/// <summary> /// Fills the entire Mat with the given value. (MAT_TYPE_8U_C2) /// </summary> /// <param name="value">Value with which to fill the Mat.</param> /// <param name="mem">Which buffer to fill - CPU or GPU memory.</param> /// <returns>Whether the set was successful, or why it wasn't.</returns> public sl.ERROR_CODE SetTo(ref char2 value, sl.ZEDMat.MEM mem) { return((sl.ERROR_CODE)(dllz_mat_set_to_uchar2(_matInternalPtr, ref value, (int)(mem)))); }
/// <summary> /// Sets a value to a specific point in the matrix. (MAT_TYPE_8U_C2) /// </summary> /// <param name="x">Row the point is in.</param> /// <param name="y">Column the point is in.</param> /// <param name="value">Value to which the point will be set.</param> /// <param name="mem">Whether point is on CPU memory or GPU memory.</param> /// <returns>Error code indicating if the set was successful, or why it wasn't.</returns> public sl.ERROR_CODE SetValue(int x, int y, ref char2 value, sl.ZEDMat.MEM mem) { return((sl.ERROR_CODE)(dllz_mat_set_value_uchar2(_matInternalPtr, x, y, ref value, (int)(mem)))); }
private static extern int dllz_mat_get_value_uchar2(System.IntPtr ptr, int x, int y, out char2 value, int mem);
private static extern int dllz_mat_set_to_uchar2(System.IntPtr ptr, ref char2 value, int mem);
/// <summary> /// Returns the value of a specific point in the matrix. (MAT_TYPE_8U_C2) /// </summary> /// <param name="x">Row the point is in.</param> /// <param name="y">Column the point is in.</param> /// <param name="value">Gets filled with the current value.</param> /// <param name="mem">Whether point is on CPU memory or GPU memory.</param> /// <returns>Error code indicating if the get was successful, or why it wasn't.</returns> public sl.ERROR_CODE GetValue(int x, int y, out char2 value, sl.MEM mem = sl.MEM.CPU) { return((sl.ERROR_CODE)(dllz_mat_get_value_uchar2(_matInternalPtr, x, y, out value, (int)(mem)))); }