// (This is automatically called to initialize static fields.) static AugmentationDot() { { var points = new int[] { 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0 }; _dot = new DrawShape(points); } }
// (This is automatically called to initialize static fields.) static Stem() { { var points = new int[] {0,0, 0,1, 0,2, 0,3, 1,2, 1,3, 2,3, 2,4, 4,6, 4,10, 3,11, 3,13}; _stemUpFlag = new DrawShape(points); } { var points = new int[] {0,0, 0,-1, 0,-2, 0,-3, 1,-2, 1,-3, 5,-7, 5,-10, 4,-11, 5,-10}; _stemDownFlag = new DrawShape(points); } }
// (This is automatically called to initialize static fields.) static Accidental() { { var points = new int[] { -1, -8, -1, 3, 2, 0, 2, -2, -1, -2 }; _flat = new DrawShape(points); } { var points = new int[] { -1, -5, -1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 6, 2, -2, -1, -2, -1, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, -1, -1 }; _natural = new DrawShape(points); } { var points = new int[] {-1,7, -1,-5, -1,-2, -2,-2, 2,-2, 2,-1, -2,-1, 1,-1, 1,-5, 1,6, 1,2, -1,2, 2,2, 2,3, -2,3, -2,4, -1,4}; _sharp = new DrawShape(points); } }
// (This is automatically called to initialize static fields.) static Notehead() { { var points = new int[] {-1,0, -3,0, -3,-1, -1,-1, -1,-2, 2,-2, 2,-1, 4,-1, 4,0, 2,0, 2,1, 4,1, 4,2, 2,2, 2,3, -1,3, -1,2, -3,2, -3,1, -1,1, -1,0}; _noteheadWhole = new DrawShape(points); } { var points = new int[] {-2,2, -2,0, -1,0, -1,-1, 0,-1, 0,-2, 2,-2, 3,-1, 3,1, 2,1, 2,2, 1,2, 1,3, -1,3, -2,2, -1,3}; _noteheadHalf = new DrawShape(points); } { var points = new int[] {-1,3, 1,3, 2,2, -2,2, -2,1, 3,1, 3,0, -2,0, -1,-1, 3,-1, 2,-2, 0,-2, 1,-2}; _noteheadFilled = new DrawShape(points); } }
// (This is automatically called to initialize static fields.) static Clef() { { var points = new int[] {-2,8, 0,8, 0,9, -3,9, -3,10, -1,10, -3,10, -3,11, -2,12, 1,12, 3,10, 3,5, -1,-12, -1,-19, 0,-18, 0,-21, 1,-21, 1,-23, 2,-23, 2,-21, 3,-21, 3,-16, 2,-15, 2,-12, 1,-15, 1,-11, 0,-11, 0,-13, -1,-12, -1,-10, -2,-11, -2,-9, -3,-10, -3,-8, -4,-9, -4,-7, -5,-7, -5,-5, -6,-5, -6,0, -5,0, -5,2, -4,2, -4,3, -3,3, -2,4, 2,4, 5,1, 5,-3, 4,-2, 4,-4, -2,-4, 3,-3, -3,-3, -2,-2, -3,-2, -3,0, -1,2, -3,0}; _gClef = new DrawShape(points); } { var points = new int[] {-3,1, -5,1, -5,0, -3,0, -3,-1, -6,-1, -6,-2, -4,-4, 0,-4, 0,-3, 2,-3, 1,-2, 3,-2, 3,2, 2,-2, 2,4, 1,3, 1,5, 0,6, -1,6, -1,7, -2,7, -4,9, -5,9, -4,9}; _fClef = new DrawShape(points); } { var points = new int[] { 6, -3, 7, -3, 7, -2, 6, -2, 6, -3 }; _fClefDot1 = new DrawShape(points); } { var points = new int[] { 6, 2, 7, 2, 7, 3, 6, 3, 6, 2 }; _fClefDot2 = new DrawShape(points); } { var points = new int[] {-1,8, -3,8, -3,9, -2,9, -2,10, 0,10, 1,9, 1,4, 0,3, 0,-1, -1,-1, -1,-15, 0,-16, 1,-15, 1,-9, 0,-9, 0,-7, -2,-6, -3,-4, -4,-4, -4,-3, -5,-2, -5,1, -4,2, -4,3, -3,3, -3,4, -1,4, -1,5, 0,5, 3,2, 3,-1, 2,-1, 2,-2, 0,-2, 1,-3, 0,-3, -2,-1, -2,2, -1,3, -1,4}; _gClefSmall = new DrawShape(points); } { var points = new int[] {0,1, -1,1, 0,0, -1,0, -1,-1, 0,-2, 3,-2, 3,-1, 4,-1, 5,0, 5,2, 4,0, 4,4, 3,4, 2,6, 1,6, 0,7, -1,8, -2,8}; _fClefSmall = new DrawShape(points); } }
// (This is automatically called to initialize static fields.) static Rest() { { var points = new int[] { -2, -3, 3, -3, 3, -4, -2, -4, -2, -5, 4, -5 }; _restWhole = new DrawShape(points); } { var points = new int[] { -2, 0, 3, 0, 3, -1, -2, -1, -2, -2, 4, -2 }; _restHalf = new DrawShape(points); } { var points = new int[] {0,7, -2,5, -2,3, -1,5, -1,3, 2,3, 1,3, 1,1, 0,1, 0,-1, -2,-1, -1,-2, 0,-2, 0,-3, 1,-3, 2,-4, 1,-4, 1,-5, -1,-7, -1,-6}; _restQuarter = new DrawShape(points); } { var points = new int[] {-2,-3, 0,-3, 0,-2, -2,-2, -1,-1, 1,-1, 2,-2, 2,-3, 2,-2, 1,-1, 1,2, 0,3, 0,5}; _restEighth = new DrawShape(points); } { var points = new int[] {-2,-3, 0,-3, 0,-2, -2,-2, -1,-1, 1,-1, 2,-2, 2,-3, 2,-2, 1,-1, 1,1, 0,2, 0,3, -1,4, -2,4, -2,2, -4,2, -4,3, -3,3, -3,4, -1,4, -1,7, -2,8, -2,11}; _restSixteenth = new DrawShape(points); } { var points = new int[] {4,-8, 3,-8, 3,-6, 1,-6, 1,-8, -1,-8, -1,-7, 0,-7, 0,-6, 2,-6, 2,-2, 1,-1, 0,-1, 0,-3, -2,-3, -2,-2, -1,-2, -1,-1, 1,-1, 1,2, 0,2, 0,4, -2,4, -2,2, -4,2, -4,3, -3,3, -3,4, -1,4, -1,8, -2,9, -2,11}; _restThirtySecond = new DrawShape(points); } { var points = new int[] {4,-8, 3,-8, 3,-6, 1,-6, 1,-8, -1,-8, -1,-7, 0,-7, 0,-6, 2,-6, 2,-2, 1,-1, 0,-1, 0,-3, -2,-3, -2,-2, -1,-2, -1,-1, 1,-1, 1,2, 0,2, 0,4, -2,4, -2,2, -4,2, -4,3, -3,3, -3,4, -1,4, -1,8, -2,9, -3,9, -3,7, -5,7, -5,8, -4,8, -4,9, -2,9, -2,12, -3,13, -3,15}; _restSixtyFourth = new DrawShape(points); } }