private void method_3(Stream midiStream) { BinaryReader midiFile = new BinaryReader(midiStream); ByteFiddler.smethod_3("MIDI", midiFile, "MThd"); ByteFiddler.RotateLeft(midiFile.ReadUInt32()); ByteFiddler.RotateRight(midiFile.ReadUInt16()); int num = (int)ByteFiddler.RotateRight(midiFile.ReadUInt16()); this.method_1((int)ByteFiddler.RotateRight(midiFile.ReadUInt16())); this.midiLineList.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { MIDILine midiLine = new MIDILine(this.method_0()); this.midiLineList.Add(midiLine); List<AbstractNoteClass> list = new List<AbstractNoteClass>(); ByteFiddler.smethod_3("MIDI", midiFile, "MTrk"); uint num2 = ByteFiddler.RotateLeft(midiFile.ReadUInt32()); long position = midiFile.BaseStream.Position; int num3 = 0; byte b = 0; while (midiFile.BaseStream.Position < position + (long)((ulong)num2)) { int num4 = (int)this.method_4(midiFile); AbstractNoteClass midiNote = null; num3 += num4; byte b2 = midiFile.ReadByte(); if (b2 != 255) { byte int_; if ((b2 & 128) == 128) { int_ = midiFile.ReadByte(); b = b2; } else { int_ = b2; b2 = b; } byte b3 = (byte)(b2 >> 4); switch (b3) { case 8: midiNote = new MIDINote(num3, (int)int_, midiFile.ReadByte(), false); goto IL_298; case 9: midiNote = new MIDINote(num3, (int)int_, midiFile.ReadByte(), true); goto IL_298; case 11: case 12: case 14: goto IL_298; } throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format("Unhandled MIDI command: {0} at position {1}", b3.ToString("X"), midiFile.BaseStream.Position)); } byte b4 = midiFile.ReadByte(); long num5 = this.method_4(midiFile); byte[] array = midiFile.ReadBytes((int)num5); byte b5 = b4; if (b5 <= 47) { switch (b5) { case 1: midiNote = new zzNote1(num3, zzNote1.Enum37.const_0, Encoding.ASCII.GetString(array)); break; case 2: break; case 3: { string text = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(array).ToUpper(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { midiLine.method_3(text); } break; } default: if (b5 != 47) { } break; } } else if (b5 != 81) { if (b5 == 88) { if (num5 != 4L) { Class355.interface15_0.imethod_1(string.Format("Expected time signature event to have data length of 4, but found instead {0}", num5)); } midiNote = new zzNote338(num3, (int)array[0], (int)array[1], (int)array[2], (int)array[3]); } } else { if (num5 != 3L) { Class355.interface15_0.imethod_1(string.Format("Expected tempo event to have data length of 3, but found instead {0}", num5)); } int num6 = (int)array[0] << 16; num6 |= (int)array[1] << 8; num6 |= (int)array[2]; midiNote = new BpmNote1(num3, num6); } IL_298: if (midiNote != null) { list.Add(midiNote); } } list.Sort(new Comparison<AbstractNoteClass>(AbstractNoteClass.smethod_0)); midiLine.method_1(list); midiFile.BaseStream.Seek(position + (long)((ulong)num2), SeekOrigin.Begin); } }
public zzNote1(int int_1, zzNote1.Enum37 enum37_1, string string_1) { this.int_0 = int_1; this.enum37_0 = enum37_1; this.string_0 = string_1; }