public bool ReadByteR1(byte[] buf,ref int offs) { if (buf.Length - offs < 4) { return(true); } int rId; if ((rId = BitConverter.ToInt32(buf,offs)) < 0) { return(true); } offs += 4; ExamRoom r; if (Rooms.TryGetValue(rId,out r)) { if (r.ReadByte1(buf,ref offs)) { return(true); } } else { r = new ExamRoom(); r.ID = rId; if (r.ReadByte1(buf,ref offs)) { return(true); } Rooms.Add(rId,r); } return(false); }
public int DBInsRoom_and_Examinee() { Random rand = new Random(); int v = 1; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (ExamRoom r in Rooms.Values) { int n = 0; bool isExist = DBConnect.IsExist("sqz_slot_room", "dt='" + mDt.ToString(DT._) + "' AND t='" + mDt.ToString(DT.hh) + "' AND rid=" + r.ID); if (!isExist) { DBConnect.Ins("sqz_slot_room", "dt,t,rid,pw,qpkalt", "('" + mDt.ToString(DT._) + "','" + mDt.ToString(DT.hh) + "'," + r.ID + ",'" + ExamRoom.GeneratePw(rand) + "',0)"); } n = r.SaveExaminees(); if (n < 0) { sb.AppendFormat(Txt.s._[(int)TxI.ROOM_DB_NOK] + '\n', r.ID + 1, Txt.s._[(int)TxI.NEE_EXIST]); v = 0; } } return(v); }
public void DBSelectRoomID() { List <int> rids = ExamRoom.DBSelectRoomIDs(); foreach (int i in rids) { ExamRoom r = new ExamRoom(); r.ID = i; r.DBSelTimeAndPw(mDt); if (!Rooms.ContainsKey(i)) { Rooms.Add(i, r); } } }