Пример #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int     id     = int.Parse(Request["id"]);
            MMTools mm     = new MMTools(Context);
            string  region = mm.GetRegionName(id);

            regionID = mm.GetRegionID(region);

            v1 = Request["v1"];
            v2 = Request["v2"];

                chartFrameSrc = "chart.aspx?id=" + Request["id"] + "&v1=" + v1 + "&v2=" + v2;

                dynamic ideas = mm.ReadIdeas(Context);

                if (v1 != null && v1 != "")
                    var1 = mm.GetVariable(ideas, v1, Context);
                    if (var1 == null)

                if (v2 != null && v2 != "")
                    chartFrameSrc = "loading.aspx";
                    var2          = mm.GetVariable(ideas, v2, Context);
                    if (var2 == null)
            catch (Exception err)
                Response.Write(err.Message.Replace("editbew123", "******"));
Пример #2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            id = Request["id"];
            v1 = Request["v1"];
            v2 = Request["v2"];

            GSTool gs = new GSTool(Context);

            feature = gs.GetFeatureDB(Context, int.Parse(id));

            MMTools mm     = new MMTools(Context);
            string  region = mm.GetRegionName(int.Parse(id));

            regionID = mm.GetRegionID(region);
            if (regionID != 0)
                using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
                    Uri baseAddress = new Uri("http://app01.saeon.ac.za/nccrdapi/");
                    client.BaseAddress = baseAddress;

                    //Setup post body
                    var postBody = new { polygon = feature.wkt };

                    //Get response
                    var response = client.PostAsync("odata/Projects/Extensions.ByPolygon?$expand=ProjectLocations($expand=Location($select=LatCalculated,LonCalculated))&$select=ProjectId,ProjectTitle,ProjectDescription", new StringContent(new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(postBody), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")).Result;

                     * if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                     * {
                     *  String url = baseAddress + "api/Projects/GetByPolygonPost";
                     *  throw new HttpRequestException(url + "\nPost body:" + postBody);
                     * }
                    features = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

            dynamic ideas = mm.ReadIdeas(Context);

            if (v1 != null && v1 != "")
                var1 = mm.GetVariable(ideas, v1, Context);
                if (var1 == null)

            if (v2 != null && v2 != "")
                var2 = mm.GetVariable(ideas, v2, Context);
                if (var2 == null)
Пример #3
        public ProfVar GetVariable(dynamic ideas, String id, HttpContext context)
            JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();

            List <String> path = new List <string>();
            dynamic       idea = FindIdea(ideas, id, path);

            if (idea == null)
                context.Response.Write("Invalid variable id: " + id);

            ProfVar var = new ProfVar();

            var.name = idea["title"];
            var.id   = idea["id"].ToString().Replace(".", "_");

            foreach (String s in path)
                var.path += s + ".";

            int index = var.name.IndexOf("http://");

            if (index == -1)
                index = var.name.IndexOf("https://");
            if (index != -1)
                var.link = var.name.Substring(index);
                var.name = var.name.Substring(0, index);

            if (var.link != "")
                    String[] parts  = var.link.Split('?');
                    String   wmsurl = parts[0];
                    String[] args   = parts[1].Split('&');

                    foreach (String arg in args)
                        String[] stuff = arg.Split('=');
                        String   key   = stuff[0].ToLower();
                        String   val   = stuff[1];

                        if (key == "request" || key == "bbox" || key == "width" || key == "height" || key == "format" || key == "srs")
                            // ignore
                        else if (key == "layers")
                            var.wmslayers = val;
                        else if (key == "styles")
                            var.wmsstyles = val;
                            // add back to url
                            if (wmsurl.IndexOf('?') == -1)
                                wmsurl += '?';
                                wmsurl += '&';
                            wmsurl += arg;
                        var.wmsurl = wmsurl;
                catch (Exception err)
                    context.Response.Write("Failed to parse wms url:<hr>" + var.link + "<hr>" + err.Message);

            if (idea.ContainsKey("attr"))
                dynamic attr = idea["attr"];
                string  json = "";

                if (attr.ContainsKey("note"))
                    dynamic note = attr["note"];
                    var.note = note["text"];

                        string text      = var.note;
                        int    indexLink = text.IndexOf("http://");
                        if (indexLink == -1)
                            throw new Exception("Missing link in text");
                        string link      = text.Substring(indexLink);
                        int    indexEnd1 = link.IndexOf(' ');
                        int    indexEnd2 = link.IndexOf('\n');
                        if (indexEnd1 != -1 && indexEnd2 != -1 && indexEnd1 > indexEnd2)
                            indexEnd1 = indexEnd2;
                        if (indexEnd1 == -1)
                            throw new Exception("Missing end of link in text");
                        link         = link.Substring(0, indexEnd1);
                        var.metalink = link;

                        int indexJSON = text.IndexOf('{');
                        if (indexJSON == -1)
                            throw new Exception("no json found in note");

