public static void parseFile(Token token, EnegyData data, VariabelDatabase db) { if (parsers == null) setParser();; while(data.State == RunningState.Normal && token.getCache().type() != TokenType.EOF) { ParserInterface p; switch (token.getCache().type()) { case TokenType.Use: case TokenType.Class: case TokenType.Function: p = parsers[token.getCache().type()]; break; case TokenType.Public: p = pp; break; default: data.setError(new ScriptError("In file you are only allow to use 'use', 'public', 'class' or 'function'", token.getCache().posision()), db); return; } p.parse(data, db, token); } }
public CVar parse(EnegyData ed, VariabelDatabase db, Token token) { if ( != TokenType.LeftBue) ed.setError(new ScriptError("Missing ( after while", token.getCache().posision()), db); TokenCache scope = ScopeParser.getScope(token, ed, db); ArrayList body = BodyParser.parse(token, ed, db);; //run the code until a boolean false i hit :) while (ed.State == RunningState.Normal && new VariabelParser().parseNoEnd(ed, db, scope).toBoolean(new Posision(0, 0), ed, db)) { Interprenter.parse(new TokenCache(body, ed, db), ed, db); if(ed.State == RunningState.Continue) { ed.setNormal(); }else if(ed.State == RunningState.Break) { ed.setNormal(); break; } } return new NullVariabel(); }
private bool build(Token token, EnegyData data) { //here wee control if it private or public. protected is comming when class system is builder more avancrede if (token.getCache().type() == TokenType.Public) {; return isStatic(ClassItemAccessLevel.Public, token, data); } else if (token.getCache().type() == TokenType.Private) {; return isStatic(ClassItemAccessLevel.Private, token, data); } else if (token.getCache().type() == TokenType.Protected) {; return isStatic(ClassItemAccessLevel.Protected, token, data); } else if (token.getCache().type() == TokenType.Variabel && token.getCache().ToString() == builder.GetContainer().Name) { return buildConstructor(token, data); } else { return isStatic(ClassItemAccessLevel.Public, token, data); } }
public static AgumentStack parseAguments(Token token, VariabelDatabase database, EnegyData data) { hasDefault = false;//be sure :) AgumentStack agument = new AgumentStack(); if(token.getCache().type() != TokenType.LeftBue) { data.setError(new ScriptError("Excpect ( got: " + token.getCache().ToString(), token.getCache().posision()), database); return null; } //control if wee need to look and parse aguments :) if( != TokenType.RightBue) { //wee need :) if (!getSingleAguments(token, agument, database, data)) return new AgumentStack(); while(token.getCache().type() == TokenType.Comma) {; if (!getSingleAguments(token, agument, database, data)) return new AgumentStack(); } } //control wee got to ) if(token.getCache().type() != TokenType.RightBue) { data.setError(new ScriptError("Missing ) after function aguments got: " + token.getCache().ToString(), token.getCache().posision()), database); return new AgumentStack(); } return agument; }
private void UnsetNext(Token token, EnegyData data, VariabelDatabase db) { if( != TokenType.Variabel) { data.setError(new ScriptError("Missing variabel in 'unset' statmenet", token.getCache().posision()), db); return; } //control wee has the variabel in the variabel database. if (!db.isExists(token.getCache().ToString())) { data.setError(new ScriptError("Unknown variabel: " + token.getCache().ToString(), token.getCache().posision()), db); return; } //is this variabel a global. if (!db.allowedOveride(token.getCache().ToString())) { data.setError(new ScriptError("You can not unset the variabel: " + token.getCache().ToString(), token.getCache().posision()), db); return; } //unset the variabel. db.removeVariabel(token.getCache().ToString()); }
public static TokenCache getScope(Token token, EnegyData data, VariabelDatabase db) { ArrayList cache = new ArrayList(); TokenBuffer buffer; int happens = 1; while((buffer = != TokenType.EOF) { if (buffer.type() == TokenType.RightBue) { happens--; if (happens == 0) return new TokenCache(cache, data, db); cache.Add(buffer); continue; } else if (buffer.type() == TokenType.LeftBue) happens++; cache.Add(buffer); } data.setError(new ScriptError("Missing ) ", token.getCache().posision()), db); return new TokenCache(new ArrayList(), data, db); }
public CVar parse(EnegyData ed, VariabelDatabase db, Token token) { this.token = token; this.ed = ed; this.db = db; begin(false); return null; }
private bool buildBody(ClassItemAccessLevel level, bool isStatic, Token token, EnegyData data) { if (token.getCache().type() == TokenType.Function) //it is a function :) {; return buildMethod(level, isStatic, token, data); }else return buildVariabel(level, isStatic, token, data); }
