Пример #1
        public void archive(Datasource Datasource, double value, long numUpdates)
            int dsIndex = getDsIndex(Datasource.DsName);

            foreach (Archive archive in archives)
                archive.archive(dsIndex, value, numUpdates);
Пример #2
  * <p>Returns string representing complete internal RRD state. The returned
  * string can be printed to <code>stdout</code> and/or used for debugging purposes.</p>
  * @return String representing internal RRD state.
  * @Thrown in case of I/O related error.
 public String dump()
     lock (sync)
         StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
         foreach (Datasource Datasource in Datasources)
         foreach (Archive archive in archives)
Пример #3
        public void copyStateTo(RrdUpdater other)
            if (!(other.GetType() == typeof(Datasource)))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "Cannot copy Datasource object to " + other.GetType().ToString());
            Datasource datasource = (Datasource)other;

            if (datasource.dsName.get().CompareTo(dsName.get()) != 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Incompatible datasource names");
            if (datasource.DsType.Name.CompareTo(dsType.Name) != 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Incompatible datasource types");
Пример #4
         * Constructor used to open already existing RRD backed
         * with a storage (backend) different from default. Constructor
         * obtains read or read/write access to this RRD.
         * @param path     Path to existing RRD.
         * @param readOnly Should be set to <code>false</code> if you want to update
         *                 the underlying RRD. If you want just to fetch data from the RRD file
         *                 (read-only access), specify <code>true</code>. If you try to update RRD file
         *                 open in read-only mode (<code>readOnly</code> set to <code>true</code>),
         *                 <code>IOException</code> will be thrown.
         * @param factory  Backend factory which will be used for this RRD.
         * @throws FileNotFoundException Thrown if the requested file does not exist.
         * @          Thrown in case of general I/O error (bad RRD file, for example).
         * @see RrdBackendFactory
        public RrdDb(String path, bool readOnly, RrdBackendFactory factory)
            if (!factory.exists(path))
                throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException("Could not open " + path + " [non existent]");

            backend = factory.open(path, readOnly);
                // restore header
                header = new Header(this, (RrdDef)null);

                if (factory.shouldValidateHeader(path))

                // restore Datasources
                int dsCount = header.getDsCount();
                Datasources = new Datasource[dsCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < dsCount; i++)
                    Datasources[i] = new Datasource(this, null);
                // restore archives
                int arcCount = header.getArcCount();
                archives = new Archive[arcCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < arcCount; i++)
                    archives[i] = new Archive(this, null);
            catch (IOException e)
                log.ErrorFormat("RrdDb ctor failed on:{0} [{1]}", path, e.Message);
                throw e;
Пример #5
         * Constructor used to create new RRD object from the definition object but with a storage
         * (backend) different from default.
         * <p>Rrd4n uses <i>factories</i> to create RRD backend objecs. There are three different
         * backend factories supplied with Rrd4n, and each factory has its unique name:</p>
         * <p/>
         * <ul>
         * <li><b>FILE</b>: backends created from this factory will store RRD data to files by using
         * java.io.* classes and methods
         * <li><b>NIO</b>: backends created from this factory will store RRD data to files by using
         * java.nio.* classes and methods
         * <li><b>MEMORY</b>: backends created from this factory will store RRD data in memory. This might
         * be useful in runtime environments which prohibit disk utilization, or for storing temporary,
         * non-critical data (it gets lost as soon as JVM exits).
         * </ul>
         * <p/>
         * <p>For example, to create RRD in memory, use the following code</p>
         * <pre>
         * RrdBackendFactory factory = RrdBackendFactory.getFactory("MEMORY");
         * RrdDb rrdDb = new RrdDb(rrdDef, factory);
         * rrdDb.close();
         * </pre>
         * <p/>
         * <p>New RRD file structure is specified with an object of class
         * {@link RrdDef <b>RrdDef</b>}. The underlying RRD storage is created as soon
         * as the constructor returns.</p>
         * @param rrdDef  RRD definition object
         * @param factory The factory which will be used to create storage for this RRD
         * @Thrown in case of I/O error
         * @see RrdBackendFactory
        public RrdDb(RrdDef rrdDef, RrdBackendFactory factory)
            if (!rrdDef.hasDatasources())
                throw new ArgumentException("No RRD Datasource specified. At least one is needed.");
            if (!rrdDef.hasArchives())
                throw new ArgumentException("No RRD archive specified. At least one is needed.");

