// Token: 0x06001A09 RID: 6665 RVA: 0x00049A8C File Offset: 0x00047C8C public void method_0(object sender, EventArgs43 <PointF> e) { if (this.class198_0.Point != e.gparam_0 && this.wayPointEditor_0.class101_0.WayPoints[this.enum57_0].ContainsKey(e.gparam_0)) { WayPointEditor.smethod_0(e.gparam_0); e.IsValid = false; } }
// Token: 0x06001B19 RID: 6937 RVA: 0x00052150 File Offset: 0x00050350 private void CreateWayPointsMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (Class499 @class = new Class499(this)) { using (WayPointEditor wayPointEditor = new WayPointEditor(true)) { @class.method_0(wayPointEditor); wayPointEditor.ShowDialog(); } } }
// Token: 0x060019F4 RID: 6644 RVA: 0x00049304 File Offset: 0x00047504 private void method_12() { if (!this.class141_0.ProcessOpen) { if (!this.class141_0.smethod_1(this)) { return; } this.method_11(); } Enum57 playground = this.class142_0.Playground; if (playground == Enum57.const_0) { DialogBox.smethod_3("Cannot record the position as ToonTown does not appear to be in a playground.", "Unknown Playground"); return; } WayPointEditor.Class203 @class = new WayPointEditor.Class203(); @class.nullable_0 = null; EventHandler eventHandler = null; WayPointEditor.Class204 class2 = new WayPointEditor.Class204(); class2.class203_0 = @class; class2.wayPointEditor_0 = this; class2.loading_0 = new Loading(); try { Form loading_ = class2.loading_0; if (eventHandler == null) { eventHandler = new EventHandler(class2.method_0); } loading_.Shown += eventHandler; class2.loading_0.ShowDialog(); } finally { if (class2.loading_0 != null) { ((IDisposable)class2.loading_0).Dispose(); } } if (@class.nullable_0 != null) { Dictionary <PointF, Enum99> dictionary; WayPointEditor.Class200 class3; if (this.class101_0.WayPoints.ContainsKey(playground)) { dictionary = this.class101_0.WayPoints[playground]; class3 = this.dictionary_0[playground]; } else { dictionary = new Dictionary <PointF, Enum99>(); this.class101_0.WayPoints.Add(playground, dictionary); this.PlaygroundList.Items.Add(class3 = new WayPointEditor.Class200(playground)); this.dictionary_0.Add(playground, class3); this.PlaygroundList.Sort(); } this.PlaygroundList.SelectedItems.Clear(); if (class3 != null) { class3.Selected = true; } PointF location = @class.nullable_0.Value.Location; WayPointEditor.Class198 class4 = null; if (dictionary.ContainsKey(location)) { WayPointEditor.smethod_0(location); using (IEnumerator enumerator = this.WayPointList.Items.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { object obj = enumerator.Current; WayPointEditor.Class198 class5 = (WayPointEditor.Class198)obj; if (class5.Point == location) { class4 = class5; IL_1D4: goto IL_217; } } goto IL_1D4; } } dictionary.Add(location, Enum99.flag_0); this.WayPointList.Items.Add(class4 = new WayPointEditor.Class198(location, Enum99.flag_0)); base.FileModified = true; IL_217: foreach (object obj2 in this.WayPointList.SelectedItems) { WayPointEditor.Class198 class6 = (WayPointEditor.Class198)obj2; class6.Selected = false; } if (class4 != null) { class4.Selected = true; return; } } else { DialogBox.smethod_3("The Way Point Editor was unable to retrieve your toon's coordinates. Check if ToonTown is responding and your toon is in a Playground.", "Unable to Retrieve Coordinates"); } }