Пример #1
 private static void TestDiverting(RegionAnalysisSession session)
     //.AddExample("mini/5.log", "Execution failed for task ':app:connectedAndroidTest'.")
     //.AddExample("mini/6.log", "Execution failed for task ':app:connectedAndroidTest'.")
     Console.Out.WriteLine("Exectued TestDiverting.");
Пример #2
        private static void AddInput(RegionAnalysisSession analysisSession)
            var inputPath = RequestBuildlogFilePath();


            Console.WriteLine("\U0001F64C Thank you! I added the file to the list of example inputs.");

            GiveChoice("Would you like to make a complete example out of it by providing the file content interesting for you?   \U0001F647",
                       new Choice("y", "\u2705 Yes!", () =>
                Console.WriteLine("Please tell me, what part from that file was interesting? \U0001F50E (in one line, you might need to escape stuff!)");
                //analysisSession.AddExample(inputPath, Console.ReadLine());
                Console.WriteLine("\U0001F44D Thank you! I added the new example.");
                       new Choice("n", "\U0001F645 No.", () => { }));