                        json = text.Substring(indexJSON);

                        dynamic obj = js.DeserializeObject(json);

                        if (obj.ContainsKey("application"))
                            var.name = obj["application"];

                        dynamic title    = obj["title"];
                        dynamic style    = obj["style"];
                        dynamic colormap = obj["colourmap"];
                        foreach (dynamic item in colormap)
                            dynamic dict = item;
                            foreach (string key in dict.Keys)
                                String[] vals  = dict[key].Split(',');
                                String   color = vals[0].Trim();

                                double val = 1;
                                if (vals.Length > 1)
                                    val = double.Parse(vals[1]);

                                if (color.IndexOf('#') == -1)
                                    color = '#' + color;
                                color = color.ToLower();

                                var.dict1[color] = key;
                                var.dict2[key]   = color;

                                // fixme
                                // var.dictv[color] = 1; // val;

                                if (var.dicb.ContainsKey(key) == false)
                                    var.dicb[key]      = new MMBucket();
                                    var.dicb[key].dict = new Dictionary <string, MMBucket>();
                    catch (Exception err)
                        context.Response.Write("Failed to parse note<hr><pre>" + json + "</pre><hr>" + err.Message);

                    // parse metadata
                    if (var.metalink != "")
                        String uid = GetURLVar(var.metalink, "uuid");

                        String url = "http://oa.dirisa.org/jsonGetRecords?uuid=" + uid;
                        String org = url;
                        String usr = "******";
                        String psw = "editbew123";
                        url += "&__ac_name=" + usr + "&__ac_password="******"count"] < 1)
                                throw new Exception("Record not found:" + url);

                            dynamic content          = res["content"][0];
                            dynamic jsonData         = content["jsonData"];
                            dynamic additionalFields = jsonData["additionalFields"];
                            dynamic onlineResources  = additionalFields["onlineResources"];
                            dynamic onlineResource   = onlineResources[0];
                            string  href             = onlineResource["href"];

                                String[] parts = href.Split('?');
                                String   url2  = parts[0];
                                String[] args  = parts[1].Split('&');

                                foreach (String arg in args)
                                    String[] stuff = arg.Split('=');
                                    String   key   = stuff[0].ToLower();
                                    String   val   = stuff[1];

                                    if (key == "request" || key == "bbox" || key == "width" || key == "height" || key == "format" || key == "srs")
                                        // ignore
                                    else if (key == "layers")
                                        var.wmslayers = val;
                                    else if (key == "styles")
                                        var.wmsstyles = val;
                                        // add back to url
                                        if (url2.IndexOf('?') == -1)
                                            url2 += '?';
                                            url2 += '&';
                                        url2 += arg;
                                    var.wmsurl = url2;
                            catch (Exception err)
                                context.Response.Write("Failed to parse wms url:<hr>" + href + "<hr>" + err.Message);

Пример #4
        public void ProcessChart(int index, ProfVar var)
            double x1 = feature.x1;
            double y1 = feature.y1;
            double x2 = feature.x2;
            double y2 = feature.y2;

            double mx = x2 - x1;
            double my = y2 - y1;

            String url = var.wmsurl + String.Format("&REQUEST=GetMap&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=true&LAYERS={0}&STYLES={1}&TILED=true&WIDTH={6}&HEIGHT={7}&CRS=EPSG:4326&BBOX={2},{3},{4},{5}", var.wmslayers, var.wmsstyles, x1, y1, x2, y2, bmpx, bmpy);

            String name = "temp/" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".png";
            String file = Server.MapPath(name);
            String col  = "";

            if (index == 1)
                file_v1 = name;
                file_v2 = name;

            // IPolygon geom = (IPolygon)GeometryFromWKT.Parse(wkt);

            using (WebClient wc = new WebClient())
                    wc.DownloadFile(url, file);
                catch (Exception err)
                    Response.Write("Error: Failed to download '" + url + "':<br>" + err.Message);
                Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(file);

                if (index == 1)
                    bmp1 = bmp;
                    bmp2 = bmp;

                for (int y = 0; y < bmpy; y++)
                    double py = y1 + ((double)y / (double)bmpy) * my;
                    for (int x = 0; x < bmpx; x++)
                        double px = x1 + ((double)x / (double)bmpx) * mx;

                        Color mc = mask.GetPixel(x, y);
                        if (mc.R < 10 && mc.G < 10 && mc.B < 10)
                            col = ToWebString(bmp.GetPixel(x, y)).ToLower();
                            if (var.dict1.ContainsKey(col))
                                String value = var.dict1[col];
                                double v     = var.dictv.ContainsKey(col) ? var.dictv[col] : 1;

                                MMBucket bucket = var.dicb[value];
                                bucket.count += v;

