/// <summary> /// Read Nuget NuSpec File to Populate nugetSpec Object /// </summary> /// <param name="NuSpecPath"></param> /// <returns></returns> public nugetSpec ReadNuSpec(string NuSpecPath) { nugetSpec sln = new nugetSpec(); _AHK ahk = new _AHK(); _Parse prs = new _Parse(); string nutext = ahk.FileRead(NuSpecPath); if (nutext != "") { sln.csproj = prs.XML_Text(nutext, "<id>"); sln.authors = prs.XML_Text(nutext, "<authors>"); sln.version = prs.XML_Text(nutext, "<version>"); sln.owners = prs.XML_Text(nutext, "<owners>"); sln.LicenseURL = prs.XML_Text(nutext, "<licenseUrl>"); sln.projecturl = prs.XML_Text(nutext, "<projectUrl>"); sln.iconurl = prs.XML_Text(nutext, "<iconUrl>"); sln.requireLicAcceptance = prs.XML_Text(nutext, "<requireLicenseAcceptance>").ToBool(); sln.description = prs.XML_Text(nutext, "<description>"); sln.releasenotes = prs.XML_Text(nutext, "<releaseNotes>"); sln.copyright = prs.XML_Text(nutext, "<copyright>"); sln.tags = prs.XML_Text(nutext, "<tags>"); } return(sln); }
public void RAR_EachFileInDir(RadProgressBar radProgress, string DirPath, bool NewThread = true, bool EpNumRARName = true, string Prefix = "") { _AHK ahk = new _AHK(); if (NewThread) { Thread imdbTVParseThread = new Thread(() => RAR_EachFileInDir(radProgress, DirPath, false, EpNumRARName, Prefix)); imdbTVParseThread.Start(); } else { _TelerikLib.RadProgress pro = new _TelerikLib.RadProgress(); _Lists lst = new _Lists(); _Parse prs = new _Parse(); string rar = @"C:\_Code\LucidProjects\ADBindex\ComPress\bin\Debug\Lib\rar.exe"; List <string> files = lst.FileList(DirPath); pro.SetupProgressBar(radProgress, files.Count); string RelativePath = "-ep"; string fileDir = ahk.FileDir(DirPath); int i = 0; foreach (string file in files) { if (ahk.FileExt(file).ToUpper() == ".URL") { continue; } // extract season/ep number from file name string epNum = prs.SeasonEpNums(file); i++; pro.UpdateProgress(radProgress, ahk.FileName(file) + " " + i + "/" + files.Count); string newRAR = fileDir + "\\" + Prefix + epNum + ".rar"; // use the file name as the zip file name if (!EpNumRARName) { newRAR = fileDir + "\\" + ahk.FileNameNoExt(file) + ".rar"; } if (File.Exists(newRAR)) { continue; } string FIle = file.Replace(",", "`,"); string cmd = rar + " A -m0 " + RelativePath + " " + "\"" + newRAR + "\" \"" + FIle + "\""; ahk.RunWait(cmd, "", "Hide"); } ahk.MsgBox("Finished RARing " + files.Count + " Files"); } }