Пример #1
        public override CGroupMember Apply(CGroupMember expr)
            var log      = expr.logic_ as LogicJoinBlock;
            var solver   = new DPccp();
            var joinplan = solver.Reset().Run(log.graph_);

            return(new CGroupMember(joinplan, expr.group_));
Пример #2
        static public void Test()
            DPccp solver = new DPccp();

            // book figure 3.12
            var       tables    = new string[] { "T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5" };
            JoinGraph figure312 = new JoinGraph(tables, new string[] { "T1*T2", "T1*T3", "T1*T4", "T3*T4", "T5*T2", "T5*T3", "T5*T4" });

            Debug.Assert(figure312.joinbits_.Count == 5 && figure312.preds_.Count == 7);

            // full test
            DoTest(new DPccp());
Пример #3
        override internal PhysicNode Run(JoinGraph graph, BigInteger expectC1)
            int ntables = graph.vertices_.Count;
            var Trees   = new List <PhysicNode>();

            Console.WriteLine("GOO #tables: " + ntables);

            // Treees = {R1, R2, ..., Rn}
            graph_ = graph;
            foreach (var logic in graph.vertices_)
                BitVector contained = 1 << graph.vertices_.IndexOf(logic);
                logic.tableContained_ = contained;
                if (graph.memo_ is null)
                    Trees.Add(new PhysicScanTable(logic));
                    // vertices are already inserted into memo
                    var cgroup   = graph.memo_.LookupCGroup(logic);
                    var logicref = new LogicMemoRef(cgroup);
                    Trees.Add(new PhysicMemoRef(logicref));

            while (Trees.Count != 1)
                PhysicNode Ti = null, Tj = null;
                PhysicNode bestJoin = null;

                // find Ti, Tj in Trees s.t. i < j (avoid duplicates) and TixTj is minimal
                for (int i = 0; i < Trees.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < Trees.Count; j++)
                        var join = CreateMinimalJoinTree(Trees[i], Trees[j], true);
                        if (bestJoin == null || join.Cost() < bestJoin.Cost())
                            bestJoin = join;
                            Ti       = Trees[i];
                            Tj       = Trees[j];

                Debug.Assert(Ti != null && Tj != null);
                Trees.Remove(Ti); Trees.Remove(Tj);

            // compare with DPccp solver
            //   ideally, DPccp shall always generate better plans since GOO is heuristic - but DPccp does not consider
            //   CP, so in some cases where CP is beneficial, GOO can win
            var result = Trees[0];
            var dpccp  = new DPccp().Run(graph, expectC1);

            if (dpccp.InclusiveCost() < result.InclusiveCost())
                Console.WriteLine("warning: GOO non optimal plan: {0} vs. {1}", dpccp.InclusiveCost(), result.InclusiveCost());
            if (dpccp.Cost() > result.Cost())
                Console.WriteLine("warning: DPCC shall consider CP in the case: {0} vs. {1}", dpccp.InclusiveCost(), result.InclusiveCost());