private bool buildConstructor(Token token, EnegyData data) { Method cm = new Method(null);; cm.SetAgumentStack(AgumentParser.parseAguments(token, db, data)); cm.SetBody(new CallScriptMethod(cm.GetAgumentStack(), BodyParser.parse(token, data, db)).call); cm.SetVariabel(); builder.SetConstructor(cm, data, db, token.getCache().posision());; return true; }
public CVar parse(EnegyData ed, VariabelDatabase db, Token token) { if ( != TokenType.End) { ed.setReturn(new VariabelParser().parse(ed, db, token)); } else {; ed.setReturn(new NullVariabel()); } return null; }
public CVar parse(EnegyData ed, VariabelDatabase db, Token token) { if( != TokenType.End) { ed.setError(new ScriptError("Missing ; after 'break'", token.getCache().posision()), db); return null; }; ed.setBreak(); return null; }
public CVar parse(EnegyData ed, VariabelDatabase db, Token token) { if ( != TokenType.LeftBue) { ed.setError(new ScriptError("Missing ( after 'for'", token.getCache().posision()), db); return null; } //push the tokens until ; ArrayList init = getNextBlock(ed, db, token, true); if (ed.State != RunningState.Normal) { return null; } ArrayList status = getNextBlock(ed, db, token, true); if (ed.State != RunningState.Normal) { return null; } ArrayList handler = getNextBlock(ed, db, token, false); if (ed.State != RunningState.Normal) { return null; } ArrayList body = BodyParser.parse(token, ed, db); if (ed.State != RunningState.Normal) { return null; } //init the data :) new VariabelParser().parseNoEnd(ed, db, new TokenCache(init, ed, db)); while (ed.State == RunningState.Normal && new VariabelParser().parseNoEnd(ed, db, new TokenCache(status, ed, db)).toBoolean(token.getCache().posision(), ed, db)) { Interprenter.parse(new TokenCache(body, ed, db), ed, db); if (ed.State == RunningState.Normal) new VariabelParser().parseNoEnd(ed, db, new TokenCache(handler, ed, db)); }; return null; }
public CVar parse(EnegyData ed, VariabelDatabase db, Token token) { if ( != TokenType.LeftBue) { ed.setError(new ScriptError("Missing ( after repeat", token.getCache().posision()), db); return new NullVariabel(); } TokenCache cache = ScopeParser.getScope(token, ed, db);; while (new VariabelParser().parse(ed, db, cache).toBoolean(token.getCache().posision(), ed, db)) ; return new NullVariabel(); }
public CVar parse(EnegyData ed, VariabelDatabase db, Token token) { UnsetNext(token, ed, db); while ( == TokenType.Comma) UnsetNext(token, ed, db); if(token.getCache().type() != TokenType.End) { ed.setError(new ScriptError("Missing ; in end of unset", token.getCache().posision()), db); return null; }; return null; }
public CVar parse(EnegyData ed, VariabelDatabase db, Token token) { if ( == TokenType.Function) { functionParser p = new functionParser(); p.parseFunction(ed, db, token, true, true); }else if(token.getCache().type() == TokenType.Class) { ClassParser p = new ClassParser(); p.parse(ed, db, token); } else { ed.setError(new ScriptError("unknown token after public: " + token.getCache().ToString(), token.getCache().posision()), db); } return new NullVariabel(); }
private ArrayList getNextBlock(EnegyData data, VariabelDatabase db, Token token, bool isEnd) { TokenBuffer buffer; ArrayList b = new ArrayList(); while ((buffer = != TokenType.EOF && buffer.type() != (isEnd ? TokenType.End : TokenType.RightBue)) { b.Add(buffer); } if (token.getCache().type() != (isEnd ? TokenType.End : TokenType.RightBue)) { data.setError(new ScriptError("Missing " + (isEnd ? ";" : ")") + " got: " + token.getCache().ToString(), token.getCache().posision()), db); return new ArrayList(); } return b; }
private void includePlugin(string name, EnegyData ed, VariabelDatabase db, Token token) { //control if the plugin exists in the system if (ed.Plugin.exists(name)) { //wee has the plugin and load it :), name, ed, token.getCache().posision()); } else { if (ed.Config.get("file.enabled", "false") == "false") { ed.setError(new ScriptError("It is not allow to use file in use. 'file.enabled' is not set.", token.getCache().posision()), db); return; } parseFile(ed, db, token.getCache().posision(), name); } }
public static void parse(Token token, EnegyData data, VariabelDatabase db) { if(parsers == null) { setParser(); }; TokenType type; while (data.State == RunningState.Normal && (type = token.getCache().type()) != TokenType.EOF) { if (parsers.ContainsKey(type)) { parsers[type].parse(data, db, token); } else { new VariabelParser().parse(data, db, token); } } }
