lowestPrior2Lows) { SAR = lowestPrior2Lows; } } else { if (ep == INIT_VALUE || ep > list[i].GetLow()) { //重新初始化值 ep = list[i].GetLow(); af = Math.Min(af + step, maxStep); } SAR = priorSAR + af * (ep - priorSAR); double highestPrior2Highs = Math.Max(list[Math.Max(1, i) - 1].GetHigh(), list[i].GetHigh()); if (SAR < list[i + 1].GetHigh()) { SAR = ep; //重新初始化值 af = 0; ep = INIT_VALUE; lasttrend = !lasttrend; } else if (SAR < highestPrior2Highs) { SAR = highestPrior2Highs; } } sarList.Add(SAR); } //确保和 传入的list size一致, int size = list.Count() - sarList.Count(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { sarList.Insert(0, sarList[i]); } //返回了一个包含所有SAR值的数组 return(sarList); }
/// <summary> /// 不停查询数据库方法 /// </summary> private static void Run() { try { string connStr = "Driver= {MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=;Database=realtimedata;User=root; Password=root; Option=3;"; OdbcConnection myConnection = new OdbcConnection(connStr); //创建数据库连接 while (true) { List <HSIFutures> dataList = new List <HSIFutures>(); //历史数据数组 SAR sar = new SAR(); List <double> sarList = new List <double>(); //sar值数组 List <HSIFutures> buy = new List <HSIFutures>(); //买信号数组 List <HSIFutures> sell = new List <HSIFutures>(); //卖信号数组 string sql = "SELECT * FROM hsiindh_1min t ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 100"; OdbcCommand myCommand = new OdbcCommand(sql, myConnection); //创建sql和连接实例化的对象 myConnection.Open(); // Console.WriteLine(myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery().ToString()); OdbcDataReader myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { HSIFutures hSIFutures = new HSIFutures(); hSIFutures.SetSymbol(myReader[1].ToString()); hSIFutures.SetDate((DateTime)myReader[2]); hSIFutures.SetOpen(double.Parse(myReader[3].ToString())); hSIFutures.SetHigh(double.Parse(myReader[4].ToString())); hSIFutures.SetLow(double.Parse(myReader[5].ToString())); hSIFutures.SetClose(double.Parse(myReader[6].ToString())); //hSIFutures.SetCreatedate(long.Parse(myReader[10].ToString())); dataList.Add(hSIFutures); } myConnection.Close(); List <HSIFutures> positiveData = new List <HSIFutures>(); //排序后的数组 for (int i = dataList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) //此方法为排序方法 { positiveData.Add(dataList[i]); } sarList = sar.getSARLineDatas(positiveData, float.Parse("0.02"), float.Parse("0.2")); //获取SAR的值 if (positiveData[98].GetClose() <= sarList[98]) { if (positiveData[99].GetClose() > sarList[99] && number % 2 == 0) { HSIFutures hSIFutures = new HSIFutures(); hSIFutures.SetSymbol(positiveData[99].GetSymbol()); hSIFutures.SetDate(positiveData[99].GetDate()); hSIFutures.SetOpen(positiveData[99].GetOpen()); hSIFutures.SetHigh(positiveData[99].GetHigh()); hSIFutures.SetLow(positiveData[99].GetLow()); hSIFutures.SetClose(positiveData[99].GetClose()); buy.Add(hSIFutures); number++; DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("可以买入了!!!买入信号时间为" + buy[99].GetDate(), "买卖信号提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information); String data3 = "######################" + "买入时间" + buy[99].GetDate(); Spcommon.APIDLL.output(data3); } } if (positiveData[98].GetClose() >= sarList[98]) { if (positiveData[99].GetClose() < sarList[99] && number % 2 != 0) { HSIFutures hSIFutures = new HSIFutures(); hSIFutures.SetSymbol(positiveData[99].GetSymbol()); hSIFutures.SetDate(positiveData[99].GetDate()); hSIFutures.SetOpen(positiveData[99].GetOpen()); hSIFutures.SetHigh(positiveData[99].GetHigh()); hSIFutures.SetLow(positiveData[99].GetLow()); hSIFutures.SetClose(positiveData[99].GetClose()); sell.Add(hSIFutures); number++; DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("可以卖出了!!!卖出信号时间为" + sell[99].GetDate(), "买卖信号提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information); String data2 = "######################" + "卖出时间" + sell[99].GetDate(); Spcommon.APIDLL.output(data2); } } String data1 = "上一秒的SAR值" + sarList[98] + "现在的SAR值" + sarList[99] + "######################" + "上一秒的底价" + positiveData[98].GetClose() + "现在的底价" + positiveData[99].GetClose(); Spcommon.APIDLL.output(data1); Thread.Sleep(1000); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("数据库连接失败" + "或者线程出现问题 " + ex.Message); } }
