Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// loads, using a provided tcolor, the 32bpp raw image data with the specified pointer and dimensions. pitch should equal width
 /// </summary>
 internal unsafe Image LoadImage32(int width, int height, void* data, Color tcolor)
     SoftGraphics sg = new SoftGraphics();
     Softimage si = sg.newImage(width, height);
     int* dptr = si.data;
     pr2.Common.Lib.alpha32(dptr, width * height, toArgb(tcolor));
     Image img = NewImage(width, height);
     return img;
Пример #2
            public unsafe VSP(string fname)
                Stream s = ResourceManager.Open(fname);
                BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(s);

                if(br.ReadInt32() != 5264214)
                throw new NotAVspFileException(fname);

                int version = br.ReadInt32();
                if(version != 6)
                throw new VspFileBrokenException("Wrong version; expected 6; received " + version.ToString(),fname);

                int tilesize = br.ReadInt32();
                if(tilesize != 16)
                throw new VspFileBrokenException("Wrong tilesize; expected 16; received " + tilesize.ToString(),fname);

                int format = br.ReadInt32();
                int numTiles = br.ReadInt32();
                int compression = br.ReadInt32();

                tileIndex = new int[numTiles];
                flipped = new bool[numTiles];
                for (int i = 0; i < numTiles; i++)
                tileIndex[i] = i;
                flipped[i] = false;

                //find the size of texture we need.
                //our theory is that the minimal texture memory wastage is achieved by finding the smallest
                //square that can contain all the tiles
                int square = (int)Math.Sqrt(numTiles);
                if(square * square != numTiles) square++;
                tilesW = tilesH = square;

                tilesW = 128;
                tilesH = (numTiles / tilesW) + 1;

                BinaryReader zipbr = new BinaryReader(new CodecInputStream(s));
                byte[] tilebuf = zipbr.ReadBytes(numTiles*16*16*3);

                SoftGraphics sg = new SoftGraphics();
                //dice it up.
                Softimage si = sg.newImage(tilesW<<4,tilesH<<4);
                Softimage siVsp = sg.imageFrom24bpp(16, 16 * numTiles, tilebuf);
                for(int ty = 0, t = 0; ty < tilesH; ty++)
                for(int tx = 0; tx < tilesW; tx++, t++)
                    //for(int i=0;i<numTiles;i++)
                    if(t >= numTiles) break;
                    else //sg.blitSubrect(0,i*16,16,16,(i&127)<<4,(i>>7)<<4,siVsp,si);
                tiles = GameEngine.Game.LoadSoftimage(si);

                // Animations
                int animationCount = br.ReadInt32();

                animation = new VSPAnimation[animationCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < animationCount; i++)
                string name = StringBufferReader.read(s, 256);
                // Start index
                int start = br.ReadInt32();
                // End index
                int end = br.ReadInt32();
                // Delay between frames
                int delay = br.ReadInt32() * 10;
                // Animation mode.
                int mode = br.ReadInt32();
                animation[i] = new VSPAnimation(name, start, end, delay, mode);

                // Obstruction data
                int obsCount = br.ReadInt32();

                zipbr = new BinaryReader(new CodecInputStream(s));
                byte[] obspixels = zipbr.ReadBytes(obsCount * 16 * 16);

                Softimage siObs = sg.newImage(2048, ((numTiles + 128) >> 7) << 4);
                for (int tile = 0; tile < obsCount; tile++) {
                Softimage tileImage = sg.newImage(16, 16);
                for (int i = 0; i < 16 * 16; i++) {
                    int idx = tile * 16 * 16 + i;
                    int pixel = (obspixels[idx] != 0 ? sg.makeColor(255, 255, 255) : 0);
                    tileImage.putPixel(i % tilesize, i / tilesize, pixel);
                sg.blitSubrect(0, 0, 16, 16, (tile & 127) << 4, (tile >> 7) << 4, tileImage, siObs);
                obs = GameEngine.Game.LoadSoftimage(siObs);
