public static void purchasedPotion(item1 _val)//adds a purchased potion to the players potions { int tmp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (playerInvent2[i].name != null) { tmp++; //ticks up a tmp array until a blank item is found in the potions array } } playerInvent2[tmp] = _val; //sets that item to the one that wasw bought int count = 0; using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("plPotions.csv")) { while (playerInvent2[count].type == "Potion") { sw.WriteLine($"{count + 1},{playerInvent2[count].name},{playerInvent2[count].type},{playerInvent2[count].attack}, {playerInvent2[count].cost}"); //adds the updated array to the player potions file count++; } sw.Close();//closes the text file } }
public static void purchasedWeapon(item1 _val)//method to add the bought weapon to player inventory(weapon) { int tmp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (playerInvent1[i].name != null) { tmp++; //ticks up a tmp int until an empty item in the weapons array is found } } //sets that item to the one bought playerInvent1[tmp] = _val; int count = 0; using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("plWeapons.csv")) { while (playerInvent1[count].type == "Weapon") { sw.WriteLine($"{count + 1},{playerInvent1[count].name},{playerInvent1[count].type},{playerInvent1[count].attack}, {playerInvent1[count].cost}"); //writes the updated players weapons to the wepaon file count++; } sw.Close();//closes the text file } }