private List <Student> GetStudentList() { //买卖信号版本内容 int number = 0; List <HSIFutures> buy = new List <HSIFutures>(); //买信号数组 List <HSIFutures> sell = new List <HSIFutures>(); //卖信号数组 SAR sar = new SAR(); List <double> sarList = new List <double>(); //sar值数组 //历史数据版本内容 List <HSIFutures> dataList = new List <HSIFutures>(); //历史数据数组 string connStr = "Driver= {MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=;Database=realtimedata;User=root; Password=root; Option=3;"; OdbcConnection myConnection = new OdbcConnection(connStr); //创建数据库连接 string sql = "SELECT * FROM hsiindh_1min t ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 200"; OdbcCommand myCommand = new OdbcCommand(sql, myConnection); //创建sql和连接实例化的对象 myConnection.Open(); OdbcDataReader myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { HSIFutures hSIFutures = new HSIFutures(); hSIFutures.SetSymbol(myReader[1].ToString()); hSIFutures.SetDate((DateTime)myReader[2]); hSIFutures.SetOpen(double.Parse(myReader[3].ToString())); hSIFutures.SetHigh(double.Parse(myReader[4].ToString())); hSIFutures.SetLow(double.Parse(myReader[5].ToString())); hSIFutures.SetClose(double.Parse(myReader[6].ToString())); //hSIFutures.SetCreatedate(long.Parse(myReader[10].ToString())); dataList.Add(hSIFutures); } myConnection.Close(); //买卖信号版本内容 // List<HSIFutures> positiveData = new List<HSIFutures>(); //排序后的数组 // for (int i = dataList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) //此方法为排序方法 // { // positiveData.Add(dataList[i]); // } // sarList = sar.getSARLineDatas(positiveData, float.Parse("0.02"), float.Parse("0.2")); //获取SAR的值 //for (int i = 1; i < positiveData.Count(); i++) //{ // if (positiveData[i - 1].GetClose() <= sarList[i - 1]) // { // if (positiveData[i].GetClose() > sarList[i] && number % 2 == 0) // { // HSIFutures hSIFutures = new HSIFutures(); // hSIFutures.SetSymbol(positiveData[i].GetSymbol()); // hSIFutures.SetDate(positiveData[i].GetDate()); // hSIFutures.SetOpen(positiveData[i].GetOpen()); // hSIFutures.SetHigh(positiveData[i].GetHigh()); // hSIFutures.SetLow(positiveData[i].GetLow()); // hSIFutures.SetClose(positiveData[i].GetClose()); // buy.Add(hSIFutures); // number++; // } // } // if (positiveData[i - 1].GetClose() >= sarList[i - 1]) // { // if (positiveData[i].GetClose() < sarList[i] && number % 2 != 0) // { // HSIFutures hSIFutures = new HSIFutures(); // hSIFutures.SetSymbol(positiveData[i].GetSymbol()); // hSIFutures.SetDate(positiveData[i].GetDate()); // hSIFutures.SetOpen(positiveData[i].GetOpen()); // hSIFutures.SetHigh(positiveData[i].GetHigh()); // hSIFutures.SetLow(positiveData[i].GetLow()); // hSIFutures.SetClose(positiveData[i].GetClose()); // sell.Add(hSIFutures); // number++; // } // } // } List <Student> studentList = new List <Student>(); //历史数据版本内容 for (int i = 0; i < dataList.Count; i++) { studentList.Add(new Student { Date = dataList[i].GetDate(), Open = dataList[i].GetOpen(), High = dataList[i].GetHigh(), Low = dataList[i].GetLow(), Close = dataList[i].GetClose() }); } //买卖信号版本内容 //for (int i = 0; i < sell.Count; i++) //{ // studentList.Add(new Student // { // Date = buy[i].GetDate(), // Open = buy[i].GetOpen(), // High = buy[i].GetHigh(), // Low = buy[i].GetLow(), // Close = buy[i].GetClose() // }); // studentList.Add(new Student // { // Date = sell[i].GetDate(), // Open = sell[i].GetOpen(), // High = sell[i].GetHigh(), // Low = sell[i].GetLow(), // Close = sell[i].GetClose() // }); //} return(studentList); }