Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// In text setup files the IO Variables in a table need to be generated, as they don't exist independently in the
        /// file.  In a JSON file they do exist independently, so this function is unnecessary.
        /// </summary>

        public void fixupTable(sinter_SetupFile setupFile)
            //First make sure the variable array is the right size
            int nn = rowStringCount;
            int mm = colStringCount;

            o_value = new sinter_Variable[nn, mm];

            for (int addressIndex = 0; addressIndex <= (addressStrings.Length - 1); addressIndex++)
                for (int i = 0; i <= rowStringCount - 1; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j <= colStringCount - 1; j++)
                        string aString = addressStrings[addressIndex].Replace("%r", getRowString(i));
                        aString = aString.Replace("%c", getColString(j));
                        //Now create and init vars
                        sinter_Variable thisVar = new sinter_Variable();
                        //We don't have a real name, so just use table[i,j]
                        String   thisName = String.Format("{0}[{1},{2}]", o_name, i, j);
                        String   desc     = String.Format("{0}[{1},{2}] (Table Description : {3} )", name, getRowLabel(i), getColLabel(j), description);
                        String[] aStrings = new String[1] {
                        thisVar.init(thisName, mode, sinter_Variable.sinter_IOType.si_DOUBLE, desc, aStrings);
                        thisVar.tableRow  = i;
                        thisVar.tableCol  = j;
                        thisVar.tableName = name;
                        thisVar.table     = this;
                        setVariable(i, j, thisVar);
Пример #2
         * createSinter parses part of the setup file passed in (as a string) to discover the
         * extension of the simulation file provided.
         * From that extension it creates the correct class for running that type of simulation.
        public static ISimulation createSinter(string setupFileString)
            sinter_SetupFile thisSetupFile = sinter_SetupFile.determineFileTypeAndParse(setupFileString);

            string     extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(thisSetupFile.aspenFilename);
            sinter_Sim thisAspen = null;

            if (extension == ".bkp" || extension == ".apw")
                thisAspen           = new sinter_SimAspen();
                thisAspen.setupFile = thisSetupFile;
            else if (extension == ".acmf")
                thisAspen           = new sinter_SimACM();
                thisAspen.setupFile = thisSetupFile;
            else if (extension == ".xlsm" || extension == ".xls" || extension == ".xlsx")
                thisAspen           = new sinter_SimExcel();
                thisAspen.setupFile = thisSetupFile;
            else if (extension != null && extension.ToLower() == ".gencrypt")
                thisAspen           = new sinter.PSE.sinter_simGPROMS();
                thisAspen.setupFile = thisSetupFile;
            else if (extension != null && extension.ToLower() == ".gPJ")
                throw new System.IO.IOException(String.Format(
                                                    "gPJ is not an allowed extension for sinter simulation run.  SimSinter requires a .gENCRYPT file.  filename: {1}.", setupFileString));

                throw new System.IO.IOException(String.Format(
                                                    "Unknown Aspen File extension {0} on filename: {1}.  Expecting either .bkp or .apw for Aspen+, .acmf for ACM, .xlsm .xls .xlsx for Excel, or .gencrypt for GPROMS", extension, setupFileString));
            if (thisAspen == null)
                throw new System.IO.IOException("Failed to create sinter object, reason unknown.");
            if (thisAspen is sinter_InteractiveSim)
                sinter_InteractiveSim sSim = (sinter_InteractiveSim)thisAspen;