                                if (index == 2)
                                    String col1 = ToWebString(bmp1.GetPixel(x, y)).ToLower();
                                    if (var1.dict1.ContainsKey(col1))
                                        String   value1  = var1.dict1[col1];
                                        MMBucket bucket1 = var1.dicb[value1];
                                        double   v1      = var1.dictv.ContainsKey(col1) ? var1.dictv[col1] : 1;

                                        if (bucket1.dict.ContainsKey(value) == false)
                                            bucket1.dict[value] = new MMBucket();
                                        bucket1.dict[value].count += v1;

                                        String col2 = ToWebString(bmp2.GetPixel(x, y)).ToLower();
                                        if (var2.dict1.ContainsKey(col2))
                                            String   value2  = var2.dict1[col2];
                                            MMBucket bucket2 = var2.dicb[value2];
                                            double   v2      = var2.dictv.ContainsKey(col2) ? var2.dictv[col2] : 1;

                                            if (bucket2.dict.ContainsKey(value1) == false)
                                                bucket2.dict[value1] = new MMBucket();
                                            bucket2.dict[value1].count += v2;
                            // Response.Write("no ");
Пример #5
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Session.LCID = 1033;

            String mode = Request["mode"];

            if (mode != null && mode != "")
                if (mode == "savesel")


            id = Request["id"];
            v1 = Request["v1"];
            v2 = Request["v2"];

            GSTool gs = new GSTool(Context);

            feature = gs.GetFeatureDB(Context, int.Parse(id));

            if (Request["v"] != null)
                v = Request["v"];

            double x1 = feature.x1;
            double y1 = feature.y1;
            double x2 = feature.x2;
            double y2 = feature.y2;

            ramp = new ColorRamp();

            CMapRect    maprect = new CMapRect(x1, y1, x2, y2);
            CScreenRect scrrect = new CScreenRect(0, 0, bmpx, bmpy);
            CZoom       zoom    = new CZoom();

            zoom.ZoomToFullExtent(maprect, scrrect);

            wkt  = feature.wkt;
            mask = new Bitmap(bmpx, bmpy);
            using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(mask))
                Brush white = new SolidBrush(Color.White);
                Brush black = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
                gr.FillRectangle(white, new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpx, bmpy));

                string wkt1 = wkt;
                wkt1 = wkt1.Replace("POLYGON((", "");
                wkt1 = wkt1.Replace("))", "");
                wkt1 = wkt1.Replace("), (", "|");

                GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();

                String[] parts = wkt1.Split('|');
                foreach (String part in parts)
                    String[]     coords     = part.Split(',');
                    List <Point> pointArray = new List <Point>();

                    foreach (String coord in coords)
                        String[] xy = coord.Trim().Split(' ');
                        double   mx = double.Parse(xy[0].Trim(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        double   my = double.Parse(xy[1].Trim(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        int      sx = 0;
                        int      sy = 0;
                        zoom.Map2Screen(mx, my, out sx, out sy);
                        pointArray.Add(new Point(sx, sy));
                gr.FillPath(black, path);
            String name = "temp/mask_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".png";
            String file = Server.MapPath(name);

            mask.Save(file, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
            file_mask = name;

            MMTools mm    = new MMTools(Context);
            dynamic ideas = mm.ReadIdeas(Context);

            if (v1 != null && v1 != "")
                var1 = mm.GetVariable(ideas, v1, Context);
                if (var1 == null)
                ProcessChart(1, var1);

            if (v2 != null && v2 != "")
                var2 = mm.GetVariable(ideas, v2, Context);
                if (var2 == null)
                ProcessChart(2, var2);

            // normalize
            double dTotalMain1 = 0;
            double dTotalSub1  = 0;

            foreach (String key in var1.dicb.Keys)
                MMBucket bucket = var1.dicb[key];
                dTotalMain1 += bucket.count;
                foreach (String sub in bucket.dict.Keys)
                    dTotalSub1 += bucket.dict[sub].count;

            foreach (String key in var1.dicb.Keys)
                MMBucket bucket = var1.dicb[key];
                bucket.count = (bucket.count / dTotalMain1);
                foreach (String sub in bucket.dict.Keys)
                    bucket.dict[sub].count = (bucket.dict[sub].count / dTotalSub1);

            // var 2
            if (var2 != null)

                double dTotalMain2 = 0;
                double dTotalSub2  = 0;
                foreach (String key in var2.dicb.Keys)
                    MMBucket bucket = var2.dicb[key];
                    dTotalMain2 += bucket.count;
                    foreach (String sub in bucket.dict.Keys)
                        dTotalSub2 += bucket.dict[sub].count;

                foreach (String key in var2.dicb.Keys)
                    MMBucket bucket = var2.dicb[key];
                    bucket.count = (bucket.count / dTotalMain2);
                    foreach (String sub in bucket.dict.Keys)
                        bucket.dict[sub].count = (bucket.dict[sub].count / dTotalSub2);

            // dispose
            if (bmp1 != null)

            if (bmp2 != null)

            if (mask != null)