private bool buildMethod(ClassItemAccessLevel level, bool isStatic, Token token, EnegyData data) { //control if there are is name after function :) if (token.getCache().type() != TokenType.Variabel) { data.setError(new ScriptError("A method should have a name", token.getCache().posision()), db); return false; } string type = null; //okay the name can be a type so wee control it here :) if (Types.IsType(token.getCache().ToString(), db)) { type = token.getCache().ToString(); if( != TokenType.Variabel) { data.setError(new ScriptError("A method should have a name", token.getCache().posision()), db); return false; } } Method method = new Method(token.getCache().ToString());; if (isStatic) method.SetStatic(); method.SetAgumentStack(AgumentParser.parseAguments(token, db, data)); method.SetBody(new CallScriptMethod(method.GetAgumentStack(), BodyParser.parse(token, data, db)).call); method.SetVariabel();//in this way the script can use agument as name :) method.setLevel(level); builder.SetMethod(method, data, db, token.getCache().posision());; return true; }
public CVar parse(EnegyData ed, VariabelDatabase db, Token token) {; includePlugin(new VariabelParser().parseNoEnd(ed, db, token).toString(token.getCache().posision(), ed, db), ed, db, token); while (token.getCache().type() == TokenType.Comma) {; includePlugin(new VariabelParser().parseNoEnd(ed, db, token).toString(token.getCache().posision(), ed, db), ed, db, token); } if(token.getCache().type() != TokenType.End) { ed.setError(new ScriptError("Missing ; in end of use. got: "+token.getCache().ToString(), token.getCache().posision()), db); return null; }; return new NullVariabel(); }
public static ArrayList parse(Token token, EnegyData data, VariabelDatabase db, bool needTubor = false) { ArrayList cache = new ArrayList(); //wee control the next token to see if it { if( == TokenType.LeftTuborg) { int happens = 1; TokenBuffer buffer; while((buffer = != TokenType.EOF) { if (buffer.type() == TokenType.RightTuborg) { happens--; if (happens == 0) break; } else if (buffer.type() == TokenType.LeftTuborg) happens++; cache.Add(buffer); } if(token.getCache().type() != TokenType.RightTuborg) { data.setError(new ScriptError("Missing } got " + token.getCache().ToString(), token.getCache().posision()), db); return new ArrayList(); } } else { if (needTubor) { data.setError(new ScriptError("Missing {", token.getCache().posision()), db); return new ArrayList(); } } return cache; }
private static bool getSingleAguments(Token token, AgumentStack agument, VariabelDatabase database, EnegyData data) { string type = null; string name = null; CVar value = null; //wee control if it is function :) if(token.getCache().ToString() == "function") { if( == TokenType.Greater) { //it is a function with return type :) if (!database.isType( { data.setError(new ScriptError("Unknown type: " + token.getCache().ToString(), token.getCache().posision()), database); return false; } type = "function<" + token.getCache().ToString() + ">"; if( != TokenType.Less) { data.setError(new ScriptError("Missing > in end of function return type agument", token.getCache().posision()), database); }; } else { type = "function"; } //okay let try to find the name if (token.getCache().type() != TokenType.Variabel) { data.setError(new ScriptError("After type there must be a variabel", token.getCache().posision()), database); return false; } name = token.getCache().ToString(); } else if (database.isType(token.getCache().ToString())) { //yes it is a type :) type = token.getCache().ToString(); //okay let try to find the name if ( != TokenType.Variabel) { data.setError(new ScriptError("After type there must be a variabel", token.getCache().posision()), database); return false; } name = token.getCache().ToString(); } else { if (token.getCache().type() != TokenType.Variabel) { data.setError(new ScriptError("Unknown agument token: " + token.getCache().ToString(), token.getCache().posision()), database); return false; } name = token.getCache().ToString(); } if ( == TokenType.Assigen) {; value = new VariabelParser().parseNoEnd(data, database, token); hasDefault = true; } else { if (hasDefault) { data.setError(new ScriptError("You can not put non default after a defualt variabel!", token.getCache().posision()), database); return false; } } agument.push(type, name, value); return true; }
