private void handleRequest() { StreamWriter wCli = null; StreamReader rCli = null; try { NetworkStream strLig = ligCli.GetStream(); wCli = new StreamWriter(strLig); rCli = new StreamReader(strLig); wCli.AutoFlush = true; string data=null; data = rCli.ReadLine(); //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(data); //char[] _data = data.ToCharArray(); // Here we should receive a GETKEY urn:mpeg:mpeg21:diid:doi:pt/adetti/music/00000005 // Here we shoudl receive a GETKEY MD5HASH // we should return the key, if the license hasn't expired yet (playcount) //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(data.Substring(0,6)); if(String.Compare(data.Substring(0,6),"GETKEY")==0 || String.Compare(data.Substring(0,6),"getkey")==0) // This is a valid request { char[] _data = data.ToCharArray(); // convert to chars to extract the image ID and level int n=0; string CID = null; for(n=7; n<data.Length; n++) { if(_data[n]!=' ') CID += _data[n]; } //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(":"+CID+":"); // now we have the content id if (CID==null) { wCli.Write("ERROR"); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The content identifier is empty!!!"); } else { // the wallet needs to do the following: // 1. Check wheter a license for that image is already on the system if(checkLicenseOnSystem(CID)) { // ok, we already have the license on our system // we need to read the license from the file string license = null; CUser cu = new CUser(); if(!cu.readUserData(this.uname, this.pwd)) { wCli.Write("ERROR"); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("An error has occured while trying to read the data file."); } else { if(readLicenseFromSystem(CID, this.uname, this.pwd, ref license)) { string key = null; if(checkLicenseValidityPlaycount(CID)) { if(getRequestedKey(license, ref key)) { wCli.WriteLine(key); } else { wCli.Write("ERROR"); } } else { // delete current license file deleteLicenseFile(CID); // try to get a new one from the license server ???? wCli.Write("ERROR"); } } else { wCli.Write("ERROR"); } } } else // we don't have the license file, we need to obtain it remotely from License Server { string license = null; CUser cu = new CUser(); if(!cu.readUserData(this.uname, this.pwd)) { wCli.Write("ERROR"); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("An error has occured while trying to read the data file."); } else { //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(cu.getUid()); if(obtainLicenseFromWS(cu.getUid(), CID, this.uname, this.pwd, ref license)) { //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(license); if(createLicenseFile(CID, this.uname, this.pwd, license)) { string key = null; if(checkLicenseValidityPlaycount(CID)) { if(getRequestedKey(license, ref key)) { wCli.WriteLine(key); } else { wCli.Write("ERROR"); } } else { wCli.Write("ERROR"); } } else { wCli.Write("ERROR"); } } else { wCli.Write("ERROR"); } } } } //wCli.WriteLine("RES_LVL="+RES_LVL); //wCli.WriteLine("id_imagem="+IMG_ID); } else // return ERROR { wCli.Write("ERROR"); } //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(data); } catch (Exception e) { wCli.Write("ERROR"); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(e.Message); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(e.StackTrace); } finally { if(wCli!=null) wCli.Close(); if(rCli!=null) rCli.Close(); if(ligCli!=null) ligCli.Close(); } }
public bool readLicenseFromSystem(string cid, string username, string password, ref string rlicense) { string fname=cid.Replace("/",""); string filename=fname.Replace(":",""); FileStream fs = new FileStream(@".\data\"+filename, FileMode.Open); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs); CUser cu = new CUser(); rlicense = cu.decipherDataS(username,password,sr.ReadLine()); sr.Close(); return true; }
public bool createLicenseFile(string cid, string uname, string pwd, string license) { string fname=cid.Replace("/",""); string filename=fname.Replace(":",""); FileStream fs = new FileStream(@".\data\"+filename, FileMode.Create); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs); CUser cu = new CUser(); sw.WriteLine(cu.cipherDataS(uname, pwd, license)); sw.Close(); /** create the appropriate values in the registry */ RegistryKey rk = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\OpenSDRMWallet", true); rk.CreateSubKey(filename); rk.Close(); rk = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\OpenSDRMWallet\"+filename, true); rk.SetValue("playcount", "0"); rk.Close(); /** now we need to parse the license and get the playcount */ string pc = getPCFromLicense(license); /** insert the original playcount on the Registry */ rk = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\OpenSDRMWallet\"+filename, true); rk.SetValue("playcount", pc); rk.Close(); return true; }
public osdrmWltMainForm() { // // Required for Windows Form Designer support // InitializeComponent(); // // TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call // RegistryKey rk = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(@"Software\OpenSDRMWallet"); //rk.CreateSubKey(@"licenses"); rk.Close(); //RegistryKey rkey = null; //rkey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\OpenSDRMWallet", true); //key.SetValue("teste", "123"); //rkey.Close(); // Validate if the User has or not yet the data files created // if yes, the buttons and textboxes are disabled and only registration of user is possible // else disable the registration button CUser user = new CUser(); //menuItem1.Enabled=false; if(user.checkDataFiles()==false) // disable buttons { usernameTxt.Enabled = false; passwordTxt.Enabled = false; startWalletBtn.Enabled = false; registerUserBtn.Enabled = true; menuItem5.Enabled=true; } else { usernameTxt.Enabled = true; passwordTxt.Enabled = true; startWalletBtn.Enabled = true; registerUserBtn.Enabled = false; menuItem5.Enabled=false; } is_running = false; }
private void startWalletBtn_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if(is_running == false) { CUser user = new CUser(); if(user.validateLogin(usernameTxt.Text, passwordTxt.Text)) { //MessageBox.Show("Username is valid!!!"); uname = usernameTxt.Text; pwd = passwordTxt.Text; usernameTxt.Text = ""; usernameTxt.Enabled = false; passwordTxt.Text = ""; passwordTxt.Enabled = false; startWalletBtn.Text = "Terminate Wallet!!!"; //menuItem1.Enabled = true; menuItem7.Enabled = false; menuItem5.Enabled = false; statusLabel.Text = "Wallet server is running..."; notifyIcon1.Text = "OSDRM Wallet - Wallet server is running..."; is_running = true; goSrv = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.goServer)); goSrv.IsBackground = true; goSrv.Start(); WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; } else { MessageBox.Show("Username is invalid!!!"); } } else if(is_running == true) { //if(goSrv.IsAlive) //MessageBox.Show("estou a tentar matar a thread"); goSrv.Interrupt(); goSrv.Abort(); //TcpClient cli = new TcpClient("", 9999); //cli.Close(); //this.stopServer(); //goSrv.Abort(); this.Dispose(); Application.Exit(); } }
private void registerBtn_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { CUser user = new CUser(); string msg=null; if(user.validateUserData(usernameTxt.Text, passwordTxt.Text, repasswordTxt.Text, renameTxt.Text, addressTxt.Text, emailTxt.Text, ref msg)==false) { MessageBox.Show(msg); } else { user.setUserData(usernameTxt.Text, passwordTxt.Text, renameTxt.Text, addressTxt.Text, emailTxt.Text); if(!user.registerUserWS()) { MessageBox.Show("An error occured while registering the user on the Authentication Server!!!"); this.Dispose(); } else if(user.writeUserData()) { MessageBox.Show("The registration was created successfully!!!"); mf.registerUserBtn.Enabled = false; mf.usernameTxt.Enabled = true; mf.passwordTxt.Enabled = true; mf.startWalletBtn.Enabled = true; this.Dispose(); } } }