//description:method used to check input validation.If the input format is invaild, // there will be an error message prompts and the encryptWord object doesnt // change. If the input is valid, there will be six encryptWord object that set // with the input words. //precondition: none //postCondition: if information is valid, the encryptWord object would call for set method to // do the encryption based on input words. public void CheckInputValid(string[] word) { for (int K = 0; K < word.Length; K++) { a[K] = new encryptWord(); string curWord = word[K]; if (a[K].setEncryptWord(curWord) == false || curWord.Length < 4) { Console.WriteLine(curWord + " Can not be encrypt due to uncorrect format"); Console.WriteLine("Correct format: long than 4 character and lower case alphabet letter\n"); } } }
//description: this is the method to test the reset function of one encryptWord object. // The encryptWord object is defined in the below. It would display state and // encryptResult before calling reset. Then it would displaying the same information // after the reset. Thus, it shows how success the encryptWord class 's reset work. //precondition: none //postCondition: State would change from off to on after the method. EncryptResult will be different // because of different shift number. public void testReset() { b = new encryptWord(); b.setEncryptWord("verytired"); String s = String.Format("{0,6} {1,15}{2,18}\n\n", "Original Word", "EncryptResult", "EncryptState"); s += String.Format(" {0,6} {1,15} {2,18:NO}", b.getOriginal(), b.getResult(), b.checkState()); Console.WriteLine(s); Console.WriteLine("\nAfter correctly guess the number: "); b.EncryptWordCheck(b.getRdm()); Console.WriteLine("\n\nAfter reset: "); b.reset(); String d = String.Format("{0,6} {1,15}{2,18}\n\n", "Original Word", "EncryptResult", "EncryptState"); d += String.Format(" {0,6} {1,15} {2,18:NO}", b.getOriginal(), b.getResult(), b.checkState()); Console.WriteLine(d); }