public CVar parse(EnegyData ed, VariabelDatabase db, Token token) { if ( != TokenType.LeftBue) { ed.setError(new ScriptError("Missing ( after foreach", token.getCache().posision()), db); return new NullVariabel(); }; CVar agument = new VariabelParser().parseNoEnd(ed, db, token); if (!(agument is ArrayVariabel)) { ed.setError(new ScriptError("Foreach first agument must be a array!", token.getCache().posision()), db); return new NullVariabel(); } if (token.getCache().type() != TokenType.As) { ed.setError(new ScriptError("After array in foreach there must be a 'as'", token.getCache().posision()), db); return new NullVariabel(); } if ( != TokenType.Variabel) { ed.setError(new ScriptError("After 'as' there must be variabel", token.getCache().posision()), db); return new NullVariabel(); } string firstVariabel = token.getCache().ToString(); string secondVariabel = null; //wee see if the next token is : if( == TokenType.DublePunk) { if ( != TokenType.Variabel) { ed.setError(new ScriptError("After : in foreach there must be a variabel.", token.getCache().posision()), db); return new NullVariabel(); } secondVariabel = token.getCache().ToString();; } if (token.getCache().type() != TokenType.RightBue) { ed.setError(new ScriptError("Missing ) in end of Foreach scope. got " + token.getCache().ToString(), token.getCache().posision()), db); return new NullVariabel(); } ArrayList body = BodyParser.parse(token, ed, db); ArrayVariabel array = (ArrayVariabel)agument; foreach(string key in array.Keys()) { if (ed.State != RunningState.Normal) break; db.push(firstVariabel, (secondVariabel != null ? Types.toString(key, ed, db, token.getCache().posision()) : array.get(key, token.getCache().posision(), ed, db)), ed); if (secondVariabel != null) db.push(secondVariabel, array.get(key, token.getCache().posision(), ed, db), ed); Interprenter.parse(new TokenCache(body, ed, db), ed, db); if (ed.State == RunningState.Break) { //a token in this foreach is 'break' so wee stop this and continue outside the body of this foreach ed.setNormal(); break; } else if (ed.State == RunningState.Continue) ed.setNormal(); }; return null; }
public ClassVariabel parseNoName(EnegyData data, VariabelDatabase db, Token token) { return (ClassVariabel)p(data, db, token, false); }
public CVar parse(EnegyData ed, VariabelDatabase db, Token token) { return p(ed, db, token, true); }
private CVar p(EnegyData ed, VariabelDatabase db, Token token, bool name) { this.db = db; if (name) { if ( != TokenType.Variabel) { ed.setError(new ScriptError("Missing class name after 'class'", token.getCache().posision()), db); return new NullVariabel(); } builder = new Class(token.getCache().ToString()); } else { builder = new Class(); } if( == TokenType.Extends) { if( != TokenType.Variabel) { ed.setError(new ScriptError("Missing variabel after extends", token.getCache().posision()), db); return new NullVariabel(); } //control if the variabel exteis in the variabel database if (!db.isExists(token.getCache().ToString())) { ed.setError(new ScriptError("Unknown variabel: " + token.getCache().ToString(), token.getCache().posision()), db); return new NullVariabel(); } CVar buffer = db.get(token.getCache().ToString(), ed); if(!(buffer is ClassVariabel)) { ed.setError(new ScriptError(token.getCache().ToString() + " is not a class", token.getCache().posision()), db); return new NullVariabel(); } builder.Extends((ClassVariabel)buffer);; } if(token.getCache().type() != TokenType.LeftTuborg) { ed.setError(new ScriptError("Missing { after class name", token.getCache().posision()), db); return new NullVariabel(); }; while (ed.State == RunningState.Normal && run(token.getCache().type())) build(token, ed); if(token.getCache().type() != TokenType.RightTuborg) { ed.setError(new ScriptError("Missing } in end of class building", token.getCache().posision()), db); return new NullVariabel(); }; if (name) { db.pushClass(builder, ed); if (db is FileVariabelDatabase) { builder.SetExtraVariabelDatabase(db); ((FileVariabelDatabase)db).VariabelDatabase.pushClass(builder, ed); } return null; } else { return new ClassVariabel(builder); } }
private bool isStatic(ClassItemAccessLevel level, Token token, EnegyData data) { if(token.getCache().type() == TokenType.Static) {; return buildBody(level, true, token, data); }else return buildBody(level, false, token, data); }
private bool buildVariabel(ClassItemAccessLevel level, bool isStatic, Token token, EnegyData data) { //it is a variabel :) //okay it is a variabel ? if (token.getCache().type() != TokenType.Variabel) { data.setError(new ScriptError("1 Unknown token in class (" + builder.GetContainer().Name + ") body: " + token.getCache().ToString() + " | " + token.getCache().type().ToString(), token.getCache().posision()), db); return false; } Pointer pointer = new Pointer(token.getCache().ToString()); if( == TokenType.Assigen) {; pointer.SetDefault(new VariabelParser().parse(data, db, token)); }else if(token.getCache().type() == TokenType.End) {; } else { data.setError(new ScriptError("2 Unknown token in class ("+builder.GetContainer().Name+") body: " + token.getCache().ToString(), token.getCache().posision()), db); return false; } if (isStatic) pointer.SetStatic(); pointer.SetLevel(level); builder.SetPointer(pointer, data, db, token.getCache().posision()); return true; }