            String path = rrdDef.getPath();

            backend = factory.open(path, false);
                // create header
                header = new Header(this, rrdDef);
                // create Datasources
                DsDef[] dsDefs = rrdDef.getDsDefs();
                Datasources = new Datasource[dsDefs.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < dsDefs.Length; i++)
                    Datasources[i] = new Datasource(this, dsDefs[i]);
                // create archives
                ArcDef[] arcDefs = rrdDef.getArcDefs();
                archives = new Archive[arcDefs.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < arcDefs.Length; i++)
                    archives[i] = new Archive(this, arcDefs[i]);
            catch (IOException e)
Пример #6
         * <p>Writes the RRD content to OutputStream using XML format. This format
         * is fully compatible with RRDTool's XML dump format and can be used for conversion
         * purposes or debugging.</p>
         * @param destination Output stream to receive XML data
         * @Thrown in case of I/O related error
        public void dumpXml(StreamWriter destination)
            XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(destination);

            // dump header
            // dump Datasources
            foreach (Datasource Datasource in Datasources)
            // dump archives
            foreach (Archive archive in archives)
Пример #7
 public void archive(Datasource Datasource, double value, long numUpdates)
    int dsIndex = getDsIndex(Datasource.DsName);
    foreach (Archive archive in archives)
       archive.archive(dsIndex, value, numUpdates);
Пример #8
       * Constructor used to open already existing RRD backed
       * with a storage (backend) different from default. Constructor
       * obtains read or read/write access to this RRD.
       * @param path     Path to existing RRD.
       * @param readOnly Should be set to <code>false</code> if you want to update
       *                 the underlying RRD. If you want just to fetch data from the RRD file
       *                 (read-only access), specify <code>true</code>. If you try to update RRD file
       *                 open in read-only mode (<code>readOnly</code> set to <code>true</code>),
       *                 <code>IOException</code> will be thrown.
       * @param factory  Backend factory which will be used for this RRD.
       * @throws FileNotFoundException Thrown if the requested file does not exist.
       * @          Thrown in case of general I/O error (bad RRD file, for example).
       * @see RrdBackendFactory
      public RrdDb(String path, bool readOnly, RrdBackendFactory factory)
         if (!factory.exists(path)) throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException("Could not open " + path + " [non existent]");

         backend = factory.open(path, readOnly);
            // restore header
            header = new Header(this, (RrdDef)null);

            if (factory.shouldValidateHeader(path))

            // restore Datasources
            int dsCount = header.getDsCount();
            Datasources = new Datasource[dsCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < dsCount; i++)
               Datasources[i] = new Datasource(this, null);
            // restore archives
            int arcCount = header.getArcCount();
            archives = new Archive[arcCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < arcCount; i++)
               archives[i] = new Archive(this, null);
         catch (IOException e)
            log.ErrorFormat("RrdDb ctor failed on:{0} [{1]}", path, e.Message);
            throw e;
Пример #9
       * Constructor used to create new RRD object from the definition object but with a storage
       * (backend) different from default.
       * <p>Rrd4n uses <i>factories</i> to create RRD backend objecs. There are three different
       * backend factories supplied with Rrd4n, and each factory has its unique name:</p>
       * <p/>
       * <ul>
       * <li><b>FILE</b>: backends created from this factory will store RRD data to files by using
       * java.io.* classes and methods
       * <li><b>NIO</b>: backends created from this factory will store RRD data to files by using
       * java.nio.* classes and methods
       * <li><b>MEMORY</b>: backends created from this factory will store RRD data in memory. This might
       * be useful in runtime environments which prohibit disk utilization, or for storing temporary,
       * non-critical data (it gets lost as soon as JVM exits).
       * </ul>
       * <p/>
       * <p>For example, to create RRD in memory, use the following code</p>
       * <pre>
       * RrdBackendFactory factory = RrdBackendFactory.getFactory("MEMORY");
       * RrdDb rrdDb = new RrdDb(rrdDef, factory);
       * rrdDb.close();
       * </pre>
       * <p/>
       * <p>New RRD file structure is specified with an object of class
       * {@link RrdDef <b>RrdDef</b>}. The underlying RRD storage is created as soon
       * as the constructor returns.</p>
       * @param rrdDef  RRD definition object
       * @param factory The factory which will be used to create storage for this RRD
       * @Thrown in case of I/O error
       * @see RrdBackendFactory
      public RrdDb(RrdDef rrdDef, RrdBackendFactory factory)
         if (!rrdDef.hasDatasources())
            throw new ArgumentException("No RRD Datasource specified. At least one is needed.");
         if (!rrdDef.hasArchives())
            throw new ArgumentException("No RRD archive specified. At least one is needed.");

         String path = rrdDef.getPath();
         backend = factory.open(path, false);
            // create header
            header = new Header(this, rrdDef);
            // create Datasources
            DsDef[] dsDefs = rrdDef.getDsDefs();
            Datasources = new Datasource[dsDefs.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < dsDefs.Length; i++)
               Datasources[i] = new Datasource(this, dsDefs[i]);
            // create archives
            ArcDef[] arcDefs = rrdDef.getArcDefs();
            archives = new Archive[arcDefs.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < arcDefs.Length; i++)
               archives[i] = new Archive(this, arcDefs[i]);
         catch (IOException e)